Thursday, August 11, 2011

Satmar, 1959

Satmar in Brooklyn

Hattip: my buddy.


  1. Amazing how one old and holocust survivor emeser yid with eminu peshita can enlighten the whole world!

  2. Satmar hate it or love it the -gift- that keeps on giving

  3. My favorite line is "they don't go on relief."

    Right. And Shmuely Boteach dislikes publicity...

  4. What is the official Chabad take on Reb Yitzckok Zilber? Is it lukewarm because he acknowledged the mesiras nefesh of Chabad chossids in Russia, but didn't think the Rebbe is the nusee hador?

  5. Bar Minon said... (--)

    and a bar minon talks..

  6. Flunk,

    Not only he acknowledged, but he was an active part of a chabd kehila.His son's first gemore Rebbe was a lubavitcher. i personaly heard from him a great respect he head for Lyubavitcher Rebbe-he spoke to him for like 1.5 hours.

    In Lyubavitch who ever knows him has a great respect for him- i had seen it myself being on a bris in KH, where he was mechubad with a sandak meumad.

  7. Reb Yoilish was completely against his Chassidim getting welfare. The Satmar welfare dependency problem started after his time or at least after he was incapacitated by a stroke in the late 60's.

  8. sandak meumad? what on earth is that? is that like chyka?

  9. Previousdemonstrationsmobilizedwiththe"help"oftheSatmarRebbehavebrought5,000peoplebeforetheIsraeliconsulate,3,500peopletoManhattanCenter,andeither2,000or10,000toUnionSquare-thefirstistheJewishTelegraphicAgency'sfigure,thesecond

  10. Well he wanted them to have countless kids, no secular education and their wives not to work, so welfare was an inevitability.

  11. ON the one hand, its nice to know that the Satmars have been up to his garbage (protests, harassment, coercion) since the 50s...

    On the other hand: can anyone please explain to me how just 10+ years after 6 MILLION Jews wee KILLED, these people had the chutzpah to engaage in such vicious behavior against other Jews. It takes a very special breed of person to not even wait until the ovens cooled before becoming violent against other Jews. Considering RJT never had to spend time in an extermination camp (V'dal), he wouldn't appreciate the fact that all we have is each other.

    It really, really bothers me to see RJT or the Satmars used as EXAMPLES of Torah Values. Really? This is what we've become after 3,000 years? A group of insular, isolated control freaks who protest and boycott and harass other Jews? To take internal Jewish issues to the American public as a means of exerting pressure on Israel?? Its beyond embarrassing.

    At least we can see from the article that RJT was like this before the war. This man took his quarrelsome, violent personality and transferred it to his followers. I can only imagine what people though back in Romania about him and his constant fighting.

    Think about it: RJT was truly a Misnaged - opposed to everything. What was he for?? What did he promote or innovate? All he did was demand that his poor followers adhere to customs that pre-dated all of them. Makes me sick!

  12. Der Shygetz said... “. The Satmar welfare dependency problem started..”

    Shygetz’l, only in your mind, in realty most are hard working people supporting large families and having shiurs daily!


  14. (Sandek Meumad = Amida Lebrocha)

  15. Russian,

    I know he was impressed with the Rebbe, and appreciated the mesiras nefesh of the chasidim in Russia. However, he wasn't stupified by the Rebbe; he didn't think he was the leader of the (free) world and was more impressed by other Rebbes (Satmar, Ribnitzer, etc.) and Misnagadim (Reb Moshe, Steipler, etc). Dpes it bother you that he acknowledged the Rebbe as a great man, but still didn't believe he was head and shoulders over everybody else?

  16. can you please dowlnoad contents away from YouTube my internet filter blocks me from viewing the content but i would love to see anything about satmer ( I am sure its Positive)

  17. "Does it bother you that he acknowledged the Rebbe as a great man, but still didn't believe he was head and shoulders over everybody else?"
    To quote the philosopher Schopenhauer
    "All truth passes through three stages
    First, it is ridiculed
    second,it is violently opposed
    third,it is accepted as being self-evident"
    I would propose that you and all those that would deny that "he was head and shoulders over everybody else" are stuck somewhere between first and second and I'm not talking baseball here.

  18. Whats with the censorship lately?? Afraid of the Satmars?

  19. AnonIII

    But how could it be that Rav Zilber was so blinded? He obviously wasn't misnaged to the Rebbe, so how come he didn't accept his niseyus? What did he see by the others - the question remains - that he didn't see by the Rebbe; more kedushah and rainkayt, more common sense, bigger halachick and lumdisheh prowess, more of a detatchment from this world, more of a sense of mission, more Avahat Yisroel, than the Rebbe!! Can that possibly be true?

  20. Shygetz
    "Reb Yoilish was completely against his Chassidim getting welfare"
    do you have proof for that?

  21. Flunk
    "; he didn't think he was the leader of the (free) world and was more impressed by other Rebbes (Satmar, Ribnitzer, etc.) and Misnagadim (Reb Moshe, Steipler, etc). "
    did Silber tell you this theory? or you apply it to Silber?

  22. did Silber tell you this theory? or you apply it to Silber?
    It is in his book, to Remain a Jew. He describes in detail his hispaylus over all the others, but has very little to say about the Rebbe (relatively).

    I can't understand how he can write about how he was impressed with Rav Elyashiv's wide knowledge and bikeyut (especially in the myriad of yichus questions that Rav Yitzchok posed to him) after he was exposed to the Rebbe's encyclopedic knowledge!

  23. Der Shygetz said... “. The Satmar welfare dependency problem started..”

    Shygetz’l, it started only in your mind, in reality most are hard working people than and now supporting large families and having shiurum daily!

  24. Flunc
    "Can that possibly be true?"
    no no


  26. Flunc,
    I am not a lyubavitcher,so it does not bother me :)

    I spoke to R Ytschok zal a lot of times, and heard a lot about LR. I do not judge from the book- it did go thrugh a heavy censorship-especially English addition.

  27. I'm not trying to minimize שיטות הקירוב but it does more harem than good.. it's a fact that lubab is today the most assimilated chasidus i wonder sometimes if not their well meant שיטות הקירוב isn't at fault


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