Tuesday, January 11, 2011

טאלנער רבי שליט"א זאגט אריין פאר חב"ד אין טאטענ'ס טאטען אריין

The Tolner Rebbe from Yerushalayim was a guest of the Los Angeles Community recenty and made many stops along the way. One of his stops was the Yeshiva Or Elchonon - Chabad in Los Angeles, under the leadership of the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Reb Ezra Shochet, where he spoke - IN ENGLISH - to the bachurim there. The Tolner Rebbe is probably the greatest friend Lubavitch has amongst the Rebbes today. He learns the Rebbe's Torah and repeats it where ever he can. He also understands the makeup of today's Lubavitch and some of the problems associated with it, and when he speaks of those problems it's not to knock Lubavitch, but rather it's because he cares - he really does. If it was up to me this speech would be mandatory for every bachur and yungerman in Lubavitch today, and for the women as well. I think sometimes it needs to be said from the amud, without the distraction of the intoxicating beverage.

Listen Here


  1. Can you write a Kitzur? and the Tolner with SPUDIK?

  2. he's a Gerrer Chossid, so he wears a spodik. The speech is is ENGLISH, no "kitzur" necessary

  3. Tolner has an interesting backround.
    I believe he went to a Bnei Akiva yeshiva and than Gur.His great grandfather was the Tolner from Montreal and Yerusholayim

  4. How could he be a Gerer Chosid and the "Tolner" Chernoblyr "Rebbe"?
    Chernobyl or Gur
    Rebbe or Chasid

  5. What makes him a Rebbe?
    Chaim Mendel was asked why Rebbes kids take over from their fathers and badchonim's kids don't replace their fathers. His answer, a bacdchon darf kennen.

  6. i was zoiche to zich drein a lot by his grandfather (not great grandfather like somebody above wrote) who was a real Rebbe- bahaltene gudol b'nigle v nister,was (lchoire) myached yechidim etc.He also was a chasidishe bucher in America in 1920's/30's- before it was in style.

    The haintige has no shaichus to the word Tolna- he is a Gerer Chusid and period.

  7. listen to his speech and then comment,very impressive

  8. The Tolner's grandfather was also mekusher to the Bais Yisroel of Ger. The present Tolner is a pikeach, a tremendous talmid chochom and really understands people. He is an exceptional personality. You can hear him on Kol Haloshon-Yiddish or Hebrew.It's worth listening.

  9. it is worth noting that the ohr elchonon yeshiva was not always chabad. it was founded by harav simcha wasserman zt"l and named after his father, Rav Elchono zt"l. chabad hijacked it sometime later.

  10. it's worth noting that Dovy sometimes says stupid, untrue things.

    OE was bought from REW when he moved to the Holy Land. Or maybe even given to them. On the condition that they keep the name.

    Dovy was taught in "Jersey" that Chabad goes around all day and steals shuls and "hijacks" buildings and Yeshivos.
    Ignorance IS bliss!

  11. conversation levi yitzchokThursday, January 13, 2011 2:58:00 PM

    chabad has stolen many shuls by flooding membership and taking over, however in LA no one wanted to touch or elchanan besides chabad and not only that but r wasserman gave shiur there when he came back to visit.
    agav he had plenty of taines that they sold the property for a fortune and simply moved his building to its current location...
    ask a native for the details

  12. Chabad also mixes in the blood of little Misnaged children into their unholy Matzos.


    1 Shvat: Moshe was Beer es hatorah hazos
    10 shvat: Moshe she'ba'dor's beer hatorah.

    Being busy doesn't mean not going on vacation. The Rebbe sent ppl on vacation. Vacation is good for every human being who is not an angel. When you're not on vacation, how many hours are you wasting?

    Chidushei Harim, talmid of the Kotzker. What was Kotzk mechadeish? That bitul zman is as bad as Eishes Ish.

    Very interesting Sfas Emes in Likutim: Q: Biggest Aveira is Bitul Torah. Why don't we find an Al Cheit shechatanu ...b'bitul Torah? Vidui should include all aveiros! we need Vidui b'dvorim, halacha in Rambam and ARSA. SE answers: It's in "Al Cheit..b'frikas Ol". When we have an opportunity to learn and we don't, that's prikas Ol. That's Bitul Torah.

    I know people: People that are not very worried about bitul zman, when they grow up, they have a lot of damage in their own lives, not only in yiddishkeit, but in their whole life. People who are time wasters. Hebrew: Lisrof et hazman, burning time. Someone not sensitive to this in his life will have difficulties. As a husband, worker etc, you will have struggles in your own family, job. Adam L'Amal Yulad. Every man created for one reason: To work. If he has a zechus, it's Amal Hatorah, if he doesn't have that zchus, it's other work. You temimim who have that zchus, gift, to be in this community and waste time can be told, (to be sharf like R Schochet, a part-Kotzker) "Shame on you, especially because you are so close to the big light." You have the crown of being temimim, in this gevaldige Partei of Chabad. It needs you to be there..You have to understand, being there, representing Chabad, is a Kiddush Hashem, Kiddush Shem Lubavitch.

    You are young enough to change and to take the achrayus, to examine yourselves at the end of the day.

    It's not just a question of quantity and quality of learning, or hafatza. But "How much time did you waste?" If you will work, but not have the fear of Bitul Hazman, you don't deserve to be called the rebbe's mentchn.

    We have a letter from a polish jew, Fruman, relative to the Gerrer Rebbe: The Gerrer Rebbe said we have to be careful how to deliver the message: SE: If one yungerman is working for a living, 10 hrs/day, and two hours a day he learns. another yungerman who learns 11 hrs a day, one hour of bitul, the first man is more important (chashuv?) in my eyes than the second one. (He's not talking about rest, but bittul, prikas ol.)

    Being in a makom kadosh, with such a Rosh Yeshiva, rebbeim, without parnasa worries, this buys a kinyan Torah for the future. In 10 years, you'll have children. 20 years you'll be marrying them off. Those years are built on what you're learning here today. Prepare yourselves for 10 Shvat, let's see how much you can learn from your holy rebbe to be menatzeil hazman. One minute from the Rebbe didn't go to waste. And that's what we saw. Somebody asked the rebbe when he stopped yechidus, "Rebbe I need yechidus." rebbe said "I don't have one minute in my day to do it." We have so many minutes! Someone asked the Gerrer rebbe something and asked it again. 20 yrs he said "You owe me a minute." A minut iz a velt. Use your time. Who are you representing? Someone who means for so many people Torah, Avoda, Pnimius Hainyonim.

    Al tihi Birkas Hedyot kala b'einecha. Or Larba Asar, Bodkin es ha chometz. Search our hearts for chometz. The Ahavas Yisrael cried and said What will be with this chometz in my heart. A chossid said "A place where they didn't bring chometz doesn't need to be checked". Good line, but those who have brought it in their hearts need to be checked.

    Kol Habo titaher, m'sayin oso. You do your peulos and the geula will come.

  14. i was there since i am a talmid in oer elchnon knows alt about chabad like ker a velt and alot of other prutim also a physiologist very chsidishe guy a real GUTE YID

  15. Panderer like no other, at least tzvika reisman got his moneys worth.

  16. Chabad don't

    WHy did all the Ashkenaz and Sfard sidurim disappear from Sydeny Yeshivah ?

    Why did the Noam Elimilech and Sfas Emes get locked away despite the founders and their children using them regularly once the Feldmans came ? No one was allowed to access because sichas filled the bookshelves despite not one but the Feldmans and Chabad shluchuim using them until the next generation became brainwashed that that was the only chasidus there is..??

    Don't hijak shuls ?
    Where have you been hiding....
    Ask Rabbi Leshes of Sydney why all his kids moved away only after he left ....they saw the writing on the wall....

  17. http://tolnerrebbes.blogspot.com/2009/05/rabbi-yitzchok-twersky-tolner-rebbe-of.html

  18. tzig, aint you a little overeacting to ONE WORD that i wrote. i have never called you names or mocked where u live have I?

  19. Dovy
    nothing personal. Just don't make up stories next time.

  20. for some reason its easier to mock "jersey" than monsey, oh sorry, new heampstead...

    agav on the klal dovy was right, just not on the prat.

  21. Oh and by the way....

    It is great to hear about the avoide of chabad ... I have three Chabad shuls in my area...all three have morning minyanim of less than 20 minutes with almost all guys talmidim of Chbad yeshivas...

    Where is the heter for all non shluchim to be bums ? (Other than you Tzig of course)....

  22. a few months ago i went to TR monthly drasha in beit vegan...a fine drasha in 68 minites...only he could have said it in 20 munites. He uses the term rashbag which hasidim don't use only rav shimon ben gamliel.

  23. Tzig,
    Stop be so knee jerk defensive.

  24. This Tolner Rebbe shlit”a is a grandson of R’ Yochanan Twersky who had lived in Montreal before coming to Eretz Yisroel. R’ Yochanan lived in Bayit Vagan in Yerushalayim. I knew him well, ate by his home, and davened by him occasionally. He was, as mentioned earlier, a godol who remained a nistar. He was much beloved by other rebbes, and had special kovod in Ger by the Bais Yisroel ZT”L. In his later years, his secret gadlus began to gain exposure. There are at least 2 seforim that chronicle some of his divrei Torah, as well as some anecdotes about him.

    He had one daughter, whose oldest son is the present Tolner Rebbe, R’ Yitzchok. A great-grandson (his sister’s son) also assumed the mantle as Tolner Rebbe, and the two, uncle and nephew, are close. The Rebbe in this post, R’ Yitzchok, is a renowned talmid chochom. He is a Gerrer talmid and chosid, hence his levush. He has a substantial following, and his shiurim are known around the world.

  25. i have a shocking story of the kever of r david of tolner. has any one been there?


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