Sunday, February 5, 2012

אַ "הײַמישער" ייִד אין אַמעריקאַנער מיליטער

פון "פארווערטס" אנליין


  1. what a shmorgesboard,
    is he a Internet causulty?
    or from old fashion bichlech???

  2. The פארווערטס was dead for awhile, now he sees 100's online and in print doing what the פארווערטס used to do being a נותן יד לפושעים so now מצא מין את מינו וניעור

  3. gotta love those red Keshketlekh

  4. so you became a Lubavitcher to spread the concept of koifrim??
    even tzemach never did this
    shame on you
    you would have never publicized this had you not identified some what with this shagetz
    i am starting to believe that the Reyatz read seforim chitzoinim

  5. what's the point of this post? that a "haimishe" guy went frei and to the army?
    ever heard of keller from CH?

  6. Maybe it's my fault that some of you think this way, but this blog is not FailedM, or other similar blogs. I don't report on every scandal in the heimishe community. As a matter of fact I report on none of them! So why do you think that this post has an agenda? Why can't I post it just because it's טשעקאוו?

  7. Tzig writes: "Why can't I post it just because it's טשעקאוו?"

    Like: עגלות קונים רק באגאבו

    Trans: "Tzig'nites are buying only bugaboo " ?

  8. טשעקאוו ????
    Do you think his parents think its טשעקאוו ??
    if he was your brother would you think its טאוושעק ??
    how about if his last name was Schneerson would that be טשעקאוו as well ??
    your attitude is despicable and quite reveling of your פנימיות

  9. his parents love him dearly. Hard for you to imagine, but true.

  10. and for these loving parents you honor with such exposure? shame on you

  11. the exposure is from the Forverts piece which he volunteered

  12. tzig 10:06, "his parents love him dearly"

    די עפיל פאלט נישט ווייט פון בוים

  13. the tzig feels this father deserves all shame in the world because he left lubavitch and went to nikulsburg

  14. stop killing the Messenger,
    the idea is what can we do to stop this new wave of some pseudo intelligent boys that feel they invented the wheel of Apikorses

  15. In the old days people went crazy when they where called into the army, a lot of rebbeshie stories and prayers, that yiden should get exempt from the army and this שמויגער puts himself in the army! oh, and his parents are proud of that? גיי ווייס !

  16. anon 11:42, "lubavitch and went to nikulsburg"

    So the רפואה for lubab is nikulsburg? and what's the רפואה for nikulsburg? the army? רבותי stay where you are, and hope it will get better! כולם מרועה אחד נאמרו

  17. hirshel: "יעדער שמויגער פאר זיך טויג ער "

    The moral of the story? atleast he didn't join the cursed, צה"ל אצ"ל לח"י

  18. אן אפיציר מיט א שטריימל
    Now a reality litirally!

  19. satmar and belz made peace,
    ותשקוט הארץ ארבעים שנה so why we need jewish soldiers?

  20. forwd: "געבוירן איז מאַנדעל אין סיִאַטל, בײַ אַ טאַטן, אַ בעל־תּשובֿה פֿון חב״ד און אַ מאַמע, אַ געבוירענע ליובאַוויטשער מיידל"

    ואת הנפש אשר עשו בחרן - סרו מהר מן הדרך אשר

  21. why are FFB children marrying BT's ?

  22. It's not the kid's fault. The system is broken.

  23. Blogger Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    what do you call "farkocht" and what do you call "Poylishkeit?"
    Wednesday, February 01, 2012 10:27:00 PM

    Anonymous Lubab Verter Buch: said...
    From Lubab Verter Buch:

    The word"Poylish" was originaly coined in lubavitch lexicon to imply that Lubavitch influenced all of Russia ignoring the tcernobell geza as not existing,
    But now "Poylish" is used on any chasidic group in the universe that does not outright challenge lubavitch influence

    The word "farkocht" is to publicize some thing constantly,
    in an environment where there is more talk then action, so not to contradict the motto that hamaise hu hooiker, "farkocht" serves the purpose of giving publicity a sense of action and urgency
    Friday, February 03, 2012 10:12:00 AM

  24. זיי מסרס אן אפיקורס, וועט ער ווערן אויס אפיקורס.

  25. Anon
    "את הנפש אשר עשו בחרן - סרו מהר מן הדרך אשר
    you are talking before Mata torah vs. yidishe neshomas, you are talking Kefira Mamesh...

  26. Anon
    "The word"Poylish" was originaly coined in lubavitch lexicon to imply that Lubavitch influenced all of Russia ignoring the tcernobell geza as not existing,"

    Obviously if the holy chernobler kinder ran away from Russia/Ukraine when they felt the heat around their collar, they proved that they never owned nobody....

  27. Hareidi system is broken.

  28. anon 12:01, "you are talking before Mata torah"

    No, I was talking on י"ג שבט תשע"ב
    around 2000 years אחר קבה"ת using לישנא דקרא see shabos 2. tosfes ד"ה יציאות

  29. Lubab Verter Buch: said...
    "farkocht" "Poylishkeit?"

    די פארכאסט א פוילשע קאשע

  30. anon 12:03, "they proved that they never owned nobody....'

    The squarer shtetel is as yidish as kfar chabad.

  31. anon 12:01, "you are talking before Mata torah"

    Relax, סרו מהר מן הדרך אשר צויתים was after matan tora.

  32. Can't you guys be grateful that he's not serving in the zionist IDF?

  33. hirshel, "אַ "הײַמישער" ייִד

    One flew over the cookos nest… doesn’t make him הײַמיש this kid was troubled מבטן ומלידה and was prone to be become eccentric, however he can still be or become a frum yid after all his father is a ב"ת to.

  34. Anonymous said...
    זיי מסרס אן אפיקורס, וועט ער ווערן אויס אפיקורס.

    סירוס וועט נישט העלפען. i think he still has some sechel. he still listens to mbd, fried, shmeltzer instaed of the goyishe rock etc...
    אינגאנצן צודרייט איז ער נישט

  35. Anon
    anon 12:03, "they proved that they never owned nobody....'

    The squarer shtetel is as yidish as kfar chabad."
    show me in New square 1 pre WW11 Skvere chosid, all of todays chasidim are from Skverdehellie...

  36. He is in this video


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