Saturday, December 24, 2011

equal opportunity offender...


  1. Old joke from Yarmur Ruv Shlit"a
    Puppa - If Satmar has 8 days then we have eight days

    Bobbov - Nar ainer yeder ainer veist az a Menoreh mit acht kuneh zet ois a sach shener vi a Menorah mit ziben

  2. Why do litvaks always get off so lightly? How about

    Rav Elyashuv: Because Efrati had invested in 8 branch menorahs.

    Reb Chaim Kanievsky: Becasue Kupat Ha'ir needed an extra photo.

    Rav Steinman: Because that's how they do it in Paris and Mexico City.

  3. Lubavitch lights only 7.

    שבעה ולא שמונה!

  4. Meanwhile, Spinka can get ready for their chag hageula on Thursday:

    So much for the Otisville (pronounced Oytisville or Uhtisville) branch of Spinka - Boro Park.

  5. An Ailemesher
    "Lubavitch lights only 7.

    שבעה ולא שמונה!

    you mean to say in 770 since it is the Beis hamikdash, next time be more articulate, since not every one is so sharp as you..

  6. The only Bobovers who require 'eight' are the forty eighters.

  7. no, mr. anon, he meant that there can only be 7 licht, just as there can only be seven rebbes.

  8. Bar Minon
    what a scary name,
    45th is 4 and 5 is nine included the shamash, by rebbes the shamash was a big inyan

  9. skulen:
    4 nights in boro park & 4 nights in williamsburg

    one more night to eat latkes

    that what the rshas"h siddur tell you to do

  10. "belz:
    one more night to eat latkes"
    your joke is very beneath, very willi style


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