Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rachmistrivker Lomdus

A new sefer/kuntres that transcribes the talk of the late Rachmistrivka Rebbe of Yerushalayim, Reb Yisroel Mordche Twersky, zt"l.  Some of what is discussed here, namely the idea that the Rachmistrivka Rebbe would give 6 hour shiurim in Nigleh seem a bit far-fetched. Also, I've yet to have it confirmed that the Lubavitcher Rebbe would attend these shiurim, but anything is possible. We learn new things about the Rebbe every day. The fact that they give Reb Meir Berlin the title "הגאון" tells us alot. I guess they didn't get the memo that RMB was אאוט. Why, all he got in "הרב מבריסק" was ",הרב" just like Rav Kook and Menachem Porush... and he was the Rov's uncle! Reb Noochem'tshe Rachmistrivker was known  as mamesh a fartzeitisher Rebbe, and the Frierdige Rebbe would be mazkir himself (and his family) by him, which he didn't do with many other Rebbes. I think Reb Aron Belzer was the other Rebbe he would send a kvittel to. Reb Menachem Nachum of Trisk-Brisk; Much of what is brought down here I've seen elsewhere, so it seems like הרבנים לבית בריסק had derech eretz for Rebbes, at least those וואס האבען געקענט לערנען.

The Shaar of the new booklet


  1. in the book Leovdecho Bemes of the Machnufke Rebbe there is also a mention of the Pogrom and some visit of the Rebbe,
    Reb Yochenche Rachmistrivker had some relationship with the Rebbe thru Nikoliev they were both there in their young age at the same time
    the Rachmistrivker chasidim have some story of a BT that the 2 Rebbe worked mutually on his kiruv

  2. This is the story about the BT they worked on together

  3. RMB was the great-uncle of RYZS

  4. R Itzikl Shlita of Rchmstrvke is a very choshuver lamdan. From the cheshevste talmidim of R Isser Zalmen Ztl. As a bochur I remember R Shmul berenbaums sons going to talk in learning. Until Avromi B went over to the Rebbe in middle of a rebbishe simcha and the gabbe went nuts

  5. I got the sense from R Itzikl Shlita that his talking in learning was no stira to the legendary Rchmstrvker Avovo-Pashtus. Aderaba nisht redn in lernenen ven men ken takke iz oych gepravet shtik...

  6. Anon
    "As a bochur I remember R Shmul berenbaums sons going to talk in learning"
    thanks for sharing this info, on the Birenbaum boys.
    you probably know that he was the Menahel in New Square Yeshiva, and he was doing the oral testing.

  7. Anon
    "I got the sense from R Itzikl Shlita that his talking in learning"
    from the whole Twersky family, you could see some Nigleh in the Rachmistrivker branch of the family
    Reb velvel rRachmistrivker had teshuvahs to Yersholamski, Teb Pinyele Oistiler was conversing in Nigleh too

  8. Reb Shmuel Ben-Artzi, shver of Bibi netanyahu and one of the very last Navordoker's in the world, has passed.
    bd"e. (btw, his book is a must read)

  9. Don't sell the twerskys short in the lomdus arena. Remember hornisteipl and skver/machnivke. Its the likes of "grrend rrehbbay" Twersky of Hillcrest that gives writers like Assaf something tangible to point to.

  10. About a year or 2 ago,i saw a list of the names of the 400 rabbanim who marched in washington during WW2.Does anybody out there know where i can see the list? thanks

  11. i asked his son r' nacmen yosef twerski if the rebbe ever attended his fathers shiurim, he said that he never heard such a thing before and it bchlal not shaich.

  12. Anonymous 7:02:00 PM, hust gefregt vi a naar. The pamphlet states RNYT's great-grandfather's shiur, not his fathers. Ask again, he mentions in the link above that the Rebbe was in Nikolayev for underground work when RNYT's great-grandfather was there.

  13. Hi there, great blog - any chance you could tell me what Chadban stands for? I know it means son-in-law so probably "chosson- something-something" thanks, and keep up the good work



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