Monday, July 12, 2010

בני איש אחד נחנו

האדמו"ר ר' דוד פרידמאן מפלויעשט זצ"ל (עומד) עם אחיו האדמו"ר ר'יצחק פרידמאן מבוהוש זצ"ל

You guys know there's a double standard when it comes to Lubavitch, and I've come to expect and accept it. That's the world we live in. So there's no need for "Russian Choosid" or anybody else to get their tail in a knot trying to make him more universally acceptable. The Bohusher, Boyaner, (I'm not saying he was) Sadigerrer and any other Rebbe or Rov who slipped under the zealots' radar will stay that way biz Moshiach's toog.

אזוי וויל דער אייבערשטער


  1. Hesheleh,

    The yetzer haroh for Zionism is practicaly dead. Therefore, it is not a kashye that someone can be a "kanoy" even if his grandfather (who might have been cheshver than him)was cut up in the frenzy of his times.

  2. Hershele,

    Fist of all i am not trying to make anybody universaly excepted- i am just saying the facts from what my sources, which are pretty first-hand.

    Second of all, do not mix everybody together- even Shneur will tell you that only 3 Rizhiner einklach had to do with Mizrochi (Oholey yakov, R Shlomo Sadigerer and Druhbitcher)- everybody else were or Agide (Avir Yakov, Pshemisheler, Boyaner-NY,Kopishnitser) or extreme right (Boyan Chernovitz, Boyane Leiptzig, Vasloyer).

    Why are you making Mizrochi out of everybody? You did not read Kintres U'MEAIN MBEIS HASHEM? OCH MIR A LYUBAVITCHER!

  3. i guess you do not know loshen hakoidesh...

  4. And I also guess Rashab never wrote this to Aronson either:

    In order to influence our brethren in favor of the Zionist aspiration for an independent nation and government, they have no alternative but to lead the people astray from the path of of Torah and the commandments, or at least, to weaken their attachment as much as possible SO THAT NATIONALISM SHOULD PREVAIL OVER TORAH, BECAUSE IT IS KNOWN THAT THOSE ATTACHED TO THE TORAH ARE UNLIKELY TO CHANGE AND ACCEPT SOME OTHER FORM OF FAITH.

    It is surely clear that the Zionists not only are not approaching Judaism, but that they entirely destroy Jewish souls in intentionally TAKING AWAY FROM THEM EVEN THE HIDDEN AND MYSTICAL FEELING IN THEIR SOULS FOR THE TORAH AND THE COMMANDMENTS....

  5. The Rebbe was speaking at a time when Russian Jews were seeking an escape from the official Government persecutions. One response was to assimilate, as the government wanted. One response was to pray for Moshiach and increase in attachment to Hashem, as the Rebbe wanted. And another response was to seek a Jewish homeland, as the Zionists and other groups wanted. Obviously these groups did not support the Rebbe's derekh, and his description of them is probably harsh, but fair. Very likely Zionist groups that were not under the Tsar were different, but in Russia they saw themselves as being engaged in a fight for survival - just as he did.

    A century has passed; if there are any farbrente Zionists left they no longer see Zionism as an alternative to the coming of Moshiach. In fact, it is obvious that some of the most Zionist Jews are actually very frum indeed. Saying that we should be anti-Israel because of the Rebbe Rashab's views is effectively saying that if he were speaking today he would have considered Israel to be the same as the Zionists who lived more than a hundred years ago. Given that the State of Israel now actually exists and that no Jews live under the Tsar, it is clear that the situation has changed. Would the Rebbe say the same thing today? I doubt it, but I wouldn't put words in a Rebbe's mouth. But neither should you.


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