Tuesday, March 20, 2012

?מה נאמר

מורי ורבותי

I'm flattered that people look to me and to my writings to take comfort in the event of terrible tragedies, but what am I supposed to say at a time like this? What words of comfort can I possibly deliver? We sit and mourn יחד עם כל בית ישראל. I have a friend -or maybe "acquaintance" would be a better term? -  from my Kolel days who's a Chabad shliach in Toulouse and was quoted in one of the reports. He had just dropped off his children at the school when he heard the shots. His daughter texted him to stay away from the school. Why do I tell you this? I have no idea. I'm just rambling. Rabbi Sandler was on shlichus in Toulouse, having come from Israel to teach. This is an unspeakable crime, especially since we know that the killer looked to kill children point blank. We can see from the pictures that the community in Toulouse is a united one, with many different streams all being educated either in Lubavitch or Otzar HaTorah. I have met Jews in Monsey who are French - not Chabad - and spoke so highly of Lubavitch and their activities. It warms the heart to see Jews united so. Let's do that here too! Here we have countless numbers of Jews who could easily assimilate in France yet choose to educate their kids in the ways of Torah, despite the dangers of it! What a beautiful nation the Yidden are! I'm tired of being the bearer of bad news here. Obituaries, one after the other. It's bad enough that I write about people, cities and culture that are long dead, now I need to write about killings, r"l? You want links? see below. You've heard and seen it all by now.

gunman filmed killings...
the victims
Solidarity march in Paris
Neo_nazis suspected
Anti-Semitism in France
Victims to be buried in E. Yisroel
Same gun had killed 3 paratroopers before
Rabbi Sandler HY"D a dedicated Talmid Chochom
Four die
Another terror wave feared
Tragedy in Toulouse

Let's hear about good things happening!!


  1. HIRSHEL!!! Lubavitchers don't ramble
    with out makeing an oppertunity to make propaganda for lubavitich

    When you write:

    "Why do I tell you this? I have no idea.

    I'm just rambling. Rabbi Sandler was on shlichus in Toulouse, having come from Israel to teach."

    shlichus by whom?? misleading info readers should assume that he was a lubavitcher

    When you write:

    "I have met Jews in Monsey who are French - not Chabad - and spoke so highly of Lubavitch and their activities."

    propaganda again

    reading your other post it only downgrades other yidden so where is your achdes then

  2. Tamula

    shlichus from nobody. He decided to go teach, as far as I know. The only person who is bothered by this is you, because you can't STAND Lubavitch. Get over it already.

  3. Tamula Shuvv: “Why do I tell you this? I have no idea” “Rabbi Sandler was on shlichus in Toulouse” “shlichus by whom?” “Where is your achdes”
    Tamula Shuvv – or is it - תמהין ושיילין Tzig has a penchant to bring controversial and curious issues to some, But not so curious to others! This story is in the same category so הנח להם לציג אחת בין שבעים זאבים טורפים blogs who don’t let express your political un correct opinions! Which this שה תם let’s you do (as long you’re soft on lubab and harder on others..), Rabbi Sandler was on shlichus from whom? From הקב"ה lubab or not! Paris is not Mumbai It’s an עיר ואם בישראל for many generations And למצוה גדולה יחשב for those who can help there educate יודישע קינדער, Still less dangerous for yiden than E.Y.!

    Tzig may be correct to associate this – a little – with lubab, Because I when seen the photos with little children wearing the יחי מלך המשיח, קאפּעלעך It provoked in me lubab?! Thoughts! Maybe that was Tzig’s sub conscience to, so what? either way lubab or not! מפרסמין עושה מצוה

    What I’m curious about doesn’t any one here on the חד גדיא blog connect the dots that these קדושים died on the alter of zionisim again and again like so many others since WWII Isnt the whole חד גדיא on the end of the seder showing us that’t its all connected ישראל ערבים זל"ז Tzig names this thread מה נאמר? I would name it instead עד מתי? Like יודעלך שריי טעד מתי

  4. חד גדיא

    Toulouse is 679km from Paris
    That's further than from NY to Montreal!

    Please stop making excuses for Terrorists!!

    שייגעץ ארויס

  5. Tzig said: שייגעץ ארויס

    עס פּאסט ניט פאר אייך אזוי ציזאג'ן, דאס איז א סאטמארע שפראך

  6. וואס דען זאל איך זאגען צו איינער וואס פארטיידיגט טעראריסטן?!

    נאר אזא סאטמארער שפראך פארשטייט ער

  7. Tzig : "Toulouse is 679km from Paris That's further than from NY to Montreal! Please stop making excuses for Terrorists!!"

    ?מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני
    Just read the חד גדיא אין די הגדה , עם כל המפרשים And more will be revealed, It's all connected!

  8. You said Paris is not Mumbai, it's an עיר ואם בישראל

    so I said Toulouse is not Paris. This happened in Toulouse.

    And you blamed the Zionists for this, not the killer.

  9. Tzig: "נאר אזא סאטמארער שפראך פארשטייט ער "

    הוי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות, זאל ער זיין א סאטמערע אויך, ניט אזוי

  10. Tzig, "And you blamed the Zionists for this, not the killer."

    Every action has a re action דהיינו הסיבה הראשונה In no way did I not blame the killer!!! But the חד גדיא connect them all togheter no?

    המן הרשע wanted to kill us all! But still chazal tell us why?
    ! מפני שנהנו מסעודתו של אותו רשע
    That don't make המן less רשע !

  11. Tzig: "You said Paris is not Mumbai, it's an עיר ואם בישראל "

    What I meant was Paris or Toulouse have a substantial jewish community Where שליחים of all kinds have reasons to go there to help out with יודישקייט ענינים But Mumbai and other abandoned cities ?מה לכהן בבית הקברות They served there 99% Israelis who go there after they finished שירות צה"ל, למלאה תאותם like the גרועים שבאומת and than They go to the chabad house to eat kugel! and to show their family pictures what they did in Mumbai! These are known facts! In the chabad circles and reported so In the Israeli and Indian press!

  12. חד גדיא
    In your torah there is a inyan to get a yid to put on tefilin even once?
    Is there a inyan to get a yid to keep shabos for a day,a hour,a minute?
    You believe in Mitzva Goreres Mitzva?

    Was Titelbaum a Tzahalnim that was there Lemalois tavosai?

    did the terrorist bomb the Taj Mahal and the metro in Mumbai because of the Zionists or for Kashmir?

    Did the pogroms in Kiev and Kishenev happen because of the Zionists?

  13. Chad Gadye

    "But Mumbai and other abandoned cities ?מה לכהן בבית הקברות They served there 99% Israelis"

    there 100's of business people passing his house....

  14. Tamula
    Is it not the Jewish way to Vehechai Yitan Al Liboi.... that sinas Yisroel is keeping us in Galuth and we have to repent...? what is your problems with Hirshels point?

  15. Dear Divrie Ruach! You seem to be a chshava yid with a good heart, I didn't mean to offend you, But from your comments I see you didn't get the point!

    אין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו

  16. חד גדיא has a point from the קדושי חברון in 1929 to the קדושי Mumbai and now in 2012 the קדושי Toulouse, 83 years past full of murdered קדושים directly connected to the Zionist dream, if someone would compile a list of ‘all’ tragedies including the dead in צה"ל wars! It would shake up the jewish world like never before! - and still no end רח"ל – Maybe the bobover’s would make a special קינות on that for ה' אייר חינגא This is not fun anymore! The whole world is in danger of terrosim, this Zionist dream had become a nightmare! Anyone with two cent תרי זוזי sense can see it; I’m not promoting קנאות here Just stating the facts!

    Pleae No ofense to anyone personal!

  17. is the 6 million also part of חד גדיא
    &תרי זוזי ????

  18. חד גדיא

    "Dear Divrie Ruach! You seem to be a chshava yid with a good heart, I didn't mean to offend you, But from your comments I see you didn't get the point!"
    I have borech hashem thick skin, I can read your nonsense?

  19. Divrie Ruach : "is the 6 million also part of חד גדיא
    &תרי זוזי ????"

    Yes it is
    !ואתא הקב"ה ושחט למלאך המות

  20. חד גדיא

    "Wherever we remain politically secure for any length of time, we assimilate. I think this is not praiseworthy..."

    who said this? the Chasam Sofer? Rav SR Hirsch? or the Sakmer Ruv?

  21. תרי זוזי

    !ואתא הקב"ה ושחט למלאך המות

    Unfortunately it is still well and kicking as the most prosperous European country...

  22. I am not a satmarer and I believe in going to bechiros. However, if we look at the simple numbers as has been shown before, the Zionists, who claim to offer an option against anti-semitic attacks, have actually produced the opposite, drawing a target sign on jewish backs for anyone who does not like Israel. The six million was, in all explanations, an anomaly, and the State of Israel could not have stopped it. Therefore, it proves nothing.

  23. Divrie Ruach: "I have borech hashem thick skin, I can read your nonsense?"

    You praise g-d for your thick skin?

    !על כל 'נשימה' ונשימה תהלל קה

  24. Petach: "Wherever we remain politically secure for any length of time, we assimilate. I think this is not praiseworthy..."

    What's the point? How does it pertain to this topic?

  25. yankel said: "I am not a satmarer"
    "the State of Israel could not have stopped it"

    I am not a satmarer was obvious in your comment, You should of state "I am a zionist' which is Subliminal in your comment.

    "the State of Israel could not have stopped it" Did they try?! Or did they impede any rescue work for anyone trying i.e the yoel brand fiasco, Dont you know of the famous telegram coming from the 'jewish agency'to the rescue commitee!

    !רק בדם תהי' לנו הארץ

    And this is without touching the issue of the !שלש שבועות

  26. Petach : "Wherever we remain politically secure for any length of time, we assimilate. I think this is not praiseworthy..."

    Praiseworthy or not, Did someone say 'you should make the jews politiccally or physicaly' INSECRE! By concentrating them as a red target in one Place! or was it said:

    צדקה עשה הקב"ה בישראל שפזרן לבין האומות

  27. איפה היה ״הפלאטשיקס״
    ואיפה היהו הטשולנט טאפ

  28. I also, as a french not chabad, but nothing against, was chocked of somes articles i read on the web. Many lies for the purpose of glorifying the chabad movement. For ex : http://www.shturem.net/index.php?section=news&id=55685
    Just the title let you know how some chabanik's just hate other frum people. So sad.

  29. שלום

    I know what you mean, and believe me some of the most negative comments about these articles comes from Chabadniks themselves! They hate what the Chabad sites do sometimes! I have had countless discussions with Chabad people about this. I believe this comes from the fact that they're in public eye all the time and feel the need to always write narishkeiten.

  30. this is all happening because satmar is a bunch of chazeirim that are gonna burn in hell they will be all chayav kures and they will not have a chelek in olam haba how dare you say that you know g-ds ways!!!!

  31. Sholom,
    in my naivete, i thought shturem was a better than that, compared to collive and chinfo. thanks for the link, they have the same stupid one-up ness that plagues lubavitch.

    it need to be said and repeated again and again that all these websites are private enterprises whose sole purpose is making money for some private person. they don't represent anyone except their owners penchant for creating controversy and bringing more eyeballs to them.

  32. To Hirshel :

    you're right, even if on the other side many lubavitchers (and i know a lot in France) would agree with that kind of "articles"; what they don't understand is that they get the opposite reactions from non-chabdzkes jews. As i told recently to a schliach in Paris, we are probably very very far from yemos hamoshiach... Anyway shkoyech for your interisting blog and to let open commentaries.

    A litvishe yid fun Paris ;-)

  33. חד גדיא

    You really do not know about Mumbai. I do. Many people were brought closer to Torah and Mitzvos because of R' Gavriel and his Rebetzin הי’’ד.

    Those of you who are "proud" that you don't have a "target sign" on your backs, are misguided. Having the sign is a badge of honour. It means you belong to כלל ישראל. You guys seem to think that הלכה עשיו שונא את יעקכ doesn't apply to you במציאות and עשיו won't bite you. You know why he may not bite you? Because you are Farshtelt. It's Purim a whole year for you. You hide behind rocks and creep out at night. In a time of מלחמה you are the people who are ילך וישוב לביתו. You don't fight physical wars or spiritual wars. You just create bunkers and multiply.

    You guys think you know how to control שנאה. What a massive joke you have all become; a very sad joke, an object of derision.

  34. pitputim & sakmar shventz said "----- whatever"

    I feel your pain.

  35. pitputim: "You hide behind rocks and creep out at night. In a time of מלחמה you are the people who are ילך וישוב לביתו"

    that's why you're on the web half the nite ?

  36. pitputim: "You know why he may not bite you? Because you are Farshtelt"

    I think your blind hate which is so obvious time and again for a community of people... just because you dont't like 'someones' comments borders on obssesion and can lead you to self destrucion! I would suggest you seek serious professional help for yourself! And let others go... if civil discourse is immposible for you on any topic! Than that's your only option.

  37. Thanks "Sammy". I discussed it with a professional and he said it was perfectly normal to be disgusted and revolted by the comments and attitude of the Jew Hating Chad Gadya's of this world.

    Next bit of advice?

  38. pitputim: "Because you are Farshtelt. It's Purim a whole year for you" "they will be all chayav kures and they will not have a chelek in olam haba" "Next bit of advice?"

    מה ענין פורים אצל כרת? אלא תבוא ב"ב של עמלק שהיו מחתכין מילותיהם של ישראל וזורקין כלפי מעלה, ואומרים
    טול לך מה שבחרת, ועליהם הכּ' אומר : והשב לשכנינו שבעתים אל חיקם חרפתם אשר חרפוך, לקיים ונהפּוך הוא אשר ישלטו היהודים

    כי הבא על אשת איש מיתתו בחנק ויש לו חלק לעולם הבא, אבל המלבין פני חברו ברבים והמכנה שם רע לחברו אין לו חלק לעולם הבא

    מיתתו בחנק כיצד? ער וועט זיך דערווערגן מיט א העלזע'ל שמינה פון א שטאפּ גאנץ בעיצומו של יום הפּירום ואחר שפּרחה נשמתו בת קול יוצא שהוא זימן לחיי עולם הבּא! והמלבין הפ"ח דידן 'תלמידו של בלעם הרשע' כורע ומשתחווה כהמן לאכול כזית ולא יכול עוד כי בקע טבורי! והי' כי תקראנה כאלה ...ואמר ביום ההוא, על כי אין אלקי בקרבי! מצאוני הרעות
    האלה, ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני ביום ההוא על כל הרעה אשר עשה, ויורידהו לשאול תחתית, ונידהו בצואה ריתחות! כי ברותחין קלקלו וברותחין נידונו, וחמת המלך שככה

  39. pitputim said: Next bit of advice?
    posted on: בעצם יום שבת קודש!
    Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:16:00 AM

    ושמרתם את השבת כי קדש הוא לכם מחלליה מות יומת! כי כל העשה בה מלאכה ונכרתה הנפש ההוא מקרב עמיה

  40. it's time you learned the meaning of being dan l'kaf zechus. Despite it not being part of your chinuch. I can vouch for R' "pitputim," he's in a a far away land. Shabbos was out by then. Not all Jews live in NY state.

  41. Tzig: "it's time you learned the meaning of being dan l'kaf zechus"

    Pitputim has the most foul mouth ever!!! BTW no where I know of was after shabous today at:
    Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:16:00 AM

    Also, he wrote on:
    Friday, March 23, 2012 3:00:00 PM

    So which one is it? or does he had קפיצת הדרך He is full Baloney !

  42. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    "I can vouch for R' "pitputim,"

    This בן פּוטי Has never had a decent word to say on anything or anyone not from his tribe (whoever they are) uses foul language that פאסט פאר א קיטשור יונג and you vouch for him?!

  43. Get an education you simpletons. The same lack of sophistication and ignorance that incorrectly assumes the world is in NY and so it has to be Shabbos everywhere drives your small minded hate campaign against Jews the world over.

    You probably think the world is flat and humans are infallible.

    Go out and get an education.

  44. Tzig: “it's time you learned the meaning of being dan l'kaf zechus”

    You’re right, he is probably אגאנץ פיינער יוד, א שומר שבת, He woke up early and stumbled to the computer half sleepingly, and didn’t realize his mistake until he pressed the send button, and ‘oy vey’! this חד גדיא guy! So I’ll ask him for a mechila for my Gotch’ya moment! But to השי"ת he will have to do t’shivah and he will be mechiyav a korban.

    כל מחלל שבת בשוגג חייב להביא קרבן חטאת

    ps: I remember a yid came to shul אים שבת פין די עשרה ראשונים מיט די תו"ט, גיגאנגען אין מקוה אויך Not until he came out someone reminded him it's שבת, and he didn't have Alzheimer's גיי ווייס?

  45. By מעשה תמר ויהודה it was god who directed him to do it! Even he didn’t want to, because of a ‘prior’ sin!

    By דוד המלך the opposite happened, it was god who directed him to do it! When he wanted to, and when he didn’t wanted to either!

    אמר דוד: בכל יום הייתי מחשב לבית פלוני אני הולך ורגלי מוליכות אותי לביהמ"ד

    אמר הקב"ה ליהודה: "אתה רמית באביך בגדי עזים חייך שתמר מרמה בך בגדי עזים"

    מלאך אמר לו: להיכן אתה הולך יהודה, מהיכן מלכים עומדים, מהיכן גואלים עומדים, ויט אליה אל הדרך בעל כורחו שלא בטובתו

    לכו חזו מפעלות אלהים נורא עלילה על בני אדם: א"ר
    יהושע בן קרחה אף הנוראות שאתה מביא עלינו בעלילה את מביאן

    This is true by all בני אדם We do sometimes terrible things against 'our own will' ויט אליה אל הדרך בעל כורחו because of some prior un noticed sin! or for any other באשעפער'ס חשבונות But we have to hold ground and not get sweped away by it!

    גם כי אלך בגיא צלמות לא־אירא רע כי אתה עמדי

    לא היה דוד ראוי לאותו מעשה, אלא להורות תשובה ליחיד

    והכתוב קהלת ח' צווח יש צדיקים שמגיע אליהם כמעשה הרשעים, ויש רשעים שמגיע אליהם
    כמעשה הצדיקים

    חד גדיא
    It's all connected

  46. pitputim : “You probably think the world is flat and humans are infallible.” “You don't fight physical wars or spiritual wars”

    So are you fighting the physical war on the tread mill or in the Peace Corps-blogging? And fighting the spiritual war with by eating healthy or by fasting? באתכפיא או באתהפכא? Or are you just an arm chair Warrior.

    The world isn’t flat or black and white! But some of our heads are flat, or some of our musical notations should be flat.

  47. פּוטפּוט ולא מצא? יטול שהוא
    OU בסינא עוסק במזרחי הכשירים להא

  48. Chad Gadya or is it Bilaam's Aizel: One can only assume your laughable slander is due to Yichus to the Erev Rav. Be careful, I'm a Cohen Meyuchas from Pinchas, and if you tell me who you are (which you haven't got the guts to do), I'll be forced to be a קנאי and take you to your Rebbe for a Din Torah. Don't worry, I wouldn't bother.

    Go and ask your Rebbe about your post on the (חס ושלום) internet and see what he tells you

  49. My warrior: As you are a Chabadnik, I'll limit the context of physical exertion to the Meshichisten occupying 770.

  50. פתוחי חותם ... you'll find it in the Vatican

  51. pitputim: "Don't worry, I wouldn't bother."

    I'm sorry if you feel hurt! That's what zig's clock next to your comment said:said:
    Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:16:00 AM

    Please don't treaten because I'll be forced to report it not to your rebbe, but to the police, and than even you're a cohen
    !מעם מזבחי תקחנו

    This is my last comment on this BS conversations Your venom and anger in each and every comment is dangerous to you and to others so Bye.

  52. I know enough about computer software to advise you that you ought not accuse people of חילול שבת based on it. In fact, you ought to know enough about it as well. Remember when the world was going to tumble down because of Y2K?

    As to my venom: yep, I get really angry when Satmer types try to hang every bit of tragedy that befalls כלל ישראל on the "zionisten". They should stop playing God, and I will calm down, especially when these קדושים were buried in their own blood.


Please think before you write!
Thanks for taking the time to comment
ביטע טראכטן פאר'ן קאמענטירן, און שרייבן בכבוד'דיג, ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם

ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

Please, no anonymous comments!!