Monday, October 4, 2010

The Rebbe and Giyus Banos

The question never fails to come up, even among the friends of Lubavitch, and the kanoyim love to use that topic as fodder for attacking Lubavitch. "Where was the Rebbe and Lubavitch when we were battling decrees such as National Service for women?!" Somehow they don't see that building Yiddishkeit and caring about issues such as Giyus Banos go hand in hand. They'll agree that the Rebbe dedicated his life to building Yiddishkeit, but they'll question his commitment to issues like GB. IOW, the shayleh is really the other way around: how can one who claims to care about issues such as GB not worry about the disappearing Jew and how to bring him back to his father in heaven?! The good people at Kovetz Or Yisroel took it upon themselves to rectify the situation and to try and change the opinion of some of those people. I'd like to get this out there first, even before I've written alot about it, because every day that goes by is a shod af di tzeit.

I don't always have the 7-8 dollars in my pocket to buy it when I see it, but the material in there is always second to none, month after month. And this has been going on for some years now.

Reb Duvid Yungreis had a special connection with the Rebbe, as if evidenced from the Rebbe's Igros. Kedai to take a look at the letter and see for yourself. The Kanoyim love RDY, but they'll hem and haw when they'll hear about his shaychus. Or they'll find an excuse that it was "before ShaZar."

(UPDATE 10/6/10 4:23pm) I know you guys aren't paying attention when I see that I had forgotten to post this page for TWO DAYS and nobody noticed!!!!

I see the excuses being written by the Lubavitch bashers even as I write...

Who didn't sign the letter? Who else was in the BaDatz at that time? The Satmar Rov was GaAvD at the time and he didn't sign, but he wouldn't since he was in New York. I guess RMA Freund wouldn't either. Who else was in there, Rav Dushinsky II?

A recent article in HaMevaser mentions RDY's connection to the Rebbe.


  1. Lubavitch In Transition:
    Lubavitch In Transition is a fact of life in the movement from within, no amount of PR will change the perception of chabad when it is analyzed from where it came and where it is heading, Marketing a product that is not sealed but exposed for everyone to see will only help till you encounter it first hand, by highlighting certain campaigns of the bygone will not change the facts on the ground ,watching the clip of the hakoofes sheniyes in kfar chabad where ladies are inside the shul without a mechitza shows where lubavitch is now in the frum world,
    Would lubavitch of today send there girls to combat? no, or not yet, is what people speculate when sorting out the PR and what they see for themselves .
    When one Gevorner from Monsey is mulling in his gerasa d'yankese that gius bunes is wrong with a mere publication it will only serve his cohorts to feel good that their private transition inst so great, but their offspring's in the school systems and shul encounter much unclean f different gersa d'yankesa that outweighs this fathers publication that has no relevance of the lubavitch of today
    Lubavitch as all of us are a Ladder when you point out that they are on the way up people see them as a whole on the way down ,(i dont mean numbers )

  2. "watching the clip of the hakoofes sheniyes in kfar chabad where ladies are inside the shul without a mechitza shows where lubavitch is now in the frum world"

    Idiot, women were "inside the shule for hakofos" in Lubavitch of old and in Lita bichelal. You can see that illustrated in the old Zalman Kleinman painting of Simchas Teiroh in Kfar Chabad. Even chasuneis in Lita were mixed! We don't need your hungerian tznius innovations in Lubavitch. They might work, indeed be needed for you – with all that eruv rav in your midst that has taavas niuf on their minds 24/7 – but in Lubavitch we are just fine, thank you very much!

    I do wonder though, with all that "tznius" of yours, how come there is a kolo delo posik that people from your sector make up a visible presence among the botei zeineis clientele?

  3. Bimhilas kvodchem:
    The letter answering the dayyonim of the Edah is very "pareve." The rebbe ZTL is saying he doesnt know the person he is being asked to influence and writes that "public pressure" in newspapers and the like is necessary. The tone of the letter is that he can't do too much and that public pressure is required. don't forget this is 1971 and the Rebbe was at the height of his public prestige and influence. Its sort of a very shvache answer. This article doesnt prove anything.

  4. Kliener...
    As you see in the letters of Rav Tzimer to Blau that Lubavich was participating in Protests, and their was reasons to stop as the old Skverer did and all of the US gedolie yisroel abstained . I remember the Monsey Visnitzer who is considered a semi Kanoi made a deal and tried 1 protest and left in the middle of the protest The Satmar idiots used it for their PR to scream Yechi and put Reb Yoel Ta"b on the stage as the Jewish godfather, and they abused the event by hollering idiotic messages. By now the truth of the protest are leaking out with the Tietelbaum brothers, its all a show of force for their internal fights, the longer you will live you will realize better the Lechtige Oigen of the Gedolie Yisroel

  5. In Transition

    "watching the clip of the hakoofes sheniyes in kfar chabad where ladies are inside the shul without a mechitza shows where lubavitch is now in the frum world,"
    every shul in the old world and by many in todays world have the Mechitza open by Hakofas, I remember from years ago some letters in a Monsey Torah Journal stating that by the old Visnitzer the women were in the shul, and 1 of the sons did not like the exposure.
    Lubavich is not embarrassed to claim that it changed, what are the thousands of shluchim for? to daven 5 hour shachris like reb Nissan of Paris . Nobody is trying to fool nobody as the conspiracy you and your sick friends are trying to mull. But the facts that Hershel is producing are the facts and it will not change eventough it irks you that it is exposed for Achim Ledaye

  6. In Transition

    "Lubavitch as all of us are a Ladder when you point out that they are on the way up people see them as a whole on the way down ,(i dont mean numbers )
    'after being for 3 days by the Ohel the last Rosh Hashana with 1000 Bucherim that were immersed for 3 days in deep chasidic davening, learning, farbrenging and eidele hisnaghous I am not ready to buy your negative attacks against the future of Chabad.Their is alot of wishfull thinking that you are getting thru the scene of the Shababniks on Chol Hamoed nights in CH but I saw a different view that you will never admit to

  7. Oy vey. What an elephant memory! If this is what makes you feel good - so be it. Live and let live!

    So you telling me Lubavitchers don't do Sheirut Leumy??

  8. YES, Shazar's kiss & tell was an eye opener how in love lubavitch is with the Hertzlists

  9. Berl,crown heights is kvetching about ""the visible presence among the botei zeineis clientele""
    Is there a lack of product that leaves you deprived or neglected where is your achdud? ahavas yisroel ?

  10. Anon 6:20
    answering a Misnaged is not in contradiction with achdus yisroel. You shut them up for the benefit of Klal Yisroel, in order they should not pollute the air

  11. anon 6:20,

    it is probably too much to expect you to read a full sentence, but here it is:

    "I do wonder though, with all that "tznius" of yours, how come there is a kolo delo posik that people from your sector make up a visible presence among the botei zeineis clientele?"

    It isn't me that's "kvetching", it's a "kolo delo posik", get it? That means a persistent rumor, a concept that has a halchic implications, btw. Don't you think that this question needs to finally be addressed by the 'holy tznius crusaders' about whose community this persistent rumor exists for many-many years?

  12. berl !
    its the Cool-Aid delo pusik that makes your brainwashing stick ,noting to with realty

  13. I notice that you will not post anything about the Khersoner Genizah.
    Pretty good write up in Jeshrun,no?

  14. Szuel
    Are you a PR agent for Gottesman of Yeshurin? if they decided in their twisted mind to rehash some old anti chabad trash, that was discussed already in every Torah Research/Populist organ for the last 45 years why does Hershel have to follow in their footsteps? Tell your boss Gottesman their is no news in all the 3 articles in the 60 pages designated for that major subject.

  15. he was giving you koolaid guys one last chance to smell the coffee

  16. Berel:

    Did you ever hear about a "kole dlo posek" about formerly chabad sheluchim, one by the name of rabbi S. B., another by the name rabbi S. C. A"h, and a whole lot of others who never claimed fame.

    So, Berel my friend, its not so hard figure out whom I'm referring to, if I were a lubab I would think twice before touching this subject

  17. Makir Es..
    after a lot of searching you were succsesfull in scratching together some chabad sins, but it is still far from the phenomenon of having a kehila paid person to hound all the street corners on Kent ave and the parlors on 3rd ave in the city etc... this job existed already in the Cheskel de Shamash days, if you ever heard of this gentleman

  18. Berel,
    I want to protest your remark against yidden.Very unbecoming.Additionally not true.
    You could make your point just as well or even better without getting into the gutter.
    Umesaymim betov

  19. "Did you ever hear about a "kole dlo posek" about formerly chabad sheluchim, one by the name of rabbi S. B., another by the name rabbi S. C. A"h, and a whole lot of others who never claimed fame."
    You come up with the initials of two alleged former Chabad sheluchim "and
    a whole lot of others???? who never claimed fame????".If they never "claimed fame" how come your so aware of their existence? This is what you refer to as "Kole dlo posak"?Did you think even once before bringing up this subject of these mythological sheluchim or are they creations of your hallucinated drug induced dreams?


Please think before you write!
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