Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kinus HaShluchim Thread

From COLlive

Watch Here

Discuss Here.

Due to popular demand, and against my better judgment, and also so as not to pollute BOF's guest post any further. Some of you are for the books, what can I tell you.


  1. I think that Kotlarsky got the name of the Mumbai shliach wrong.It's GeCHtman not German

  2. At least these guys can read, though putting on the "ay" is not natural.I remember Sagee Har Shefer from years ago, nice to see him again, nice guy.Comes from a Mizrachi backround

  3. Lol.
    Last year the guys reading tehillim made terrible bushas , not knowing how to read poshuteh Ivry.This year they must have made auditions!

    This li'l Mancunian kid is sweet like sugar

  4. Sad,
    The kid is the grandson of Rubin from Albany, that just lost his mom

  5. I wish there was a blog post where the Kinnus and merits and lack thereof could be discussed.

    Anonymous Anschel said...

    If you think kissing up will get you anywhere...........

    Zvi said...

    Like it!!

    Gad said...

    Excitement is building as the biggest Kinnus Hashluchim ever is about to open.
    Watch it live!Starting 5:30 pm Eastern standard

    Chaim said...

    Any link for the live broadcast?

    Avi said...

    I"m going to get some beer and peanuts and watch the kinnus. and vus is neias will carry the feed

    Anonymous Gad said...

    Millions of people worlwide will watch the Kinnus live.I hope there will be no issues with the broadcast.
    Today most houses have internet so the traffic will be insane

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hook up not work iung for me.
    Anyone else have issues?

    Gad said...


    Anonymous said...

    Nice to see what the lubob to with the money they raise

    Gad said...

    Anyobody else watching?
    What do you think?

    Anonymous said...

    Tzeirei Hashluchim choir cute, can't hold a candle to Pirchei Miami, though.

  6. To an outsider, the need for a kinuss (is not only incomprehensable, but) is kind of weird on its face. First, we get to see that the percentage of shluchim vis-a-vis Chabad National Inc. is very small; Chafetz Chaim has a higher percentage of alumnai shluchim (who happen to connect better and more effeciently than Chabad Shluchim who fair better with non-English speaking people who already are traditional). Second, the need to spend all the money and the fancy food and banquet is disheartening. Third, humans gain inspiration and rejuvanation through more personal means - not by listening to speaches and eating Turkey.

  7. Tzvi Hersh Whatever his last name is impressive!!
    Smart guy and really funny!

  8. Is Chabad still trying to convey the message that most shluchim were like R. Gavrial, or they gave up on that. Talk about making money on yenem's tzurus!

  9. Anon 7:09 I see how hard you are trying to find something negative to say. The tipshus of trying to find something nasty about something as poshut as a gathering ("Gatherings are dumb." "Ploni could make a bigger one." "Who needs' em anyway...") Puh-leese!

  10. Hey,
    Itche Meir Helfgut!!
    A grees fin dayn chaver in shtiebel!!

  11. Yehupitz,
    Take it easy
    Don't turn up the negativity-tit- for- tat index

  12. Feh! An igros story?! I thought the party leaders keep that stuff under wraps.

    I'm also getting tired of him dropping dollar amounts.

  13. Wow!
    This guy talks big bucks$$$
    Speaks very well.Shluchim can learn from him about how to speak!
    Only thing I did not like was the "igross" babbbeh maaseh"
    He does not know better, unfortunately

  14. Very interesting in the meantime.
    Kotlarsky pretty good MC.

    He mentioned he has tzizis.
    Time for some peyos veda"l

  15. Can't believe it
    He claims he keeps shabbes!

  16. Said to be worth about 10 billion

  17. Itche Meir!!
    Best chazan in the world by far.

  18. Sorry...
    Been pretty good till now
    Best part however is Helfgot.
    I love his voice

  19. Roll call............
    Kewl to see the new places.

  20. George Rohr
    Taking secondvfiddle this year?
    I notice Kotlarsky goes back to his Poylishe roots by speaking with a polish accent "mitioch gezEENT and mENEEcha"
    His father was a Poylishe after all, and Rohr the father speaks with a chasidishe accent

  21. Again calls Gechtman, Gertman??

  22. Kotlarsky seems bothered by something.
    Can't seem to get what is pissing him off?

  23. 114 families in Australia?

  24. 114 families in Australia?

  25. 133 SHLUCHIM IN russia??

  26. 150 to Ukraine?
    About 300+ to thwe former USSR

  27. Kotlarsky agains seems bothered by something.
    I don't think he realizes that the online audience is much larger than the people in the hall

  28. Last chochma with tell people to rise to prove the growth of Chabad is lost on the internetg audience.
    They r not showing it

  29. I think Chabad have won big with Boglubov.
    The guy appears at least to be prepared to give big time.
    Just this kinnus must've cost a sheyna matbe'ah

  30. Moshe Kotlarsky!!
    Good job as master of ceremonies!

  31. Who is David Slager?
    Why did George Rohr seem low key,less mentioned?
    Leviaev seems also a bit off the radar.
    Just my impression??
    Way better than last year

  32. I thought Modern-orthodox dinners are mixed affairs.

  33. I'm impressed that Kotlarsky only kept half of the $10 million for himself

  34. "Feh! An igros story?! I thought the party leaders keep that stuff under wraps."
    Agree with you, fully, but I think this is his own speech not the party line
    Dollar amounts that bother you?Actually most Jewish institutions would kill for those amounts with or without mention.
    Remember this guy is quite new, maybe has to pick up a bit
    But he is sharp and if Chabad does not keep up with his intellect, he"ll move on

  35. "I'm impressed that Kotlarsky only kept half of the $10 million for himself"

    Lol.Not nice.
    Actually Moshe Kotlarsky is an amazing guy, has done unbelievable things and really iibergegeyben.
    And if he draws a decent salary he is worth every penny times a large multiple.
    And I"m a Snag.....

  36. I was glad to hear the name "Reb Shmuel Kamenetzky" mentioned so often. A cousin to the Godol Reb Shmuel?

  37. They stopped the program,cuz they don't want us to see the steak!!

  38. "I was glad to hear the name "Reb Shmuel Kamenetzky" mentioned so often. A cousin to the Godol Reb Shmuel?"

    Don't think so.He isfrom Kfar Chabad.
    His brother from Kfar Ch is a bit of a Chabad historian
    R'Yaakov Kaminetzky Z"L was a relative of Avremel Shemtov from the Futerfas side.R'Yaakov had a Lubavitch grandfather Futerfass,R'Mendels grandfather.

  39. Puzzled in YekatrinoslavSunday, November 07, 2010 8:50:00 PM

    This needs some explaining.
    How could chassidhe yidden attend such a dinner? I don't believe they saw this 15 years earlier in Otwock.

  40. For those of you who like your steak well done, don't feel bad at what you're missing.

    The following is from the New York Times:"The tractor-trailers will arrive on Sunday afternoon with some 5,000 — staffers have to eat, too — oven-ready meals of chicken and steak. The event is too huge to suffer picky eaters. Everyone gets their meat cooked medium — no choice”.


    One Day, After all our 5 small Heimishe kremlach meltdown and disintigrate, Shluchim are going to be the only surviving jews left.

    There will be shluchim in Norway and Thailand who are self suficient jews. .

    Reb Anon Patch zich nisht in beichel

  42. Schick caterers is catering and they usually do a great job.
    I wonder what the true number of people at the kinnus is

  43. I wonder what the true number of people at the kinnus is


  44. Wandering,
    With all due respect to Chabad and yourself , you are talking absolute nonsense.
    Shluchim are doing good deeds, but the core of Orthodoxy is and was never effected by them.
    In the Hemishe and Yeshivishe velt Chabad has zero effect.
    There are a couple of reasons for this, but probably foremost, intellectually Neither toras Chabad or other aspects ofChabad havecaught on.Despite Lekutei Sichosbeing one of the most widely published seforim (courtesy of Lubavitchs own printing presses)it is b'val yiroeh in almost all heimishe shuls and yeshivas.This despite(or because) a very heavy attempt at spreading the wellsprings
    A frum yidcan go thru many years of adulthood without hearing a single Chabad torah.
    Simply put,Chabad is not nogea to frum Jews.
    Before you scream at me, this isnot a judgement call it a report on the facts.
    Years ago a Lubavitcher yingerman was trying to convince me about how the Rebbe was Moshiach.I asked him, "ten minutes down the road there is a kehilla with many thousands, where many kids have not EVEN heard of the Rebbe"
    Chabad has power all over the worldbut in Heimishe Williamsburh they have hardly heard of them

  45. "I wonder what the true number of people at the kinnus is


    What are you talking about?

  46. "Chabad has power all over the worldbut in Heimishe Williamsburh they have hardly heard of them"

    Hardly a proof! In "Heimishe Williamsburh" [sic] they haven't heard of most things. And what is or isn't heard in heimishe kreizin has no correlation with the particular information's importance. Chabad's irrelevance in your world is not a statement on the effectiveness of Chabad, but on the artificial environment created and enforced in your Heimishe Ghetto.

  47. Berish
    "There are a couple of reasons for this, but probably foremost, intellectually Neither toras Chabad or other aspects ofChabad havecaught on"
    how many people started learning chasidus chabad thru chasidus Mevueres, do you have a idea???? did you do your homework before you started your nonsense.

  48. Berish
    "A frum yid can go thru many years of adulthood without hearing a single Chabad torah"
    a chasidishe yid with a little tochen out off offical new square will not thru on with life without hearing chabad torahs, I total disagree, look at all rebbes and mashpiem. A Misnaged iz doch a Misnaged, so whats news??????

  49. Berish
    "worldbut in Heimishe Williamsburh they have hardly heard of them"
    they heard big time but in a negative way, is that not Willi way , negative negative, it used to be negtive on the Klausenburger Rov, reb Fishele, Reb Moshe Fienstien,Reb aron Belzer Zy"a, Bies Yisroel In Ver Nisht? Today you guys BH have or reb aron or reb zali depends which paper you subscribe to spread you Rishous Veachzories .

  50. I am a steadfast loyal Lubavither.

    However, as a BT, I have had certain terible experiences with the Rebbe's shluchim. ON the one hand they mekarved me and gave selflessly to do so. On the other hand, these same shluchim wanted to define our relationship as one in which they were the perpetual parent and I would not be allowed to mature. In some cases, I was exploited, used, and metnally abused by these shluchim. Somehow they felt that since they makareved me they then has possession over my soul.

    I do not believe this is an isolated case. Some shluchim have their own psychological problems and they get on a power trip.

    Am I suppossed to just remain silent about this? Do we sweep these incidents under the rug for the sake of loyalty? They almost ruined my life after I became frum for no other reason than that I wanted to be my own person not under their mental control.

    Then there is the issue of the disslusionment that sets in when the BT realizes that to the shaliach your are just his or her pet project, his accomplishment, his peulah, and not a real human being to be respected. Then there is the dissillusionment that comes when you realize that no one ever told you, after yo stopped your career to become frum, that the frum life costs a king's ransom, and you just stepped a few steps backwards in the rat race, so you may never catch up, and may be destined to a life of poverty. ANd will the shluchim care if you are broke? Or will they care if you do not know how to raise your kids in a frum way? Or will they care if you have distanced yourself from your family members by becoming frum and now have no emotional support from them? Not at all! The shaliach is convicned that he gave you the greates gift of being frum and that the BT should be grateful and suffer silently.

    The shluchim oftne take no responsibility for the failures they help to create. When the BT is well off and nicely establsihed theb shaliach will love to boast about their 'pet project' but if G-d forbid the BT find themselves in strife either financially, or divorced, or with kids that are screwed up, the shaliach suddenly pretends not to know this person anymore. "Success has many parents but failure is an orphan".

  51. I was out for Maariv
    Who is the speaker now?

  52. Ahhh Reb Berish.

    You couldnt of explained it better.And thats exactly the point.

    Right now Vilyamsburg doesnt know of Shluchim. And Likutei Sichos is a Banned Book in Lakewood, together with Rav Kook, JB and other Derelics.

    However history has a cruel way of taking revenge...

    The Ramba'm, Ramcha'l, Rav Tzaduk, Rav Nachman all made nice comebacks.

    redt eich nisht ein az mir veisen vus geit zein.

    There were Hundreds of SUCCESSFULL shtetlach, Sefarim,and Rabbanim who did all the right shiduchim and had all the right Hashkafos.
    BUT youve never even heard of them....

    Maybe Tzig will write about Villyamsburg one day

  53. Feeling underwhelmed by the speaker

  54. "Right now Vilyamsburg doesnt know of Shluchim. And Likutei Sichos is a Banned Book in Lakewood, together with Rav Kook, JB and other Derelics."

    Nope. They sell "JB stuff" in Judaica plaze in Lakewood. I don't know if they have it in yeshiva's oitzer, but many yeshivot have "JB stuff". JP also has a whole section of Chassidishe seforim. I think they sell Chasidus Mevueres, but I can't be sure.

  55. He might not be the greatest orator, yet his message was eizen

  56. WanderingJew,
    You said it well: "inz veisen nisht vus geit zein" but at the same time you decided that Chabad/Lubavitch and their derech will be the Yiddishe way.So do you know what the future will bring?

    Btw,I grew up in Williamsburg but I don't live there anymore.I can tell you that in Lakewood, in the Otsar haseforim of BMG there are copies of Lekitei Sichos and the Librarian,Shpiegel is a Gerer.So much for being "banned".You totally missed the point, it has nothing to do with being banned the metzius is that it's not studied out of the daled amos of Chabad .Lately in Eretz Yisroel there is a big push from Chabad amongst the Mizrachi yeshivos .

  57. Please, let him give as much money as possible. the way he kept repeating it that seemed... unseemly. But farkert, let him give more and more.

  58. I did not like the story with "Eric".
    He did not need to make them milchumeh gelitteneh grandparents sound bad and bichlal with no offense meant to,Lubavitch is running out of regular Yiddishe candidates and are turning to cases of "halbeh"
    Believe me I don't mean this in a nasty way at all,but I think the regular growth is not there anymore.I"ve also heard that there are not to many shlichus positions left

  59. I once davened b'yechidus in Monsey Synagogue (i.e. R' Tendler's shul). Somehow, during my teffilos, I found myself by the Rov's lectern. Guess what I discovered his source material is? That's right, likkutei sichos!

  60. I hope we can agree that Helfgot has an unbelievable voice

  61. Itche Meir Hertz, putting on a Lubavitcher accent???
    And I Never heard of bentching while standing?
    Vous geit du fohr??
    Bentching the Rebbe??/

  62. Rebbe Reb Berish Leben Fartzeil mir nisht vegen Lakewood....
    Wandering jew has wandered thru Lakewood too.

    Actually I agree with you that we dont know what the future will bring, however im sharing with the Tzigelach a theory. The theory is that being that Shluchim are spread AROUND THE WORLD and have a structure to maintain their version of judaism, they have the greatest chance of long term survival. Much more than Willi and lakewood.

    Zeh Hakol.

    Chill. ItsLikeWhatever.

  63. Itshe meyer was the best part of the kinnus

  64. So guys , what did you think??

    I enjoyed Bogluyovs address,Kotlarsky did a better than decent job as mc, address by New did not do much for me but I missed the beginning

  65. Wandering
    Look, without getting into nastiness that Tzig won't like,Chabad of today, is an "Ahava sheteluyo baduvor".Lubavitch=The Rebbe, unfortunately that the Rebbe is not around the foundation is oopgeshvached.Go for a shpatzir in Crown Heights,vestee farshteyen..

  66. I hope Tzig does not get into trouble for the ongoing kinnus commentary

  67. Berish,
    I assume you are realy writing your assumption, but the fact is that all papers Hamevaser,Hamodia,Bakhila, Mishpacha that serve 90% of charidie Jewry are quoting the Rebbe on a consistent bases, get out of your rat hole and see the light. you are correct that the Der yid does not quote toras chabad, but I was in a offical Satmar Kolel country from the Zali side and the chasdus mevueres was learned shabos morning before davening.

  68. Berish
    "the foundation is oopgeshvached"
    is CH the foundation of the Rebbe?

  69. Old argument
    Is Chabad Crown Heights or the Shluchim
    In other words is Crown Heights a result of the Sheluchims work or despite it.
    If Lubavitch is Crown Heights they are in terrible shape beguf vonefesh
    If the Shluchim do not represent Crown Heights there is hope

  70. The powers that be that did not like some of the comments

  71. ex-Aussie
    oh kayyyy
    and I guess you're implying that I'm on their payroll?
    is that it?

  72. I thought (maybe I"m wrong) that you mentioned once that you drew a check.
    I don't know and I did not mean to insult you

  73. "I assume you are realy writing your assumption, but the fact is that all papers Hamevaser,Hamodia,Bakhila, Mishpacha that serve 90% of charidie Jewry are quoting the Rebbe on a consistent bases, "

    You probably think that 90% of Jews are Lubavitch.
    You need to get out a bit more.
    Lubavitch has zero effect on Heimishe Jews

  74. "You probably think that 90% of Jews are Lubavitch.
    You need to get out a bit more.
    Lubavitch has zero effect on Heimishe Jews"

    No, Lubavitch has a deep effect on the hearts and minds of many Jews via this blog. Why do you think HT is on the payroll?

  75. Tiehere Yidden
    If you would know it what kind of condition Reb Moshes K. house is in, and how old is their kitchen from your grand parents time. I am sorry to bust your poilisher & Ungaresher bubble but he lives with mesiras nefesh on not a very large salary. Any one running such a big Moisad in any other Kreiz would not stand to live in these conditions. Reb Moshe is one of the exceptions. He works for the Rebbe!! to make the world a better place and be Mekarev the G'eulah NOW!!
    Sorry who has that half a Mil.?
    Please enlighten us.

  76. tzig- how about take a group of your followers here as your bale batim at the kinnus

  77. BaaleiBatim need to be supporters of the "shliach."
    you guys ready to come up with the cash???

  78. in that case i must say have the hardest shlichus of all
    and just as important
    keep strong

  79. A Yid in the know
    What are going on about?
    Please enlighten us?

  80. I think that Moshe Kotlarsky actually makes a decent salary, notwithstanding his kitchen
    I also think that he deserves every penny and then some
    Any ceo in his position would make a lot.
    He has raised many millions for Lubavitch.
    Worth his weight in gold

  81. I just came back from the event - I must say - it was an amazing experience.

  82. Just one Comment, the Whole Head counselor "I Will wait until it's quite" reminded me of My camp days I was waiting for him to pull out a whistle and do a countdown

  83. When you work for them - it isn't hard to get in - it's taking a moment to step back and watch over 4,000 yidden - from Satmar, Litvish, MO, and Yidden with the ma'ale of pshitus ha'atzmus - all sitting together in what is the closest to seudas ha'levyasan b'olam hazah . . . now thats the challenge.
    (I was tweeting for @lubavitch)

  84. Tzig,
    You got more comments on the Kinnus than COL in English.
    Bravo,building up your readership

  85. "Second, the need to spend all the money and the fancy food and banquet is disheartening"
    And what is the Agudeh fres fest a trip to the local pizzeria?

  86. Moshe New's speach was the perfect rebutle of Bogolubov.

    For any naive shluchim under the mistaken impression that shlichus is all about P.R., and snagging an uncouth Russian with mega bucks, Reb Moshe New reminded us what really counts. The Juxtaposition was beautiful.

  87. Great picture.

    Hey Tzig, is that you, 3rd from the right, 4th row from the back?

  88. Hirshel
    Did you watch the Kinnus and if you did what are your thoughts?

  89. I watched a few minutes here and there

    my thoughts?

    I'm a simple man, I have no need for such extravagances. But some people do.

  90. הירשעלע
    ווען אפילו נאך איין איד וואלט לייגן תפילין צוליב דעם כינוס וואלט די גאנצע מעשה געווען ווערט. על אחת כמה וכמה וויפל תורה און מצות עס וועלן צוקומען דורך די חיזוק און התעוררות וואס שלוחי אדמו"ר נעמען פון דעם כינוס.
    לפועל הירשעלע איז יעצט ר"ח כסליו איז נעם א קאפעטשקע משקה, זאג לחיים און זיי מחליט עפעס וואס וועט געבן דעם רבי'ן אביסל נחת.
    לחיים לחיים ולברכה
    גוט יום טוב

  91. Mes mishtaleyach, butlah hashlichus

  92. mihsalyeyach = the sender of the shlichus

  93. A mishtaleyach means a person who is sent.

  94. Yeh, they are still alive, but the sender is dead. No more shlichus, unless they think he is still alive.

  95. so do we tell them all to pack it up and go back to Crown Heights, or wherever they came from?
    do we all give all the buildings to Aish and Arachim?

    let's hear this. It should be good.

  96. Some of the most interesting guests to the kinnus in my humble opinion were:Pinny Lifshitz and to a lesser degree Shmuly Boteach.
    It's quite amazing that Pinny was there

  97. Boguluyov's Igros story was the best from the kinus!


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