Wednesday, May 18, 2011

IHOW: RMBI's travels through Europe. 1) Galicia

IHOW = in his own words
RMBI = Reb Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin, son of the Netziv)


  1. A great man with a beautiful writing style in loshon ha kodesh.

  2. This was originally written as a feuilleton for the Morgen Journal. Who translated it into Hebrew?

  3. You should post the shtickel on the Agidas Yisruel's founding convention in Kattowice. People need to know the truth that R' Chaim Brisker was at the convention and not as legend has it that he turned back before he got there. Also, how the Ostjuden were treated by the Daitchen, why R' Chaim didn't continue to participate in the Agidas. Does the Hebrew version have it?

  4. I am not an expert on the chasidc clothing scene in Poland and Galicia, but this is shocking to me that the Galicianer chosid was more Chanyokish then the the Poilish chosid.
    Was it so? or it was a coincident that Rav Berlin saw that day these observations?
    Were Gerer/Aleksander/Amshinover chasidim better dressed then the Belzer of Galicia?

  5. to reines:

    how do you find all these rich books on the "archive" website?
    how do you search to find something?

  6. This is the main page

    A groysen yasher koiach to Aaron Lansky un Steven Speilberg

  7. Is everyone in Miron? No Wi-Fi?

  8. Is everything ok in New York?

  9. Fed Up
    there is still a minyan left in BP

  10. Peoria-Intense preparations for medurah lighting led by Tzadikei hador from Monroe to Brooklyn prevent full blogging activities by heimishe yidn.Please indicate level of preparedness in Peoria and approximate lighting time.

  11. No Guy Fawkes Day celebrations in Peoria.

  12. Tzadikei hador unmoved by response and demand full medurah activities with singing of Bar Yochai by anshei shlomeinu in Peoria.Please advise as to final stages of planning.Reb Guy Falkes was a Hassidisher Yid?

  13. He was a misnagid of King Yankel (James)the First.

    Maybe Reb Guy was chassidish and King Yankel was a moired of the Rebbe.

    I hear in Upstate New York they burn real people on Lag B'Omer. It might catch on.

  14. "I am not an expert on the chasidc clothing scene in Poland and Galicia, but this is shocking to me that the Galicianer chosid was more Chanyokish then the the Poilish chosid."

    I'm no expert either, but I believe there was a gzeira on Yiddisher clothing by the Tzar around 1840. This applied in much of Poland too, but not Galiycier.

  15. Litvin in "Yiddishe Neshamos" describes the Belzer people as wearing their gatkes - underwear underneath their super long bekishes - vesu lo.
    In Congress Poland the Gerer wore boots with PANTS tucked in , no underwear on top here.
    Pants slacks , hoizen or maytkes (as we White Russian Jews call them) were considered a modern inovation by Chassidim and thus our friends in Belz did not wear them.
    By the way Bar Ilan's book is very important in the rabbinic folk lore and East European jewish history and Mr. Litvin's 6 volumes of Yiddishe neshamos is right up there too.
    One final note although I am from the same political cheder as Bar Ilan was , I would not take every thing he writes without further consideration as they say...

  16. hentel said...

    WTF is peoria?

    World Tennis Federation?

    Peoria is 6,254 miles from Meron

  17. back in the crampted huts of the dirty swampty camp-like village of belz the dirtier you were the more holy you were, they had a mindset like no other, all this under the banner of chassidus. in the much bigger town of bobov also located in galaziya there were more makpid on clean clothing. today i guess belz went after bobov with this custom.

  18. Schneur
    "underwear underneath their super long bekishes"
    Galaciayaner Chasidim didn't wear undershirts,but on the bottom part they were makpid to be as loose as possible, Reb Menashe Hakoten has some teshuva on that matter in his Mishne Halochas(If he would consult me I wood advice him not to print that teshuva but he did print it.,

  19. "today i guess belz went after bobov with this custom."


  20. Bphound
    our in house bobover chosid is a obsessive maniac, but on this one he makes a point.


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