Monday, December 19, 2011

ר יואל און ר' חיים

Reb Yoel Kahan visiting Reb Chaim Kanievski at his home in Bnei Beraq on Sunday evening. RYK had been in the Holy Land, and farbrenged and gave shiurim in several locations. Also seated is Reb Mendel Vechter. Standing is Moshe Shilat of ",תורת חב"ד לבני הישיבות" that organized Reb Yoel's trip.

Photo Source and transcript of "shmuess" here


  1. Tzig.
    1. the link is broken.
    2. Im having a very hard time believing that pic is real.

  2. It is so nice to see 2 Gedolim speaking without any Gabaoyim etc in learning and both smiling and enjoying there company!!!!

    Am Yisroel Chai !!!!

  3. Wow and look Rebainu Mendel Vechter wow the ex satmer who took away tens of the best yungerleit in satmer to chabad!!! all sitting together with achdus!!!!


  4. Theres no "transcript" there

  5. so Hirshil you are happy with the nice exposure the frum faced chabadskers are getting ,will this frum link also help the crown heights youth to identify with frum yidden and slow down their slippery journey

  6. they gave him the lekutei sichos for bnei yeshivos. its not written in a loshon for talmidei chachamim (actually likras shabbos does a good job in this regard)and further its written in a favaserte oifen and sometimes they poshut change (noy on purpose rather mitzad choser yedia) ah prat that actually misses thewhole point in the sicha, reb yoel should give a look at the sefer he is giving out. on the other hand it was put out by moshe shilat himself so obviosly that point is moot, however its still ah shud. who from his many woks (ma'ayanoisecha, igrois vekadoime) seems to be someone that does not have that shnit, just good hebrew. ok he does not work on it directly, however its under his aegis. i don't see why you are calling him shelita. and besides he does not understand the mind of ah emese yeshiveshe mind, rather er farshteit gut in vos haist ah mizrochnik, nu nu.
    also they could have picked different sichos, there are many real lomdishe sichos that were not put in and there are many sichos put in, that for ah chaim kanievsky it is beseder

  7. ah sorry bist gerecht that was an error. was just on a rant benogea the bnei yeshivos lekutei sichos

  8. i would doubt that rav chaim knew who vechter was.

    my personal opinion is that openly spreading any ideology, including chabad, is ok. using subterfuge and trickery and leading a double life in an attempt to ensnare very young people to your side is wrong. but, then again, you may disagree if you want.

  9. Dovy
    "i would doubt that rav chaim knew who vechter was."
    does he know who Reb Yoel is?
    Does he know what chabad is all about?
    Did he become senile after his wife's petira?

  10. 3 Men happen to get a private meeting with Moran Shlita .... ( not during his regular visiting hours ) and you can say he has no clue who is visiting him.?? I am moche Bichol hatokef neged Hamaligim!!! Moran might follow in the footsteps of Reb Mendel Vechter you never know...

    Boy would that be big news... moran with a borsalino!!!!

  11. Both of them smiling? The only one smiling is Shilat.

  12. Anon
    "Both of them smiling? The only one smiling is Shilat."
    I am a facile expression expert and I see all 3 smiling

  13. Dovy
    "using subterfuge and trickery and leading a double life in an attempt to ensnare very young people to your side is wrong"
    who is hiding what?
    Reb yoel?
    Reb Chaim?
    Reb Mendel?
    Isn"t their positions official ?
    Did they not say in front of 1000's in Binyonie heuma what their motive is?

  14. I agree, having spoken to R' Chaim many times, sometimes in private, I firmly believe he didnt have clue who Yoel Kahn nor the clowns who were with him were. Using a photo sit down with R' Chaim as a PR tactic has been around for over 15 years now.
    Just comes to show how desperate Chabad is for some desperately lacking mainstream frum TLC. They have been deprived of that for many years now, those poor things.

  15. anon 12:49,
    i meant that vechter used trickery when he lived in America by trying to pretend to be someone that he wasn't. i'm sure most people understood that.

  16. Is Shilat the son of the Hesder rosh yeshiva, one of the close disciples of R'Gedalya Nadel?

  17. yes, I believe he is

    although Nadel's "true" talmidim will take umbrage to you calling Shilat a Talmid....

  18. In the meeting that R'Yoel Kahan had with Rav Shteinman a year or two ago it's clear that Rav Shteinman has no clue who R'Yoel is.My guess is that R'Chaim does not know who R'Yoel is besides that he is a Lubavitcher figure.R'Chaim is totally immersed and has no shaychus to anything besides learning

  19. but he knows that the internet is worse than giyus banos and is יהרג ואל יעבור...

  20. "although Nadel's "true" talmidim will take umbrage to you calling Shilat a Talmid."

    I think you are mistaken.R'Gedalya was kulo emmes without any shtick and so were the people around him.
    I think that after he left Vishnitz 40 some years ago he did not have any official position

  21. ר' גדליה himself maybe, but his talmidim lav davka. They already say that about Shilat.

  22. "but he knows that the internet is worse than giyus banos and is יהרג ואל יעבור..."

    I don't know what he knows about the internet.
    What I know is that he makes a siyum on kol hatorah kulo every year.Takes time don't you think?And when he is not busy learning, hundreds of people are trying to get into him, besides for having a large family with simchas.
    Not much time for mileh dealmah.
    And hisbeen like this his whole life

  23. so maybe he found a minute to find out who reb Yoel is...

  24. 1) You have here two older Yidden. Limayseh, we see who is the godayl, R. Chaim shlite, and who is the chayzer, who is chayzer al hapesochim of the emeseh gedaylim, attempting to lure unsuspecting souls to defect to Lubavitch. Shame on Lubavitch for trying to trick the aylem with these contrived and staged photo ops. Last year it was with R. Povarski, now with R. Chaim. A shandeh, playing around and using gedaylim for their propaganda.

  25. Hyman
    "I agree, having spoken to R' Chaim many times, sometimes in private,"
    you are stating a fact in public that u are buddies with reb chaim the great,
    What makes you think that we will believe you are such a big Shmasser
    What are you offering Reb Chaim
    Some Bekius in Sifri,Safro, Hilchas Egle Arufa?
    or you have a few million USD in the bank?
    Is Reb Chaim senile?
    Did they say the came to fix his plumbing? his leaky roof?.
    How desperate is your emunah that the visit shattered it.
    Go take a avi Ezri and learn his original chidush on Mehadrin..

  26. Dovy
    is Reb Chaim very makpid on this things?
    Did Rav Shach have the right to brainwash the young bocherim in Ponovezh into a political party?
    Did the Hungarian ma and pa send them to ponevezh for this nonsense

  27. Chaim
    ".R'Chaim is totally immersed and has no shaychus to anything besides learning"
    Did he hear that his wife that his wife passed away?

  28. Snag 1
    ". Last year it was with R. Povarski, now with R. Chaim."
    is Rav Povarsky senile too?
    He was having too a good time with the Chozer(Matikie Shemuah in your twisted lingo).
    Did Rav Povarskies family take him to doctor the other day, to check his early stages of Alzhiemers?
    Does he still give shiurim?
    Oi vey, from reading all the Snags tonite,I realize that half our gedolim are mamash senile.

  29. I don't think the Israelis realize the centrality of the role that Yoel played in the moshiach nonsense. They look at it as mainly the Rebbe's doing, and Yoel's role to be incidental (if they heard of him).

    Remember, any tolerance they have for YK is despite his role as "the" chozer., not because of it.

  30. On a semi-related noted, here R' Kahn says that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is DEFINITELY going to be the moshiach:

    (pg. 20 - section 17:2)

  31. anon 8:19, what is so difficult for you to understand? neither rav shach nor the lr nor the sr nor any decent person ever dressed up as a member of a different group and publicly preached as if he was a member of that group while secretly undertaking a mission to snatch underage children for another group. that is called deceit.
    again if you still don't get it, anyone has the right to preach what they beleive and try to convince others to be like them. no one has the right to try to fool others to be like them. that is why vechter is a complete moron and liar and clown. (if you are unfamilliar with vechter's story kindly search the archives of this blog)

  32. Interestingly ,r yoel visits everyone while the rebbi went to a levaya ,ביקור גומלים ,or visited anyone.
    2) the tanya ends with an admonitio to dovin בקול רם.i have never seen a L minyan do this.

  33. Dovy
    1) Rav Vechter did not come from chabad with a Borsaloni, and changed
    2)he still wears that hat, and so are alot of yyerushalmis,
    3)The satmar ruv would definitely try to infiltrate in a aguda or mizrach yeshiva to change young minds and save them from avoda zora to his emuna, before elections you alwyas saw his people trying to influence people to the shitah, he built Keren Hatzola to give money for all institutions, to stop taking money from the zionist but he was not successful since he gives only a few poor shekels.

  34. Tziki
    ") the tanya ends with an admonitio to dovin בקול רם.i have never seen a L minyan do this."
    u ever learned Kuntes Hispielous? have u ever heard of the sefer?

  35. what do they say?
    2) also the שלחן ערוך הרב is very makpid on doing anything during repettition of חזן ...this is trampeled on in L minyans , including the minyan of rav mm volpe in natanya ( where the nephew of rav y kahn is the baal korie)

  36. If RYK would have visited the gedaylim without a camera crew in tow, nu.

    But since photos were taken and they are being used to fool people, keilu there has been a rapproachment between Lubavitch and Litvishe velt, it is siman that the whole thing is a propaganda mayseh un iz nit kosher.

  37. Just remember that R. Chaim K. holds that the Gaon was right for putting a cherem against the chassidim.

  38. I find some of the comments to this photo very disheartening. Why does there have to be so much fighting? The reaction to the picture should be that it is so beautiful to see Geodlei Yisroel from who have different perspectives sitting together and discussing Torah.

    The value of Achdus over all else is stressed many times in Torah. One of the Dayeinus is "If He had brought us before Mount Sinai, and had not given us the Torah Dayenu, it would have sufficed us!" What is so special about being at Har Sinai that it is so valuable that it would be enough if the Torah was never given? Achdus - as Rashi explains K'Ish Echad Blev Echad. Plain and simple ACHDUS IS MORE VALUABLE THAN THE TORAH.

    It is time to stop the bickering and the pettiness of my gadol/rebbe/rosh yeshiva is greater than yours. There are all types of Jews - Sephardim and Ashkenazim - Chassidim and Yeshivish - Modern Oand Ultra O - with different minhagim and hashkofos. Its OK. No one is better than anybody else. There were 12 Shevatim. We do not have to be the same. We are all trying to do the best we can to serve Hashem. We must have achdus and respect for each other. We all know why the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed...

    And its no excuse to say that its the other groups fault or that they don't act bachdus. Achdus starts with with yourself.

    I am a regular listener to Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet's lectures (YU's Gruss Kollel in Yerushalayim). One of the things that attracted me to him was his love of all Jews. He loves and learns from every type of Jew. He is the strongest Zionist but he has no problem learning from and admiring Satmar and Munkatch. He quotes from everybody. He may not agree with many of the positions of various groups, but he loves them and learn from them because they love Torah.

    I loved the picture - not because it represents any type of victory of one side or that the other side had no clue who he was talking to. The picture is beautiful because there are Jews with different approaches who appear to be sitting together bachdus. This is the way it should be.

  39. ...speaking of cameras ,the irgun of european rabbis wanted to visit the gabad , Rav yitzok tuvia wiess shlita.
    He agreed, only no cameras.
    They never came.

  40. "Just remember that R. Chaim K. holds that the Gaon was right for putting a cherem against the chassidim."
    its only according to eliach, there is video where he say the opposite
    If Eliach is right then Reb Chaim stems from a family that is still in a Nidu/Cherem
    Bu saying that he pokes fun of the whole cherem business,

  41. Tziki...
    Speaking od Sechel...they did the right thing

  42. Cheski
    thats why Rakefet is modern orthodox, Ultra ortodox are taught to hate, they all need a shull where they will not step helps their yiddishkiet

  43. Snag
    "If RYK would have visited the gedaylim without a camera crew in tow, nu."
    there was no reason to visit reb chaim with no photo.
    For what reason? Does RYK need a berocha from RCK?
    If RYK needs RCK berocha he would throw a dollar in the Kupath Hoir pushka in his house in CH, and will be blessed with Gezunt Parnoa Nachas.
    For a Marie Mokam in Rambam he can look in Frankel Rambam.
    It was only for the sake to quiet down hatemongers that are thriving on hate, and even with the photo, they still have excuses to hate since Reb Chaim is semi senile and has no idea who visited him(as all the idiotic comments on this site)

  44. 1) dr rekeffet is a historian
    , not a talmud chacham.
    2) he hates meah shearim and the aidah haradit.
    3)he has ADD. His 90 minute lectures could easily be said in 12 minutes.

  45. Rehov Slonim 11:

    Your comment has proven the point of my post.

    My post had nothing to do with whether RABBI Rakeffet was a Talmid Chachom, yet you chose to insult him. Classic!

    There is a big difference between having a difference of opinion and hate. If the Charedi community "hated" each other the way Rabbi Rakeffet "hates" Meah Shearim and the Aidah Chareidit Moshiach would be hear already.

    What does your comment about the length of Rabbi Rakeffet's shiurim add to this conversation? Pure Lashon Harah and an expression of the "our group is better than yours" disease.

  46. Chezki...a medical condition i dont think is לשון הרע.
    It hurts to see people maki g a layman there hero...if youwould have picked r hersel schacter i wound say nothing... Even rav berl wien shalta.
    If your hero would meir porush again i woud protest.

  47. What did Rabbi Rakeffet ever do to you that you feel you have to insult? Why does he bother you so much. Did I see he was my hero? Did I say he is the Gadol Hador in Torah? I enjoy listening to history classes and his classes on Shailos and Teshuvos are very good as well. He has a good Semicha and has been teaching Torah for 50 years so he deserves to be called by the title Rabbi.

    One of the most enjoyable things about Rabbi Rakeffet's lectures is his willingness to try to understand where different groups are coming from and why they act/think/ the things they do. He may agree or he may disagree with what they do. But at least he tries to understand where they are coming from and doesn't just insult and negate anyone who does not look and act exactly like him.


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