Friday, March 9, 2012

......אין חב"ד איז אלץ געלט

shabbos Bletel Antwerp #299

See the first story on the "פסוק "זה יתנו. It's a doozy.

Basically, all it took for the Palm Springs שליח to forego his scruples and מנהג המקום was a few dollars. And a Belzer Chossid was the one who made the Bobover Rov so happy. O' those Galitzyaners.ווען מ'דארף, קענען זיי ארבעטן צוזאמען.


  1. Its a tough one to reject a big rebbes requesat, with money or without money, but he should have tell Reb Shlomele the story of the Alter Rebbe and the Kedushat Levi, who argued on veshomri saying Friday night, the AR responded to the Berdichever ruv saying that in Himmel there is a big Yerid from saying Veshomri, that there is a bigger Yerid in himmel from not mafsik bien Geula leTfila...

  2. This story makes no sense the bobover rebbe would not be משנה מנהג המקום
    Why is it that another מנהג is not הייליג?
    The rebbe could've said it quietly himself.
    The German Jews say יוצרות many shabbosim a year
    Do you think bobov would allow rav Breuer to say הייליגע יוצרות on those weeks in bobov?!
    Utter nonsense that is why I left my chassishe roots these stories are nauseating
    P.s. I am no fan of Chabad I try to save every person from them but this is crazy

  3. The bobover was a big tzadik this didn't hsppen

  4. What an odd story! As they are telling the narrative they are making chozek of the fact that Chabad don't say the yotzros and then they denegrate us for taking the gelt!

    Something is fishy...

    Also I wonder what Nusach the Bober Rebbe davened for Mussaf.

  5. S'iz Gur a Moyfes, der Gantzeh Mayseh

  6. This is a none story, Beis chabad in palm beach is what it is certainly it doesn't have a דין ביה"כ the steady מתפללים do not have a chabad background and the local rav can do as plaesed according to halacha just like they waive other more important customs! to ease on בעלי תשובה In this case bobover ruv didn't know that money was offered, but on the other side of the coin the local rav knows אם אין קמח אין תורה so he did the right thing!

    I will share a similar story SR z"l was in the נייטרא ישיבה as a guest by RMB z"l for 4 weeks when he came to America In Nitra the daven strictly נוסח אשכנז as of today! But RMB didn't tell that for SR and he daven't נוסח אר"י later when SR left he became aware and he said I wouldn't of changed!(?) the נוסח Although when others tried in nitra to daven נוסח אר"י RMB chased them out litterally?! So it seems that מקום יש בראש...

  7. Money talks
    "I will share a similar story SR z"l was in the נייטרא ישיבה as a guest by RMB z"l for 4 weeks when he came to America In Nitra the daven strictly נוסח אשכנז as of today! But RMB didn't tell that for SR and he daven't נוסח אר"י later when SR left he became aware and he said I wouldn't of changed!(?) the נוסח Although when others tried in nitra to daven נוסח אר"י RMB chased them out litterally?! So it seems that מקום יש בראש..."
    the 2nd part of the story is definitely a all satmarer stories go

  8. Tibi Lotzi said... ----------

    Lotzi how old are u? which chasidus or litvish where you raised in? How do you know what is a lie? verses what is the truth? does it have to pass 'your' smell test are you the promised מורח ודאין, ולא למראה עיניו ישפוט ?! because I have a close relative who was witness himself to the 2nd part of the story!

  9. When I write a comments and tzig don't post them! I feel like when my melamid on such occasion would sing:

    מהפך פשטא זקף קטן!! דבּר אל העצים ואל אבנים

  10. For a hunk of change he'd lehavdil hang up a tzelem.
    That said, I'm sure that if he phoned the Rebbe he'd tell him to let it be without as much as a whimper ...

  11. usually you follow minhag hamakom. but if you have a peltz mantle then usually its felt you are the rule.


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