Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Welcome to Auschwitz...

P. Chovev in the Israeli Yated (no relation to the American Yated) tells us that we should learn from the Nazis that gender separation is normal and should be implemented in Israeli society. Somebody needs to tell Mr. Chovev that using Nazi methods as proof of anything doesn't fly anymore. Not that it ever did.


Source: News1


  1. It's an idiotic remark but you are overreacting. He says clearly that the Nazis were inhumane and didn't care about their victims-yet retained gender segregation.It's like saying that even in the conc.camps people had a uniform and outhouse facilities.It's not as crazy as you make it.By the way I've heard the frum American Jews say over and over that assimilation is worse than the holocaust. I actually heard it from a famous Lubavitcher speaker..Were the assimilated Jews forced to eat bacon and eggs and marry shikses at gunpoint?Now that's a stupid statement.

  2. As we are now turning to the Nazis on the manner that Jews should conduct themselves. Let's learn a better lesson. All yidden are equal. They didn't differentiate we shouldn't either.

  3. what has segregation on buses and wiping women away from all photos and advertisement got to do with assimilation and bacon and eggs.

    The fact is clear: The Yated needs to better understand that the reason for the segregation in the camps was a form of punishment.

    It is part of a emotional and mental abuse. This is the same reason for prison systems keeping men and women separate. It's not about segregation for the spiritual holiness of the people (prisoners)or to ensure modesty or 'correct' conduct, it was and is (in the prisons) about deprivation and applying control over peoples minds so they become easier to manage.

    Am I to assume that the Yated is suggesting that all these new segregation measures that are being developed in Israel are about deprivation and mind control?

  4. Anon.10:59-it has to do with making ignorant statements where the "holocaust" is used as the reference point for the discussion at hand.The statement I mentioned and which is often repeated in frum circles is much more insulting to one's intelligence than the Yated statement.
    By the way gender segregation was enforced for "ordenung." "Punishment" was something else completely.


  6. To Anonymous at 1:57pm:

    The Lubavitcher speaker didn't say that intermarriage is worse than the Holocaust; he said that we are losing more Jews to internarriage than we did in ther Holocaust. I.e., wee are doing what Hitler ym''s wanted, without the suffering begashmius.

    You disagree?

  7. Fed Up
    Thanks for your comment


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