Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rebbishe Inyonim....

So this clip is making the rounds and it's getting all kinds of responses. They range from "di Rebbe vert alt," to "s'iz hechere inyonim," to "it's OCD," and worse. I guess it depends on whether you care for the Tosher Rebbe, any Rebbes, or have a thing for shulchan aruch and such. The regular Toshers say that this has always been the case with the TR, that it has nothing to do with age or forgetfulness. They'll tell how the TR would fast every day till late at night because he would prepare himself all day to daven and he would drink only a cup of mehrensaft and chicken soup. That - I guess - is supposed to tell us that everything he does is LaShem LeVado, and we dare not question it. Don't get me wrong; I have no qualms with the TR, I'm just trying to bring out a point. We sometimes overlook things - if we have no issue with the party involved. Most people could care less what the TR does in his room in Boisbriand. It has zero affect on their daily lives.

The truth is that there were probably many more of the old Tzaddikim that would have similar Hanhoges, I'm not sure they would repeat Hashem's name in a brochoh like that, but surely there were other problematic customs, like saying "Tatte zieser" during Shmone Esrei, and similar things. Other non-Chassidic Rabbonim like the Brisker Rov also get a "pass" from the masses when we talk about repeating words in Krias Shma, and even using jargon if he wasn't comfortable with the way the Hebrew word came out... It's only those that we so dislike, who we're afraid of, who have an affect on the Jewish People, that we scrutinize with our kelbene seychel and come up with the convoluted opinions that we do. We look at his tefillin and count the millimeters that it passed the top of the head. We watch the clock and we count the minutes past the zman tefilloh it is, and most of all we're very concerned where he sleeps on Sukkos. Why? because we feel like it, and there ain't nobody that can stop us.

Azoi iz di velt.


  1. partially faked they are trying to make from him like that phoney rebbe from the beis mishegoyim the lubab guy from russia is always writing about maybe?

    er vert shoyn alt. a great tzadik. not right to make fun by posting the video.

  2. I know for a fact he did it as a bochur already, I think Reb Mier Arik has a teshuva in Imrie Yosher about Tzadikim that were saying jargon words in middle of shemonie esre,

  3. Interesting that the chasidim seemed to know when to answer Omein, after which "min hooretz"...

    I don't see anything too out of the ordinary in the repetition btw.

  4. No, they said "Oomein" in order to stop the brocho :-)

    I know the Amshinover takes a long (longest?) time to say anything, but I'm not aware that he repeats.

    On the Brisker Rav. When R' Velvel was staying with his brother R' Moshe, the young Rav Yosef Dov was taken by the way his Uncle R' Velvel was saying Krias Shma (with all the repeating) and started mimicking the practice. When his father, R' Moshe heard this, he admonished R' Yosef Dov and told him not to follow his brother's hanhogo.

  5. i heard him say brochos like that 45 years ago wheb he still lived in the states. and i have an uncle that still remembers him from before WWII as a bochur when he learned in Kalev in Hungary in the yeshivah of his great uncle Reb Menachem Brody ZT"L. He was already like this in those days.

  6. eisev, eeeeeeisev eisef, , GRUZ, was brisk not tosh

  7. You should have not posted this video. He is Gaon. One of the last survivors of the previous generation.

  8. The fact of the metter is that the Tosher Rebbe only repeates the Brocho of Hamoitsie and not other Brochos, I heard that its writen in the Chasidishe sfurim that there is big Kavones in that Brocho, So to say that its OCD or something else is ridiculous, Dont forget that he is a Holy man not from our generation, cant compare him to other rebbes in this DOR,

  9. He is a Tzadik and oved Hashem,he cannot be described as a Gaon.

  10. While I personally couldn't care less where you sleep and what kind of teffilin you wear, your comparison between the response to a private hanhoga and one that was/is urged on the masses is illogical.

  11. Can we get a video of the Amishonver making a Beracha? How about a shabbos, Yomtov or Yom Kippur Beracha?

  12. Tosher Rebbe's said always Hamoitzie in this way.

    Many P'shatim have been said on it by chasidim. I dont know the truth, why the Tosher Rebbe did this or that.

    but one thing is clear that the Tosher Rebbe is A Fartzatisher TZadik a Rebbe and Tzadik from a long lost generation, one of the last that we still merit to have among us,

    Tosher Rebbe has dedicated his entire life for klal yisroel and avoides hashem.

    Tosher rebbe is a Yochid B'dor in Ahavas Yisroel has selflessly helps every yid that came to him, and has given TZedaka enormous amounts of money even when he didnt have a penny for himself.

    Thousends of Yidden from all walks of life and backgrounds have come to see the Tosher Rebbe and benefit from his advise and his help.

    Therefore, It was'nt a very wise thing Putting up this video in public for people who don't really know him to make fun of this amazing one of a kind TZadik Hador.

  13. Posting this video is a major Bizayon IM(NSV)HO. I am not sure if the Rebbe here intentionally says the brocho this way or if his conduct is involuntary (e.g. Tourettes Syndrome or similar). Regardless, it is highly inappropriate to invite the Hamon Am to gawk at this "performance" like it is a circus freakshow. He does what he does for whatever reason Meanwhile, the uninitiated will not understand and, far worse, will come to some clearly erroneous conclusions.

  14. I disagree with all you people, its no shame for the next generation to see a Tzadik with extreme ahavas hashen that don't care of his surroundings, he was smart enough to know that it is amusing for certain people, but his ahavas hashem and his mitzvohs did override all the Maligim and Lietzim that made fun of him in his earlier years. Today their his no difference if you go to a Viznitzer Tish, New Square or Belz, both are aimed to entertain the masses, used to be that in belz their were no nigunim, whatsoever, these events look like the malls in america all have the same 30to 40 brand stores

  15. Lkwdguy
    Don't forget that the Remo writes that the minhag is not to sleep in the Sukah and Rbiene Monoach a Rishon writes that the Minhag is not to sleep.So it wasnt that some yiden that are mehader in every mitzvah (obviously besides limud hatorah I will make you happy)woke up 1 day that we will be mezalael in a Mitzvah,

  16. Yep, as the saying goes. "Di velt hut a gitten shmek ver es zenen di gedoilem"

    BTW, the Toshe Rebbe is accepted by ALL of klall Yisroel just go there one shabbos and you'll see a representave of every chasidus,and also the litvishe velt halt fun ehm oilemes. And the same goes to the Brisker Rav so its a bad example

  17. It is against the Halacha to make fun of an old man in this way Especially if he was a Talmid Chacham. I have been reading your blog for a few months and finally have the "daas Toyreh" that it really is traif. First and last comment- Mikhl


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