Wednesday, March 7, 2012

קיינע התגרות באומות

This piece from the זרע שמשון is what many of you may be looking for when pondering the question of "how were the Jews permitted to rise up against the nations of the world if they were under oath to G-d that they would not do so until Moshiach's arrival?" For some the whole YomTov is צושטערט because you cannot get the question out of your minds. You're enlightened and you can't see past it. You listen to the מגילה and it bothers you! But fear not! This may put your mind to rest a bit. (There's also the fact that Jews killed Gentiles that bothers people these days, and many in Israel are refusing to celebrate what was once a very popular holiday even among the secular - but that's another angle. We're not here to pursue that here.) In the interest of "equal time" and being "fair and balanced," we bring you a response from the "Torah-true Jews against Zionism," who try and שלאג אפ this זרע שמשון, or rather show how this does NOT contradict their position that it is forbidden to rise up against the גויים until משיח comes.

Here's a taste of what the left in Israel is thinking these days. Tongue in cheek, of course. I guess you need familiar with Israeli politics and culture to really get what they're referring to.


  1. Jews defended themselves in many times and places throughout Jewish history after the Destruction of the 2nd Temple.
    Famously see what Rav Nasan Nata Hannover writes in Yeven Metzulah about 1648-50 Gezeroth, how whole communtiites of frum Yidden led by their rabbonim joined forces with Poles to defend their towns (with weapons)against the cossacks and Ukrainian murderers.As far as I know no one in the Vaad Arba Aratzos assailed them for doing so. (Please note this was before the availability of the Vayoel Moshe which supercedes the Shulchan Aruch, and real life).
    In our own times many famous rabbis joined the Partisan forces and fought against the Nazis men like rabbi Gustman, the Radziner rebbe and others.There is even a hava amina that rav Men. Ziemba and the great zaddik Hillel Zeitlin encouraged this revolt.
    See what the gaon Rav Weinberg of Berlin writes of the glory and kedusha of those who fought the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto.
    Hisgarus be-Umoth does not mean defending Jewish life from destruction.
    But what it may just mean is a constant literally unending series of white collar crimes by Jews against the governemtn of a state that has bben kind to Jews.
    It may just mean the week after week rhetoric in the Holy Peg attacking all sorts of Federal officials for being Anti Semites.(and its personal atatcks on our current president)
    It may just mean the chilul hashem caused by some residents in our great and free independent charedi enclaves like the attempt to burn another Jew.It amy mean a riot in BP after a cop tried doing his duty and give a Jew a traffic ticket. amazing you guys are worried about hisgarus beUmoth in terms of Jews defending their lives but no one (rabbonim included) ever blasted BP jews for rioting and going on a rampage over a "farsshtunkene" traffic ticket and causing a great Chilul hashem.(By the way its all recorded on film) Just for the record the satmarer rebbe's views on israel WERE NOT supported by the follwoing zaddikim : 1. Rayaatz. 2. Ramash of Lubavitch 3. Kluizenberger rav
    4Belzer rav Rav AAron.5 bais israel of Gur 6 Reb Moshe Feinstein 7 Chazon ish 8.Reb yankev kaiminetsky 8 Novominsker Rebbe 9. Kapishnitzer rebbe 10 Lutzker Rav 11. Rav abramsky 12 Bobover rav 13. Imre Chaim of Vishnitz14 Pnai Menachem15 Ponovieszer rav . and many amny others . Who exactly agreed with the satmarer rebbe and if so few peopel agreed why the raash ?

  2. Peace Now's Megillah with english subtitles

  3. There's another Satmar claim that's shlugged up in the מגילה. They deny the relevance of the Balfour Declaration because they claim that "rebelling against the nations" refers to the people living there, not to the government who is sovereign. Yet, Achasverosh promises Esther עד חצי המלכות which the מפרשים explain as particularly excluding א"י which was under his sovereignty (the removal of which would split his kingdom into two halves- hence חצי המלכות). The implication is that had Achasverosh not withheld א"י from Esther, the Jews could have started building בית שני, even if the local residents squatting there would make a fuss (which they did under כורש.) But Achasverosh refused, and any attempt then to reestablish Jewish sovereignty would have been a rebellion- not against the residents, but against the government.

  4. Schneur
    Ad Mosai will you not get that the views of all this Gedolim that did not agree with Reb Yoelish of Sakmar, are irrelevant, since they were paid off by the Zionists...

  5. Ephraim: "There's another Satmar claim that's shlugged up in the מגילה. They deny the relevance of the Balfour Declaration"
    "the Jews could have started building בית שני, even if the local residents squatting there would make a fuss (which they did under כורש.)"

    And I was thinking that Ephraim got lost with the עשרת השבטים and here he surfaced again!

    בּימי כורש הי' נביאה ופקידה לחזור לא"י אחר שבעים שנה

    In the days of Balfour / בעל פעור
    Who was a known anti Semite Didn't want the poor Russian Jews running from pogroms to settle in England concocted an plan to send them to poor Palestine! No נביאה ופקידה whatsoever, In fact the only Jew in the English parliament at the time opposed To the Idea!

    כה אמר ה' כי לפי
    מלאת לבבל שבעים שנה אפקד אתכם והקמתי עליכם את דברי הטוב להשיב אתכם...

  6. schneur said: "WERE NOT supported by the follwoing zaddikim : 1. Rayaatz. 2. Ramash of Lubavitch 3. Kluizenberger rav
    4Belzer rav Rav AAron.5 bais israel of Gur 6 Reb Moshe Feinstein 7 Chazon ish 8.Reb yankev kaiminetsky 8 Novominsker Rebbe 9. Kapishnitzer rebbe 10 Lutzker Rav 11. Rav abramsky 12 Bobover rav 13. Imre Chaim of Vishnitz14 Pnai Menachem15 Ponovieszer rav . and many amny others . Who exactly agreed with the satmarer rebbe and if so few peopel agreed why the raash ?"


    Atleast mention does who wrote something to refute him, so it can be dealt with like these:

    מאן דהו'ס: פוקח עוורים, מענדעלע כאשר, י' קאהן וכו' וכו


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