Friday, April 30, 2010

That's what I said, no I didn't mean that, Yes, I did! Now, I'm confused...

R' Nosson Kamenecki (r) tries and tries not to, but the proverbial foot drives deeper into the proverbial mouth!


  1. Hirshel

    He isn't denying anything that he wrote till now, he is just adding to the insult and on the way he is embarrassing his father that had the Kluger Yid Nice Guy image. I wander what his brother Reb Shmuel thinks about this fiasco.

  2. can u get a picture of the guy please?

  3. I see that you had to drag a 'Snag story out of the woods in case the house of cards aka the "CORE" Lubavitcher beliefs, ain oid milvad the Rebbe and the ultimate evil of the 'Snag gets watered down having had to baal cochacho acknowledge the work of a one time "sworn enemy"

    P.S This shabbes there will be a farby, mit gitteh mashkeh to be mechazek the "hiskashres" to the ein od vechulu, in light of having had to give "kayches" to the sitra achra, veda"l

  4. Hirshel,
    the guy on the picture looks like the brother of 5 towns, I think you have the wrong brother

  5. BorpPk
    Vayiftach Hashem Es Pi Hossen

  6. main problem with MOAG he conveniently ignores. he doesn't just relate facts; he uses his own rekel to explain the motivations of people much greater than him.

  7. Can we get a synopsis of this whole thing? I dont have the time to read that whole thing from shaalvim.


  8. Funny bumping into u in BP.Actually I see you from afar, we did not shmooze, I don't know if you'd recognize people from your pre-Lubab-kool-aid days
    It's been a long time and you have started painting your beard white.

  9. you bumped into me from afar. I see. Do we know each other from Spinka? why did you not come over and say hello? why the need to make nasty remarks about a person you haven't seen in many years and obviously never did you any harm?

  10. Honestly,
    I read your blog once in a blue and I find it sometimes silly sometimes hateful so I was totally not into getting some nonsense drusheh about the rebbe from you and it's been long so I almost did not recognoize you with the bent down.Actually it was the eyes, you always had a kind look.
    So I wish you the best, I only wish you wouldn't have drunk this awful Lubavitcher brew with it's meshigassen

  11. Lubavitchers mussar us that they know we are not lishmoh in our criticisms of them because they can “see hate dripping from our words”. Why are Lubavitchers always so quick to notice and accuse others of lashon hora and sinas chinom? Can’t they see that it’s actually their own community that is suffering from too much of these traits? They’ve let a petty neighborhood rivalry with another chasidic group pump hate and anger into their communities. It would appear that when Lubavitchers accuse others of petty jealousy, territorialism, and sinas chinam they are merely projecting their own middoh ro’oh. The craziest, most ironic part is that they’re the ones doing the things they blame us for causing Moshiach not to come.

  12. anon 7:27

    you really think I would give you a drusheh on the street after not having seen you for such a long time? come now. I think you were too embarrassed to meet face to face after all the nasty things you've written here. That sounds a lot more like it.

    nisht shein

  13. Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this
    blog loading? I'm trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog.
    Any feed-back would be greatly appreciated.


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