Wednesday, January 5, 2011

הלכות ת"ת treat

I must tell you I'm quite shocked by some of the responses here with regards to the Tzaddik of B'Kerestur. I never realized how great the machloh is today - the lack of emunas tzaddikim. And we're not talking about today's gutte yidden either, we're talking about people who weren't born with a silver sppon in their mouths, but made a name for themselves the hard way, by helping others and saving lives. I'm stunned at how some of the same people who supposedly stand up for "real Torah values" can so nonchalantly make such disparaging remarks that even a goy in his time - as well as twenty years later - would not make! Now, I'm not gonna stand here and tell you to take a minyan and ask mechilleh at his resting place; I'll leave that for you and your collective conscience to bear. Somehow we decided that greatness in Torah should be the only measuring stick to see whether or not there is tzidkus as well. I can bring you this: most of you - even the skeptics would agree about his d'veykus to the Eybershter, besides for that fool who compared to the TA"Y Rebbe. Interestingly enough, the Alter Rebbe, Rav Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch HaRav, says otherwise. In his opus primum, which was warmly approbated by the greats of his day, the Alter Rebbe brings proof from the Chassidim HoRishonim, who would spend some 9 hours a day thinking about G-d, and connecting to him ביראה ואהבה עזה ודביקות אמיתית, proving to us that not only was this not bittul torah, but this service of Hashem was greater than the study of Torah! Is that good enough for you all?!

Start from Halochoh Hey and on.


  1. Magnum opus, the shulchan aruch was.
    Otherwise, גם אני מצטרף

  2. this is hilchos T"T, not the shulchan aruch. His first book.

  3. Historically you are correct, nonetheless it has been included in his shulchan aruch as a whole...

  4. I am far from a chossid, but I think that where the chareidi kehillah stands today is torah uber alles. That is a wonderful concept and we have Rav Aaron and other post-war gedolim to thank for that - it has a dark side as well which they never intended. There is a lack of chashivus for gutte yidden who may not be talmidei chachomim but have a lot to offer in other ways.

  5. Anon
    I was shocked to see the Koved that the Ir Hatorah Lakewood gave for Menash Miller a deputy mayor that returned from Afghanistan. I dont know him but I can vouch that he is not into Reb Borech Ber. It showed a very fargrebte side of official Lakewood

  6. is their a reason that you put on the old print?

  7. thew new print that I saw had the סעיף broken up into parts, with the Heoros and Tziyunim in between. I figured it would be easier to see this way

  8. It is important to mention that the AR based his pesak on a Charidem.

  9. Hirshel,
    for your amaritzim of lakewood you have to explain that the Charidem and Shelo are pre chassidim and were the pillars of Jewry till we got the Chazon Ish and the Brisker family.


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