Tuesday, October 20, 2009

!איי, ווי זיס

I think it was blogger SDR that sent in this link, and what a sweet video it is. I had heard that RMSS was a gutte baal menagen oyfen Litvishe shteiger, but never did I hear him sing. (The caption is obviously a mistake, it's not Reb Avrohom Shapira of Mercaz HaRav.) This is a nigun composed by the great Rab Borich Ber, zatzal, prized and beloved talmid of Rab Chaim, zt"l, of Brisk. The niggun featured here is actually on an album made by the Gateshead Boys Choir, where they sing it with shinuyim kalim, as Mendy Lipskier of Heichel Neginah would so aptly put it. What can I say? Imagine if he volt zich genummen tzu chassidishe neginah, how sweet that would be! We could say the same thing about Limud HaChassidus as well. The niggun is only made more sweet by the "ay" in BeAyr Ponecho and Teyras Chayim, and the rolling rrrrrreishes accompanied by a French cuffed hand swinging to and fro. Ah! vi zis un vi gut iz tzu zein a Rosheshiveh!


  1. I love the Hava'rah (and the voice), too.

    When my Great-grandmother, who was Lithuanian (and not too frum), found out that her grandchildren have become Lubavitch (in the 70's) she was a little upset. Her only complement about it was that "at least they know how to speak Yiddish properly"!!

  2. What a sweet post. And a sweet clip. Thank you.

    And then you throw in that last line that seems... not so sweet, and somewhat of a letdown. But maybe I misunderstood.

  3. די הברה זיינער, די עטלעכער תנועות פון ר' ברוך בער'ס ניגון שאפן אזא זיסער "אייגענער" געפיל! איך האב זעייר גוט פארשטאנען פארוואס חסידים און מתנגדים פלעגן אמאל משתדך זיין

  4. Berl

    פון דיר האב איך נישט ערווארטעט אזעלכע שיינע ווערטער
    גוט צו וויסן

  5. R' Moshe Shmuel was embaressed to sing in front of the Brisker Rov... even though the Rov encouraged him to do so.

  6. Dach zich you already used that caption...

  7. First you allow coarse curses of R'Moshe Shmuel, now you try and butter things up?

  8. Yehupitz,
    What line bothered you?>
    "How good it is to be a rosh yeshiva"?
    I think Hirshel stuck it in there so his post shouldn't sound to complimentary, R'Shapiro is after all a descendant of R'Chaim Volozhiner, old nemesis.
    Still if you are familar with Lubavitch it is a very complimentary post

  9. nudnik
    Hirshel has to fire his editorial staff for a repeated head line

  10. MBD
    in Lubavitch Reb Chaim Valoizhiner is choshev since his philosophy on a certain important subject is similar to the AR

  11. Anon4:29
    Only people who agree with you guys in Lubavitch is "choshuv"?
    Grow up, will you?

  12. MBD
    you think that chasidim were choshuv in the eyes of the GRA, eventough they disagreed? does the GRA have to grow up too?

  13. is this not bittul torah? spending time on Kumzitses,can someone explaining

  14. Speaking of Brisker nigunim, in the memoirs of Pinchos Turnburg about his bochurishe yorn in Valozhin (printed in "Kisvey Pinchos Turnburg"), he describes an oysergeveyntlicher ziser nigun on "Boruch Hu Eloykeynu..." that the Netziv would sing with the bochurim on Simchat Toyroh. Does anyone know the nigun he is refe4ring to?

    -- ZIY

  15. You guys should check out the Navardok CD just put out in Yiddish.

  16. Anon 8:09
    No it's not bitul torah.
    Part of the mehus of a yid is the ability to sing praises to our Creator. Dovid Hamelech was an expert at it.
    Nothing wrong to try to emulate him.

  17. how do you download this vidio? anyone know how to put it on my own computer?


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