Tuesday, February 14, 2012

(זהירות - נשים) is B&H hurting our שמירת עינים during שובבי"ם?

see bottom right corner for sponsor of these ads

וועלכע נסיונות דארף דער בחור נעבאך אדורכגיין ווען ער גייט אויף די גאס? און ווער שטעלט אים אהן די נסיונות? א חרדי'שע פירמע!

Received via e-mail:

"This is a regular ad posted on a regular phone booth that are common throughout the city. There is nothing noteworthy about it just for the fact that it is clear that such an ad would not have survived in Yerushalayim for one minute. What might be noteworthy is that the ad is displayed in Boro Park, on the main shopping drag passed by, by 1000s of Charedim, with nary a blink from anybody. But that is not what is really noteworthy; the fact that B&H is probably the largest photo store in the US and is owned and operated by a staunch Satmar Chasid while employing 100's of Hasidic men and women, and is probably sending a good deal of money to the sikrikim to keep Yerushalayim clean - that is noteworthy. But here in the good ol' USA is not only the ad, but the school itself. I think it has a lot to do with how frum people in the rest of the world look at public space. We enjoy the freedoms of America but we don't feel a sense of owners and baalbatishkeit. But in Eretz Yisroel? we might not be Zionist but Zionist enough to feel free to exercise the power of our spitting and more. Most Charedim don't see the dichotomy, what gives?"


  1. does this mean that Chabad is not into Shovevim? did that start by # 6, his eydem, or even before? (I would guess not by the first three, but I could be wrong)

  2. I knew that! Softball בלע''ז

  3. Anon
    "does this mean that Chabad is not into Shovevim? did that start by # 6, his eydem, or even before?"
    it seems you never learned any Chabad sefer in your life, the closest thing you have to Chabad is the rechilas...

  4. Hirshel
    I think the brtisker ruv said that going to protests in Yerushaliem, has a taint of Zionism. something along the lines you brought up

  5. maybe BH wants to give classes for the Bobover plays...for purims and chol hamoed?

  6. don't get it. what does this ad have to do with b & h?

  7. Anon

    Most talmidai HaBesht hardly mentioned 'shovevim'. In particular it is not mentioned by the Tanya.

    As explained in a thorough research by Rav Gedalia Oberlander in Monsey on the inyan of Shovevim.

    Yosef 718

  8. so a Jew shouldn't care more about the holiness of ירושלים עיר הקודש then NYC because the ציונים act as if they own the place?

  9. Rafeal halpern zl , a charadi wrestler sell his glasses in EY with the same kind of ads.

  10. מאן יימר שבליובאוויטש לא עסקו בשובבי"ם, עיין כאן

  11. ועיין מה שכותב הרבי כאן שאינו שולל מה שבחוגים אחרים מתנהגים בענייני שובבי"ם

  12. Hirshel,

    Do you post every BS email you get????

    Nnot only 100s chasidim work there and nehene m'yegie kapom, but also 100s of mizrochi,litvakes,sfardim etc. Any yid which is capable can get a job there.

    This is one of the most yidisher parnoso giving organisation in the world, and you go bashmits them????

    Another lie - the balabatim from BH do not give money to sikrikim, because they do not give money to organisation- they give money to almonos, yesomim, sick people- private people(and they give MILLIONS in year). Somebody has to be very low to pour dirt on people like balabtim of BH.

  13. Kol Hakavod for B&H for giving parnasa for so many yidden. But in order to achieve that, B&H must have their name appear as a sponsor or co-payer of ads.

    That is basic name-recognition expenses; the basic way of doing business in in this world. You have to be mean and meshuga to criticize B&H for doing what is honorable and halachically legit.

    The question raised here, so why exactly can't the Judaica store do a legit parnasa in the same fashion in Yerushalayim, what exactly did the [first the sikrikim who torched the store, and then the] Edah want from Ohr Hachaim's parnasa? Exactly what kind of pritzus was he bringing into Meah Shearim, that they needed to sign a hashgacha agreement?

    What is wrong with having such ads anywhere in Hashem's world? Is it or isn't wrong? I think it is not and neither is having a nice seforim store such as Eichlers in Yerushalayim.

    Oooops "Theater" "Acting" even for goyim is Chochma Yevonis Oi vey B&H is supporting the fight against Chanuka! Gevald!

    See, if I was meshuga enough I could make a case, but I am not! But neither should that case be in Yerushalayim.

    Since I know B&H balabatim and they are truely are tzadikim balei chesed 100%! They are Satmar and give to Satmar and to all institutions comprising the Edah establishment. When we talk sikrikim -at least to me- that 'includes' the Edah Hacharedis! who else?

    I could read, and in all Satmar Shuls in NY they had Edah Hacharedis placards supporting those arrested i.e. well known sikrikim. And demanding money for their defense fund.

    To assume that HS didn't give his share to this fight is ridiculous.

  14. normaL GEDOLIM like the CHAZON ISH,Reb Moshe,reb Yacov,the Steipler,Lubavitcher rebbe etc.,never ever stressed or talked about SHMIRAS HABRIS,because they as normal people understood that this INYAN is a very personal issue,and it is nobody's business to talk about it,and everybody has to deal with it in his own personal way,
    And the ones constantly ranting and raving and giving MUSAR on SHMIRAS HABRIS,are the ones with with their own deep psychological issues concerning this matter,
    there is a facinating letter from the STEIPLER,in the sefer KRAINA D'UGRASA,where a BACHUR is asking him how to do TESHUVA on his trasgressions in SHMIRAS HABRIS,
    and the Steipler answered him,just forget about,don't think about,and just keep on learning,and everything will be alright,this is a normal and healthy attitude on this subject,not the insane obsession and ranting and raving that is going on by some of the chasidishe rebbe's,which does much more harm than good.

  15. To assume that HS didn't give his share to this fight is ridiculous.


    To assume that he did, or that he didn't only because he had no desire to become a victim of violence at the hands of a small band of Willy or Monroe sikrikim, is also ridiculous.

    To equate the Eda haCharedis with the sikrikim is ridiculous as well.

    The sikrikim get their defense money from their masters, the ShaBaK, who make sure that no sick rick ever does his full share of time, regardless of his crime or ostensible sentence.

  16. Who is obsessed with shmiras habris these days except Schick from the Yavne'el/BP Breslov spinoff cult?

  17. Who is obsessed with shmiras habris these days except Schick from the Yavne'el/BP Breslov spinoff cult?

  18. Anon/russian chosid
    "Oooops "Theater" "Acting" even for goyim is Chochma Yevonis Oi vey B&H is supporting the fight against Chanuka! Gevald!"
    for a yid like Shrieber that is so pure that he had to stop davening in the new Rachmistrivker bies hanmidrash because of the tiny star of david inscripted on the ark, its a shande to promote a girlface on BP streets.Especial in our xtreme era, that even the pesach cookie name was changed from lady fingers to baby fingers.
    You have to admit Hirshel made a strong point...

  19. "The sikrikim get their defense money from their masters, the ShaBaK, who make sure that no sick rick ever does his full share of time, regardless of his crime or ostensible sentence."
    Shagetz, what are you smoking????

  20. y'all are probably right that the client doesn't get to choose where his advertising money gets spent, and he has no idea where his posters will be displayed, as we can remember from the old days when they'd put those "Newport" ads in Spanish in frum Jewish neighborhoods...

    They're not very good at that

  21. Explain to me how:

    No one was detained for the Natalie Moshiach incident

    Yoilish Kroiz is arrested, let out, and rearrested every few months

    Both Kroiz and Friedman (RBS) speak beautiful Ivris

    There is more, going back many years and having to do with silk gold.

    A schmeck ShaBaK


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