Sunday, September 12, 2010


An Interview with Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler

Nobody is spared his wrath...


  1. not to change the topic, it was a geshmake article, but what is the reid with RAS' new sefer

  2. It has a touch of bitterness to it.....

    I wonder if it would be different if he was considered more of a gadol in the MO circles...?

    That may never happen due to his children's track record in rabbanus....

    He is certainly not considered a memalo makom to hig great shver...

    I agree with his points on historical revisionism ...but the Litvishe Velt has been playing a catchup game to the chassidishe velt since WW2.....

  3. I think its funny how he says frumkeit and Halacha are different but today they are blurred and then says the Guys in yeshiva dress like goyim (not in those words but thats what he means)

  4. "Nobody is spared his wrath..."

    Why such a negative slant on the article, esp. considering how he speaks about your Rebbe and his good relations with Lubavitch?

    I have an idea for you Hirshel. Have you ever spoken to RDMDT? Maybe go speak to him, maybe he will grant you an interview if you ask nicely, ask him about that seven (!) hour meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe mentioned, other meetings of his with the Rebbe over the years, his regular participation at the Lubavitcher yarchei kallah at Camp Gan Israel, etc.


  5. Money Quote:

    Those in Torah Vodaath, Chaim Berlin, and Ner Yisrael are considered the frum people and we are the shkotsim. The truth, of course, is that our talmidim are better than theirs, our rashei yeshivah are more learned than theirs, our success in communities is greater than theirs – but still, that is the reality of our relationship. I speak from experience because there is no major American yeshivah in which I do not have at least one grandson or nephew.

  6. I think its funny how he says frumkeit and Halacha are different but today they are blurred and then says the Guys in yeshiva dress like goyim (not in those words but thats what he means)
    Anon, he very b'davka makes sure not to say that. he stresses that in any society, dressing like that is unacceptable. He wants the talmidim to dress more bakovidig, not less "goyish."

  7. ...."There was a sefer that was published by Satmar entitled Ma’aneh la-Iggeros which tried to take apart over 160 of my shver’s teshuvos"

    Mistake. The guy (Rabbi Shwartz) had nothing to do with Satmar. He was a loner, and a crazy, fabitterte iluyi.
    Half of his kids are sick, devorced or died yong.He died last year,without a minyan and compleatly forgotten. His book was more pashkvile then a sefer.

  8. Russian
    Its a Chutzpa to write like this on a Talmud Chochem Godal, and besmirch his family too. It is Aseres Ymie Teshuva, he had all the rights to argue with Reb Moshe, he used a little sharp language that was used once upon in the good old days, but in our day and age, we don't do that. In my hometown Willi Reb Moshe was considered a Goi Gomer... today they are starting to face the facts that Reb moshe was A Godel hador. Most hard core Satmar Poskim as Fulop or Wienberger would never quote him in their teshuvahs.

  9. INGELE,

    I DID. Arguing does not mean bashing, and that's what he did. May be in Williamsburg is ok, but not in my book. a lot of Reb Moishe's psukim are not ungenimen by alte rabunim, and he did not pasken with a mesoire- he was still a gudol and a tsadik! There is such a thing as Kovod hatoire, after all. You can check out the facts

  10. Another thing- "little sharp" is not what he used- he bashed him!!!
    and do not bring Willi hunks here- we are trying to be intelligent on this blog.

  11. Russian Chusid:

  12. Russian chusid
    your outburst was willi style so I handle you in willi fashion.

  13. Shalomm,
    Just saying that yesh din v yesh dayan.
    I guess that you belive in freedom of speech - I do not

  14. russian chusid said...
    Just saying that yesh din v yesh dayan.
    I guess that you belive in freedom of speech - I do not"

    RC, ver nisht nispoel. Shwartz was an oisvorf and the way he describes R' Moshe in his sefer is despicable. Towards the end, he calls him moishe without even a title r"l. However RT is wrong to pin him on satmar. OTHO, satmar has plenty to do tshuva for re: R' Moshe and how they terrorized him abt his mechitza psak, v'ein kan mikoimoi.

  15. althouge the divrei yoel was a great gaon by all measures he doesnt come anywhere near R Moshes gadlus in learning.Besides for the iggros open up a Dibbrus Moshe and you will be astounded by RMFs level of geaonus.And about the fact that RMF read the newspaper as a godul who was involved in the klal he had 2 get his news somehow' and as is well known all the gedolim followed the news by one way or another.

  16. Rav Schwartz sent his sefer to the Steipler Gaon and then came to visit him. The Steipler harshly scolded him and yelled that he insult Reb Moshe, and threw him out of his house. Afterwards, the Steipler told his son, Rav Chaim Kanievski about it, and added: Ha-Gaon Reb Moshe ztz"l is Posek Ha-Dor and a Tzaddik (Orchot Rabbenu vol. 5 p. 168)!

  17. russian chusid : that is what i was wondering! if you you are such a good accountant that you know hashem's bookkeeping! because i have a lot of questions in whats going on here!!

  18. shalom,
    Since i am a Russian Chusid, i have no questions and not interested in any... :)

  19. r tendler... 1) hazal always makes new takanot...60 years ago at your wedding is not like today 2) if you mention protocal, the L rebbe never returned a visit...(correct me if wrong)

  20. It's a very interesting interview.
    May I be allowed to make 2 points :
    1. In fact many many YU students wear white shirts , black pants and black shoes daily, some even wear hats. I suspect many RIETS students dress more "frumer" than many yungeleit in CH.
    And a nother large group dresses very neatly. Its only a small group many from the lands of the harei Choshech who dress and behave in a manner not consistent with a yeshiva.
    Furthermore Rav Tendler has obviously not been on a college campus in years , because if you are on any campus you will see dress that will shock --- both in men and women. Ask any Chabad shliach !
    Bemechilas kevodcha you missed the key phrase in the interview. After discussing his shver's meetings with rav YK he writes"Hitler did not kill all of the Jews but HE DESTROYED OUR CULTURE. THERE IS NO REMNANT OF THE OLDTIME EUROPEAN ETHOS IN THIS GENERATION."
    This my friends is very true and is why the Yeshiva world , Lubavitch and MO have the panim they do. NO MASSORAH !!!

  21. Mordechai Tzion
    Did you ever see the insults of the holy Stiepler Goan on Reb A C Noe for daring to explain the shiurim that klal yisroel was using for ages. the Stieplers insults have the Chazon Ish shiur definitely

  22. Oldtimer,
    where is the Divrie Yoel in this argument?
    BTW, nobody in Satmar is denying that the Satmar Rov Read Newspapers, I saw lately a nichum avielem visit by the Lanzeter bros. and he quotes the NYT, obviously it was to proof his anti miracles stance RE; 6 day war.

  23. Schneur,
    No matter what your view is about Metzitza, but going to the Baherde (government bilaa"z)against other people with a certain Mesora is not a Mesorah of Pre War yiddishkiet.

  24. Schneur -

    Maybe you can comment re the relationship of R. Mayshe Dovid Tendler and Lubavitch?

    He had such a long yechidus with the Rebbe mentioned in the interview. I wonder if there were not other meetings as well?

    And RMDT was a regular at the Lubavitcher Yarchei Kallahs at CGI in the summer for years. He was the token Litvak there, even after the rest of the 'Litvishe velt' broke off from Lubavitch, he kept going. But not any more lately?

    Should not anash like the mechaber here treat him like a friend of Lubavitch?

    Schneur, what do you think of the idea of HT interviewing RMDT?

  25. Horav Tendler's mistake, in retrospect ,
    was ataining a real Ph.d. in Biology. He could not have imagined in what direction the frum world was going to turn. today being a biologist and a Rosh Yeshivah makes one suspect in the chadrei haredim. of course, it is perfectly acceptable and commendable to seek out the "biggest" doctor with the best credentials when it comes to one's own medical issues. If science is true when one is ill why is it not true when learning gemoroh and tosfes ? Why is ascientist trusted in a hospital but not in a beis medrash?

  26. RMDT said "when Ha-Ma’or criticized his take on the question of artificial insemination and whether the child was considered a mamzer (illegitimate child) or not. He felt that he needed to defend his position publicly and in print, so he responded in the back of the Dibberos Moshe on Kesubbos" The reason i brought up the Divrei Yoel was since this issue that RMDT brought up in the interview was by and large the DY's maaracha. As to the second point abt the gedoilim following the news RMDT stated "People publish that he would walk down the street and avert his eyes when he passed by newspaper stands" my point was that not looking at newstands so as not to see all types of shmutzidige magazines is one matter and following the news is entirely anothr matter.

  27. Mordechai Tzion
    "Did you ever see the insults of the holy Stiepler Goan on Reb A C Noe for daring to explain the shiurim that klal yisroel was using for ages. the Stieplers insults have the Chazon Ish shiur definitely"

    The Steipler's issue was with people thinking that R. Noah was a bar plugtah with the Chazon Ish, z''l.

    In Chabad, only the odd-numbered Rebbes were chashuv.


  28. Anonymous Metzitza
    IF RMDT thought that this minhog was a factor in the spread of infectious life threatening diseases to infants - halacha mandates that he take action in order ot save Jewish lives.. Now I want to ask you why the great Divre Yoel organized public demonstrations against Israel in Washington and NYC at a time when the ovens in Auschwitz were still glowing and the state was threatened daily by Arab militaries and terror. Did any gedolim (unless you count some members of the CRC as gedolim)agree with him? In DER YID itself recently they admited that Rav Eliezer Silver the nasi of Agudas Harabbonim wanted to put him into cherum and even rav Aron Kotler had harsh words against this great rabbi . (Der YID used this opportunity to blast the Lubavitcher Rebbe again) I guess the MO world has room for only 1 gadol and Rav Tendler did not make it up there.Was RMDT a disciple of the rav" ?
    I presume that RMDT was a friend of Chabad as was Rav Moshe Feinstein (Please note I am not saying that they were chassidim of the rebbe)
    But why do we get into personalities lets talk about the ideas that RMDT talks about in his interview .

  29. Oldtimer,
    but the question is now, Did reb Moshe look at the newsstand while passing them? are you trusting Rav Tendler with his agenda? or the Artscrolls type biography with their agenda? My gut feeling advises me to trust Tendler.

  30. oldtimer
    Re; Satmar Rov vs. Reb Moshe.
    I dont disagree with you on that one,that the Satmar Rov was not even Reb Moshes Bar Plugte.

  31. Schneur,
    I am no Satmar defender, but if we talk and defend Mesorah then we got to stick to it,
    The Satmar Rov in his mind was adamant that he is fighting for a anti Zionist Mesora that was the normative view by all pre war non mizrachi gedolai Israel,the establishment of Israel did not change the facts in his way of thinking. But RMDT is challenging a hot potato that was the Mesora in pre war Europe, you probably saw all the views in Sdie Chemed 1 unproven incident will not change it. Their are thousands of Metzitza brissim made annually in the world with happy endings.

  32. Schneur,
    getting back to Rav Tendlers Mesora on non mechitza weddings, that his FIL attended. I heard from elderly people that their was no such concept as women dancing in the olden days by weddings. Maybe I heard wrong.

  33. RMDT was trying to bring a proof that the story of RMF looking away from the newstand was false from the fact that bochurim brought him the tog blatt i fail too see what one has to do with the other.As for the Divrei Y. Not being a baar plugta with RMF bar pkugta is tricks since you are allowed to argue even if you are not on the same level. ;ut any Talmid Chochom worth his salt will confirm that RMF astounding geoinus is unparelelled

  34. Shneur,

    On kalus there is no mesoire-period. What was going on in Lite is kalus and nothing else. While there is no major problem with mixed siting al pi halocho, but mixed dancing there is. (mixed means watching women dance, not only dancing together)


    You remind me of a prosecutor on Beilis case, who asked- IF THE GROUND CAN GIVE UP ITS DEAD, YOU WILL SEE HOW MANY GOIM WERE MERDERED BY JEWS.


  35. the point RMT makes ( and he has done that several times and in various places) regarding the conservative and reform is head on.

    Unfortunately the Orthodox are afraid to attack and compete openly with these anti Torah organizations in fear of losing MONEY. While these organization on a regular basis put down the Orthodox.

    It's really like the war against the Arabs. The Arabs know who they are and what they want and relentlessly go after their enemies, The Israelis on the other hand...well I don't have to spell that out..or do I??

    If I know RMT had a fund - war chest to fight these destoyers of Yiddishkeit I would become a soldier in this war.

    I sincerely believe that in the greatest measure these organizations take the blame for the destruction of Judaism in America and for that matter all over the world.

  36. btw thanks for bringing this interview -- very interesting.

    Gemar chasimah Toivah

  37. Russian Chusid ,
    Is one child passing away or getting seriously ill not enough? I guess not if its not yours . Is there something in halacha as safek Pikuach nefesh ?
    Was Reb Chaim Brisker also from the Litvishe kalim. How about the Vilna rabbinate The Marchesheth ? How about the Kovner rav they were all kalim Right.Why not say that everyone all the rabbinate in Lita were kalim . As you guys say -shoyn. I see being motze shem ra on a Eda kedeysha is not in the Russische Shulchan Aruch .I guess thats why there are so few Ukranian chassidm left...

  38. Anonymous No Satmar defender.
    Right the creation of the state of Israel did not change anything but the murder of 6 million Jews did. Frieds where were the survivors to go if not Palestine. The UK did not admit anyone to Palestine . The US had strict quotas , so where were the million Jews who survived in Rumania, and Hungary to go to the DR ? to Chile ? to New zealand ? And where in fact did all the Satmar people go , most went to Israel first and then slowly went to the USA. If not for Israel all the Chassidic survivors in Rumania , Hungary etc would have brought up by the rabbonim Janos Kadar and the gadol Ceacescu himself. I presume you too support efforts to be mekarev Russian jews to yahadus in the US and Israel , where would these Russian jews have gone if not for Isreal, most would still be in Kiev, Odessa and Vladivostock. the whole reason they were allowed to leave is that they wanted to go to their homeland -Israel. What about Iranian jes after the Ayotollah were were thy to go Beverly Hills ?If you know anything about 20th century Muslim and Arab nationalism you will know that creation of Israel or not jews would not be able to live much longer after the end of the war in arab lands . So where were the Tunisian jew sto go to france ? etc etc. As the Lubavitcher rebbe and all mainstream gedolim said israel was a makom miklat for the survivors .Layder we forget about this

  39. Schneur,
    Being a Mesora Jew means by a certain segment of Jews, that you go straight "Mit Dem Kop In Der Vant"(I had to use the Yiddish expression )
    no matter what the facts are. The more stubborn u are against the reality that is stacked against you the stronger Mesora Jew you are. This Mesora concept created a life on its own.

  40. The same people who have been telling us for years that there is no molestation in the frum community are now telling us that there is a 0% infection rate following circumcision with oral suction on the wound site. We are very fortunate that the heimishe community is so concerned about the "facts." If they say so then I guess that settles it,sort of.

  41. babies...what are you internet readers fighting about who ts bigger rabbnu yoel or RMF...but RY knew every sefer out and RMF knew gemora and reshonim...
    RMT...every non zionist godol says heart transplants are murder,,,
    schneur...maybe if not for the medina jews could have stayed in aab lands...

  42. Satmar manage to conflate heart transplants with Zionism.

    The only thing Satmar is good for is food.

  43. schneur...maybe if not for the medina jews could have stayed in aab lands...
    right, far d'medina, arabs loved the jews. they would have welcomed them with open arms. so it's realy our fault, isn't it?

  44. anshuldigs mir, tziki, if i come across as disrespectful

  45. Misnaged
    "The only thing Satmar is good for is food."
    its the "Hungarian Shebohem"


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