Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Vechter situation on hand?

Here's what I got via e-mail today:

Hello Reb Hersh,

Are you familiar with the garbage that's going on currently in Williamsburg, concerning a yeshiva opened by a Yoeli Roth (grandson of R' Yecheskel Roth)? this Yoeli Roth is a follower of the mohorosh (Lazer Shick - HT) (a self-styled derech in breslover chasidus). The yeshiva caters primarily to "shvache" bochrim, but it seems that also quite a few "gitte" have a geshmak in the derech which is being preached there. so of course the tattes of these supposedly "gitte" - who suddenly woke up, and realized that they have an obligation to be mechanech their offspring - are all up in arms, and es passt zei nisht the whole thing, and they are making a mega stink, with fur flying all over the place and from both sides. after having read your blogs for quite some time, it is obvious to me that you are git bahav'ent with the tahaluchos of chinuch in the wb sector, which leaves somewhat to be desired - as probably also most everywhere else - so it would be interresant to see some give and take on the matter. I personally am familiar with some of the shvache in there, who were mammesh saved to yiddishkeit through him. One of them is a major brand name, an einikl of one of the - takke - greatest litvishe rosh yeshivas in our time. Ok, they sing and dance these "bummy" nigeenem, but they also learn (or say) 18 perokim mishnayos, plus yom tehillim, chumash rashi, likutei moharan, plus whatever else, in addition to regular gefe"ss (גפ"ת) learning. It's a setting geared as such so that whichever level the bochur is, he feels a sippuk rochni. but mit dem allem, it is not the norm, not what the rebbezcheeseyoogenolayni (that's רבי זכותו יגו עלינו) wanted, so menn darff ess oiker min hashoiresh zain.

what do you think?

a gitten choidesh

ad kan.

Yiddish discussion of the issue

It seems like this Yoel Roth was once a mashgiach in Viener Mesivta in Williamsburg, which is now either teetering on the brink or totally defunct. His partner in "crime" was also once employed by Vien, and they were unceremoniously sent packing when their Breslover tendencies were revealed. Now he started his own place and is having a strong impact on young bachurim, just like Vechter did. The difference is that Williamsburg iz andersh today than it was 30 years ago. Oh! and Vechter wasn't new age like these guys are. He was pretty much mainstream besides for teaching them Chassidus. And his Yeshivah was for prety good bachurim. Here, Roth is catering to a different type of bachur and has a different goal in mind, at least that's what I heard when I asked around. So whereas 30 years they would terrorize the guys, beat them within an inch of their lives, cut off their beards, and so on, today they can only "protest." Times sure have changed. Or maybe they haven't? Let's wait and see. I love how he threatens the people that wanna close him down!


  1. This story has been discussed on the Yiddish sites on HydePark,it's a few years that he has the mesivta.The difference between Vechter and this is that this yeshiva is set up for bochrim who needed extra care and it's not hidden,Vechter was quietly brainwashing the kids against their parents wishes,here the parents go with it.
    Yeshiva Ohr Yisrul run by R'Geldtzeiler z'l also are taught chassidus and Tanya, but there are no attempt to bring them into Chabad.Vechters mistake was that he not open about his methods and about what he ultimately wanted the bochurim to become:Lubavitcher chasidim

  2. I don't think this Roth is grenson of Karlsburger,nephew maybe

  3. The main difference from R' Mendel Vechter is whether or not he is open about his approach.

    Reb Mendel zol gezunt zayn lied to the parents about what he was doing to the kids.

    Had he been open and transparent and had the Rebbe mentioned this there would be accusation of R' Mendel neshume chapping.

    He knew what he was doing and took the chance he would get away with tearing zise yiddeshe kids away from their families for the enjoyment of the Rebbe and the shtolz it would give Chbad and himself for being the mastermind.

    It is like a drug dealer taking your kid off the street and forcing him to take drugs then expecting to be let off with a repremand when finally caught.

    There was no bitul by Reb Mendel. Just stupidity and a desire to win points with Reb Yoel Kahn etc....

    R' Roth on the other hand is totally open about what he does and is letting the parents of the bochrim make an informed decision.

  4. as it looks like and as we can hear on his video tapes that was posted on hydepark. both sides have great taanos. the parents are saying that they don't look 4 a rosh yeshiva for their kids who should tell them the opposite of their parents & that their parents don't have the rights on them (!) but from his side he says that he don't force anyone to learn by him & that he never put bucherim into garbage anyway let's wait & see what the end will be it sounds that it will take a lot of time with many action involved

  5. The people that are upset at Roth is because he has ideas that they don't like.He is understanding of bucherims nisyoinehs,has some Carlebach shtick etc.Be'emes this a different story from Vechter,because all from the chasidishe oilem in Viilaimsburg at least the rabbunim are old school.Also Vechter was seen as a Satmar Lubavitch fight and Vechter in his temimes did not realize that you can't go against parents or be from Satmar and preach Lubavitch.This is more like the story with Mechel Leibovitch.


    i like this guy!
    Wish I had him as rebbe in yeshiva

  7. The Williamsburger nuts are busy,see the drusha pdf that someone posted,that he talks about daf hayomy!These kanuim are just plain meshigeh


  9. Viliamsburger

    Reb Mendel Vechter didn't have intentions to make nobody Lubavicher Chasidim, he just opened the eyes for his talmidim that their is a world out of the 24/7 anti Zionist rhetorical nonsense, He was forced out by a few Crazies like Fogel/Cohen.He is one of the best talmidim Reb Yoelish had to offer.

  10. He is being realistic.
    That's all.
    He is trying to tell a bochur that even if he is not all there he is still not down.
    I heard his boys singing at a wedding, "Der Aibishter iz main tatte, afille ich bin a shmatte". I wish I had this when I was growing up.

  11. Can anyone tell me of any R' Mendel Vechter talmidim that went anywhere in Chabad or the Jewish world.

    For all his trouble making, did he produce one gadol, rebbe or serious marbitz torah vchasides ?


  13. who supports this yeshiva?
    if the perents are against it?

  14. R Mendel Vechter was teaching Chabad to gehoibene bucherim, and the opposition was based on that it's "not our derech", not that there is annything wrong with what he was teaching.

    R Yoel Roth is teaching elementary yiddishkeit, primarily to "on-the-brink" bucherim, with his message having appeal also to "normal" bucherim. Opposition, is based on that it's a new mehalech, his making yiddishkeit very simple and easy, and as such needs someone with much broader shoulder than RYR to administer it.

  15. Who supports this yeshiva?

    Most of the parents are fully supportive, and are overjoyed that there is a yeshiva geared to handle this particular element. The trouble is coming from a very small group of parents, who's boys may or may not need this type of environment, and having a child in this yeshiva is an attack on their dignity.

  16. Anon,
    Reb Mendel Vechter wasn"t in the Godol business, but all of them are nice talmidie chachomim, if he would of been in the Godul industry he would stay in Satmar and fight Reb Aron of Monroe on the Mesorah Kachkes, and make shiduchim with all Ribsene Bekiche guys

  17. O.k. so basically Reb Mendel took poeple who would have been able to learn whether they were by him or not and made them either Lubavicher sympathisers or into modern orthodox bummy type guys who learn Tanya every day and other than that go to baseball games, watch TV and let their kids dress like goyim as do the rest of Chabad.....

  18. In very short we are talking about an individual that opened a Yeshiva in our community, he approached his old students (was a teacher and principal in Vien Talmud Torah) and brainwashed them that 1) only he loves them, shows a lot of love (maybe too much) 2) parents no say on their education only on materialistic issues (they are tzibrochene people without common sense). 3) he saves them from all sins therefore the child owes their life to him - controls them 4) Doesn't let the children have arguments with family, children become very respectful but extremely closed. 5) Scholastically, he doesn't have any curriculum in his school, says that reading the Talmud is enough you don't have to understand. For weaker boys he says learning is very pressure and "they will have a nervous breakdown" for the very smart ones he says, reading is enough. He doesn't want the boys to become smart and realize how he is controlling their lives. 6) Makes them talk about their sins (exactly like the Christians)and latter blackmails the boys that he will spread out rumors on them if they will leave him. 7) He has no problem to name and slander every person that is against him 8) his nivel pe is astonishing, hear it yourself.

    There are 2 types of boys in this schools.

    1) the drop out where parents are happy someone is babysitting them
    2) good boys that parents don't want them to be there mostly old students brainwashed while he was their rabbi.

    In the beginning parents and educator had the impression that this school is for children with learning disabilities, but quickly learned that this is not issues. Some children that went to the school because it was a school with "less pressure" but were not brainwashed, left the school after a couple days. Some children stay, because there is only 2 hours of "reading" a day. The others are brainwashed, good kids, great brains wasted.

    This story has no comparison to Mendel Vechter. He was a tzadik comparing to this person. This person is taking away everything that is dear to us. Making fun of everything and anything. Even a goy has to struggle to get somewhere in life, if not you end up being a truck driver or a grocery bagger... What happened to "AM HASEFER" We became "AM of ROCK and ROLL?? Nothing against music but there is time for music and there is time for learning. In that place the only learning is 2 hours of MISHANYOS ZUGEN!! That's it!!


    In you can hear some of his drushes

    Any questions we will gladly answer

  19. Anon,
    "Reb Mendel zol gezunt zein lied to the parents about what he was doing to the kids"
    you have no Idea who Reb Mendel is?he is a talmid chochom muvhak and Ehr Farshtiet Gut Lernen, and he saw the light of chasiduus,he just told the boys that Tami Urhu Ki Tov Hashem, but it was not his intention to become or to make the boys for full fledge chabad, and that was Retzoin Kodshoi of the Rebbe Zy"a of Lubavich that Yiden Zoilen Lernen chassides. But certain elements choked the air around him so he had no option but to go to chabad full fledge.

  20. Anon
    what are you saying here exactly??????????????????????????

  21. Ok lets call a spade a spade.

    Reb Mendel has an unbelievable kop and can learn with the best of them, but no personality.....which is why he is kept in Kiryat Malachi.

    He means it for real but was too easily manipulated by a chabad mafia who saw a coup by stealing good haimishe kids from being frum.

    What is the difference between Yosele Shumacher and what was done to these guys ?

  22. guys
    the discussion is Reb Yoel Roth and not Rav Vechter,
    is Roth good for the Jews or Not?

  23. To anon

    Not true !!

    Reb Mendel did NOT lie to the parents at all.

    His yeshiva was geared to the best bochrim and was teaching gemoro etc full force, but he "also" learned with them chabad. Nu mer hot nisht oisgefelt. The kleinkeppige chasidim didn't really know what chabad is about, but if it has anything to do with th LR it must be bad.

    I am around his age, and I remember, a couple of malevolent kanoim made the whole stink.

    One can have a similar arguement agains learning Mesilas Yeshurim, but, then RaMChaL was not lubavitch.

  24. I personally know 4 boys from the yeshiva. I can say he mamesh saved their lives. his derech is to make every bochur feel good about himself. All those bochurim are totally changed to the better.
    Yirbe kmoso byisroel.He filled a void that hundreds of bucherim need

  25. Anon
    For your information, Reb Mendel is to day one of the biggest mashpim of chassidus in Eretz Hakodesh, he gives shiurim for the last 20 or so years, Midan ad Beer sheba, we can all see the hands of the hashgocha elyona that provoked the Menuvel Umuke Shechin Fogel/Cohen, to get him out of the cesspool hanikra Villiamsburgh, where you have whores walking around with Upgebindene Kep, and all the roshei hakehila are her clients.He was released from a town that will not let a yid have real Ahavas Yisroel for every jew. Fogel probably had some Zechus that he caused that such a diamond should shine in his full glory. t all the charidie media is in awe of him, he gave interviews for the Hamodia and Hanmachne with the outmost rspect as the Gavra rabba that he is.Boruch Hashem most of the charidie world media is not Moshe Gabei/Ezriel Glick Rags.
    The Toldois Aron Rebbe(you can hear it on the tape) is his talmid he wasn't a little naive bochur when he went to him.

  26. Does Reb Mendel yell Yechi or did he stop seeking the emes once he became Chabad?

    In the end of the day the only attraction for Reb Mendel was intellectual, namely learning chassidus, not the whole package.

    Is there any truth to the version of events that once he saw what Chabad was he realised Chabad is not all he was led to believe it was but he had already burnt his bridges....

  27. I am not surprised Vien kicked him out. They kick out anyone with a brain.....

    They are true ingarishe ferden !

  28. Tzig,

    Why did you post this knowing that no one outside Chabad has a good word to say about what Reb Mendel did.

    Can you justify what he did ?

    What would you say if Zalman Shachter Shalomi chapped your kid and told him he was teaching avodas hashem (which he probably thinks he is....)

    Doesn't Chabad sound like a cult....the Rebbe reads your every thought....the Rebbe knows whether you were naughty or nice....the Rebbe really loves you....the Rebbe is Moshiach....

  29. Tzig,

    Funny how no one condones what was done to Reb Pinchas Korf. Everyone is embarrasses and more.

    You know why ?

    Because he was a Temimesdike yid who only knew how to spread chassides. No chochmes, No sneaky tricks, no teaching kids that their parents are all going to hell and no promise of 72 virgins if you say yechi hamelech.....

  30. Check this out !

  31. What tape of Reb Mendel and the Toldos Ahron Rebbe ????

  32. and how are R mendel Vechter's kids?
    Are any of them known for their torah and chasidus?

    Does anyone know if RMV has privately said that maybe his furture doros would've been better off had he stayed in Satmar?

  33. Chabad hates Wialliamsburg and Boro Park because despite all they have done for outsiders, there is not one Chabad community with the level of shemiras hamitzvos and committment to learning in the world which compares to them....despite all their problems....

  34. I like chabad because all I have to do is learn Tanya for 5 minutes and wear a kapote shabbos.

    I can watch movies, wear tight ripped jeans, read books other groups would forbid, basically do whatever you want....and feel good because I am a chassidishe yid !

  35. there is another difference between vechter and roth,
    vechter once he was exposed that he is farchapt in chabad he couldn't attract one soul ( the beating was a revenge for his past deeds )
    but roth even after all the tummel he still picks up talmidim here and there

  36. ס'איז גאנץ אינטערעסאנט צוציקוקען וויא די ווליאמסבורגע חברה קענען זיך נישט אן עצה געבן מיט אים... נישט אז איך נעם דא א מיינונג צו ער איז יא גערעכט צו נישט, ס'איז פשוט אינטערעסאנט...

  37. Reb Mendel Vechter had the same right to influence his talmidin to see the derch emes as the Arye Dvie Iloye brainwashed the Yismach Moshe to go to the Holy Lubliner, Why ?because the Lubliner read his mind, you take a Goan olem and you dump in by the Kat..

  38. Aren"t their other breslover yeshivahs? how is their curriculum? does reb Yakov Meirs chasidim have a yeshiva? or Reb Moshe Kramer? their is in breslov a anti sechel streak, thats why Reb Nachman was against the Rambam.
    the breslover claim that the Satmar Rov said Tikkun Hakloli, is it true?
    He quotes him in the Vyoel Moshe? since he was desperate for Chasidic sources that are on the same page with him.
    Who has answers?

  39. Anon
    "vechter once he was exposed that he is farchapt in chabad he couldn't attract one soul"
    the facts are different, you have no idea what you are talking about.


    Ziker zis!
    Look at what the kanuim are doing!

  41. I have no idea who Yoel Roth is, (and be"emes for me he is off the radar map)but if you feel he is doing posative stuff in Williamsburg with the bachurim who have problems there perhaps he should also be encouraged to establish a branch in Crown Heights to deal with bachurim there who have similiar problems. Perhaps Chassidus Braslev can put lebedikeit in a certain chug of Chabad people after all whats good for Satmar can also be good for Lubavitch . No ?

  42. Schneur,
    Borech Shenosan Olumou Leshomrim, that chabad has the great Schneur to look out for their youth,their are already a few mosdois in CH that are working with these boys,but in the meantime take care of the new Mishkav Zochur trend in YU that many doctors say is a symptom of Atzvois, arrange Yoeli Roth to give them simcha and Tikun Hakloli.

  43. vechter is a sore loser all his x talmidim who went to visit him feel sorry for the man that made a mess of his life and family ,if not for the few photo ops that chabad provide for him, he is in a total TSIKVETSTE environment when his former peers are full fledged rabonem in big kehilos

  44. it seems like the Satmarer attempted murderers here feel vindicated by the fact that Reb Mendel didn't "make it," whatever that means.

    I never thought Jews could stoop so low. I now know better.

  45. I don't think we should deal with this Vechter issue in public.As a Lubavitcher,formally Tora Vodaas alum, I know that this issue cassed terrible heifech ahavas yisroel, from both sides.This alone would have been a good reason not to go the way R'Mendel did.Since that story,I think both Satmar and Lubavitch learned something.Unfortunately the scars are still there,vechaval.Had R'Mendel asked the Rebbe,I"m sure he would have told him to do it beofen hamiskabel.

  46. WOW. This is fascinating stuff. On the one hand Rabbi Roth is, apparently addressing a great need. The fact that he is having an impact on some bokhrim and ruffling some feathers doesn't bother me, b'etzem as khinukh is a place, unlike the corporate world where "nothing fails like success."

    It's also interesting that Vien bounced him and his partner on account of Breslover tendencies. There was a time when such tendencies were considered a plus rather than a liability. IIRC Rav Shim'eh'leh Zhelikhover HY"D Mashgiakh of Chachmei Lublin was Breslover.

    OTOH Breslov over the last twenty-40 years has become the last refuge of charlatans, megalomaniacs and garden variety meshugoim. If indeeed this is a cult it is a spinoff cult as the Schickniks themselves bear every imaginable resemblance to a cult.

    As for the "Mothers Against Yoel Roth" your letter was hysterical...tartee mashma, I have a question: We know what/whom you are against...what /whom are you for? As an outsider looking in it seems that so much of Williamsburg is negative and ONLY defines itself on what it is against and maybe this is why some kids feel they need something new and/or that they are unloved.

    Until and unless a parent loves a child more than their own reputation you'll have Yoel Roths flourishing.

  47. "shmuel said... it seems like the Satmarer attempted murderers here feel vindicated"
    he got what he deserved no need to be vindicated
    and there is no chidish he didn't make it ,had he had the capabilities to make it he would have been part of an accepted yeshiva in the first place and would not need to prove his potency by Brain washing some unsuspecting minors

  48. Anonymous.
    Perhaps you could explain to me (al pi nigle) why any critical comment on Lubavitch is usually greeted with a personal attack. Is it something in the mikve water or something in your cereal. As far as Homosexuality goes, brother, I was in the dorms here for years and never saw anything even close to anything abnormal.. And there are reasons for that too.
    Perhaps you can also answer me if there is a new trend in YU, why you guys keep on inviting YU roshe yeshivas to your asifas,and why are you proud that the long term spiritual head of YU visited the Rebbe ? after all it is his talmidim who run the place now ? and why do you guys even use doctors who studied at YU, perhaps you need to consult the large number of expert doctors who graduated Ohelei Torah in the last 50 years who are not part of the "new trend".

  49. אויף וויפיל עס איז ווערט וועל איך אריינטראסקען מיינע צוויי צענט:

    צו רי"ר טוט ריכטיג צו נישט, ווייס איך נישט, פשוט ווייל עס פעלט מיר אינפארמאציע, און פון די אנדערע קאמענטס האט נאך דערווייל קיין איינער נישט אונטערגעשטיצט זיין מיינונג מיט פאקטישע באווייזן, על כן איז מיר נישט מעגליך אין דעם אריינצורעדן.

    וואס דען?

    מיר דארפן פארשטיין אז אויב קלעבט א בחור צו אזא סארט מענטש, מיינט דאס אז דער מענטש האט אנגעפולט א געוויסן חלל אין דעם בחור'ס לעבן, א אמת'דיג מסודר'דיגער בחור ווערט דארט נישט פארכאפט, פינטל.

    אויב איז דארט אנגעקומען א בחור וועלעכער איז אפיציעל א געהעריגער בחור, זייט וויסן אז לויט אלע ווארשיינליכקייטן איז דער בחור מאיזה סיבה אינערליך נישט מסודר. ווען נישט איז ער נישט דארט.

    צוליב דעם קלער איך אז חוץ פון לוחם זיין מיט רי"ר דארף מען אויך קלערן 'וואס איז ראנג דא אז מען קען די בחורים פארכאפן אזוי גרינג' אפשר קענען מיר טוהן מער 'אליינס' אנצופילן דעם חלל וואס עס איז פאראן ביי די בחורים.

    סתם זיי אוועקרייסן פון ר' יואל,וועלעכער גיבט זיי דאס ביסל חיות, וועט נישט מסדר זיין דעם ריכטיגן פראבלעם, דאס וואס האט זיי לכתחילה אבינגעטריבן.


  51. Wechter was lucky that he was converting Satmar kids. Had he tried to do this with Belz or Ger - you would be writing ZT"L after his name.

    And BTW, is there even a single one of his children who has become anywhere near as learned as the father?

  52. Anon
    the clips of the Toldos Aron Rebbe were on Bechadrie charadim, Shturem and Col, after reb yoel returned to the states.I hope you are not planing a early morning raid to arrest him, you look very desperate.

  53. ABC.
    How many people are already death from the hands of Gerer or Belzer?

    how many kids do you have today that are as great as their fathers?

    FYI, he gives Shiurie Chassidus for 100's of Gerers in Ashdod and Bnai Berak, and he is very Choshev in Ger, whenever he is in NY their are alot of Gerers coming to his fabrengens, Again he has to celebrate a big seuda on the day he was almost killed by the Satmar Holigans,He left a Ir Hanidachas that his nefesh Habhamius didnt let him get loose of,It can be larger then Chof Alef Kislev, since he suffered more phisycal wounds which reb Yoel didn't suffer anything, that why he was the Big Mechutan after the war pointing fingers by judging Klal Yisroel with his sheer nonsense.which is a subject for it self .

  54. Do these hundreds of Gerrers know that they come to his shiur or is this another case like hundreds more of chabad false advertising and self promotion...

  55. The only comparison in both cases is that Vechter and Yoel Roth told the students to hide and not listen to parents.

    First this guy has all the qualification and it seems like he reads all psychological papers regarding CULTS, he behaves, recruits and stalks the students EXACTLY like a cult leader. If you read papers reg cults, people that were recruited by cults are not necessary lacking any love, childhood trauma so leave this crap out please. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another Cult type behavior: HE IS THE ONE that makes them feeling bad about themselves, feeling unloved, he says: Nobody likes, your friends will cheat you with money, and your parents are broken people, doesn't stop talking in his drushes how they are all sinners again, again and again. Another type of cult behavior. Children that were forced by police to go home, threatened suicide, typical behavior of people being de-programmed from cults.

    Most "GOOD BOYS" were his students in Vien, he was a very "FUN MELAMED" that is why his student "loved" him. and the other type of boys go to him because they don't have to learn, there is no test of FARHERIN and as one mother says that her son chose that school "because he lets them wear t-shirts and small kaplech"

    Slowly he starting changing to the worst bringing Eliezer Shloma Schick way of life into the boys. 16 Year old tell their parents they are ready to get married: WELCOME TO YAVNIEL, ISRAEL

    1) I am not sure if you bloggers have children on your own, but if you do have children the rule number 1 in education as you all should know is that "If someone tells your child or does something to your child and tell your child not to tell the parents and/or an "educator" tells your child that YOU raised "do not listen to your parent" RUN AWAY FROM HIM/HER and tell your parents.

    2) You may pick from his Drushes here and there some good points, But do you realize how empty they are? Everybody needs chizuk and we believe everything is from Hashem, and we believe that if we daven Hashem will helps. But do you work? Why? Daven! Hashem will send you a check in the mail every Friday, Are you sick? Why go to the doctor and take medicine? Daven, Hashem will make you healthy. This little talks are all wrapped in Minus and Apikurses regarding Davening, Tshuva, learning. Yes, we believe you have to daven AND you have to do too. I think there are plenty minyonim around Brooklyn 24hrs a day. We are NOT in the madrega of sitting and davenning and Hashem will do miracles! And Chizuk this kids are not DEPRIVED OF LOVE, they are not depressed in such degree that they need 60 minutes of same Chizuk EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    3) in order to continue with his agenda he has no problem to turn children against parents. Children pressure parents to accept his way if not he has no problem cursing and slandering parents.

    4) If your point is that his Yeshiva is for Children with learning disability? What is his Curriculum? What type of professional help is he giving them besides his drushes where he repeats himself again and again? Is he teaching them a profession? What will become of them? Grocery baggers? Delivery Boys? or better Happy Guitar Playing Homeless Beggars?

  56. it is mind boggling how Ruchy Schwartz DBA/AKA "mothes against yoel roth" can spread these ugly lies and slander against this holy yeshiva! The yeshiva is located in williamsburg and everyone is free to see for themselves. I am a father of a boy in this yeshiva, and has visited the place many times. My son has geshtigen gevaldig and has become a freiliche and cheerful person. He davens and learns with geshmak. It is a shame that a few hitz-kep with private issues can be rotzchim mamesh spreading dirty lies on erliche yiden. Please do not believe anything they say until you prove it yourself.

  57. i personally know somebody who is very happy in reb yoel roths yeshiva so if anybody has something to add they can feel free to email me at
    i would love to hear from other boys who disagree with reb yoel roths ways and why,

  58. Mother against YR :

    Some of your complaints are valid.. However, who are you kidding, what will they become happy guitar playing homeless beggars, grocery baggers . As opposed to mainstream Satmar schools where they all become Doctors and Harvard MBAs, PLEASE!!!!

    Farkoif ez far a sveita..

    As an outsider living in Lakewood reading this, the understanding I got from this post and all the comments is, that the only thing worse then an asssimilated Jew in Iowa, accusing his son who becomes a baal tshuva of being in a cult, is a Satmar lowlife, whose son is now happy with his yiddishkeit of being in a cult..

    May YR continue his avodas hakodesh ad meah v esrim..


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