Monday, December 13, 2010

.....ורבים מ"חסידי פולין" מתחב"דים

I imagine the article was inspired by the recent visit of Reb Yoel Kahan, zg"z, to Eretz Yisroel and a slew of farbrengens and shiurim that took place there, with astounding success, B"H.


  1. Are we going to get nothing on the meltdown in Berland-land?

  2. I wish I knew what to make of Berland land!

    Whom do you trust there?!

  3. Hirshel
    where is the source of this article?
    Mishpacha? Bakhila? Kfar Chabad?

  4. Paid pumper article
    And you can have all the loony Carlebachian-radical Zionist misfits that love radical theologies like the mizrachi"yeshiva" in Ramat Gan.It makes you Lubavitchers pat yourselves on the back.The reality is that Chabad is in a major shambles with terrible infighting from Crown Heights to Mumbai to Down Under and unaibale to find one ruv to put on the worst b"d in America

  5. Moshe,
    "Paid pumper article"
    is it wishfully thinking?
    or you saw the wire from the Krinsky crew in the 770 basement?

  6. Moshe,
    I see you are very informed and delighted on every Loshen Hore that is available on Chabad, you remind me of Bilam
    But despite all your loshen hores, Chabad is growing not only from inside with a healthy fertility rate, you also have chasidishe Yungeliet(I have noting against Carlebach Radical Zionist Misfits to me they are Tiere yiden as Ekstien,Yoel Sharmasher from KJ) from other Himeshe sects (I hate that word) joining its ranks,

    Muz Men Duch Zhogen Az.....

  7. Let me guess,Anonytuch 1:17, you are a big chsed of the Sydney guy?

  8. Moshe,
    its a mossad job.

  9. Since contemporary Lubavitch has steered away from adoydeh pnimiyes & towards an emphasis on shliches & pe'ules etc. -- this phenomenon of those chareidim/dati'im le'umim being oysek in the haskoleh & avoydeh of Chabad without the dor hashevi'i trappings may even be a blessing in disguise, to ensure that the original derech of Chabad (avoyde & haskoleh pnimi'yis) do not go extinct.

    -- ZIY

  10. Anon ZIY
    "without the dor hashevi'i trappings"
    if you read good the article you see that do Believe in Riebine Hakodash Vehathoer of the Dor Hashvie, and all the Mashpiem are chasidim from the Dor Hashvie,
    Your nechoma is very shvach.


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