Monday, February 27, 2012

דרשת הרב הגה"צ מו"ה יושע ראזענבערגער חבר הביד"ץ, נגד "אזוי גערופענע מנהיגי ישראל"(כלשונו) פורצים חומת יהדות החרדית


  1. Is this the same Y. Rosenberger ?

  2. דרשת הרב הגה"צ מו"ה יושע ראזענבערגער חבר הביד"ץ, נגד "אזוי גערופענע מנהיגי ישראל"(כלשונו) פורצים חומת יהדות החרדית

    I know the family well all are
    גאונים צדיקים וקנאים דורי דורות זקינם הי' מהפוסקים הגדולים ביוראפע ועמד לימינו לאדמו"ר מסאטמאר בענין עירובין בעיר סאטמאר, האחים פילעף מקנאי קנאת ד' ג"כּ נכדם

  3. Anon
    גאונים צדיקים וקנאים דורי דורות זקינם הי' מהפוסקים הגדולים ביוראפע ועמד לימינו לאדמו"ר מסאטמאר בענין עירובין בעיר סאטמאר"
    where do u see that he was on the Sakmer Ruv side by the erev in satmar, that was basicaly Torah Lekanter at its worst...

  4. this is exactly why the AIDA HACHREIDIS has become completely irrelevant
    95% of the chareidim have nothing to do with them.not GER,BELZ,VIZSHNITZ,or the YESHIVISH world or the SEFARDIM,they have become the laughing stock by the CHAREID World

    here we have two brother in laws,after not talking to each other for 30 yrs finally making SHALOM,and this criminally insane RASHA MERUSHA calls this a stab in the back of frum jews and a CHILUL HASHEM.

  5. Browser
    "this is exactly why the AIDA HACHREIDIS has become completely irrelevant"
    it was never more relevant then today, they only time it was relevant was, when they had Rav Wiess of Manchester( a Non Kanoi) there as a rav, he was universally accepted as a possek

  6. HT,
    who is this beheima speaking?
    post some history so we can put him in context.

  7. browser 4:13, "this criminally insane RASHA MERUSHA"

    רשע למה תכה

  8. HT,
    who is this beheima speaking?

    Did you look in the mirroe lately?

  9. anon 6:13, "Browser
    "this is exactly why the AIDA HACHREIDIS has become completely irrelevant"

    I would worry for the עדה when you and your cohorts start liking them.

  10. anon: "where do u see that he was on the Sakmer Ruv side by the erev in satmar, that was basicaly Torah Lekanter at its worst"

    His תשובות בענין העירוב is printed for those who want to know, he was a ת"ח גאון וצדיק so was SR z"l The only לקנתר here is You! That's if you know what you're talking about which it seems here you don't.

  11. browser 4:13, "95% of the chareidim have nothing to do with them.not GER,BELZ,VIZSHNITZ,or the YESHIVISH world or the SEFARDIM,"

    Did the גר"א finnaly made peace with the חסידים or is it more like :
    מעולם הי' שונאים זה לזה, אלא עמון ומואב טהרו בסיחון

    I would suggest you visit an exorcist to dispurge your demons!

  12. HT 8:38, "who is this beheima speaking?"

    This --- הרב הגה"ץ מו"ה יושע ראזענבערגער שליט"א חבר הביד"ץ from the same ראזענבערגער family that the גדולים of telz are turning to when they need a fair and balanced ד"ת

  13. Anon
    "His תשובות בענין העירוב is printed for those who want to know, he was a ת"ח גאון וצדיק so was SR z"l The only לקנתר here is You! That's if you know what you're talking about which it seems here you don't"

    gedolim vetovim of the Sakmer ruv,(Bnie Aliya who had no political bone in their body)decided that it is Lekanter, and they did not even answer him, they answered to a different village by the name Shomkut, and added that the same problem was in Satmar and this is the answer,I will not write which sefer or when but this are the facts.
    Is their a teshuva in Toras Yekusiel on that matter?

  14. anon 11:34, "Is their a teshuva in Toras Yekusiel on that matter?" “gedolim vetovim of the Sakmer ruv, (Bnie Aliya who had no political bone in their body) decided that it is Lekanter,

    The teshvah is also in divrei yoel, “gedolim vetovim of the Sakmer ruv” name them please? הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו I know who they where and they where biased spearheaded by --- , SR had his agenadas especially in הל' עירובן which he had experience doing in different citys, the בעש"ט says עה"פּ בזע"ם תצעד ארץ ר"ת: זביחה, עירובין, מקוה, כל אלה הם יסוד הארץ והרב בדמתא צריך להיות בקי בהם ביותר עכ"ל It’s ידוע לכל שהוא ז"ל הי' בקי בכל אלה besides he lived in the city of satmar for many years and he was also בקי בשבילי העיר to say that he said something לקנטר on a רב דומה למלאך ה' צבקות ותורה יבקשו מפיו is gross! Other ת"ח from ‘other citys’ who got involved had prior known agendas against him! But the תורת יקותיאל, ראזענבערגער stood up for SR z”l with a תשובה אריכתא להלכה

  15. Their is a תשובה בשו"ת תיו יהושע, אדעסא who isמתיר בעירוב העירו in the end he brings down at lenghth the בענין לעשות עירוב אם אנשים שלא מודים בעירוב which could 'also' be the reason S"R didn't want to say ברבים, כדי שלא יביישם And maybe in large cities that was the reason he didn't aproof an eiruv , but in frum cities like Monroe he did

  16. The polemic with the eiruv in satmar was after SR lost the votes to become rav and the בעל קרן לדודwon, so small minded people and agenda driven rabunim may have thought that 'he הדומה למלאך ה' is biased, It reminds me of people in america where writing he אסר'ט אתרוגי שבועות because his גבאי deals in אתרוגי יאנעווע

  17. Zu Zig
    "SR had his agenadas especially in הל' עירובן which he had experience doing in different citys"
    do you have a list of cities or vilages where he made eiruvin?
    Does he have more teshuvahs in Divrie Yoel outside of the Satmarer eiruv
    U are a ignoramus touching a subject that u have no idea off.

  18. Zu Zig
    "The polemic with the eiruv in satmar was after SR lost the votes to become rav and the בעל קרן לדודwon, so small minded people and agenda driven rabunim may have thought that 'he הדומה למלאך ה' is biased"
    who decides who is big? who is small? Who is small minded?
    Who is the Rah Hadoma leMalach? who is not?
    I am as decisive as you...

  19. The S”R established a שחיטה מהודרת when he came to America which was very neglected, He spoke out against the domestic שחיטה in public, At one time he said he would of mention the צעהלימר שחיטה to, but felt he may be biased because this known רב המשחית, לקנטרו is involved maybe ‘he z”l’ is biased so he didn’t want anymore to talk out on it.

  20. Zu Zig
    "It reminds me of people in america where writing he אסר'ט אתרוגי שבועות because his גבאי deals in אתרוגי יאנעווע"
    where was it written? do u have a copy of that article?
    the only think people said was, that he hates the new upstart mideast country with a passion, and was ready to send money for his satellites the old shnorer way, but felt that if it will established as financially strong, his theories of its demise will not happen too quick

  21. Zu Zig
    ", the בעש"ט says עה"פּ בזע"ם תצעד ארץ ר"ת: זביחה, עירובין, מקוה, כל אלה הם יסוד הארץ והרב בדמתא צריך להיות בקי בהם ביותר עכ"ל" It’s ידוע

    fogetabout the Besht, its nishtakcho,

    where do u see that he built Zevicha, Mikvah,Eiruvin,
    His nephew with the Ivrit speaking rebetzin, has done more in this fields then his Great uncle all his life.

  22. anon 1:28, "--------"

    If being ignorant and stupid would of hurt you would of be now in an intensive care unit, on life support!

  23. anon 1:19, "I am as decisive as you...'

    that's why you write "announmously" scared like a chicken, ומקיים הלא תגורו מפני איש even after hirshel begs you not to do so!

  24. anon 1:12 "do you have a list of cities or vilages where he made eiruvin?"

    ארשיווע, קראלע, סאטמאר for starters all bigger than קרית צאנז but, maybe not than Union City NJ which doesn't have an eiruv, of course

  25. anon 1:19, "who decides who is big? who is small? Who is small minded? Who is the Rah Hadoma leMalach? who is not?"

    אבן מאסו 'הבונים' היתה לראש
    וד' עמו הלכה כמותו בכל מקום

  26. anon 1:28, "where do u see that he built Zevicha, Mikvah,Eiruvin,"

    Again for starters Read the כ"ד חלקי טהרת יו"ט hundreds of mikvas here in america all done בהוראתו הקso was it in europe and worldwide

    A lubab chusid in montreal told me that there was an ערעור on the local lubab mikvah and it happened when SR was in montreal The lubab rebbe asked this person to go over and visit the SR while he is there ask if he can check on the mikvah, SR went with him תומ"י checked him self on all counts and מכשיר'ת it!

    והמפורסם אין צריך ראיה

  27. anon 1:28, "I am as decisive as you..."

    מדחציף כולי האי ש"מ

  28. anon 1;28, "where do u see that he built Zevicha,'

    Did you ever heard of Meal Mart, Vineland, התאחדות הרבנים, סיגעטער רב tens of years this was the שחיטה מהודרת in America ! All under SR auspicion until 1968 when he fell ill!

    With no ill to the סיגעטער רב son reb AT but all he changed is invalidated his fathers hcsher supposedly i hope for the better !

  29. anon 1:19, "Who is the Rahv Hadoma leMalach? "

    This מחוצף ואפרוח שלא נפתחו עיניו at best Is a רחמנות if he would onlt deny that ראשונים כמלאכים and think they where only כבני אדם well החרשתי But than would i debate a חמור ? so I'll refuse to continue.

    כי אם הראשונים כמלאכים אנו כבני אדם, ואם הראשונים כבני אדם אנו כחמורים, ולא כחמורו של רבי פנחס בן יאיר

  30. תפוח בעצי היערThursday, March 01, 2012 4:11:00 PM

    HT 12:36 "who is this beheima speaking?"

    כל המבזה ת"ח אין לו רפואה למכתו - ח"ו

  31. Malie Gireh
    Did you ever heard of Meal Mart, Vineland, התאחדות הרבנים, סיגעטער רב tens of years this was the שחיטה מהודרת in America ! All under SR auspicion until 1968 when he fell ill!"
    Please don't pull in the Satmar Ruv into mealmart,it was a hechsher that no real erlicha yid eat, it was considered 1 level higher then Empire,
    His nephew and cousin made a good living out of it and the Wienstock gave alot of Money for satmar... thats it.The current Nirbater of BP, tries to portray that lie, that his father was shaliach of satmar ruv, it is all to get a backdoor hechsher on all his shenanigans, as the story with the cows in Uruguay, that the eidah claimed its trief..
    I am not a Satmar chosid and I dont buy into the Rav Hadomeh (BS), but I believe that the satmar ruv was above and beyond a Meal mart ruv..

  32. Mileh Gireh
    Again for starters Read the כ"ד חלקי טהרת יו"ט hundreds of mikvas here in america all done בהוראתו הקso was it in europe and worldwide"
    are all the Mikvehs of the Helmetzer, Sakmer Ruvs credit?
    FYI, he got alot of chizuk of the Lubavicher Rebbe, and kept up a relationship,as u can see in the letters, till it was political correct

    Do you really have 100's of Mikvahs?

  33. Maleh Gireh
    A lubab chusid in montreal told me that there was an ערעור on the local lubab mikvah and it happened when SR was in montreal The lubab rebbe asked this person to go over and visit the SR while he is there ask if he can check on the mikvah, SR went with him תומ"י checked him self on all counts and מכשיר'ת it!"
    If the story is true, what does it tell you?
    I still have to verify if Chabad in Montreal had their independent Mikvah in those years

  34. anon 1:28, "where do u see that he built Zevicha"

    It was תשכ"ו one summer late at nite I peaked in S"R room and i saw a full room of רבנים, דיינים, שוחטים,בעה"ת of meal mart sitting and standing around the table fronted by מלך ביופיו listening and giving הלכה directions and orders how to proceed in the שחיטה

    I also remember around that time I was at a family שבע ברכות That reb yechaskal roth was a קרוב , The S"R was there and discussed the different methods applied to the שחיטה here vs. eourope or eretz yisruel and he insisted in arguments with reb yechaskal roth for a long time in details That the current system applied here meaning Meal Mart - which was than 'and now' the biggest שחיטה גסות in the land - superior in many ways than other prior or current שחיטה system!

    I was a witness to these two occasions, and I don't need a little mdiget שלא קרא ולא שנה, ובודאי לא שמש to tell me otherwise!

  35. overnight kugel: "I am not a Satmar chosid and I dont buy into the Rav Hadomeh (BS)"

    דע מה שתשיב...כ"ש דפּקר טפי and that's no BS!

  36. שאל זקניך : "superior in many ways than other prior or current שחיטה system!"

    And i would add unlike the current OU crop of שוחטים who mostly are
    קלים וריקים גילוחי זקינים, האוכלים ושותים ומתריזים

    In europe or here by meal mart these type of שוחטים wasn't heard of, I know personnaly a frum chasidishe yid who was a shochet by the zelimer ruv z"l and took a job by the OU שחיטה and the zelimer ruv אסר'ט שחיטתו לעולם even when he stoped working at the OU

  37. Shel Zkinecho
    "t was תשכ"ו one summer late at nite I peaked in S"R room and i saw a full room of רבנים, דיינים, שוחטים,בעה"ת of meal mart sitting and standing around the table fronted by מלך ביופיו listening and giving הלכה directions and orders how to proceed in the שחיטה"
    I am younger then u, but if it is true, I would be embarrassed to publicize this,since I am old enough to remember that in the 70's it was considered a very weak hashgocha...and no non partisan satmarer chosid, chasidisher yid, would eat from that hashgocha... and I am not talking of a Klausenburger chosid.
    Just to clarify, when did reb Chezkel Roth arrive to the USA? It is also important to add,that Reb Chezkel Roth took off his hashgocha after being there for a short while,because he did not like a shochet that was no good, and kept there for Mishpocha reasons... so much for the holiest shechitah in town...

  38. Veyomri loch
    "In europe or here by meal mart these type of שוחטים wasn't heard of, I know personnaly a frum chasidishe yid who was a shochet by the zelimer ruv z"l and took a job by the OU שחיטה and the zelimer ruv אסר'ט שחיטתו לעולם even when he stoped working at the OU"
    hard to believe that story,especialy from Tzelemer Ruv If I remember correct, the Sakmar Ruv has a Teshuva in Divrie yoel about a shochet that was working for the Status Quo kehilah, and wants to return to work to Orthodox shechita, he tries every Heter in the book to get him back.Knowing Hungarians this was considered the biggest sin...and he still got him a way back.
    I guess the shochet u r talking about, was a shiegetz without it, and he found a excuse to get rid off.

  39. overnight kugel: "are all the Mikvehs of the Helmetzer, Sakmer Ruvs credit?"

    U-bet! העלמצער רב wouldn't do a think without S"R הסכמה his father was a satmar chusid to, you can see it in his seforim! besides he would go around by the order of S"R in all small town america where 99% the mikva's was פּסול S"R mentions that in a דרשה , he was a עני ואביון the kehilos didn't want to pay to fix them, let alone his expense! And it was all paid in full! By S"R z"l העלמצער רב was a מחותן with us my brother is his SIL and i heard the stories from the העלמצער רב himself, I would add that in many towns lubab rebbe helped him to access because he had a better outrich program! of satmar…

  40. Sheal Zekanecho
    After reading the Zkienecho that is published on a weekly basis, in Kj, I stopped believing even people that claim to see stories first hand...
    Did u see the story of a person testifying that the holy Birech Moshe touched someones hand and got healed from a stroke?
    The last time I saw that story was on the Sar Sholem of belz, This pamphlet has lies upon lies on a weekly basis...I guess the brain gets twisted (metumtem) after decades eating Meal mart.

  41. Mikvah Tahara
    I am not contesting that satmar ruv gave him money, and probaly alot of money,
    I am not contesting that he was a Satmar chosid, he was also Sender Deutsch BIL, whenever he printed a teshuvah from Satmar ruv, in his sefer, he put on every page Rabon shel kol bnie hagolah,as if someone in Willi does not know it, like a idiot,it was all printed by Sender who put it there to make his BIl look like a idiot.
    But give me a break, his giving money for a rav that was his chosid, was the norm in Satmar, mikva builder or no mikvah builder.He gave money for shulem zidichover too..
    Getting back to the issue, did satmar ruv built the first Mikvah in Willi, with his chumrahs, or the Tzelemer Ruv built the first mikvah,
    Did the Tzelemer Ruv have a Shechitah Mehuderes in Willi, before Sakmer ruv arrived to Willi? was Meal Mart considered a better Shechitah then Tzelem, yes or no?

  42. Mikvah Tahara
    "besides he would go around by the order of S"R in all small town america where 99% "
    who took care of the mikvahs after the Helmetzer ruv stopped?
    Did he really take care on hundreds of Mikvahs?

  43. overnight kugel "so much for the holiest shechitah in town"

    Yingele, indulge in your kugel althogh not overnight kugel : כל מחמצת לא תאכלו and have fun! Y. roth came to america around תשכ"ה on S"R request! - he didn't get along with the eida, especially with ר' משה ארי' פריינד זצ"ל - S"R בעוה"ר fell ill תשכ"ח years past since than thinks changed drasticly in the down years complications developed בימים ההם אין מלך בישראל, אבל לא אלמן ישראל, ואין לך ישראל שאין לו גואלים Thinks are being bettered these days and it's not anymore איש כל הישר בעיניו יעשה

    "hard to believe that story,especialy from Tzelemer Ruv"

    You have a believing problem with everything - except a good לשה"ר of corse - דשבשתא כיון דעל על But! I know the person personnaly א תחשיט פון א יוד i went to the yeshivah with him, and if I'm not mistaking it is in writing from the zelimer ruv.

    "the Sakmar Ruv has a Teshuva in Divrie yoel about a shochet that was working for the Status Quo kehilah, and wants to return to work to Orthodox shechita, he tries every Heter"

    It's true S"R besides being a פּוסק, ורב גדול בּישראל was also a רב"י In the full meaning of the word!!!* he lived an breeded חסד, וזכותי דישראל contrary to what you have been told! even on the worst sins that זוהר כתב שאינו מועיל תשובה עליהם and he was חותר חיתרין בהשתכפות נפשו to find a way out!

    There a responsa (shh.. don't tell it no one) even on הזרעה מלאכותית which he so strongly אסר'ט there is writings from him that לאחר המעשה such a child was born he tries hard להתיר הילד לבוא בקהל השם זיעועכ"י

    * How else would he know that the
    דרך הבעש"ט נשתכח לגמרי , If he doesn't know what it is, how does he know it's נשתכח ??? right?

  44. little midget, "he put on every page Rabon shel kol bnie hagolah,"

    I etered S"R room once I seen a new just printed טהרת יו"ט which the author writes in the front page that he gave it to: התנא אלקי ----- I'm not kidding that made a רושם on me than that i never forget! he had a lot of interaction with the rebbe and he felt it!!! I must add even he was an איש המעש, צדיק וישר who never looked out from the ד' אמות literally but wasn't considered the biggest cuchem of all.

  45. I spoke to many old satmarer, all of they say that it is the biggest chilul hakodesh to say that sakmer ruv was behind MealMart. The Wienstock gave alot of Money for the Moisdois and the Bies Harebetzin, plus they kept Ezriel former meal mart shochet,the Mashbak on aleash by giving him still his hefty check for Loi Yechratz Gelt and to quiet down any noise against their shechitah. could be they arranged some meeting, why not? they had enough power there.... but thats it

  46. תפוח בעצי היערFriday, March 02, 2012 8:51:00 AM

    Pearlmutter Overnite: "all of they say that it is the biggest chilul hakodesh to say that sakmer ruv was behind MealMart."

    S"R reined בתקפו only 20 years (+12 ) from תש"ז until תשכ"ח after that he fell ill and times started to change! From תשכ"ח until today 44 years had gone by with a lot of upheaval, and change for better and worse! Most of my comment are from the 20 +12 years only! Most of your chatter/comments collected from others - mostly from not in the know - are from after תשכ"ח so we are really talking from a different generation.

    Your comments ‘always’ are to combine the 44+20 total of 64 years! And give it a name 'satmar' but in reality 64 years is a lot of time in real life! But you as a non-professional garbage collector who doesn't discriminate and recycles all שטותים ולשה"ר'ס of 64 years and making them into one 'overnight kugel' and package them by one name 'satmar' is enticing but deceiving at best but also plain childish and stupid, almost like comparing the litvakas of the גר"א'ס time to the garbage they fell into today’s time by calling them litvish! Comprenda!

    Besides, it is truly amazing that one person has an apetite to collect literally all recycled and otherwise שטותים ולשה"ר'ס mainly on satmar, but in a lessor way worldwide, have fun Bravo!

  47. HT,
    what was the context of this speech?
    was it recent or just a general regurgitating of satmar theology?


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