Thursday, February 17, 2011

אזוי דארף מען מחנך זיין זיסע, אומשולדיגע, אידישע קינדערלעך

כדי אז פון קינדווייז אהן זאלען זיי וויסן דעם ריינעם אמת, אז די טמא'נע ציונים דארף מען פיינט האבן אויף אייביג און אייביג
"מפי עוללים ויונקים יסדת עוז, להשבית אויב ומתנקם"
זייט אזוי גוט און דרוקט דעם "פלעי" קנעפל גלייך, אטא דא אה, וועט איר הערן א וויכטיגע לעקציע אין חינוך הבנים

אונטער דער מאדנער בריה וואס איר זעהט דא

Satmar Chinuch.mp3


  1. טאקע ווייל זיי זענען אומשולדיג, דארף מען זיי אויסלערנען די יסודות פון אידיש לעבן אז זיי זאלן חלילה נישט אריינפאלן בפח יקיש

    אגב, דער בארימטער בעל מספר הרב דוד ח. ווייס שמועסט דאס אויך אויס ברייט פאר די תשב"ר אז עס איז קלאר אז מרדכי הצדיק האט דעם קלופה הציונות פון איברעיש נישט געקאנט בכלל

  2. Did Mudche HaTzaddik know ivris?

  3. And Lubavitcher "melamdim" teach litt"l kinderlach that the Shlit"a that's not Shlit'"a for 20 years isMoshiach, knows everything and can do everything
    This melamed has chein at least.Lubavitchers are primitive neveiles.

  4. Why do you think this primitive talaban melamaed had chein, becuase you are a Satmar?

  5. "Why do you think this primitive talaban melamaed had chein, becuase you are a Satmar?"

    Because as a yid I know what "chein" means.You with your probable tziganner backround cannot feel it

  6. When Eysov starts cutting off their peyos and calls them "PARCHAVITTE ZHIDY" and other such bon mots they'll get into the first plane to the tziyonistishe medineh where they'll kiss the feet of the rosh hakofrim-PM Bibi Netanyahu.If they think bnei eysov in the good ole USA have a special love for Hassidics , then they're living in the same fantasy land where Ivrit is not a language and Israel is not a nation.

  7. I'm surprised that Ingerish is listed along with the English and Spanish! One would think that magyar nyelv would be listed far higher. I enjoyed the child that shouted "Monroe" at the beginning when the melamid was naming countries and their languages.

  8. Note how he hesistates before he says haylik on EY.

  9. What's the name of the e-snips ingele? Must be Yoylee.

  10. גוט געזאָגט

  11. The only thing that keeps this going is the fact that no one in satmer ever has five minutes to think for themselves. Between double digit siblings,getting married at 19, and then proceeding to replicate every year there's no time to question anything.That and the Elvis Costello glasses should keep this going until Congress passes the next military draft.Then they'll all move to Kiryas Satmer,Beitar and join the demonstration du jour against "zionist aggression".

  12. הריי"צ אמר הלאווי שיוספו יותר מילים משלהם בו שיהא בזה כמה שפחות שייכות ליהדות

  13. אוי וויי ס'יז טמא
    אבער וואס קאן מען טאן אז דער רש"ב שרייבט אז עס איז א איסור צו רעדן עיברית?
    קוק דא און דעם לינק

    אפשר נישט טמא אבער חילול הקודש יא

  14. What's with the RASHAB's opinion on Ivrith?

  15. רש"ב?

    this isn't a Lubavitcher Cheder. Do they note his Yohrtzeit too in that cheder, since they love the "Rashap" so much? Do they learn his Chassidus in the Beis Medrish there?

  16. Anon/Malech/ Yoshe
    It was never part of the curriculum in his Yeshivahs or at the Farbrengens.It was not the first ani Maamin, his Ani Maamin was his Tar Samech Vov and Tar Ein Voov, if you know what that means. You people would never hear about this man, if not his Anti Zionist letters.

  17. Anonymous of 5:41
    You forgot עטר''ת

  18. "You people would never hear about this man, if not his Anti Zionist letters."

    How right you are!!
    We would not have heard about your later ones either if not for your incessant rantingand ravings and publicity hounding
    As it is, Satmar is reyn of Likutei Sichos and almost all Kehot, besides for Shulch urech harav

  19. But how do you know the Igros?

    Sruly, Tziganers were prevalent in Kokosh cake land, not in lita, White Russia were they only davened and learned and didn't eat Lekvar,paprika Shtrudels and goulash. Yes, chain in "williPALM" means a vverry niice Chendelieer end also a silver multi branched gaudy laachter... That's Chain in the primitive world you inhabit. (Primitive from a frum stand point I mean, not that I think you will grasp what I am saying, since anything other then a kroinless Shtramel is beyond you)

  20. "Vi bavust iz Satmer di shenste un eidelste chasides af der valt"- now you "know."

  21. What does geretshke beyahadus mean in gerre language? on page 138 of the yoman

  22. a tummel in Yiddishkeit, the issue most central to Ger


  23. Anon 5:41:00 PM said, " his Ani Maamin was his Tar Samech Vov and Tar Ein Voov"

    I think u mean samach vov and ein beis.

    Anyone who really delves into the Rebbe Rashab's seforim cannot afterwards in good conscious consider RAT or RZLT a leader. At best they can be roshei kehillos, CEO's, and rainmakers. At the end of samach vov, the Rebbe Rashab explains why dira b'tachtoinim is the ultimate purpose. to understand it, u have to learn the first 500 pages in depth and most hungarians are too dumb/lazy/scared to do it. So the Rebbe Rashab is only good for their using his words from 100 yrs ago to fit their kanoyus. If u study it for 5 minutes with open-mindedness, you will see that it doesn't apply to our situation for the last 40 years.

  24. The kid who says "Monroe" is so sweet!
    I love this melamed btw

  25. Wonder what the Meshichist/Lubavitch cheider sounds like.
    One thing for sure is that it's not in Yiddish.
    Lubavs don't know yiddish and one of Hirshel and Shaya Brauns claim to fame is their ability to talk and even write in Yiddish

  26. "Wonder what the Meshichist/Lubavitch cheider sounds like.
    One thing for sure is that it's not in Yiddish.
    Lubavs don't know yiddish and one of Hirshel and Shaya Brauns claim to fame is their ability to talk and even write in Yiddish"
    Groiser knaker,lome herren ah Yiddish vort dir.Ober emmese mama looshin nisht der Magyar imitatzye vos etz hot gelerent fin Atilla der Hun.
    No insult meant to you.Just had to say something to this nudnik.

  27. In addition to the comments brought above, re Rashab & Rayatz's shito on Ivris --

    There's also an ois'shprach from the Rayatz in Likkutei Diburim, to the effect of: Loshon hakodesh = Kedusha; all other languages = klipas noga; and Ivrit = gimel klipos hat'meos, and they're worse than other languages, b/c they shlepped a heilge zach into their blotte..

    I don't have it chapter and verse here, but it's a powerful point. In other words - a shliach should only speak Ivrit for hafotza purposes with people, but otherwise resort to the other safos..!

    I do ask here, rather innocently - which category does Yiddish fit in? What about Ladino?

    (I'm not poking fun, there were holy rabbonim who spoke Ladino too..) Poshut what defines holy?
    (Al derech the Skvere wearing boots all year, when there was blotte in Russia only, it's not to be mad fun of, as a shtreimel for either kreizen would be the same..)

  28. Gershy
    More people out side of Lubavich are learning Likutie Sichois , then Divrie Yoel and Veyoel Moshe outside of Satmar, show me a Divrie Yoel, in Skver,Belz,Ger,Bobov Visnits even not in Monsey Visnitz.

  29. Boyme
    "Lubavs don't know yiddish"
    If you see that 100 0f thousands of Yiden Medakdekim al Kala Kebechamira, in Eretz haKedosha speak Ivrit in their holy daily lives then the FR argument is irrelevant, But in Satmar this Meshugaz took on a life of its own.They have no other Emuna to replace it with. it was an obsession for 40 years, Every other Chasidic ideal or toradig concept, as Reb Moshe, Brisker Derech Halimud was buried. So they are left with this negative nonsense.

  30. Mr Forest
    you forgot the $1200 linen set from Ben Barber with the initials, I Heard from a person the the baal Divrie Yoel had JFT initialed on his Bed Gevant(nusach unterland.

  31. Anony, 1:00 AM.

    Put down the Kool Aid you are dreaming. I could say here in Lakewood I have NEVER seen anyone learning any Sichos and every shul has a Divrei Yoel, and I saw two guys learning bchavrusah from the Diveri yoel this past shabbos. Come out of Crown Heights a little bit it will be good for you.

  32. I don't live in CH, and I did net see a divrie yoel outside of the few satmar orientd shtiblech, as the Dayan Klien, Moshe Peretz etc...

  33. Re the Rebbe's opinion on teaching b'sfas Ivris --

    I just came across where someone distinguishes between the Rashab's Igros (v2, p816) where he's sholeil it, to the Rebbe's approach (Igros v25, p142) that it isn't any longer connected to an issue of Yiras shomayim, so it's fine.

    Link to the latter (the former can also be found on hebrewbooks):

  34. u guyes are getting off topic here we have a lubvither making fun of a חינוך that as posted in above comments was the שיטה of "his" rebbes

  35. who made fun here?

    besides, we were talking about the idea of teaching that while teaching about Purim and the Megilleh

  36. when else?
    and besides with such a title he is not making fun ? a site that makes fun only off idleworship

  37. "and besides with such a title he is not making fun ? a site that makes fun only off idleworship"
    Why not make fun of "idleworship"? Every laydigayer in the world in the world is a "idleworshiper" mainly those in Willi,Monroe,and other bekovidiker places where your species can be found.Isn't it time that you "educated" "idleworshipers" get at least one language right?No Yiddish no "Engelish" only the language of the Magyars?

  38. Anon
    "here we have a lubvither making fun of a חינוך that as posted in above comments was the שיטה of "his" rebbe"
    it should be ridiculed, since it is laced with a hatred to the whole Klal Yisroel, based of a non issur think. This keeping on with this kind of ideology when it is long evaporated,in to a such a hate machine that is being brainwashed in to Tinokous Shel Bies Rabon,is Machtiou Yoser Miehorgoi.

  39. anon3
    Don't mock "magyars", you"ll be banned by the blogmeister

  40. nothing wrong with this he is 100% right and btw halevai the haantige lubavitcher yugent would have the taam zekainim of the alter dor . from these satmare yinglech et noch der velt asaach neheane zahn

  41. "from these satmare yinglech et noch der velt asaach neheane zahn"
    In vosarre hinzicht?

  42. " arthur said...
    Don't mock "magyars", you"ll be banned by the blogmeister"
    To my "alter ego"
    I don't think so he's let a lot worse through .

  43. oder zai vellen zahn dayunim,or when you are stuck on the highway they will be the first ones to assist you ,and bichlal zai zennen nisht ka zouere litvaks


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