Tuesday, May 18, 2010

לעקוביד שביעיס

Read the "red dot" special first time ever

לכבוד די 250'טע יארצייט-הסתלקות פון בעש"ט הק' שתורתו נשתכחה בוויליאמסבורג איז נישט געבליבן קיין עצה נאר צו גיין צום נעקסטן.......אז נישט די רבי איז כאטש די רעביצין


  1. Can you explain the maylah of this specific cheesecake to the culinary-curious but non-Heimish among your readers?

  2. Smile and say CHEEEEZ!
    Nexte yoor vet zein di Ershte Yoorzeit nuch di Rebbetzins cheesecake.

  3. shvee'is ended almost two years ago.

  4. Is the Recipe a secret? are the Greens the only ones that were privileged to hear the sodois of the Cheese Cake, was the cheese cake any good ? since she was not Hungarian, she was a real Polyaiak Is the Rebetzins cheese cake also contested in court ? since currently everything in Satmar is in USA courts or by the Zionist Begatz

  5. Why are you all assuming it is the Satmar Rebbetzin? Maybe its the Pupa, Dzeh, Munkatcher or other Hungarian Rebbetzin?

  6. Josh -
    Koidim Kol di Satmarer Rebitzin hut gemacht gitte Cheez kaik nuchen Krepel Droosha. In dernooch... vehr volt in villiamsboorg zich gitroit tzi essen fin an andere Rebetzins? efsher trugt zi mitn airev, oder gechapt mit tziyonos?
    Ve'al kilom- di hust nisht farshtanen di gantze shtikel toira fin vus menredt doo.

  7. Tibi Lotzi
    the legend in satmar goes that the Sakmer Rov only eat the dough of the Kreppel but not the cheese.So for whom did she provide the Cheese Cake, For the Gevirim,Getzel berger and Moshe Wiess of LA?

  8. lakewoods overcome by storm over the "tea party"


  9. Ok I am Jewish and even observe many of the commandments. I have been doing this for a while and learned lots of talmud, books of halacha and minhagim. So I ask: What the hell is a kreppel drasha? Is it a drasha with the consistency and quality of a kreppel?

    What are you eating from the other Rebbetzins? It sounds wrong.

  10. Josh
    its a speech given by the cheese dumpling meal Shvouth morning

  11. Josh, you are apparently a newcomer to the heimishe velt, so let me try to explain something. Heimishism is first and foremost a cultural zeitgeist (yiddish speakers will get the irony). Any similarities to Torah uMitzvos are purely coincidental and are secondary if that to membership of the group. That is why child molesters and pot smoking mechalellei shabbos are welcome if considered problematic, while a man in a t-shirt and jeans will be ignored when the gabbai goes around calling "koyhen, koyhen"

  12. I had the zchiya to witness the krepel toirah many times . It was k'ein maamad har sinai. I wish I could again witness an uplifting experience of this magnitude. amein. Afilu hochi....this cheese cake posting is moiredig.

  13. I have never spent Shaviis by the heimishe yidden so I was unfamiliar with the kreppel. This does not mean I am a total neophyte to the heimishe velt. Some of my friends are heimishe yidden and I have spent other yamim tovim and shabbosos in the holy land of BP. I also worked for a heimishe employer. But I didnt spend shviis and in my shtiebel where I daven there is no kreppel, just cheesecake. I hope this can be forgiven as easily as stealing 26 million dollars.

  14. Josh, unfortunately it isn't. I was never at the kreppel torah but I am sure it is a missed opportunity that neither of us can fully appreciate. I guess we have to make do with todays tishen which my friends among the eltere chasidim assure me are nothing like they used to be.

    yankee: reading transliteration is sometimes hard. Was that "k'ain" a כעין or a קיין?

  15. I think Chabad also believes that toras habaal shemtov ended 143 years ago. The Kapuster Rebbe, the Mogen Ovos, says that the well of the Baal Shem Tov ceased after 150 years, specifically after the passing of his father, the Maharil.

  16. In the time of the kapuster, there still where people who remembered what berech habesht looked like, so chabad did not yet have the chutzpa to claim the are derech habesht. One hundred years afterward, when derech habesht was gone and completely forgotten, chabad started this crap that they are derech habesht.

  17. An Ailimisher
    its obvious that the Kapusters first cousin the Marshab didn"t have that kabala and he built Tomchei Temimim to keep the eternal flame burning,

  18. Anon,
    who made you the authority to say that in the kapuster days their were more mavinim that knew the derech habesht in later years? is it your gut feeling ?

  19. "Derech HaBesh"t"
    Unfortunately quite bankrupt.Especially if todays Lubavitch is it's representative.Lubavitch is first and foremost a group with very few learned members, is this what the Besh't preached?Secondly,Lubavitch of today has an element which is crazy,namely the Meshichists.Is this what the Besh"t preached?
    Oh, and there is Breslov! Well, Breslov is miles above Lubavitch of today, but it still harbors many kooks.So the two most Beshtian of the Chasidic groups have many crazy elements .Is this a "yad hachasidim al haelyono"? To me it's more a case of "yad hameshugoim al haelyono".Of course the ignorant naysayers will say:"Why are you calling elements of Breslov and Chabad crazy?" The simply inescapable truth without going into the general problematic theologies of Breslov and Chabad, is that a group that continues to claim their leader as alive or the Na Nach Nachmans and their antics are simply crazy.I don't believe that any sane and objective person can debate this fact.

  20. Some would say that the derech habesht is crazy. But they don't count because "there are no real misnagdim anymore"

  21. uh, it's not my opinion, the kapuster himself says so about his father, and the previous generation, and he talks about how in his grandfather's days chasidus disappeared.

    and yes, it's my gut feeling the kapuster knew what he's talking about, and was not deceiving himself to what his eyes saw, but only moron would think otherwise.

  22. Faish,
    "is first and foremost a group with very few learned members, is this what the Besh't preached?Secondly,Lubavitch of today has an element which is crazy,namely the Meshichists.Is this what the Besh"t preached?"
    In my world they taught me that the Besht had a message to the whole of Klal Yisroel even to the downtrodden and non learned that were left out by the lomdim.Chassidus was the opposite of being classy , Vilna was classy not Mezhibuzh.What about the 1000's of bresloever and Lubavicher yiden that they have noting in common with Nanach or Meschichists.Normative Judaisim also had its history constantly its detractors, so is the whole Yiddishkiet Opgifregt, what a ferd you are, comoing form "Normal" Judaism

  23. The implication of the comments seems to be that it is a machlokes whether the BESHT was an aficionado of the krepel.

    Second, what differentiates a cheese KREPEL from a cheese RAVIOLI?

  24. The biggest proof that the Derech Habesht is forgotten, is the mere fact that RMMS could not challenge that very statement, he had to falsify RYT's statement that supposedly He wrote that the Torahs Habeshet is forgotten,
    when every one can look up in Yayoel Moshe that he writes that the Derech
    Habesht is forgotten

  25. "What about the 1000's of bresloever and Lubavicher yiden that they have noting in common with Nanach or Meschichists."

    They are all Meshicists. It is only a question how loud they say it.

    For starters, they all think the Rebbe was head and shoulders over the Chazon Ish, Brisker Rov and RAK. Thinking he is Moshiach is the logical next step. Even a Snag would agree that someone who is head and shoulders over those people is probably the Moshiach, no?

    How do you classify a Meshichist? Do you think someone who knows the Moshiach Rambam by heart is not a vaday Meshichist, even if he says he isn't? How stupid do you think we are?

  26. Anon 10:41,
    "What about the 1000's of bresloever and Lubavicher yiden that they have noting in common with Nanach or Meschichists"

    What about them???
    So, you claim that not all Lubavitchers and Breslovers are crazy?? Is this some kind of defense for "Derech HaBesht"?
    Did you learn in yeshiva, cuz you sure have never learned one toisefes in your life if you can be som "krum"!
    Amazing, some Lubavitcher apologist claims with a straight face that since some Lubavitchers and Breslovers are normal, Derech HaBesht is alive and kicking.
    On another note,Fact is that there are very few Lubavitcher who could any have a shtelleh answering real questions in a Heimishe community or giving a shiur in a real yeshiva.
    Most of the few accepted talmidei chachomim that do exist in Lubavitch have themselves learned in Litvishe yeshivas!
    So it sounds more like R'Chaim Volozhin got it right! The Chasidesin with less focus on "derech HaBesht" are the ones who are makpid on normative halocheh and who raise generations of real talmidei chachomim.
    I recall the bishes watching Kinnus Hashluchim, where some of the "chosen" chasidim could not even read basic loshon kodesh without mistakes! A true case of Yad ameratsim al hoelyoino

  27. http://www.torahcafe.com/musicvideo.php?vid=4db74e2ac

    The Rebbe and Cimon Abramski. Also about derch Habalshemtov

  28. Tzig has found one Lubavitcher who knows how to learn and has not stopped kvelling about him.Rabbi E Schochat and even he is a talmid of the Litvishe.

  29. ".Chassidus was the opposite of being classy "

    Tell that to all the Banshakim with the gebleemteh kaftens, shvatrzeh zoken and fur collars.
    "Chasidus" has managed to corrupt a system which was based on merit.If you were a talmid chochom you could be a rov if you were an ignoramus,EVEN, if your dad was a Rashkabehag, you did not qualify.Enter "Chasides" and than it was all because your zaideh or elter zaideh was an ehrlicher yid.
    What a corrupt neptistic system.Additionally the young "prince" the Banshak knows he does not need to work on his middos or learn."Ruv" does not entail any REAL duties besides the weekly "tish" charade.Any real shayles are answered by the hired "dayen".

  30. Lowenthal as far as I know is a Meshichist.Noch a "chosid"

  31. Most chasidic groups keep their distance from Lubavitch or Breslov, knowing full well that the criticism of Chasidim and CHasidism was very much on the mark and was proven to be correct.
    I recall my surprise when a chasidic rebbe that Chabad surprisingly claim comes from a dynasty that was friendly with Lubavitcher chasidim admitted to me upon hearing some of the precoursers (sp?)to the current Telsnerization of the Meshichists in these words "Rav Shach hot gezugt az livsof vellen zei dinnen avoideh zureh " .Prescient words!Of course the apologists and vodka downers will continue their dumb defenses and Lubavitch will sink closer to "Shaar Nun" the last gate of no return.Moishe Rosen the Jews for J founder who just died can be an example of what happens when one gets carried away.
    Immanuel Schochat (in)famously claimed in his "essay" against Tzigs dads "ros yesiveh"IN 1998 that the meshichists are merely "misguided" not heretics, vehorayeh that none of them has ever preached transgressing any halacha!!
    Well,well Shochat, time to wake up and smell the coffee! Today even some of the Meshichists already agree that some Meshichisten leaders are full fledged apikorsim!
    Of course to realize that years ago you had to an Odom Godol, not an apologist with flowery language.
    Ten years from now some Lubavitchers will openly worship the Rebbe

  32. Faish

    take a deep breath, please. This discussion is about cheese cake and blintzes.

  33. "Faish

    take a deep breath, please. This discussion is about cheese cake and blintzes."

    Right.Todays Chassides has turned into cheese kreplech, white hinner for kappures and geblimteh kapetehs and Chabads "chidesh" is "birthday parties"..........

  34. "Ten years from now some Lubavitchers will openly worship the Rebbe"

    They already do it in public, doesn't anyone remember the Holtzberg hostage saga?

  35. Josh, don't spout such heresies! ;-)
    Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a kreppel and a ravioli might *gasp* question the spiritual value of "ya'atof shechorin" as a lichatchila. BTW, did you notice how the heimisher are ignoring us? Part of the culture too.

  36. Its probably just a worse cheese since its Chalav Yisroel. Or they add sugar to good cheese to make it taste bad. Yelamdeinu Rabbeinu what sauce is on the kreppel.

    I do not care if the Heimish ignore me. I have had enough fried schnitzel on Achron Shel Peysakh, "Galah" kiddishes and "Heimishe Keegel" exercises for one lifetime. I am happier with my veal ossobucco or lamb on shabbos. As far as I can tell from todays trip to Pomegranite, the Heimishe yidden want my delicious Jim Lahey inspired breads and Rosemary Lambs more than I want their Toras Hebesht and bad Kokosh cake.

  37. Anonymous 3:34:00 PM

    Thanks for the link to Lowenthal.Fantastic.
    It's a shame that some of the "intellectual" Chabad bashers on this site don't have the capacity or will to understand him.

  38. krepel Toire

    A minhag in Tzanz and Siget for the Rebbe to say a long sharp pilpul in nigleh usually on "bosor ve'cholov" all the lomdim gathered around to hear the Rebbe and sometimes ended up being a big Toire dispute that lasted a long long time.

    It is a minhag also in many other places. The Satmar Rav after a long davening had guests and talmidey chachamim come to hear the special pipul. Since milchig kreplech is the main minhag its called a "krepel toire" Satmar Rebbe himself avoided all cheese because he was machmir to wait 6 hours for all cheeses, so he only ate the tip of the krepel for the minhag but since he wanted to be able to eat meat for yomtov, he refrained from all cheeses.

    The Klozenburger Rebbe also gave such a drosho.

    Just a story:

    The great Gaon the Rebbe of Tzanz had 100s of great Rabonim come for Shevuous every year among them great geonim who would look forward to the "krepel toireh" as one of the great occasions on yom tov.

    One year The Tzanzer Rav declared a strike; he won't deliver the great drosho unless a certain amount was raised for an urgent Tzedaka. There was mayhem, all his children begged him to deliver the drosho already; it was getting late in the day. But he was adamant. So 3 Hungarian rich magnates who were there for YomTov guaranteed the sum and the Rav proceeded to give the Drosho. The Rav benched them to have good children עד סוף כל הדורות or something similar.

    One of the 3 was my wife's great-great grandfather. by the name of
    ר' יוסף ליב כהנא זצ"ל
    from Siget, himself a son-in-law of the מראה יחזקאל and an einikel of the קונטרס הספיקות and was also a great talmid chacham and an oisher.

    This story was published in one of the seforim of the Panet family.

    Yosef 718

  39. Faish
    "Fact is that there are very few Lubavitcher who could any have a shtelleh answering real questions in a Heimishe community or giving a shiur in a real yeshiva."
    how many Lubavicher Magidie shiur do you know? at least 10? you think they can not give a shiur in Satmar in Monroe? or Visnitz Gibbers? You believe that reb Yisroel Friedman, Rav Gerlitzky of Oholie Torah or Rav Kalmansohn of Ct, can not give a shiur in Lakewood BMG?

  40. Faish
    "Most of the few accepted talmidei chachomim that do exist in Lubavitch have themselves learned in Litvishe yeshivas"

    I don't understand your inconsistencies, I thought nobody would talk to a Lubavicher now I see that their are accepted Rabonim in Lubavich.

  41. Yosef 718
    Is your family from the anti Tietelbaum side that the holy book Milchemeth Mitzva was printed against them?

  42. Faish
    "Rav Shach hot gezugt az livsof vellen zei dinnen avoideh zureh "
    what did he say about Ponovizh Yeshiva and Yated Neeman?
    what did he say on the Noaf Troper or Mattis Wienberger the Pervert?

  43. Faish,
    "Ten years from now some Lubavitchers will openly worship the Rebbe"
    is the number from Kabala sources? or some psychologist told you that 26 years after a dead you start to worship?

  44. I've heard a story that went something like that, but I don't often meet people who these "famous stories" happen to, even online. BTW, I'm the anon who kept going back and forth with Josh.

    Also, I'd like the more learned oylem's opinion on something. I recently picked up a book called תומכי תמימים על הש"ס It's a collection of shticklach on the yeshivishe mesechtos. It has the heintige rebbe zy"a's name on the title page and I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with it? Does anybody know if it's the Rebbe's torah or the Yehsiva's? Is the obscure or well known(all I know is I never heard of it in yeshiva)? How is it generally thought of? I haven't had a chance to really look at it yet. I just flipped right to ezehu neshekh to see if he dealt with a certain kashe I had, but no such luck.

  45. I have family on both sides of the conflict in Siget.

    "heintige rebbe zy"a's"

    is that an oxymoron. how can a zy"a person be 'heintig' go figure...

    Yosef 718

  46. Reb Yosef
    I envy your heritage

  47. Anon,
    I saw the sefer "תומכי תמימים על הש

    years ago but I think it is from a tlamid of the Reshabs Tomchei Temimim with some torah of the Rebbe in the forefront, Maybe Yudasin?

  48. Yosef 718: re the oxymoron, exactly my point. Even those who admit he's dead (please, no argument about percentages) consider him the current rebbe.

    Hirshel: Thanks. It is Reb Sender Yudasin, I looked again and his name is on another page. Back in the day our seforim had only one shaar blatt.

  49. Your spelling would be looked-on with approval by soviet authorities in Stalin's time. Kol HaKavod.

  50. I am very late on commenting and this discussion has veered in a completely different direction but I'm surprised that tzig never hear of the rebbetzin's cheesecake. It;s an official recipe in the heimish recipe books. It's (of course) the satmar rebbetzin Alta Faiga's recipe and is pretty darn good actually.


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