Thursday, November 10, 2011

Still waiting.... (Penn State, etc.)

(LA Times Photos)

It's been a week since the scandal broke at Penn State. In that span of days we've heard from a certain "crusading" blogger about Meal Mart Salmonella, battered Jewish women, Reb Shmuel Kamenetzky telling people not to go to the Police when they see abuse, more abuse in the Jewish Community, Israeli Haredis being male chauvinists, the Kletzky murder trial, Reb Nosson Tzvi, but only because his mother was from his neighborhood in S. Paul, and a host of non-issues. Including a very important story about a Ethiopian Jew being named Israeli Ambassador to ----- Ethiopia.  But not a word, not one single, solitary word, about the abuse that went on there for years, not just abuse but violation! of young children by the No. 2 man in the University's Athletic Dept. (as far as I'm concerned, as well as the rest f the world.) The fact that America's very bright, non-Haredi students rioted in support of old JoePa, even though he did nothing to stop the violation of young children, also gets no mention. NOT. ONE. WORD. I guess he cares only about Jewish children being abused. Gentiles mean nothing to him. They can all go to hell, huh? Are they not G-d's children, Scotty? Imagine, just imagine if we would do that, support a Rosh Yeshiva who was fired because he did nothing by rioting and flipping over cars. I've been very patient, Mr. Rosenberg. I shall wait no longer.

You are nothing but a two-bit hypocrite, liar, ingrate - yes, ingrate, and worse.

And most of all, you're an embarrassment to your people.


  1. Tzig you are missing the point. The people in college do not claim to be ethical and frum beyond the norm. They do not claim to be G-D intoxicated. They do not walk around with beards and peyoth . They do not run to mikve daily and cry over certains sins...They do not learn gemora, Chassiduth and Shulcahn Aruch daily.They do not wear gartlech, sheitlech, kapotes , etc Cut offs shorts are their clothing.
    They do not fast, they do not even talk of Behab. The students at Penn like football, frat houses loud music etc etc, drugs. They are tochom kbarom, Chazal warns us about the tzvuim , and please tell me who they are today ?
    These people at Penn drink, fornicate, do drugs, gamble and make no apologies. So what exactly does Joe Paterno tell us about anything ? Why should S even mention them whats the chiddush ???
    Should Shmaryahu write about 2 Hispanic cops who raped a girl in NY ? perhaps he should write about a certain candidate who may have aharrased woman, so what, perhaps he should have a long essay about JFK and his girl friends so what?
    What S writes about are men who wlak around with the title rabbi, who claim not to be jewish or observant , but Charedim and then swindle , cheat , molest and do other things.
    I do not always agree with S and certianly soem of his posts need revision or should not be posted.He gets into things at times with a viusessnes that is uncalled for,but his mission is important.
    But he is doing a good job . Ther e is now a certain transparency in teh frum world. You cna no longer be guilty of mighty crimes and walk about like a zaddik.
    Are we not a maleches kohanim vegoy kadosh or would you like to compare us to a group of wild college students who represent the gruim shbahem as most college students do not riot and most study well and become the doctors and alwyers and professionals that charedim run to to help them in time sof distress.
    Tzig its time to get out of your political party called frumkayt or heimish and join a new party aimed at ethics, morlaity, truth and fair play that is called Judaism!As we Litvishe Yidden say Der Galach is frum -a Yid is erlich !!!

  2. By the way Tzig , I just noticed that the coach and President of the college were both forced to leave. I am having a problem remembering any Orthodox leader besides R. Lanner or OU people quitting. Has any rosh yeshiva or rebbe been forced to resign because of whats going on in their mosdos ?Its not only business as usual but the operative word is stonewall !

  3. Reb Schneur

    I believe it is you that's missing the point

    These people are the first ones to tell you that they're the ones who look after children!

    Try cutting school lunches or after-school programs or day care and see hoe they how howl! Try being what they call "intolerant" or "homophobic" and see they holler!

    These 10 year old kids were r***d!

    My G-d! what worse thing is there!!!

    I didn't ask him to condemn all crimes.

  4. Great job as usual, HT. Lets see how tough old Scotty is now, huh? Wimp.

    And btw Schneur, the OU entire top brass, no names mentioned, were rolled out post-Lanner for the sin of knowing and looking away/

  5. Yeshivos don't have boards of trustees like a Penn State does. And it was only after a week of national hysteria!

    And JoePa only was gonna retire at the end of the season!!!

  6. Tzig, you are so off base on this one.
    Reread the scholar-in-residence's post before you continue to embarrass yourself.

  7. Tzig,
    You're right on this one.
    Scotty's a hypocrite and a fraud with an anti-frum agenda. He doesn't allow comments critical of him unless he has a response and can disparage his critic. I myself have been censored by him numerous times.

  8. Schneur is spot on. Maybe its time to get out of the ghetto and spend some time in the real world. Peoria would be a good place to start.

  9. If you want to read about criminal acivity among Goyim read the Daily News !But if you want to read of hypocrites read Failed Messiah. IN last weeks parsha we read veanshei sdom raim vechatim ,... lahashem meod as I saw in the name of the zanzer Rav the men of Sedom were rotten to the core but very frum....

  10. שניאור

    הה"ד על כל פשעים תכסה אהבה

  11. If you really are worried about child molestation, why have you never posted about it with any sort of seriousness on your blog with the same zeal like you post about Chaim Berlin and Belz and rabbi schick. Shma Mineh it does not bother you in the frum world only if you can use it in some farkrumte way to get back at S for being critical of your political party and its leadership.
    Pray tell me how amny posts you have had on child molestaion in the frum world !!!???

  12. Schneur

    you miss the point

    He's the one who claims to be fighting the fight for children, not me!!

  13. Tzig, isn't his tag "Covering Orthodox Judaism...."

  14. Tzig. I heard that vort from my late father long before I ever heard of the Kluizenberger rav or before my father ever heard of him. I saw it years late rin the name of the zanzer rav who" for those of you who may not know" was the Kluizenberger rav's ancestor.

  15. Anonymous.
    I mentioned that the OU did fire Lanner and others. But is that the case lets say in the administartion of Torah Temimmah or other mosdos that have been affected by this plague and by financial crimes. ?
    Since when is the OU a charedi group. Aha but when its helpful you will use it as a proof text. Why not ?

  16. Schneur
    Hishel,, is correct by displaying the hypocrisy, of these bloggers,
    If you read well between the lines, you feel that these bloggers and their liberal gentile comrades, that they are out to rip apart religoun as a whole, you feel after reading the articles, that the isolationism of religoun is the cause for all that's wrong in this universe.And if all will lead a Harvard/Yale/Penn state, atheist promiscuous lifestyle, then all will be great.
    No more cover ups,every thing will be transparent....This is the message in their anti religious war.And Hirshel is bringing up that fact very clear.
    No Charidie is that naive that a other Charadie is not capable of the gravest sin, just learn chumash and talmud , 50% is based to take care on evildoers amongst us,isn't their a Issur Yichud for a tzadik and a laymen, because religoun does not trust that animal instinct in no shape or form.
    I cant see who a Shomer torah can give credence for a anti religious person,even if he exposed a wrong doing. He still is a enemy of G-d and his children.
    I don't know you, maybe you re not frum either,the circus tent is open for all, so you have your constitutional rights to be aligned with a hatemonger.

  17. Fed up
    ". Maybe its time to get out of the ghetto and spend some time in the real world"
    is PennState enough out of the Ghetto?
    I love the ghetto and no plan to leave

  18. Tzig do you read your own writing You JUST wrote "MY G-D what worse thing is there ! "
    If you really mean what you wrote you should HAVE never stopped posting about Child abuse in the frum world !!!!
    But the facts will show that you never started to discuss the issue even though you now claim its the worst thing !
    Worse than Rav Hutner's natzchonus, worse than rabbi Schick, worse than other Shtibel politics you discuss ?
    You know if Frum media like yourself wrote about this issue there would be no need for Rosenberg , but you guys by and large ahve chosen a well thought out plan of ignoring the issue if it deals with a frum man.SO Rosenberg has to raise it !

  19. Anonymous if your community believes what you wrote why do you consult and seek hlep from these students as doctors, dentists, lawyers, why do you use modern inventions all researched and invented by your so called promiscuous college students ?
    But above all is there no mitzva of tochocho of hasroah to these frum criminals. Don't worry about whats between the lines, worry about whats goinfgon in the yeshivas and the lives destroyed by the policy of silence in the frum world in this regard.
    as fra as constitutional rights are concerned Rosenberg also has his and as long as the frum world produces more than its share of menuvalim , he has the right (in my opinion obligation) to expose them and their handlers.

  20. schneur said... bla-bla-bla

    I'm willing to bet that you have no idea whatsoever what a chreidi chunich is, and to even suggest that behavour like this.. is even slightly tolerated and not dealt with it in the fullest is ridiculous and absurd.. to say dont't compare apples to oranges is an understatement, so I'll say:

    הנני מוכן ומזומן לקיים אל תען כסיל בעולתו !

  21. Schneur
    Hirshel as a religious Jew can not do anything till some rav paskens that it should be exposed, Yesh Din Veyesh Dayan.

  22. Schneur
    "and as long as the frum world produces more than its share of menuvalim"
    this is what I am arguing that these bloggers are out to portray me and my friends all charidem, that the epidemic is bigger by us then in the secular world, which is a lie.
    Just look at Penn state
    This is Hirshels point, that S is not just saying(and so is schneur who seems like a very gullible person )that we are equally bad with the secular, No, we are worse...

  23. Hirshel
    "You know if Frum media like yourself wrote about this issue there would be no need for Rosenberg"
    Hirshel does not claim to be the Vaad Mismeres Hatznius,he is poking us in the eye, to our amusement
    Dont take him so serious,he is not the Editor od Michael Lerner Tikkun,
    Btw, is that magazine still around?

  24. "אהבת רע מטוב שקר מדבר צדק סלה"

    I heard a wort in the name of reb מאיר מפרומשלאן זצ"ל the Satan says אהבת רע מטוב I loved the ‘bad’ from the righteous ones.. שקר מדבר צדק I loved a lie from the true ones.. but סלה you’re (the fry ones and the goyim) allways liars and hypocrites.. why are you so happy to find faults on the righteous ones!!!

    There is no comparison – not even a hint of moral equivalence here Nada.

  25. Schneur
    "Anonymous if your community believes what you wrote why do you consult and seek hlep from these students as doctors, dentists, lawyers, why do you use modern inventions all researched and invented by your so called promiscuous college students ?"
    Sorry to disappoint you, your analogy makes no sense, maybe some Brisker can explain the relationship of your question with our discussion.

  26. Anon
    thanks for the vort,
    the Holy Reb Mierel Is always to the point, as good or better then the Kotzker.

  27. Its truely sad , "but men redt zun vant."
    Since people are mekayam all sorts of Mitzvoth (why not say a leshem yichud why these zaddikim are doing so) I will add its "aaveire di reyd" here.
    So I will say what you wish to hear you frum people are the shenste di beste , di reichste, di emese zaddikim , and enjoy all of that.

  28. Tzig you just made Rosenbergs day. His oxygen is negative attention. the more hes ignored the closer he is to suicide.
    Guaranteed hes celebrating now. someone gave him what he craves. he only wishes more people would spit on him.
    He's a sick man, we all know. They've been saying this for years, way before he decided to run off and live in his mothers basement to become "the meshumed of the 21st century".

  29. schneur, you are oh so right!

    מתנהגים כמו בת היענה, ומקוים שזה יעלם.

    chaverim, wake up, look around. How many of you know people who molested kids and are still out there, being a danger to the community? If you don't know any, you're leaving in candy land, not in the real world.

  30. Your missing the point Tzig. Of course he has fans. every guy that went frei is his fan, and G-D knows there are many of those. He doesn't need recognition from them, he wants recognition from you, and me, and the next guy thats gonna post here on this issue. not only that. he doesn't want plain recognition, he wants negative recognition. His mother stopped giving it to him years ago. she probably stopped going down to the basement, maybe she's too scared. who knows. but hes dieing without his fix of abuse.
    you get what I'm saying?
    Trust me I know this guy, hes not a full deck.

  31. The Ethiopian Jewish community organization's are really embarrassed that he claims to champion they're cause.
    Do some research, they are his biggest enemy. they have been trying for years to close him down.

  32. Schneur
    Are you viewing the frum world from the same,sewer level,both figurative and literal, vantage point as that "impartial" and "even handed" purveyor of Jewish smut, cyber worlds version of the National Enquirer?
    Shmarya recently wrote some trashy information concerning members of my family based on half-truths and innuendo.When I questioned the veracity of his version of what transpired he resorted to ad homonym attacks on me without really addressing the points I made.The entire point of his post was to bashmutz frumme Yidden and he does this on an ongoing basis.By defending this sick individual your'e letting your biases stand in the way of your intelligence.

  33. We are the ones who go around "Mi Kemacho Yisroel". We are the ones who are going to pound our chests at the Meadowlands. Do we protect our kids? NO
    Pa Joe was fired. Spanier was fired.
    Skvere continues as if nothing happened. Same with Torah Temima.
    Scotty doesn't have good intentions and he doesn't have a love for us. Someone has to expose these people. we are not doing it. Scotty is filling the vacuum of leadership.

    Who cares what is happening by the gentiles. Why is happening by us and why are we not protecting our own kids?

  34. great post tzig, you made my day
    shneur, bringing up every complaint against frum society is not really appropo here. tzig was just proving that fm is a hypocrite not defending everything about charedi society
    a side point. IIRC, fm was mekareved by chabad and learned a little (a very little) from them b4 going back. he then knew enough to become the charedi hater he is. doesn't this say something about the bad side of chabad kiruv and the damage it causes by creating putzes like fm who know just enough to emulate eisenmonger.

  35. NO, Dovy

    but it does say something about you...

    You had to go and blow it, did you?

  36. Peoria
    You make some good points however when you say "Scotty is filling the vacuum of leadership." inferring that this walking advertisement for Fruit Of The Loom gatges,is now part of,or is our"leadership"C"V, you turned me off to the rest of your comment.The fact that this sick excuse for a human being can be described as our leadership is perhaps a greater tragedy then the other points you bring up.

  37. Didn't make myself clear. He is NOT a part of our leadership.
    Leadership is lacking. When that happens undesirables step in.
    An abandoned house will have squatters, rats, bats.
    Doesn't make them leaders.
    They just expose the fact that the house is abandoned.
    Same here, guys like Scotty and his undesirables fill and expose our problems because we are not policing ourselves. and our house doesn't have caretakers.
    Scotty is not the problem, we are.
    That is also what Schneur is saying.

  38. הרחק מן הכיעור ומן הדומה לו

  39. What's most frustrating is Scotts sheer ingnorance
    regarding the severity in halocho of
    certain issues. He has the same sensitivity for halocho like a European goy has for Shchita. Of course this is due to
    his lack of chinuch as a child and not learning later on as a BT
    he thinks them to be trivial and veiws those
    "Wascawy Hawedim" with disdain because
    of this. At the same time his hubris deludes him to believe that he's some original jewish revolutionary.
    All I see is the same tired attitude of the
    american left wing trying to portray all religious people (except of course muslims...) as hypocrites.
    Its a form of self-justification. Whenever I privately email him and krich into his kishkes(hat tip debbie wasserperson schultz..)he responds with violent rage and expletives

  40. Tzig,

    This blog is too chashuv to lower itself to Failed Messiah's level. I come here for good stories and Chareidi politics. Let's leave the shmutz for Shmarya.

  41. Sadly Scott hot arayngebisn in a fetn beyndl re
    pedophiles. Layder its an issue. Kan motzo baal choyv vchulu. He found a nice club to beat us over the head with. IMHO his jumping in doesn't help.
    There's however a very different Rosenberg (I don't believe is related to Shmoyge) who those of us with kids (and sechel) should
    thank for protecting our kinderlach.

  42. i agree that scotty is betzem only covering heimishe scandals for whatever reason. I do agree that he should have at least raised it if nothing else to compare and contrast the different way institutions deal with scandals. To explain your point further his complete silence is because it defeats his central thesis that repressive religion causes pedophilia and its coverup. well its just as bad in the completely secular areligious world out there as in here so its a sickness that afflicts evreybody and we are no different. Your spot on tzig.

  43. Get Scotty a nice Shidduch and you'd be surprised how quickly " er vet iberdreyen dem peltz" and join the editorial staff of the Yated Neemen.An unhappy old bochur has to find a way of dealing with anger and frustration.This is the real shidduch crisis!

  44. scotty has famously been quoted as saying more than once that if the SS were around looking for Jews today he would volunteer and show them where the frum Jews live starting in Crown Heights.
    The above statement is on record, and he till this day stands by it, and says hes "very proud" of it.

  45. Anon said: "Get Scotty a nice Shidduch and you'd be surprised how quickly " er vet iberdreyen dem peltz" and join the editorial staff of the Yated Neemen."
    I got news for pal, the Yated would have no problem hiring him today. he fits right in.

  46. Hersh, I dont think there has been one thing I have ever agreed with you on. Every time I've come here and read what you post I Have always pulled out my dagger and gone for your throat.
    Today I must admit this post is the first time agree with you. not only that, you did an excellent job. You should be taking this as a compliment. this post was superb. I couldnt have stepped on that skunk as well as you did.

    I would like to personally thank you.

  47. First of all, of course you are right, and it's a Dovor Haposhut that his sinah is mekalkel any semblance of seichel hayoshor or honest reporting or even open-mindedness which he believes himself to be the master of, thanks to having rid himself of the backwardness and shackles of the "frumma hareidim".
    Nevertheless, I have to agree with Ailmesher, a person like that does not deserve your time of day. Al tis'abeik im menuval...

  48. Thank you Tzig!

    Shneur, While there might have been once upon a time an ounce of honesty to that shem resohim yirkav, theposhey orchey yisroel and there is a need to deal with the issues he raised, yet Tzig is 1000% right. This filth not only condemns haredi practice, but hs whole smut blog is filled many other lies and molestations of the entire haredi population. He also uses these unfortunate issues to taint all yiddishkeyt and everything therein. The whole messorah mitchilossoy vead sofoy is maligned with the same brush. and you think it is fine to have this filth as a saviour for these issues? feh feh feh,

    And Tzig is right: this chazer attpents to say that the issue of molestation is worse by hariedim than by any other "enlightened group" and the same for "coverups". and then we have 2,000 studens of these enlightened instituions who violently protest against the moral stance of dishonoring the responsible for coverup So, this event where there was coverup for years and years for ongoing molestation by sports idols punches some holes in his agenda.

    I can't believe that you find the pig to a common partner to the call of removing the evil amongst those who are to act better with someone who claims that all "frummas" are evil and the scum of the earth.

  49. ok, people, let's keep it somewhat civil and make our points without too many adjectives...


  50. ר' ציג

    I think what happened was that JoePa, having grown up in the Catholic Church in Brooklyn, thought it was normal behavior for older men to do that to young children, so he thought nothing of it....

  51. Hyman

    I find that hard to believe. In 6+ years this is the first time?!

  52. There may have been very few times. I cant remember off hand what they were, if at all.

    But I really gotta hand it to you this time. this is a home run.

    ....and trust me its not easy for me to compliment you.

  53. About a year or 2 ago,i saw a list of the names of the 400 rabbanim who marched in washington during WW2.Does anybody out there know where i can see the list? thanks

  54. Look, don't waste your time criticising him either way. You assume he's intellectually honest. He used to censor my comments if he didn't like them. It was quite illuminating.

  55. scotty has famously been quoted as saying more than once that if the SS were around looking for Jews today....

    Really? I never saw that. It is probably what he feels, but he forgets that the SS YMS liquidated the 'feeble minded' before they ever touched a single Yid.

  56. Idiot.

    I understand you are a brainwashed Hareidi frumma, yet please try to process this:

    I know more than everyone here on this blog.

    I (almost) single-handedly took down the huge Rubashkin meat packing company, and I got SMR 27 years in prison.

    I will continue to refer to hareidi leaders by their first names, because that makes me feel very powerful.

    And, of course, everything I say is true because I've been quoted by the mainstream media as an authority on haredim, which obviously makes me one.

  57. Schneur and the Bradley Brave in Peoria are correct. If we had some leadership, the Failed Messiahs of the world would be insignificant. Alas, our leadership is woeful.

  58. Yitz
    you have no sense of history,Klal Yisroel always suffered from insiders, Mosrim, Meshumedim that sold their sould to the devil.
    the prophets wrote already "Meharsiech Umachriviech Mimcho Yaitzie"

  59. Imho,
    Every blog regardless of which one it is.Has their own agenda period.
    It's about protecting the brand the image or the messages they convey.
    No matter how great a single individual is,his image is more important then what's truly right.
    Joe pa is the epitome of this.
    Fm blog-is a subjective news source.and will avoid stories.
    Tzig-your frustration is understood,but let's not get carried away everyone is guilty of hypocrisy.
    Kutzk style,ain't for the agenda driven blog world.

  60. Hirshels comments are important for this young boys with brains full of mush, who think they are sophisticated by falling for the views of whoever criticize our charidie lifestyle.
    Let Shemarya be Shmarye in his cesspool, but this young kids need to stop being sightblinded.

  61. איך קאן דעם שמערל פערזענליך. ער איז א רודף כבוד און וויבאלד ער האט ניט געקראגן די כבוד וואס ער האט געמיינט אז ס'קומט עם איז ער געגאנגען זוכן עס ערגעץ וואו אנדערש.
    צו דערצו מיינט ער אז ער איז דער וואס פארשטייט און ווייס וואס איז ריכטיג. כמובן אז אין שול איז דא א רב וואס האט עם געזאגט דעם פסוק און ווייטער איז זעלבסטפארשטענדליך.

  62. You are retarded. Failed Messiah exists to report about Jews. It does not exist to tell you things you already read in other media. It sounds like you are suggesting that unless Failed Messiah jumps through your hoop, and reports about Penn State, when everyone else is already writing about it, he has no right to report about Jewish molesters that no one is writing about. That's also retarded. And dangerous.

    Maybe, tzeig, you should stop worrying about the honor of the jewish people, and instead worry about the safety of jewish children (dovbear wrote about this beautifully on erev shabbas) I agree FM embareses us but he also keeps our children safe, and I'll put up with the former for the sake of the latter. So should you.

  63. Dov Micheal

    FM could care less about Jewish or any other child being molested. He reports about it only so he can make frum Jews look bad.

  64. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

    Dov Micheal

    FM could care less about Jewish or any other child being molested. He reports about it only so he can make frum Jews look bad

    What's wrong with you?
    Who does more harm to frum people?
    A guy who blogs about bad things that frum people do or someone who actually does bad things like rape a frum kid?

  65. With FM keeping my kids safe, I can sleep soundly at night...
    Wait, Jewish male, once semi "religious", currently living alone in a relative's basement or attic.... Hmmm, why does Levi Aron come to mind..

  66. I don't understand the argument. Is it that somehow, if the goyim rape children, its ok for charedim to do it, some kind of moral equivalency argument? FM isn't a child abuse blog, but a Jewish blog. Were the participants Jews, it would have been relevant there.

    And for the record, when BenZion Sobel, the worst criminal of them all, while serving as Rosh Yeshiva of Itri Neve Zion, sodomized dozens of bochrim under his care, all that happened was he got a nice job at Feldheim publishing.

  67. It does not exist to tell you things you already read in other media.
    Shmendrick does not post a thing that he has not found in other media. His latest is rewriting a bit and then posting a link to the rest of his regurgitated articles.

    No, he does not care about children, or Ethiopians, or anyone else. He cares about getting attention and about justifying his loserschaft.

    "It takes a skilled carpenter to build a house, but any jackass can kick it down." Shmendrick is that proverbial jackass who tries to kick down what his betters (which is anyone except Mondrowitz, Lanner, Kolko or Dwek) have built but he only kicks himself in the face.

  68. He makes jews look bad, but only those who DESERVE to look bad. He reports on criminals and low-lifes. He doesn't make them look bad. Their crimes make them look bad. Again, I am happy to put up with a little embarrassment if it means Jewish criminals are exposed and jewish kids are protected. Only an idiot would put the reputation of the religion ahead of the safety of our children and tzeig it sounds like you are that kind of idiot.

  69. I am delighted to have discovered this blog.

    While I believe JoePA has been scapegoated by the real villians at Penn State -- their former athletic director, former VP of business affairs (to whom the Keystone State Kampus Kops reported), and the erstwhile president of the university -- Herschel is spot on about Shmarya's incessant vilification of the frum from his glass house, which incidentally, isn't his mother's basement.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well, sometimes, anyway. I'm not religious, and we'll get into it a time or two, Herschel, but it's about time the truth about Scotty Rosenberg is broadcast far and wide.

  70. Maven
    nobody knows about that case, I can write about you tomorrow,

  71. Hey-one minute-why does this fine blog pour"pech un shvebbel" on Belz , Satmar,and Chaim Berlin and incessantly ridicules Braslev- while hardly a word is mentioned about the biggest buffoons in the whole Chassidic world-namely the current incarnation of Lubavitch with its marathon running shluchim ,Hassidic "dance parties," insane meshichistn,and alot of other stuff I won't bring up.The entire "coversation" of "Lubavitch Lite" and freing out is hardly ever mentioned on this site.Yet it seems to be the number 1 topic in Lubavitch centers everywhere. I'm not comparing this blog to FM but there is a similarity in that both of you run a blog for your own purposes and desired goals.This blog is hardly balanced either.You find a shtikel opkerisene bletl somewhere from Skver, Satmar or Braslev and it's grist for the mill..The numerous Lubavitcher websites are filled with nonsensical and ocassionally comical postings trying to impress the readers how "with it" and "hip" Lubavitch is but that is simply off limits.So both you and Scotty have your own agendas.If you demand that Scotty abide by a fairness doctrine then maybe this blog should do the same.Unfortunately Scotty has the capability of hurting alot of people in trouble with various authorities so his actions are potentially more dangerous. Nevertheless,perhaps he does some good if a frum pervert will think twice before he acts lest he end up as item no.1 on Scotty's breakfast menu.

  72. Dov micheal
    "He makes jews look bad, but only those who DESERVE to look bad."
    Am I reading your premise correctly?
    Do you or have you read the writings of this "defender of truth and Justice"? Do you read the gutter language of the losers and malcontents ,the "Jewish rednecks", that populate his site? How many individuals Charaide and otherwise who DON'T DESERVE to look bad have been besmirched and dragged through the mud by this propagator of religious porn? There are some truths also mentioned in Mein Kampf but does that justify Adolf Hitler or make the book more palatable?

  73. 1Video of Yoely Roth playing guitar and singing the hit single"Tate, Ich vill zein a erlicher Yid"before an audience of confused bochurim.
    2.Unflattering Picture of "corrugated" hisbodedus shtiblech on roof in Bkln.
    3.Braslever girl school announcement in Williamsburg.
    Maybe not "incessant" but a pattern of "soft-shoe" ridicule exists here...Granted it's nothing compared to the thermonuclear war launched on Skver and Belz.

  74. he's gone easy on Belz, too

  75. Why find for the failed one a "nice" shidduch? Let him have a real klafte !( poilish maybe? )

  76. smarya now has new company ...jonathan rosenblum has recently turned in to a charadie basher,,,especialy in the j post and mishpacha.

  77. the Mishpacha is not afraid of its charadie consumers?

  78. Klainer
    "Maybe not "incessant" but a pattern of "soft-shoe" ridicule exists here...Granted it's nothing compared to the thermonuclear war launched on Skver and Belz."
    Bemichilas Kvod Toroischo,
    it is no comparison...
    If u think otherwise you are a idiot

  79. Klainer

    Yoeli Roth is a new phenomenon within Breslov, not Breslov per se'

  80. Klainer
    "This blog is hardly balanced either"
    did Hershel claim to be objective, does he claim to fight for justice?
    But this Yemach Shemonik is parading as the torchbearer of pure Tzedek Veyosher, the savior of our young boys'
    and the downtrodden are falling for him, and there is no reason that you should get on the Tzig back now.

  81. Scotty has actually addressed himself to the issues raised here and if I must say so he does a pretty good job of explaining his position.I'm not his representative so please read it ,if you wish, on FM.
    I clearly stated that Scotty deals with dangerous stuff as opposed to this blog. My point is that all bloggers are purpose-driven and this blog, too, is hardly balanced in its choice of subject matter.That's very clear from the almost complete lack of critical pieces about Lubavitch.Something as peripheral and almost unnoticed as R. Schick's activities get due notice but the disintegration of a good portion of Lubavitch society gets nothing. And please don't argue this point with me as LOL and have had numerous pieces with hundreds of comments on the subject.So R.Yoely gets coverage but the tznius and general hefkeirus attitude of Lubavitch-Lite is deemed not news-worthy.Finally,this is not a personal attack on anyone and let's keep it that way.

  82. mishpacha (in hebrew )has been baned all the major rosh yesivas (RHK etc) admorim (ger etc). Rosenblum praies his electrian son as not being a parisite , chradim through dirty diapers and scream at little girls etc.

  83. its time for theantishmarya

  84. Do you think that Scotty will publicize this from todays Jerusalem Post?


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