Thursday, August 4, 2011


ד' אב, יארצייט כ"ק אדמו"ר ר' בנציון מבאבוב זצ"ל הי"ד

We called it "גאליציאנער שטאלץ"


  1. even though the belza chassidim claimes that they they were the "shtoltz" of galatziya, thats the biggest of re-writing and twisting of historical facts. they were living in such denial in their cramped little hut houses with one out house for 20 families.

    in contrast to that bobov, what the kedushes zion did for the galatziya jewry is unmatched, go find out what happened to all children of the "yoshvim" of belz, see as well sefer "pinkes of belz" google it up.

  2. bobover idiot one track minded,

    you dont have to nock other in order to glorify this baby little children woman chassidus. there is no other chassidus who has a "vaber shul" in the suckka.

  3. relax mr. going mad, cause both of these chassidus belz as well as bobov are all for themselfs to show i"m bigger than you. i have buildings than you, and so on and so forth.

  4. ...and exactly does a vaber shul in the sukkah come in here?

  5. Everyone knows that R' Benzion is both power hungry and paranoid.... he changes any minhag he thinks will bring in more people.

    For anyone who does not know Tzanz women were not allowed in the Sukah, so having a vayber shil is a no no......something the Divrei Chayim would have been loychem milchemes hashem against.....

    So if R' Benzion does not have the bre, hasmude and chavivas hatorah of Klausenburg and the strict adherence to the Tzanzer minhagim of Bobov ....what exactly is he selling ?????

    Anyone serious by Benzion was like than way before he became Rebbe.....can anyone tell me of one achievement of Benzion that Bobov can be proud of ?

    The only thing he is known for undermining his older brother and causing his own father agmas nefesh....

  6. Anon
    "For anyone who does not know Tzanz women were not allowed in the Sukah, so having a vayber shil is a no no......something the Divrei Chayim would have been loychem milchemes hashem against.....

    So if R' Benzion does not have the bre, hasmude and chavivas hatorah of Klausenburg and the strict adherence to the Tzanzer minhagim of Bobov ....what exactly is he selling ?????"
    stop knocking him, he his following a path of Reb BZ the first,
    In Bobov they are very selective with the Sanzer heritage,they took some Zhikover Minhogim from the Zhikover Bube which ever suits them well.BZ is very sensitive on this matter, he always wanted to get a different image for Bobov.
    Wait and see, he will make lots of changes.

  7. In the RBZ Halberstam Imrie Kodesh of last years Reb Shlomele's yartziet, he describes at length his fathers dark years in Crown Heights, that the street were dangerous and the Mosdois were financially ruined. He gives quiet a honest overview of the situation.

  8. Benzion is the master of spin ....

    To his credit he has learnt to bring in money and that equals popularity.....good on him for dancing Mitzvah Tanz at Issi Englanders mixed wedding with no mechitza....he did the Divrei Chayim proud....

    Well, certainly it was dark years...he was not in power yet....his brainless chassidim will soon believe he is a bigger masmid than the Klausenburger Rebbe Tzl, greater than the hayliger Divrei Chayim and certanily his own father (chas vshulem) etc...

  9. I don't know what you all want from R Benzion. It may not sound politically correct however the way he is running the show that's exactly what Bobov is all about. Cutting Eier mit tzvible, Weaving the knotien in public accompanied by the appropriated music, Dancing the right steps at the mitva tanz, having a bunch of Mozart wannabes behind your back messing around with their Violins at the beautifully decorated succho. Thats what Bobov hot tzi farkoifen.

    How Reb Naftulci ended up in Bobov is the world's eight wonder. I must admit that RMD mas reinforced my admiration for today's Rebbe's who have recently reached new lows. Finally we have a Rebbe who is fine Talmid Chochem and cool calm and collective.

  10. ANON 10.52

    How Reb Naftulci ended up in Bobov is the world's eight wonder.

    He was far away from his father in Yerusholaim, by ehrlicher chasidishe Rebbes, SO IT IS NO WONDER.

    Bobov took from Dzhikov-Rozvidov (R'Shloime Horishon was a chusid from his uncle, The Rozvidover Rov) only the chitsoiniyus-niginim and a drop of nisach.THATS IT.
    Do not worry-Imrei Noam toires they can not even repeat. :)

    And, yes, BenZion is real Bobov-just chitsoiniyus WITHOUT feinkeit of his father zal.

    Chasidus like this one in Chabad they called CHAGAS-MIDOS ONLY-LIKE A LADY.

    The problem is that in Chabad they think about everybody like that-but that's a different topic.

  11. vaber shul in the sukkah, i was there in the sukka at a tish, where in the world is the vaber shul? please stop spreading lies.

  12. bobov has a womans gallery in the sukkah located at the opposite where the rebbi sits, right across, next time turn around and look up. as mentioned here before that its a chassidus for woman. friday night you can see the couple going to tish, or when they have children, one shabbos the husband goes to the tish and the next the wife goes to attened. this was the derech in sanz.

    by the way in that sukka they also have atleast seven (yes 7) video cameras, to catch every angle of that actor.

  13. ...and since when was the minhag in sanz that the rebbetzen should deposit all the kvittal gelt in the bank?zol shoin besser zahn a vaber shil in der succah

  14. i"m geting the sense that for some reason the readers of this blog have negative look at c"k moron admu"r m`bobov shlit"a, i"m sure you don`t know the rebbi shlit"a nor do you know what bobov stands for.

    when woman get inspired by the words like pearls of the rebbi it adds a lot to the upbringing in the family.

    the cameras in the sukka, is there for security reasons, there are cameras outside and inside the for the same reason, being a big chassidic group bobov might be a target.

    i cannot understand why a rebbi is called actor, for the reason of educating his flock to good middus and torah. what exactly did he do or does compared to other big rebbis that he is always laughed at? i can start pointing to other rebbis who may act more funny or weired, but i wont because this is not the derech of bobov.

  15. i"m sure you don`t know the rebbi shlit"a nor do you know what bobov stands for.

    Just opposite-people know bobov too well, and BZ pfrat.It was not 80 years ago, like the Sereter, so people forgot already...

    Best dugme:

    One a bobover chusid was explaining what Bobover Roov is to a lyubavitcher chusid. After listening to him for a long time, a lyubavitcher chusid said-"A shod, a shod" bobover chusid asked"why?"Lyubavitcher:"If he would of been a lady, i would take him for a shnyue"

    Hamevin yovin.

  16. regards from your friend "bobov chusid", i wonder what what you think when you read his belz bashing time again and again every time he posts, not once did you comment in reply that its not derech bobov!

    when people speak about reb naftulchi its his outstanding middus and eidelkeit. that from the time one cajn remember him, 20 30 50 60 years ago. the ugly benzion people want to erase his very exsistantce, but the wold is not crazy.

    how do you remember from benzion prior becoming bobov rebbi? why is reb shlomo`s house leagaly on his rebbetzins name? where did end up r` shlomo kevitel money? dont tell me it ended up in a reb meir baal hanes puska. how did ford moters end up to be rented away to shoprite, where is the money going to? the apartments on 15th Ave. between 42 & 43 Street? where did reb shlomo find his missing sanz`er rav (or kedushes zion`s) silver cane?

    reb benzion is surronded by non loyal staff, and there is his downfall.

  17. Truth
    "where in the world is the vaber shul?"
    you are not getting it, half of the Mens Shull belong in the Vaiber shul, including the RUV


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