Sunday, November 29, 2009

אזכרה הגדול

As promised; here's the Nigun "Ezkeroh" as sung in Modzitz last year on the mechaber - Reb Yisroel's - yohrtzeit.

Try this link if the first one doesn't work. If you're using Firefox click on the arrow in the window. Or This Link


  1. Here's a recording of BZ Shenker from 1958:

    For the background of this composition see:

  2. Hirshel
    Awhile back someone that you don't know the Big Azkero

  3. The video is "waiting" and the link for the BZS version doesn't produce anything for me. What am I missing?

  4. There's a link on the upper right hand side. It might work only with IE, not Firefox.


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