Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pic of the Day

Reb Yoel Ashkenazi
of Tverya, [Brother of R' Faivish, HY"D,] who was the uncle of Yossel der Gabbai. Faivish Ashkenazi was killed during WWII. Reb Yoel was the son of Reb Boruch of Tzfas, who was a grandson of the Toltshever Rov and a SIL of Reb Yehoshua Frenkel-Thumim, the Boruch Taam's son. Reb Yoel was an extremely sharp and clever Yid, and the recent discovery of this picture was nice. It was out there, but not like this, in all its glory. So I decided to share with y'all.


  1. And his reckel isnt black?

  2. A Slonimer chasid. Of course its not black its the levush of the Yishuv hayashen.
    I remember in the 1950s and later when people wore kapotes of blue brown etc.I seem to recall Rav Piekarski wearing a blue pin stripped kapotte/suit.

  3. Schneur
    Reb Yoel ashkenazi was a slonomer chosid?
    The old Toldos Aron rebbe quotes a lot of his sipurim of in his Divrie Emuna, he is probably a einikel on the Tolchever Rov that lived in Tzefas,the Satmar Rov was named Yoel after him, he is the Yoeli source.

  4. Schneur,

    I knew that too. Just trying to make a point.

  5. As far as I know he was part of the Slonimer chvra in Teverya.
    Yes I saw him quoted in Divre Emunah. You are correct.But he was not a Toldos Aren chasid.

  6. Schneur,
    You are correct I never taught he was a TA chosid he was probably against the Chevra, as most Chasidisher Yiden were at that time. Lately I saw that he was very involved with the Otvoczker Rebbe a very unique rebbe that made aliya in his latter years and Ashkenazi was their for him in a interesting way till his petira.

  7. What year was he niftar?
    Reb Yoilish was born in 1887 so was he really named after him?

  8. BB

    R' Yoel Ashkenazi and R' Yoel T'baum were named after the same person, is whatr we mean. They were cousins.

  9. Hirshel
    FYI, Reb Yoel Tietelbaum held very dear His Ziede the Tolchover Rov. he was fighting for the ownership of his Shul in Tzefas with his nephew the Klausenburger rov. Rav Kaplan the Rov of Tzefas gave it to the Klausenburger and the Satmar rov contested it by the Begatz of the Malchus Horisho the Zionist Grave Diggers.Years ago I saw all the paperwork regarding the case it is very interesting.

  10. Who was the Otwocker rebbe ? Of what geza ? Was he of the Vorka-Amishinov geza ?

  11. Yes, he was from that Geza
    he was probably the frummest rebbe in the chasidic hemisphere, he beats Heb Arele Belzer

  12. Is he the rav askanazi that wrote the na-nach petik?

  13. ר' יואל הי' חתן ר' נח וינברג נכד היסוה"ע מסלונים (אבי הברכת אברהם - נחל איתן מסלאנים) ונסע לחו"ל לאדמור"י סלאנים

  14. Nachman,
    was he born in Tzefat ? his parents were chasidim? sanz? ropshitz?

  15. An Ingarisher bleibt an Ingarischer. You're still nispoel from der levish.


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