Thursday, January 12, 2012

ר' מאטל סלאנימער איז גאר געווען א סאטמארער


......אזוי איז עכ"פ משמע פון זיין זון

פאריגע וואך שבת איז געווען דער יארצייט פון הרה"ח ר' מרדכי חיים קאסטעלעניץ, באקאנט אלץ ר' מאטל סלאנימער. ר' מאטל איז געווען דער ראש חבורה פון סלאנימער חסידים אין אר"י פון נאך די 2'טע וועלט מלחמה - ווען דער "יונגער רבי" ר' שלמה דוד יהושע הי"ד איז אוועק - ביז זיין הסתלקות אין תשי"ד. צו זאגען אז ער איז געווען "רבי" איז שווער, כאטש אז אין אנדערע שושלת'ן איז ער יא פארשריבן אלץ רבי. כ'קען פארשטיין אז ער האט מעריך געווען דעם קראלער/סאטמאר רב, און אפילו געהאלטען פאר א אדום גדול מאוד מאוד, אבער אסאך פון די זאכען וואס די זון ברענגט דא איז בכלל נישט עולה על הדעת אז א חסיד פון סלאנים אין די ליטא זאל אזוי זאגען אויף אן אונגארישער רב, סיי ווער עס זאל נישט זיין, איז גאר, גאר שווער צו גלייבען, בפרט נאך ווען אזוי פיל חסידי סלאנים האבען ארויפגעקוקט צו אים אלץ מדריך ומשפיע. און בכלל איז שווער צו פארשטיין: ווי קומט עס אז א  כלומפרישטע ארטיקל וועגן ר' מאטל איז פארוואנדעלט געווארען אין א באשרייבונג וועגן סאטמאר רב, גאר? פארוואס האט מען נישט עפעס געשריבן מער וועגן ר' מאטל אליין? לאמיר הערן וואס די חשוב'ע לייענער זאגען דערצו


  1. alte zachin.
    the vaise disowned r mottel slonimer, shoin fin lang. read mamar mordche in the origional, even the new edited edition is very politically incorrect, it says the emes as he saw it!

  2. he was a full fledged rebbe

  3. Tzig, keep it to your self. What about when Lubavitch made the Viledniker )ווילעדניק( , a Talmud of the Tchernoble Maagid, into a Chabadske?

  4. tzig, i dont understand your question, everybody is satmer, they"ll have a write up about the lubavitch rebbi he"ll also would turn into satmer. its sick, its all about satmer.

    even in the old tiny belz shtetl, such stupidy would have happened. ion bobov for sure not.

  5. they made the Viledniker into a Chabadske? where was I when this happened?! First time I hear of this. Care to back it up?

  6. mundshein has a whole writeup about his lubavitch connection in the back of oberlanders vilednik edition

  7. Tzig: "כ'קען פארשטיין אז ער האט מעריך געווען דעם קראלער/סאטמאר רב, און אפילו געהאלטען פאר א אדום גדול מאוד מאוד, אבער אסאך פון די זאכען וואס די זון ברענגט דא איז בכלל נישט עולה על הדעת אז א חסיד פון סלאנים אין די ליטא זאל אזוי זאגען אויף אן אונגארישער רב, סיי ווער עס זאל נישט זיין, איז גאר, גאר שווער צו גלייבען"

    It's hard as it’s hard for the blind to understand the none blind! The well fed to understand the hungry, or for a lubab living in CH just one or 2 miles away from RYT and never tasted that (forbidden) fruit!, Tzige'le you probably where never around the SR! Therefore you never tasted the real thing! And you never will! Until Mashiach will come!

    A lot was written in other biographic pamphlets about how reb motel slonimer was star struck from this wonder rebbe RYT z”l , many of the elite Chasidim from reb Motel became adherent of the SR forever, when SR lived in E.Y. for a year after WWII many of his Chasidim where slonimer! And they asked him to stay there for them!

    SR wasn't ungarish or romanish or anything else!(he couldn't speak write or understand any goyish language, including ungarish) he wasn't tainted with any whatsoever goyish culture ever!

  8. satmar is the real mesorah, so everyone was satmar once upon a time.

  9. SR wasn't Ingeresh/Romainish in the same sense that B. Obama is not American.
    Plus, your Eizene Ray'a is, that SR didnt speak any Goyishe language, probably isn't true, and completely fails to impress.

  10. בכלל וואלט איך געהאפט אז א שטיקל וואס איך שרייב אןיף אידיש וואלטען די קאמענטען אןיך אזוי געווען....

  11. Belz Fin a Mool 10:07, "probably isn't true, and completely fails to impress."

    Am I supposed to impress a belzer? BTW not only didn't he speak or right any goyishe language, He didn't recognize the ABC.. Although he did sign on rare occasion his name with alphabets! His mother thought him how to do it as a kid! Telling him it may be necessary in his lifetime to do so! But he wrote them as an art form not as written letters.

  12. tzig 10:16, "בכלל וואלט איך געהאפט אז א שטיקל וואס איך שרייב אןיף אידיש וואלטען די קאמענטען אןיך אזוי געווען...."

    I'm trying to install yidish on my computer but no success yet, I'm able to write a few words only because i dowloaded some funny program that let me do it 'one letter at a time'

  13. Hirshel,can you share with us how to install the Yiddish keyboard you use. I personally don't care for Lexilogos.

  14. האיך האב אלץ געהאלטן אז אזא קליגער איד ווי דער קראלי רב האט זיכער געקאנטשעט אונגאריש אדער ראמעניש. איך האב אויך אלץ געמיינט אז דער קראלי רב איז געווען אזוי קלוג אז ער איז זיכער געווען באהאווענט אין עניני עולם הזה ווי צום ביישפיל גויאישע קולטור. ווער איך דא געוואויר אז ניין! דער קראלי רב האט נישט געקענט קיין אנגאריש/רומעניש און אין עולם הזה האט ער געקענט אויף כפרות!
    אינגערמאן אנאנימעשער טייערער‚ די ברענגסט נישט קיין כבוד פאר דיין רבי'ן מיטן שרייבן די אויבען דערמאנטע פאקטן. און ווי בעלז פון אמאל טענה'ט‚ סגלייבט זיך שווער אז ער האט קיין גוי'ישן שפראך נישט געקענט‚ אויב נישט ליינען‚ כאטשיג רעדן

  15. klainer

    -I don't install any Hebrew keyboard. I simply added Hebrew to my list of languages that I use and switch back and forth between them. I know the Hebrew keyboard by heart already. I don't even use stickers. I memorized the KB years ago. Windows XP and up let's you switch between languages simply bu pressing left shift+alt together.

  16. הט פאררעכט די טעות
    אדום גדול מאוד מאוד

  17. Anon
    " keep it to your self. What about when Lubavitch made the Viledniker )ווילעדניק( , a Talmud of the Tchernoble Maagid, into a Chabadske?"
    #1 the Chernobler chasidim and the rebbishe family had a problem with the Viledniker, they did not like that he set up shop on his own.
    The same problem they had with the Avrucher Bas Ayin. It took years till they made peace with their vrebisteves. The old skverer Ry"y was big in to the Viledniker and Bas Ayin.
    Re, Chabad, Nobody in chabad is claiming the Viledniker as their own, It was the opposite, he was consider the Rebbele for Mofsim and not for toras hachasidus.It also happened that Strachele chasidim that did not return to chabad, went to the Viledniker, and some pages of toras of chabad got into his toras, since they were the Chozrim(in chabad lingo).
    U can all see it in Mondshines foreword in the Monsey edition, I guess u did not read it, just u halucenate when the words chabad get in front of you

    1. I would like a source about the old Skver Rebbe being into Vilednik. As far as I am concerned, it is not as you state. Althogh I do not disagree with you on hin being into Bas Ayin, it does not look like history matters to you, but the Bas Ayin went up to Israel while the Tchernoble Maagid was still alive, thus not there being any disputes (or peace process) with Tchernoble children.

  18. Anon
    "satmar is the real mesorah, so everyone was satmar once upon a time."
    We Ungarischer the torchbearers of Mesora, only have 1 Mesorah from Chasam sofer Pressburgh, the Tietelbaums were against Pressburgh, they prohibited their families to learn there...
    From the Yetev Lev on...
    The were only friends for political reasons..

  19. Where does the Shvartze/Vaise conflict come in to the Reb Mottel slonimer picture?

    The Netural Karta also own Reb Mottel Slonimer, where was he standing?

    Avrohom Slonimer that has the Rachmistrivker in yerushaliem by di Boord, is a einikel? son of the interviewee?

  20. i think so. he looks just like them.
    how did he come to Rachmistrivke?

  21. they know well how to shnorr from the rightwing ungarische,

  22. anon 12:51, " און ווי בעלז פון אמאל טענה'ט "

    Belz-fin-amol, like belz-fin-hynth!

    והוא באחד ומי ישיבנו

  23. anon 2:08, "אדום גדול מאוד מאוד

    Indeed an אדם גדול but he was in his younger years אדום reddish hair, The של"ה says when it says אל תקרי than both wre true..

  24. Der tzukunfte Belz (Belz of the future)Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:32:00 PM

    דער רעבע ז"ל האט אמאל גיזאגט אז ר' משה פיינשטיין קען אםשר בעסער לערנען ויי איהן, אבער ער קען דער אמעריקאנע גאס בעסער ווי ר' משה

  25. Der tzukunfte 10:32, "קען אםשר בעסער לערנען " "אבער ער קען דער אמעריקאנע גאס בעסער "

    Belz-fin-amol, like belz-fin-hynth, and belz-fin-morgan!

    אפשר יא אפשר נישט

    אפשר, נהירין לי' שבילין דרקיע כשבילין דנהרדעא, שהי' חכם גדול מאד

  26. tzig: "פארוואס האט מען נישט עפעס געשריבן מער וועגן ר' מאטל אליין? לאמיר הערן וואס די חשוב'ע לייענער זאגען דערצו "

    That's the ultimate thing you can write about a godol himself how he became subordinate למי שגדול הימנו

    In Europe before WWII there where many true gedoila yisruel in Hungary as well in other places, all who knew the SR became subordinate to him, and so was after WWII does who didn't bow to zionisim! Of course.
    הן הן מראותיו הן הן גבורותיו

  27. Der tzukunfte : " אבער ער קען דער אמעריקאנע גאס בעסער ווי ר' משה

    SR! said similar when asked by a godol from EY by the ssix day war, why he writes negative on israeli politics, he should stick with daas torah that he is known for, and not express his political views on the subject, the SR answered: There are greater gedolim than me.. but in israeli politics I'm well versed more than them! btw which it turned out to be right on that topic! (on stated the six day war?)

  28. it looks like the SR accepted the Arab version of events as to who started the 6-day War. I guess he was good buddies with Nasser??

    איין זאך איז כו"ע מודי
    די ליובאוויטשער רבי זצוקללה"ה האט בעסער פארשטאנען - פשוט בגשמיות - דער מצב הפוליטיקה אין ארץ ישראל

  29. hirshel: "it looks like the SR accepted the Arab version of events"

    That's how it looked like than! but today accepted historians write that the israelis started the war! your rebbe understood what the papers wrote at the time and took it for face value..

  30. started, yes, fired the first shots. But for what purpose?

    you sound like Al-Jazeera. feh.

    שנאת ישראל מעבירה אותך על דעתך

  31. Hirshel : "started, yes, fired the first shots. But for what purpose?"

    Oh ok a א מודה במקצת In those years the israelis PR machine where saying that Egypt wanted AND started the war so did all who babeld like parrots say! Today the facts are known that isreal started the war so the polemic goes "he made me do it" which btw it's not true either, The israelis wanted the war!!!

    Saying different than your rebbe isn’t שנאת ישראל just that others had more vision and foresight, on this and on other topics...

  32. Hirshel : “you sound like Al-Jazeera. feh.”

    And with what is the Jerusalem post and their likes (who calls for civil war against the chareidim!!) better than Al-Jazeera??,7340,L-4169090,00.html

  33. started the war? didn't everybody see them attack the Egyptian AF in the morning?

    saying different doesn't mean Sinas Yisroel, but being the Arab PR machine is.

  34. excuse me, did you see me call for Civil War anywhere?

  35. Hirshel Tzig : "started, yes, fired the first shots. But for what purpose?"

    Because Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping!!! And for that you become trigger happy and endanger millions of jews facing 3 huge armies!? in a un necessary war that could of be negotiated to be re-opened since the U.S. and the U.N. was on the Israeli side! ?

  36. btw
    why did the ווייסע "DISOWN" ר' מאטל long ago? because he became Rebbe and wasn't מבית הרב?

  37. Hirshel "excuse me, did you see me call for Civil War anywhere?"

    No but your cronies at the Jerusalem post and the Ynet news do, so stop worrying about Al-Jazeera worry about your real enemies The zionist PR machine and their atrocities not only against Palestinians but against your own blood and flesh!!! They hate more the chareidim than the Palestinians, They will kiss arafat-nasser-german Cancellers -the pope! All implicated and true murderers! before they will a chareidi c"v feh feh feh ..

    read on:,7340,L-4169090,00.html

  38. hirshel, "why did the ווייסע "DISOWN" ר' מאטל long ago?"

    I read this in you monologue what’s this all about?

  39. now I have cronies? I had no idea!

    sounds like your friends in the NK/Satmar

    they never met an Arab tyrant/terrorsit/murderer they didn't like!

  40. I wrote nothing about the Veise disowning R' Mottel. It was a comment. Anonymous, of course...

  41. hirshel: "sounds like your friends in the NK/Satmar - they never met an Arab tyrant/terrorsit/murderer they didn't like!'

    Well it sounds like your tone deft, because I have no particular liking to any goy! But I do hate truly zionist and their cohorts! After all they are implicated in the holocaust war! And in jewish bloodshed for over 70 years now!
    and at the same time brainwash chareidim that they are the protectors of us!?

  42. hirshel: "It was a comment. Anonymous, of course..."

    I'm sorry, but what's up with that?

  43. holocaust, shmolocaust

    you speak like somebody who blames Barack Obama for what Andrew Jackson did in the 19th Century

    hate, hate and more hate

  44. what's up with what? me allowing anonymous comments?


  45. tzig: "hate, hate and more hate"

    מלחמה לד׳ בעמלק מדור דור, עד דורו של משיח

    No mention of obama or jackson.. we still hate all who hate us forever if it's:

    עמלק, המן,מסע הצלב, חמלניצקי,היטלער,ציונים וכולו וכולו..

  46. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    why did the ווייסע "DISOWN" ר' מאטל long ago? because he became Rebbe and wasn't מבית הרב?

    Maybe, but what's up with 'your' above comment?

  47. the fashionable thing now is to adopt the satmerer world view and pretend the zionists are responsible for all the evils in the world. read the ny times before the 6 day war and youd know that israel was in mortal a matter of fact read any newspaper from the era and youd find that to be the case.Even the Yid had a piece that the SR went to shule to daven in light of the situation. For your information the Egyptians expelled the UN from Sinai and were preparing for war by massing troops in the Sinai and blockading the port of eilat as was reported in all the secular media throughout the world.

  48. היטלער, ציונים, קלויזענבורג, בעלז, ליובאוויטש, אהרן/זלמן לייב
    וכו' וכו

  49. Hirshel: היטלער, ציונים, קלויזענבורג, בעלז, ליובאוויטש, אהרן/זלמן לייב
    וכו' וכו

    Oy Vey, you left out me & you! me & my wife (maybe), me and my competition! וכו' וכו

  50. klainer: 11:39 "the fashionable thing now is to adopt the satmerer world view and pretend the zionists are responsible for all the evils in the world"

    Unfortunately it’s true, But if you so versed in all the newspapers and fashionable opinions maybe find a little time get yourself an על הגאולה ועל התמורה and start to know the true daas torah on these subjects not very fashionable but true !

  51. Hirshel:היטלער, ציונים, קלויזענבורג, בעלז, ליובאוויטש, אהרן/זלמן לייב
    וכו' וכו

    You forgot to mention the משיחסט'ן against whomever, the world agains lubab! (isn't this the reason you state for your blog, to fend off all blog haters of lubab?) the גזע/geze lubab's against the 'wild oats' of lubab! lubab against the shach! lubab's against the malucim! lubab against yanaver and morocon esrogim, lubab against התאחדות הכשרים וכו' וכו

  52. Hirshel:היטלער, ציונים, קלויזענבורג, בעלז, ליובאוויטש, אהרן/זלמן לייב
    וכו' וכו

    I almost forgot, lubab with the אנשי הגר"א, lubab with the ר' אברהם קאליסקער , lubab with the קאפוסטער וכו' וכו

  53. Hirshel: היטלער, ציונים, קלויזענבורג, בעלז, ליובאוויטש, אהרן/זלמן לייב
    וכו' וכו

    oops and my favorite lubab (mersha'b & RYY) against zinonim and the agudah! and the cold/hot war the elephant in the room! luba against satmar!

  54. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    "what's up with what? me allowing anonymous comments?

    Well isn't "Hirshel Tzig" anonymous?

    לא לחינם הלך זרזיר אצל עורב, אלא מפני שהוא מינו

  55. kleiner 11:39, "For your information the Egyptians expelled the UN from Sinai "

    But they didn't expel the U.S. after all the U.S. owned the israeli army (witness the yom kippur war) and couldn't do anything without the U.S. and btw the U.N. is stationed in N.Y. and where open to negotiate the peace, The U.S. was happy that their surrogate the israelis should defeat the 3 armies which where Russian supplied, and a war that Russia instigated, so the israelis where bidding an american war! For prestige and hegemony, and in the process endangered million of innocent bystanders! What a game!

  56. Anon11:53-I have read much of" Al Hageulah..." It didn't change my mind. I also learnt much of Veyoel Moshe and it had the same effect-that is,no effect. You think the arguments in these seforim are really persuasive?I'm hardly a big chosid of the Tziyonim but I see little in Satmar "political-theology" that is meaningful or persuasive...These matters have been discussed here before, but maybe you have some "new developments..."-- With several exceptions over the centuries, the SR's view of the "harbkeit" of the sholosh shevuos as including any resettling of EY[and any organizing towards that end even in chutz looretz] and it being yehoreig veal yaavor-this view is just not shared by most gedolim of our generation or of previous generations.

  57. anon 11:20am said "Well it sounds like your tone deft"

    Tone deft? lol! spelled like a true satmarer.

  58. anon
    "But if you so versed in all the newspapers and fashionable opinions maybe find a little time get yourself an על הגאולה ועל התמורה and start to know the true daas torah on these subjects not very fashionable but true !"
    in matter of fct being anti zionist(meaning anti semitic as the great MLK said)is very fashionable the cool dudes in acedemia, are all anti Israel

  59. dovy in jersey 11:20, "Well it sounds like your tone deft"

    ok Tone Deaf, and thanks for the compliment!

  60. Klainer 12:52, “I have read much of" Al Hageulah..." It didn't change my mind”

    I’ll not attempt to elaborate here why it didn’t persuade your mind SR himself in the preface of his VM states that he isn’t going to persuade any minds (including yours, I assume) and the reasons are obvious... as he writes them there, Yes these matters where discussed before! Here on the blog However your original comment where not about the VM Per se but about the validity of the Israelis starting the ‘six day war’ on which I responded to you…

  61. klainer 12:52, "this view is just not shared by most gedolim of our generation or of previous generations."

    This statement is a blatant lie, most if not all gedolim in the previous generation where against a jewish state, even the umbrella aguda was against such a thing! And in our generation many many gedolim (not party gedolim) true gedolim! Belived so, But you as a lubab cusid the rebbe the meharsha"b talks in length on this subject including the "sholosh shevuos" ! Which states אני מתיר את בשרכם כצבאות וכאילות השדה He your rebbe was the first who warrant on the transgression and of the consequences of doing so 'before' it happened unlike SR who elaborate on it just 'after' it happened.

  62. ר' מאטל אליין איז געגאנגען שטימען אין די בחירות??

  63. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    ר' מאטל אליין איז געגאנגען שטימען אין די בחירות??

    Leave reb motel rest in peace תנצב"ה

  64. klainer 12:52, "I see little in Satmar "political-theology" that is meaningful or persuasive"

    ה' הוא מלכנו ולו אנו עבדים
    התורה היא חוקותינו ובה אנו מאמינים
    ה' הוא מלכנו ולו אנו עבדים
    התורה הקדושה היא חיינו ולה אנו משועבדים .
    בשלטון הכופרים אין אנו מאמינים - אין אנו מאמינים
    ובחוקותיהם אין אנו מתחשבים - אין אנו מתחשבים
    בדרך התורה נלך באש ובמים
    בדרך התורה נלך לקדש שם שמים -
    אוי - לקדש שם שמים!

  65. Ger,vizhnitz,belz, bobov[yes,it's true],slonim[the real ones],lubavitz,kollel chazon ish,all litvishe yeshives[not brisk],all sfardishe yeshives,mir,etc. all take money from the tziyonim.rav elyashiv was a member of the zionist rabbonut for many years.The skverer from new skver goes to the kosel as does the machnovker.[videos available].Hence,rov minyon and rov binyan of haredi jewry do not accept the extreme position of SR.
    The rebbe rayatz approved building and settling kfar habad which was funded in great measure by the medineh.He was the memaleh mokom and he acted by authority of his father as he said on many occasions
    For your information the hazon ish and extended family came to israel in the 30's.He knew that the tziyonim were planning to make a state,yet he came and became part of the yishuv hahodosh not the yishuv hayoshon.All the chadorim that he supervised taught in ivrit,that's right,not yiddish,loshn kodesh,or rumanian but ivrit.You think he helped build bnai brak so it would be under british rule and be a suburb of liverpool?According to SR he would have violated the 3 oats[cv]by helping the new yishuv build bnai brak. You think that all the rabbonim who came in the 30s didn't know that there was going to be a jewish medineh?Think again.There's more but i'll leave it for later.

  66. Klainer
    according to the Chazon Ish, mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is a Doeraisya, and all the halachic heterim of not living in eretz yisroel is irelevant in our era, since all,the mega torah centers are in Israel under the Kibosh Tziyonim.
    He had one problem, he had no ruach hakodesh, s he did not chap what future,amount of torah, Klal Yisroel will get from Keap st corner Lee av.
    He also was very involved with Chaklayot al Pi torah, was very happy with the torah Moshavim...
    This is the biggest sin in the new religon of Krula/Satmar/KJ

  67. Anon
    "This statement is a blatant lie, most if not all gedolim in the previous generation where against a jewish state"
    what means previous?
    is the Avnie Nezer,RAM of Ger Belzer Rav or the chebiner from your genaration?

  68. Anon
    "SR wasn't ungarish or romanish or anything else!(he couldn't speak write or understand any goyish language, including ungarish) he wasn't tainted with any whatsoever goyish culture ever!"
    Was he Yemenite maybe?


  69. Its amazing how the person that build a big part of his shita, on refuting stories, has the biggest lie machine churning out lies,
    the following I read in the Satmar Yidishister Vebzietel,
    it make no sense from the dates, the person, the style of people.. but the lie pool is spitting masele after masele

    כהאב גיהערט פון א נכד סלונים [ר'

    אברהם הראשון] אז ווען סאטמיר רב איז אהיים פינעם באזוך תרצ"ב אין א"י כידוע האט ער געוויילט אויך אין טבריה ווי עס איז גיווען א סלונימער פעסטונג [די רב ר' משה קליערס אליין איז גיווען א חסיד סלונים], אין די באזוך פון סאטמיר רב האט גיהאט א שטארקע השפעה, ווען ר' שמואל סלונימער האט דאס נאכגיהערט האט ער געשיקט א מכתב וואס בתוכו לייענט זיך אז מקען נישט פותח זיין על שתי הסעיפים און בין הדברים שרייבט ער "או סאטמיר או סלונים", דער דערציילער האט אליין גיזעהן די בריוו, [ער האט מיר צוגעזאגט מיר צודערווישן א קאפי און גוט אז כהאב מיר יעצט דערמאנט]

    כהאף מוסיף צו זיין
    שר מאה

    הודעות: 118
    זיך איינגעשריבן: שבת מאי 23, 2009 6:09 pm

  70. Anon
    " he wasn't tainted with any whatsoever goyish culture ever!"
    he was obssesed with the NYT, I saw a reshima of A Avilem visit after the 6 day nisim,where he quotes nonstop the NYT, I guess Goish culture for sinas yisroel is recomended

  71. Klainer 3:02, Anon 6:02, 6:06, 6:18, 7:09, And 11:34

    הדוברים טפשית בגאוה ובוז

    כולם בסגנון אחד התנבאו כולם בסגנון אחד התחלמים

    אם תשובו להם המעלה גרהם (כמו שעשיתי כ-פּ) כ-ש דפקרי טפי

    החונן לאדם דעת, תרחם על מחסרי דעת, כ-א דעת חסרת מה קנית, עד אז טענו אם בעירכם

  72. ANON 6:02, "He had one problem, he had no ruach hakodesh,"

    Well said:
    לכן כתיב ויהי דוד לכל דרכיו משכיל, שהלכה כמותו משום וה' עמו, שהיה עוסק בתורה עם השכינה
    וה׳ עמו שהלכה כמותו בבל מקום

    That's the different between a godol b'torah and a tzadig/a leader! וה' עמו, שהיה עוסק בתורה עם השכינה

  73. kleiner 3:02 "According to SR he would have violated the 3 oats"

    ביודעיו (ח"ו), או בלא יודעיו

  74. anon 6:18, "Was he Yemenite maybe?"

    I'm sur not, are you a YEVINITE!?

  75. anon 7:09, "but the lie pool is spitting masele after masele"

    A lie is: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive, an intentional untruth, something intended or serving to convey a false impression, AS WHAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

    או סאטמיר או סלונים you forgot to mention later did ר' שמואל סלונימער himself became a satmerer!

    אבל מעשה אלקוני, ואביתה תהילה מיגלומי גוש, מקרוצי חומר וכו' והיא תהילתו

  76. anon 11:34, "I guess Goish culture for sinas yisroel is recomended"

    Relax ציונים are עמלקים and are not מזרע שראל sinas yisroel don't apllies here.

    דעת חסרת מה קנית

  77. anon 6:02, "he did not chap what future,amount of torah, Klal Yisroel will get from Keap st corner Lee av."

    I guess you mean to say by Lee/keap as a pseudonym for SR! if so, So Yes, if not him there would be no קבלה no מסורה and no דעת דרוה-ק and therfore No תורת אמת דברי אלקים חיים all would of be מלשפה ולחוץ

    chap what !

  78. klainer 3:02 ,
    Ger,vizhnitz,belz, bobov[yes,it's true],slonim[the real ones],lubavitz,kollel chazon ish,all litvishe yeshives[not brisk],all sfardishe yeshives,mir,etc. all take money from the tziyonim.

    Oh! I see they all like money, and btw EVERYBODY DOES IT! Tell that in any court of law! And see where it will get you!? ok I admit you can try it with your mama, it may fly there.

  79. Kleiner 3:03, “You think that all the rabbonim who came in the 30s didn't know that there was going to be a jewish medineh?”

    IDK what the thought or didn’t, אין לדיין אלא מה שעיניו רואות In time of chaos, danger, and בלבול המוחות you can’t judge no one! אין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו But the chazon ish later on had seen clearly where this zionisim/tsunami! Is heading and to his credit he regressed many of it, although the gemara says: אומר מותר אנוס הוא But unlike others he did regress, And this is צדקות

  80. Anon
    "I'm sur not, are you a YEVINITE!?"
    is this a Ben and Jerry ice cream flavor?

  81. Anon
    "But the chazon ish later on had seen clearly where this zionisim/tsunami! Is heading and to his credit he regressed many of it, although the gemara says: אומר מותר אנוס הוא But unlike others he did regress, And this is "
    can you provide proof that there are 2 chazon Ishes,? or u saw this fact in the Der Yid?

  82. anon 11:58, "is this a Ben and Jerry ice cream flavor?"

    Yevinites are יוונים greeks, Although you can buy Greek food in israel today like מלפפונים
    But B&J Greek ice cream I'm sure some fresser in tel-aviv can help you with that! specially now that the treif rabbinate! Had forbidden Hagen Daaz (because it has no cholev yisrual!) I guess a new concept in אבא איך מעשרים את התבן

    טענו בקישואים, הודה לו במלפפונים

  83. anon 12:00 "can you provide proof that there are 2 chazon Ishes,?"

    There always was two chazon Ishes, one that all frum/zionim have seen, and the one that the non lying! SR has seen! And talked about him and his beliefs, witness rav wosner live! of B”B who went with SR to talk to the chazon ish!

  84. Anon
    "But the chazon ish later on had seen clearly where this zionisim/tsunami! Is heading and to his credit he regressed many of it, although the gemara says: אומר מותר אנוס הוא But unlike others he did regress, And this is"
    is his letter to Rav kook with the title Maran shlita true? its his ksav yad?
    Did the Lying Zionist forge it?
    it was a question in Halacha, not asking for a certificate.
    Is his letters for mitzvas Yishuv eretz yisroel forged? By the lying Zionists?
    Are the Grieniman nephews Lying Zionist?
    What does his metting with Satmar ruv proof you?
    He met Ben gurion too

  85. Anon
    "But B&J Greek ice cream I'm sure some fresser in tel-aviv can help you with that"
    is Novel Bershes hatorah said only on B&J ? Kliens Ice Cream is Sigufim for shovavim?

  86. Anon,
    "טענו בקישואים, הודה לו במלפפונים"
    Great answer enveloped in a sense of humor

  87. anon 12:48, "is Novel Bershes hatorah said only on B&J ? Kliens Ice Cream is Sigufim for shovavim?'

    One must eat both to know the difference!? but on this tshuva helps even year round no?

  88. anon 12:45, "What does his metting with Satmar ruv proof you?
    He met Ben gurion too"

    And now he met his creator to!!!

  89. anon 12:45, "Is his letters for mitzvas Yishuv eretz yisroel forged?"

    SR is also מברר the halacha of mitzvas Yishuv EY, But gives i think 13 תנאים how one can do it in our time! I don't think that the CI would object to any of the 13 תנאים (which many of them is mentioned in older seforim) Even more so now that it is literally the most dangerous place for a Jew to live physically and spiritually!

    ואף על פי
    שהיתה אהובה לו בימי האבות, עכשיו שנאה, מאחר שעשאוה אלו חק לעבודת אלילים - רש"י

  90. the Satmr Ruv was a nice talmud chochem for the little shtetel in Hungary, but he has no say in matters where the torah giants as the Avnie Nezer and the Chazon Ish decided.
    You can do all your Pr with your weekly newspaers or 50 volumes of hagiography , that the Rambam said or the Rashba said that the rebbe was as big as Reb Akiva,
    but a Aglie Tal or Chazon Ish he did not produce yet. He did a few good pshetelech on some Midras Pliyas

  91. anon 12:45, "Is his letters for mitzvas Yishuv eretz yisroel forged?"

    Let me enlighten you if I may, Mitzvas Yishuv EY is of interest only to charidim, The zionim know that! As much as they hate them, it is preposterous for them to have a state where chreidmi can’t live, imagine chareidim in all major cities of the world living in peace! But none in Isreal!

    Therefore this mentioned issue is their main obstacle to peace, Because if they give part of Israel and Jerusalem to the Palestinians, They the Palestinians (who know well the chareidim) can create an atmosphere there favorable to the chareidim, and slowly all who want to live in Israel because of Mitzvas Yishuv EY! (call it Palestine if you must) will go there, and leave Israel charidim free כמצולה שאין בה דגים

    This is also the reason the Israelis enforce border control, not only because of terroisim, but to restrict travel of chareidim back and forth!!!

  92. anon 1:54, "the Satmr Ruv was a nice talmud chochem for the little shtetel in Hungary"

    And the chebiner ruv z"l was a grocery owner in Chebin! BTW you can be a nice am h'aretz to know the truth that toaday israel is literally the most dangerous place for a Jew to live physically and spiritually! This is real not PR!

  93. you are getting it wrong,
    the chebiner ruv or reb Menachem zemaba were not all the time rabonim, but they produced torah that pulled them out of the Grocery or Lumber yard in to the Limelight, they had no goons or wide brim hats.
    It was their torah Machreseth aleyem....
    If you don't get it, then you have no idea what torah is all just stick to your geknipte payoth and learn a little chok, and stay way from the Big League.

  94. anon 13:00, "you are getting it wrong,'

    What I'm getting is that you trow mud, sludge, slime, sand, salt and pepper In peoples eyes with the hope that something will stick and blind them,or atleast shut up! keep trying and see where it will get you!


  95. At the meeting between the Chazon Ish Z"L and the Satmar Rebbe, the SR asked him how can you live in E"Y when the Rambam writes that one should run and live in caves rather than live among sinners?
    The chazon Ish replied that the Yeshivas are the "caves" of today that protect us from bad influences
    It is well documented that he encouraged his brother-in law the Steipler Gaon to come live in Israel.

  96. Ma Rebbe
    plz dont fall in his trap,
    there are multiple letters of him about living in Israel only.

  97. Der tzukunfte Belz (Belz of the future) said...
    דער רעבע ז"ל האט אמאל גיזאגט אז ר' משה פיינשטיין קען אםשר בעסער לערנען ויי איהן, אבער ער קען דער אמעריקאנע גאס בעסער ווי ר' משה
    Obviously Yhe Chochem Mikol Hodem the Satmar Ruv, had a big mistake, since the non chasidic velt in the USA, is not 1 iota less erlich and frum then Satmar.
    So what was he taliking about?

  98. Der tzukunfte Belz (Belz of the future)Monday, January 16, 2012 4:54:00 PM

    וואס רעדט איהר? ס'איז דא מער ביי-האר און דורכזיכטיגע שטרימפ אינדערויסען פון וויליאמסבורג - ק"י ווי דארט. וויפיל מענטשען גייען ביי-האר אין לעיקוואוד? און וויפיל אין קראון - הייטס? און דערנאך וויפיל אין קרית יואל? דער רבי האט אסאך בעסער פארשטאנען.

  99. What to u call ביי-האר?
    no shitels? or Hair under the tichel?

  100. The klaimke in VillednikMonday, January 16, 2012 8:12:00 PM

    What about the "bye-hor" of anger and hatred that you see af shrit un trit on "Planet Satmar?"It's plastered all over people's faces,men and women alike.What about the bye-hor of self-righteousness and condescension that "Planet Satmar" has for anyone who thinks or dresses differently even if he/she is 100% observent and tzniusdik?Planet Satmar exists only in zchus of the Hasidus Habad that a few confused malochim learn and in zchus of the Likutei Moharan that a few confused Heichal Hakodesh people learn. That's because outside of these two groups no one knows who the Besht vetalmidov were and what it is that a chosid does in this world.No one knows and no one cares.

  101. i heard today from a solid source that shmuel klein (gabbai of belz) went to KY with some belzer dayonim to ask mechila at RYT's kever for the belz/satamr 1980 war. it seems the belzer needs a refuah, and he's coming to coumbia/presbyterian for some medical stuff.
    any confirmation?


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