Friday, January 21, 2011

Something to take your mind off Crown Heights.

Had a rough week. I have several unfinished posts waiting. Simply didn't have the time to write, not even to respond to many comments here that needed responses. We'll be back after Shabbos, IY"H. In the meantime here's a picture of HaRav Reb Shmuel Salant, Rov of Yerushalayim for what seemed like forever.


  1. What kind of elections did he have? (Without c"v being pogea in kedoeshei elyoin)
    At what point did the imrei binah cease to be rov?

  2. Did anyone hear that the reason he was Chief Rabbi for so long was because he was made Chief Rabbi as a yungermanchik as soon as he got off the boat, because while on the boat he struck up a strong friendship with Sir Moses Montefiore? (Not that he wasn't deserving, but that's how i heard it.)

  3. איך משיחין דעת מן כאן ציבא

  4. was he in Yerushaliem the same time as reb yeshua lieb diskin?

  5. We have still never had a write up of the relationship between Bobov and Chabad in Crown Heights post Rayatz (who was known to have a good relationship with Bobov).

    Post Rayatz things soured....why ?

  6. I heard somewhere that they made him Rov as soon as he got off the boat because he became very friendly with Sir Moses Montefiore who was on the same ship to Eretz Yisroel.

    He was part of the non-Kanoi school that was given a lot of trouble by the arriving Hungarian Kanoi school (Maharil Diskin and R Chaim Zonnenfeld) fifty years later that seemed to win out. That's why the hagiographers have to emphasize all the maasim in which they were polite to each other.

  7. Aside to Hamodia magazine editor: The Divrei Yechezkel of Shineva ztl was niftar on 6 Teves 5659 (1898) so the esteemed Rav of Pishtian couldn't have taken his son there in 1935!

  8. Grainom:
    It would seem that R’ Shmuel Salant was Chief Rabbi and he then appointed the the Imrei Binah to serve as Chief Rabbis alongside him for a few years.

    Anon @9:32:
    Yes, he was in Jerusalem the same time as R’ Yeshua Leib Diskin

  9. Anon,
    who cares what relationship the Rebbe had with the Bobover, the Bobover was considered then as a Rebbe that Brachfeld and Zitronenbaum were preparing him the weekly tish Torah, It is todays revisionism that puts him on the map. I am not saying it is true all the rumors I am just talking about his image, that even alot of Bobovers have it deep in their mind. Thats why they wanted so strong a Rebbe like Reb Mordechai Duvid a Talmid Chochem Muvhak, they wanted to cleanse a label that is sticking to them for generations.

  10. Yehupitz
    Maharil Diskin was not Hungarian

  11. and MaHaRil Diskin came to the Holy Land 40 years after RSS, and I don't think he had an official position in any Beis Din in Yerushalayim


    In 1860 after relinquishing the Rabbinate of Kalish to Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wax, Rabbi Meir Auerbach travelled to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, was about to embark on a lengthy voyage to Europe on behalf of the impoverished communities in Israel, He appointed Rabbi Meir Auerbach to serve as Chief Rabbi in his absence. After several months, when Rabbi Shmuel Salant returned, Rabbi Auerbach was prepared to relinquish his role as Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem back to Rabbi Salant. Rabbi Salant, in his keen wisdom and insight saw the tremendous benefit of having Rabbi Auerbach involved in communal affairs. He convinced rabbi Auerbach that since he was caught up in overseeing the financial viability of the community he therefore had little time to fill his role as sole Chief Rabbi. He thus persuaded Rabbi Auerbach to stay on as the assistant Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

  13. Yehupitz,
    Time to brush up on your history.
    R'Yehoshua Leib Diskin was a Litvak

  14. the arriving Hungarian Kanoi school (Maharil Diskin and R Chaim Zonnenfeld)

    Since when is Brest-Litovsk in Hungary?

  15. Ok ok, to'isi on the Hungarian part.

  16. what happened to all the posts you were working on?you cant tease us like this!

  17. Is there any other krayz, besides for post FR Chabad, were they activelly go to be "mashpiyah" and influence other frum groups?

  18. I love that about them. Yes there was anther krayz. It was called the Besht and talmidei habesht and talmidei hamaggid.

    They don't agree to some pareve balance of blandness between groups. They feel that they have product to offer other groups. If those groups reject it, fine, reject it and promote the alternative to your people, and others too. But don't blame a guy (or group) for thinking they've got something special worth sharing.

  19. Yehupitz,
    Sounds like you would like very much a group out of Salt Lake City.They have a product and they sure think it's worth sharing.........

  20. Dov, don't insult me. With such logic, Because xians have evangelists, does that means kiruv can't exist? Because muslims have ramadan we can't have Yom Kippur?


  21. Yehupitz,
    I was addressing the evangelic part of Lubavitch not "kiruv", which I understand to mean teaching Torah theology to Jews who are not Orthodox.
    I had no problem with that outreach.
    Off course I have a problem of aggressively touting your stream in Orthodoxy as being the Keser that everyone has to study to be a good Jew.
    Especially when impressionable young kids are targeted.
    I believe that that is the number one reason for the tension between Chabad and other groups during the preceding 50 some years.
    Btw, I am alumnus of Ohr Elchonon Chabad and had the pleasure of studying Minchas Chinuch with The "Rosh" one on one, so I still know my way around Lubavitch

  22. Yupitz,

    So you are comparing the Rayatz and his eydem with the Besht? Oy vey.


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