Thursday, November 3, 2011

Breslov - not for boys only!

Yoeli Roth expands into חינוך הבנות

The only difference between him and the SR, whom he hopes to imitate, is that the SR had thousands of potential children waiting to enroll in his schools. All they had to do was to be born... Roth has his work cut out for him if he wishes to have that many kids learn Sefer HaMidos by heart.


  1. It seems that Reb Yoely is here to stay.
    Let him have hatzlacha...

  2. I'm sure his ahavas yisroel would allow him to accept even your kids iyh

  3. I'm confident that you wish a good future for them, something Lubavitch might not so happily provide them, gevoreners, unike breslav....

  4. grainom
    I guess your chabad obssesion turns you Meshuga

  5. Do I detect a sour note. Breslev has some thing to offer to all including Chassidim in Willaimsburg.

  6. no sour, only sweet, Schneur

    Shick is to Breslov what Meshichism is to Chabad. My 2 cents.

  7. Shick is to Breslov what Meshichism is to Chabad. My 2 cents
    רוב מנין ובנין

  8. How is R. Schick even remotely similar to the Meshichistn?

  9. Because he didn't create a new religion with new rituals like getting kos shel brochoh from a chair,screaming yechi, and dacing the special dance at boi vesholom.He created a Hungarian version of Braslev but he has alot more sefardim in yavniel than satmarers in Bklyn.He likes to see his picture and name in print just like mainstream Habad did before 3 Tamuz and continues to do now.He's just like Rabbis Berland and Arush and a whole bunch of new mashpiim both in Breslev and in the general Hassidic community.A bit strange,yes,but far from a braslever version of a Meshichist.

  10. Klainer
    "Because he didn't create a new religion with new rituals like getting kos shel brochoh from a chair"

    the Mesichisten and the Schikster dont own the patent of the Rebbes Chair, it is owned by offical Breslov for generations....
    don"t believe me .... google it...

  11. anon1:09Nobody gets kos shel brochoh from the Rebbes chair in the main shule in Meah shearim.Nobody screams yechi at the chair.Nobody pretends that the Rebbe is sitting on the chair.The Breslover attitude towards the chair is towards a cheifetz that a Tzadik used. It bears zero relationship to the vilde antics that go on in 770.

  12. I bet if we live a bit longer we will yet see another Schick like figure proclaiming himself to be the new incarnation of the last Lubavitcher rebbe, and he will be a Hungarian , how else ?
    Actually I ahve read many ofRabbi Schicks's pamphlets . They are simplistic , but hardly cultic and he is rarely mentioned.
    Only some of the Israeli pamphlets have his picture, but Rebbesche pictures in books, magazines etc are now accepted and appear in all the cahssidic magazines . I even have magnets with pictures of various rebbes(like the Pittsburger rebbe) so I don't forget them when I take out my coke from the fridge.

  13. Reb Schneur

    not everything is in the books...

    speak to people.


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