Monday, August 23, 2010

The whole picture

Yesterday we showed you the picture of Reb Shlome'nyu Sadigerrer, zt"l. What you may not know is that it was cropped. I know, I was being untruthful. I've done Tshuveh now and bring you the whole picture. Pictured left to right are: Reb Yitzchok of Buhush, The Mezhibuzher Rebbe, Heschel, who's first name escapes me now, The Rebbe of Sadiger-Pshemishel, his uncle RSC of Sadiger, and the Trisker Rebbe of London, zt"l. All of them were related one way or another, and often more than once. The Buhusher was a Ruzhiner eynikel at least twice, the Mezhibuzher was a Ruzhiner eynikel, and the 2 Sadigerrers were uncle and nephew, as discussed previously, with the Pshemisheler's father RSC's brother. My only doubt is regarding the Trisker, whether or not he was related to any or all of the Rebbes pictured here.

more info shortly, IY"H.


  1. The of the Trisker Rebbe of London was a daughter of Reb Yitzchok I of Bohush. If I remember correctly, he and his descendants wore the Rizhiner shtreimel with the "shpitz".

  2. It should read:The mother of the Trisker Rebbe

  3. Wrong. His he was an eidim by R Pinchsl Zhinkover, which was an eidem in Bohush.

  4. R. Yitzchak Meir heschel Mesibitzer Rebbe of the Bronx

  5. Reb Yitchok Myer Heschel was the name of the Mezhabizher Rebbe who lived in Haifa.

    Nice Picture Tzvi

  6. He lived in Bronx and then in Heifa.
    Boyaner Rebbetsen's and Sadigerer Rebetsen's brother.

    Nothing over-exiting - a pretty plain rebeshe kind.His kids learned in RAMAZ....... :(. He has some ok einiklech, though...


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