Tuesday, August 2, 2011

!ס'איז שווערע צייטן, רבותי

....אז מ'עפענט אויף די אלע אוצרות פאר א פאר דאלאר איז שוין ביטער


  1. yes we know back in belz this did not take place, now belz does it. bobov would never do it.

    do I have it correct?

  2. the kapil in the picture looks brand new.

  3. it is a mitzvah and a zecuya to contribute to mosdos hatorah, and you getting with that a 'shmek tabik to' ma yufi!

  4. If they had something in navy, maybe.
    Any size information on the bathrobe?

  5. Robert
    U are so fafgoisht, to call a holy levush from a tzadik bathrobe,

  6. Anon-Ich bin aich nit azah graise na'ar ohntzuruffen vos iz efsher
    a sheine veibel chalat "ah heilige levush"
    Heimishkeit oon Yiddishkeit farmoggen mehr foon zich shtoltziren mit shreiedicker kleider.
    And if you are so "fafgoisht" that you didn't understand the above, feel free to email me.

  7. Robert
    You don"t realize that a tzadik is above and beyond women clothing

  8. waiting for raffle on the rebbi`s slippers, he`s seen wearing in photo at the kosel.

    the kapil, the rebbi`s kapil, the rebbi is on sale.

  9. today they don`t need misnagdim, the chassidim themselfs make a joke of themselfs.

  10. keneset yisuel kala keriah.. a tzadig is the essence of klal yisruel, v"dl

  11. anon,
    "the kapil in the picture looks brand new"

    its just a picture of A kapil not THE kapil. the satmer splinter bnei yoel group does this for past ten years, raffling off r`yosel ashkenazi old attic stuff claiming it was the satmer rebbi`s.

  12. anyone know what brand of cigarettes the IC smoked?

  13. Anonymous said...
    "today they don`t need misnagdim, the chassidim themselfs make a joke of themselfs"

    The only chasidim of todays rebbes are the misnagdim, they where wrong then and wrong now!

  14. Read it carefully. They are not offering a koppel from the IC, they are offering a koppel "sheyesh buh beged"

    In other words it probably has one thread of clothing from the IC.

  15. הירשעלע
    אני הקטן צו מיין חופה האב איך געטראגן א יארמולקע מיט ש שטיקל פון פריערדיקער רבי'נס קאפאטע. געקראגן האב איך עס פון א איד וואס איז געווען אין אמעריקע נאך אין תש"י.

  16. in satmer the do it, in vishnitz, in belz did it.

    in bobov such a thing never happened, nobody is going to sell the rebbi for a few dollars.

  17. מענדל said...
    אני הקטן צו מיין חופה האב איך געטראגן א יארמולקע מיט ש שטיקל פון פריערדיקער רבי'נס קאפאטע. געקראגן האב איך עס פון א איד וואס איז געווען אין אמעריקע נאך אין תש"י.

    the yarmulka u wore was created by R' Avrohom Pariz. The FR gave him an old kapoto. He made yarmulkas out of it, and when he went to EY, he gave them to kids that learned 12 perokim tanya baal peh.

  18. "in bobov such a thing never happened, nobody is going to sell the rebbi for a few dollars."


  19. Anon 5:43
    קאן זיין אבער דער איד האט קיינמאל ניט געטראפן ר' אברהם אין א"י.


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