Friday, July 3, 2009

Suggestions box

Faige Illanit (Hindes)

I like the fact that people actually responded to my writer's block with what they wanted to see and read here on the blog. Some said pictures, because they can't STAND when I voice state my opinions on issues of the day and previous days. Some want me to dig up dirt on whom they don't like, or verify old time rumors about this one and that one that they never could ascertain for sure. Like one question I was asked was "was Shulamit Aloni Reb Shimon Shkop's granddaughter?" the answer is NO! You're confusing her with another very left wing MP, Faige Illanit of MaPam, daughter of Reb Shrage Faivel Hindes, Reb Shimon's eidem. She was actually raised by her illustrious zeide after her mother, daughter of Reb Shimon passed away. It seems like her zeide kept in touch with her even after she made aliya and left the path. Which shows up a side of Reb Shimon which today's zealots wouldn't want you to see; ah tatte, ah zeide, ah yid mit ah yiddishe hartz. I would always dare say that she has an eydele geshtalt, despite her lifestyle... And if you think I "shep nachas" from these "expose's" you couldn't be more hopelessly wrong. Others wanted me to write about my childhood again; they said they liked the Stories from Spinka etc. All suggestions were duly noted and will be weighed heavily. Which reminds me; all the talk about the Schneerson gezha and the lack of religious descendants brought this irony to the surface:

There was a certain Rebbe who had a non-frum daughter. She too grew up in very difficult times in the Holy Land, and eventually joined a non-frum Kibbutz, living her life there till the end of her days. She passed away recently and her death was noted in some sort of publication, I don't remember if it was a Kibbutz publication or a national newspaper in Israel. She was some sort of leader in the Kibbutz movement till her dying day, which made it newsworthy, I guess. The woman had siblings who should have sat shiva for her. One of the siblings has a grandson, whom I met recently, and I asked him if his antecedent sat shiva recently, so he said "Yes, for his brother." The truth is he had a brother who passed away recently too, but that's not what I meant. I was asking about the sister. Yet, this bochur HAD NO IDEA THAT HIS ZEIDE HAD A SISTER, BICHLAL! Talk about revisionist history. So which is better: lying to your kids and not telling them that they have an irreligious aunt, or telling them that there was an uncle who nebach made life's choices that we do not agree with, but we still include him in our family?

Do tell.

Reb Shimon, zt"l


  1. I have an early shabbes and have to run.
    I was the guy who told you to keep to pics and not try to be a concorent with Gil.That still stands.
    If I'm not mistaken I may have been the fellow who told you about R'Shimons ayneekel Feygeh.Whatever.I think that Shulamit Alony does come from rabbinical stock.
    So now for your writing:If you are able to to stop being partisan, write from the heart, talk to non Lubavitchers , cuz after all , there are many Lubab sites, and what you have is a common shpraCH with regular heimishe, something most Lubvab are not good at,than your blog can be interesting.If you want to "reachout" to non lubab believers or try and copy Gil students intellectual style you are doomed for ridicule.
    Hve a great shabbos.

  2. the printing press in Shangchay also printed many chabad seforim- there is conclusive proof for that- unless y were priniting it for the Bney

  3. Deleted by owner who is testing to see if Tzig is up

  4. They say the taxicab rotzach is her einachel?????is it true???

  5. My family did sit Shiva for those that made other choices in life. They were fine people that were weakened by their experiences. I can't see how we are in a position to judge the people of that generation.


  6. when did r menashe hakoton leave the rabonus in k"k liadi nusach ari?

  7. Can anyone discuss whether there is any truth to the death of the Bilgoraj Rov, father of the present Belzer Rebbe

  8. -Tzigele:
    A Yasher Koach nach amal auf vunderliche shabbos! A post on that is forthcoming.

    L'gufo shel Inyan. The person of whom you speak should properly be called a yungerman . . . He has yeshivah aged children.

    -Anon: Please expound . . .

  9. In all kinds of sects ties are cut and relationships denied with people leaving the sect...

  10. r'menashe moved to heilege boro park, and let one of his guys run chevra liadi down, it was abandoned and burnt[bdieved?] down

  11. Hirshel,
    Whats up with your Rebbes yahrtzait post?
    I've read enough about the rebbe and gimmel tammuz to last a long time, as most people who follow Lubavitch have.
    What for me and I suspect many others would be very interesting is your description of Shabbos at the rebbes resting place.What do you guys do there?How many people stayed over shabbos?What kind of person does this:Is it usually a single boy or mostly married men etc...
    See, most non Lubavitchers don't "get" this thing so a description would be interesting.
    Also, how about more of your Boro Park days....

  12. Also, how about answering?

  13. Gershy

    I was gonna post what I wrote about a previous Shabbos there, then I could not find it, and then I got distracted.

    What about Spinka do you wanna hear? are you a former Spinker Talmid yourself?

  14. You don't have to post a beautiful long post about shabbos.
    Just tell us how it worked, you can patch things up later as the thread develops.
    No,I did not got to Spink.Yagdil Torah.
    I'm not a Lubavitch sympathizer at all, but am a curious person and want to understand.Frankly,I am at a loss to understand the Lubavitch phenomenon.I don't want to get into it now.Firstly you''ll take it as a personal slight, which it's not and secondly you probably know why frum people have misgivings.
    So... waiting for an update

  15. Hirschel

    Writers block comes with the territory and afflicted many of the greats throughout the ages.

    It hits all of us, the kuntz is not to be in denial and to realize when it hits.

    We anticipate more exciting posts in the future; unless you started a seder in Chafetz Chaim that you didn't tell us about.

  16. Why don't you comment about a fellow schnerrson who was a proffesor in cambridge

  17. Rav Ruderman z"l got a brocho from Rebbe Rashab!

  18. what about the fellow Schneerson? what should I comment about him?

  19. Sorry Liverpool The Mhm brother you forgot about him Zechor yemos olam.Don't be selective in whose families you remember and who you dont

  20. So which is better: lying to your kids and not telling them that they have an irreligious aunt, or telling them that there was an uncle who nebach made life's choices that we do not agree with, but we still include him in our family?

    The later is better, and it's the truth.


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