Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More Good Listening - Courtesy of that 1956 Igud Conference

The Ponovizher Rov speaking at that same Igud HaRabbonim Conference that we brought you Reb Mottel Gifter, Iyar, 5716. A nachas to listen to. No yelling or screaming or overannunciating words. Just good talk and a strong message b'darkei noam. What surprised me somewhat was his point that Daas Teyreh and Yiddishkeit come from Yeshivos, and the proof he brings from a story with the Kovner Rov. I would've figured that him being a Rov, that he would be of the same opinion that Reb Moshe Feinstein was said to be of, namely that the fact that Roshei Yeshiva, and not Rabbonim, became the face of Yiddishkeit in America, was a turn for the worse, to put it lightly. That was not the way it was in Der Alter Heim, said Reb Moshe, and nor should it be here. But that ship has long sailed, and there's no bringing it back. I guess being a Rov and Rosh Yeshiva, the PR favored the Rosh Yeshiva side to him after WW2.


  1. Just finished my stint at DovBear.The place is a crazy conglomeration of apikursim,liberals,left wingers,"intellectuals". rationalists,Meshichistin,antis,Haskoliniks,Off the wall Lubavitch haters and every flavor of meshugas you can think of.I'm of to the mikveh.I feel violated.

  2. Dov Ber is a lubavitcher shliach

  3. i find it very hard to believe that rav moshe said that. you will need a source to convince me.

  4. I've listened to it a few times but I can't make out the mamor Chazal he quotes at the begining as a joke.

  5. Tzig,

    I think you misunderstood what R' Moshe meant (and by the way he was a Rosh Hayeshiva as well). I think he was lamenting the loss of a Rabbonus and the ultimate would be that we had true Rabbonim but unfortunately this has not been the case for a long time. In other words he wasn't saying that the RY shouldn't be in charge and the Rabbonim in America should be in charge. He was saying that the ultimate would be if people would listen to Rabbonim. Unfortunately this has not been the case for a long time. I once heard from an Adam Gadol that in the Mapecha of the First World War when a lot of Yidden moved around (and multiple countries changed borders etc.) at that point Rabbonus was lost in Klal Yisroel. If we had Rabbonim like the Telzer Rov, I don't think we would be running to Rosh Hayeshivos. The Telzer Rov (also a RY by the way) was feared, held in awe even by the Goyim in the town. After WW I it was a different ball game and there is no choice but to go to who the people respect which today is the RY they learnt by.

  6. Rav Elyashiv celebrates his Yom Huledes. So it's not just Lubavitch, or R' Moshe?


    -- Truth be told, there are seforim, which bring many mekoros for celebrating Yom Huledes, amongst them a Lubavitch one (Yom Malkeinu IIRC?).

  7. un contrast to belz there is no such recordings, though from bobov i have a tape of a meeting of satmer rebbi the holy tzaddik reb shlomo of bobov and reb moshe sherer, very cute and intresting, everybody is quite blunt.

    belz rebbies were very strict with and how they spoke. it depended i guess ere you lived and how big the village or town was.


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