Wednesday, June 2, 2010

כבשה אחת בין שבעים זאבים

Whatever your opinion of the Medinah, Tziyonus, the Flotilla incident or whatever, you gotta admit that this young man represents the Jew in Golus, Tziyoni or not. They hate him for being a ben avrohom, yitzchok VeYaakov. Sure he waves the Zionist flag, but these people yelling and screaming at him are Turks like I'm a Terk. They could care less what happens to Turks, it's what happens to them via the Jew bothers them. The greatest Kano'i of them all, SHe"B The SatmarRov, zt"l, agreed that they hate us because we're Jews. This young man needs our support and congratulations.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. we've been through this before :)
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  3. Unfortunatey the wonderful flower of torah true jewry (puns intentional) would rather talk dead politics than live heroes.


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