Sunday, March 8, 2009

ממש א געוואלדיגער ווארט


  1. I would love for some to write this up Bkitzur even in English it is Comprehensible too me and yiddish is my first language.

  2. love the german accent

  3. holy of the holies, deepest of the deep!

  4. Hirshel,

    A Freilichin', to you and yours.

    I understand you will be celebrating together with our friend from New England. I shall raise one in your honor from my location!

    Pray Tell, will 'The Comet' be making an appearance again this year ;-) ?

  5. Thanks for the well-wishes.

    Re: the Comet; tough to say, the mood has to be right for him to appear....

  6. Understood.

    Whatever it is, Zol Zein In A Pinimios

  7. i dont want to be a nudnik but when i see mistakes in yiddish i correct them simply because i hope yidish will live to be spoken properly.
    case in point - you cant say " a gevaldike vort - its either a gevaldik vort in general yidish ( because its dos vort - loshn stam ) or in litvishn yiddish its a gevaldiker vort -loshn zochor - der vort.
    carlebach who spoke a correct yiddish said - a klein toirale.
    sorry for being so pedantic but it seems that the whole gender grammer is non existent even among those who speak yiddish pretty well

  8. אבער וואס האט עס מיט שלמה קארלבאך?

  9. Tzig,
    I must tell you that I am very impressed with your site. I am especially impressed that you manage to keep out all nivul peh.
    Although I do not have a very high opinion of your Rebbe, I must admit that your site is very classy. A breath of fresh air amidst a sea of angry bloggers.

  10. Dovy

    See Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah Perek 3 Halacha 14, Shulchan Aruch YD siman 243 Se'if 6. How to correct it see shulchan aruch OC 606.

  11. anon Thurs 3:14

    וואס הייסט וואס? ער רעדט דאך


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