Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Apter Torah (not Brooklyn Chabad)

"בית ויזניץ"


  1. Is these from Reb Chaim Meir? since its from 1967 in his Likuttim he has a lot of Sharfe Ried on Bittul Hayesh, it matches any vort of the Kotzker School

  2. old fashioned....mhert shoin nisht azelche diburim

  3. הדברים ידועים

  4. Tzig, I am starting to doubt your Lubavitch credentials. The first story about the Apter Ruv appeared in last week's "Kfar Chabad", although it is attributed there to the Holy Rizhiner.

  5. I don't read Kfar Chabad very often. Not because I read the BM, G-d forbid, I just don't get around to buying it. If that makes me less of a Lubavitcher then so be it.

  6. Hirshel
    An attack on the Meshichisten is an attack on Chabad or not?
    The reason I ask is that you will not read Bais Moshiach "chas vesholom" but in another thread where someone claimed that an article on Vosizneias which voiced the RCA's opinion against the Meshichisten was "anti Chabad" you did not disput his contention.
    Anti Meshichesten=Anti Chabad or not, what say you?

  7. depends who does the attacking

    it's like a non-Jew (lehavdil) being anti-Israel, he can't be and a frum Jew can

    besides, i don't have time to respond to every comment, but that doesn't mean I agree

  8. So,
    Hirshel, if I understand your analogy to frum anti-zionists, then:If it's a Lubavitcher or a Lubavitch sympathizer anti Meshichist is not anti Chabad, however if it's a regular religous yid than anti meshichist=anti Chabad??

  9. Sruly

    just about, not ALL the time, but mostly.

    And especially in the RCA's case; it's not Meshichisten they don't like, it's the Rebbe and Lubavitch.

  10. Hirshel,
    The RCA has many members, maybe the largest Orthodox rabbinical group so I'm not quite sure that you can generalize.
    Btw, when you say that "they" or people don't like Lubavitch, what do you mean? The Shluchim,the torah?

  11. we CAN generalize because of what they stand for. All Rabbis may not march in lock-step, but we know where they stand as a whole.

    what is Lubavitch? the Rebbe and all he stands/stood for

  12. Well if Lubavitch by you is the Rebbe, than basically their problem is with the Rebbe not "the Rebbe and Lubavitch" as you said earlier.True?
    Btw, thanks for answering, cuz I want to get a bit of a dilogue here

  13. basically their problem is with the Rebbe not "the Rebbe and Lubavitch" as you said earlier.True?

    not true. Lubavitch is the Rebbe because they do the Rebbe's bidding, which is why they have a problem with Lubavitch as well. They also have a general problem with Lubavitch philosophy.

  14. Hirshel
    I need to understand , here:You say we CAN generalize about the RCA,btw just checked their web page they claim a membership of close to a thousand and claim to be the rabbinic authority of the OU,their past leadership was Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, guiding spirit and mentor to the RCA until his death.Not exactly anti Lubavitch.
    Saw names on the executive committee ,one of whom I know personally, definitely not anti Lubavitch.

  15. "They also have a general problem with Lubavitch philosophy."

    I'm not sure if I'm totally understanding you.You are saying that even without the Rebbe they would have a problem with Lubavitch philosophy? Well, you know that there has been a chasidim/misnagdim debate forever basically but still Jews managed to work it out long ago.

  16. Sruly

    to be continued later this evening, IYH. I need to get out of the office now.

  17. Sruly

    Maybe it's me, but when I see groups like RCA, who at the wave of a hand have no problem with Interfaith clergy boards and other very problematic shittos, suddenly become very zealous with Lubavitcher Meshichisten, I cannot myself but laugh. When was the last time we heard them tackle a serious issue?


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