Tuesday, March 27, 2012

האדמו"ר האצ"ל'ניק

Read all about א ירושלימ'ער אינגל, א רבי'ש קינד, who became a fiery Zionist and stuck his tongue out at all the zealots. I wonder if that could happen today.



"מכתב על מרן הראי"ה זיע"א"

More from HydePark's בחדרי חרדים


  1. די חברה רוהען נישט קיין מינוט
    מ'קנאקט און מ'קנאקט, אהן א אויפהער. וואך איין און וואך אויס
    מ'באבּירט צו ריהביליטעט'ן דעם חברה מאן הידוע לשמצה

    צדיקים האבן גיזאגט: ולא תתירו אחרי לבבכם, ענקער הערצל!, ואחרי עיניכם ענקער קוק!

  2. Dont underestimate our generation, We have Reb yoely roth..

  3. R. Brandwein was a son in law of the Bostoner rebbe Rabbi Pinchos Horowitz, (as the article states). In the old days Orthodox Jews were much more individualistic not made from a cookie cutter. We had a Histadrut rabbi who was a rebbe ( Brandwein) Rabbi Ashlag a Communist, Chassidm who were Mizrachi leaders Rebbes who belonged to Mizrachi, Rabbis who who were Communists, Anarchists, Men like Rav Kook Nazir, Chen etc who were independent thinkers. Today one puts on a shtreimel and a bekishe from G&G and everyone talks the same thinks the same and many think only of money. Would our generaton create men like Rav aron Roth, The Lubavitcher Rebbe Rav Hutner, Hillel Zeitlin, Franz Rosenzweig. I doubt it.
    And all of this goes for the zibbur as well. Every one dresses alike talks alike thinks a like . Did G-D want to create robots ?

  4. עין־גדי!, כּ'האבּ מורא בּיסט עפּעמס מרמז דא.. אז אסור דאס ארויס צי זאג'ן פונם מויל ח"ו

    הי' לא תהי'! אַז דבר שנצטער בוֹ אותו צדיק יכשול בּו זרעו

    !חלומות שווא ידבּרו

  5. kook:
    Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One

    Do we need another one talking to the wall!

    מהפּך־פּשטא־זקף־קטן, דבּר אל העצים ואל האבנים!

  6. האדמו"ר האצ"ל'ניק

    אצ"ל אצ"ל עד מתי תשכב מתי תקום משנתך!

  7. schneur: "Would our generaton create men like -- The Lubavitcher Rebbe Rav Hutner, Hillel Zeitlin, Franz Rosenzweig. I doubt it"

    Bravo! I'm glad you left out SR! Although you're obsessed with him in your daily negative rants!
    ע"ז התפּלל: בקהלם אל תחד כבודי

  8. Hirshel: "became a fiery Zionist and stuck his tongue out at all the zealots. I wonder if that could happen today."

    דור המבּיל,אברהם אבינו,מרגלים, קורח, אליהו הנביא, ירמיהו הנביא, בר כוכבא, יוונים, צדוקים, ש"ץ פראנק, משכילים, התקדמים, ציונים

    It lasted for awhile! in the end the Zealots צדיקים stuck their tongue out on them! and got the upper hand and not vice-e-vesrse !

    !כי לא לנצח ישכח אביון

  9. schneur: "We had a Histadrut rabbi who was a rebbe ( Brandwein) Rabbi Ashlag a Communist, Chassidm who were Mizrachi leaders Rebbes who belonged to Mizrachi, Rabbis who who were Communists, Anarchists, Men like Rav Kook Nazir, Chen etc who were independent thinkers."

    Today we have all of the above! 'all in one and the same person!' How conflicting and Indeed what a burden!

  10. can someone tell us how many of his children stayed religious?

  11. der heilige r shayale shpira, harebi hachalutz.

  12. What really happened to him that he had so much potential! And he strayed in such a construed way? What was the kernel that made him go down that pat?

    I mean he wears a breita platshika biber hitel, lanka pias, is it the schnipsal? is the picture from him? what's up anyone?

  13. אהבת ישראל, אוודאי

    איז א סימן אז מ'טאר נישט ליב האבען קיין אידן....

  14. צדיקים האבן גיזאגט: ולא תתיר לבבכם, ענקער הערצל!, ואחרי עיניכם ענקער קוק!

    What about Min-katch? And satmar has the letters Samech Mem in it!! Yaaaaay! Now what?

    Reb Tzig- You forgot the Munkatcher Rebbe's father And can I mention Rav Shach's son?

  15. ?שׁפּירא בריותאThursday, March 29, 2012 8:08:00 AM

    shaul shapira : "What about Min-katch? And satmar has the letters Samech Mem in it!! Yaaaaay! Now what? "

    So take them out and say sakmer, BTW the aleph beis itself has a samech and mem to! A maskel once asked SR why you need the 3 letters ס־שׂ־ת they pronounce the same? he answered without them how would you write וכשילים מתי תשכילו

    ?שאול באחד ולא עלתה לו

  16. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    אהבת ישראל, אוודאי
    איז א סימן אז מ'טאר נישט ליב האבען קיין אידן....

    So if he died in his bed would it be a סימן you sholdn't sleep in a bed? did he love all yiden, or only fried ones?

  17. correction to ?שׁפּירא בריותא

    "וכסילים מתי תשכילו"

  18. Hirshel: אהבת ישראל, אוודאי
    איז א סימן אז מ'טאר נישט ליב האבען קיין אידן....

    Most organized r' kook adherences today are from frie jews, rarely would you see any of his books in a frum or chasidishe shul, or would you hear a real frum speech giver mention any of his toras, this despite the fact that he was frum chsidish!
    So it’s futile trying to rehabilitate him on web blogs etc. people are not stupid, all they have to do is
    שאל אביך ויגדך זקניך ויאמרו לך׃

    There is a מאמר העולם עה"פ: מצרף לכסף וכור לזהב ואיש לפי מהללו
    ואיש לפי מהללו According to not ‘what’ he or 'they' say! But according to ‘who’ are the ones saying and blessing him! דו"ק ותשכחHe and his sayings are OUT! not in favor by chereidim! some old favorably letters true or not, not withstanding !

  19. correction to אהבת ישראל

    מצרף לכסף וכור לזהב ואיש לפי מהללו
    You recognize a man according to whom 'he' is מחשיב, מהלל !

  20. The wall
    Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One

    Do we need another one talking to the wall!"
    this statement is as stupid as saying "rather to kneel to 7 idols then 1 word hebrew," everybody has their extreme hangovers,,,

  21. Tibi Lotzi: "rather to kneel to 7 idols then 1 word hebrew,"

    SR said once in a drasha, "Rather to kneel to an idol, Than to "LEARN" to speak hebrew (the modern hebrew language)!" As I recall RAK! forbade that to in the Beth Yakov School in BP! Your above statement is incorrect deliberately or otherwise.

  22. Hirshel: "Read all about א ירושלימ'ער אינגל, א רבי'ש קינד, that became a fiery Zionist and stuck his tongue out at all the zealots. I wonder if that could happen today."
    Don’t wonder or wander! The two opposing and clashing ideas one manifested in Kook the other in SR! Are over for now! כשזה קם זה נופל SR Ideas became Immortal, by that I mean it seeped in all categories and tribes of yiden! למחצה לשליש ולרביע with no escape! even that in the same time satmar itself is bleeding, It became somewhat complacent as said by the: נביא ישעי': ויאמר ה יען כי נגש העם הזה בפיו ובשפתיו כבדוני, ולבו רחק ממני, ותהי יראתם אותי מצות אנשים מלומדה and why is it so? That to is part of SR’s philosophy, Most people don’t know what they are doing and create a philosophy mimicking them selves... לאחר המעשה Nothing visionary about that! SR knew that, so he created ‘facts on the ground’ If you don’t know what you’re saying or doing anyway So why not do the right thing regardless of what you know or don’t know!, a kind of ומתוך שלא לשמה בא ללשמה, והמאור שבּה יחזירנו למוטב After all there is only one truth if both are true than both are lies! But there is different ‘facts on the ground’ and by clashing they become homogenized and one unit is created! That’s called כלל ישראל and meantime the צירוף process of מי ומי ההולכים לקבּל פּני משיח צדקנו ב"ב is going on, on an individual basis ‘each has to stand on his own’! And not as a collective phenomenon like encompassing חסידישor otherwise umbrella groups by name only! Yes we still have that and it’s somehow necessary to have a קהילה life! כמאמרם ז"ל: ותהי האמת נעדרת שנעשו עדרים עדרים והלכו לה.. But none groups have their hearts in it anymore and will probably be so for awhile hopefully it will end soon Not ח"ו with another ש"ץ־הערצל־קוק style redemption , But with the promise of the נביא במלאכי :ופתאם יבוא אל היכלו האדון אשר אתם מבקשים

  23. מבקש

    אלץ גוט און פיין, but you guys are so suspecting of everybody that I doubt you'll believe the REAL Moshiach once he comes. Maybe because his wife won't be dressed the way Alte Feiga was, or maybe he won't wear a 3 foot wide super hat...

  24. הלל said: "SR said once in a drasha, "Rather to kneel to an idol, Than to "LEARN" to speak hebrew"

    הראב"ד רמ"א פריינד שהי' שם בשעת הדרשה שאל אח"כּ את רבּ"י ז"ל ע"ז, והשיב לו: איך בין א מורה הוראה ביי יודן יותר משישים שנים אין איך פּסק'ן אזוי להלכה!

  25. Ravad

    הראב"ד רמ"א פריינד שהי' שם בשעת

    "הדרשה שאל אח"כּ את רבּ"י ז"ל ע"ז, והשיב לו: איך בין א מורה הוראה ביי יודן יותר משישים שנים אין איך פּסק'ן אזוי להלכה!"
    Dont forget was a rav too for 60 years or so....

  26. Hirshel: "you guys are so suspecting of everybody that I doubt you'll believe the REAL Moshiach once he comes"

    This is not farfetched the medrash says that god will send
    אברהם־יצחק־יעקב לבשר על הגאולה והם לא יאמינו להם, ומש"ז נאמר נחמי נחמי 'עמי' יאמר ד"א, דהיינו קב"ה ילך כביכול 'עמם' לבשר הגאולה

  27. Anonymous אהבת ישראל said...

    Hirshel: אהבת ישראל, אוודאי
    איז א סימן אז מ'טאר נישט ליב האבען קיין אידן....

    Most organized r' kook adherences today are from frie jews, rarely would you see any of his books in a frum or chasidishe shul,


    brilliantly ignorant

  28. Hirshel: "or maybe he won't wear a 3 foot wide super hat..."

    In the picture you posted it seems kook wore a "3 foot wide super hat" once, So that wont help right?

  29. Fed Up In Peoria said... "brilliantly ignorant"

    ignorant But true, btw ignorance is bliss, think about that!

  30. Tibi Lotzi: The wall "kook:
    Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One"

    פון די ווערטער פון:
    הרב ברוך קאפלאן א בריסקער אין קאמעניצער תלמוד
    וואס ר"א קאטלער ז"ל האט שטארק מחשיב גיווען, דער מייסד
    פון די בית יעקב שולע'ס

    Hidden hand behind the Hebron 1929 massacre!

    Written by Rabbi Boruch Kaplan, Principal of Bais Yaakov

    “The Zionists refused to heed the calls of Rabbi Zonnenfeld, and they called a large meeting of Jews in Jerusalem – supposedly some 10,000 people showed up. One of the speakers was their “chief Rabbi” (Avraham Isaac Kook), who proclaimed, “Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One” (which is a ridiculous pun on the blessing, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One”). This began the conflict at the time between the Zionists and the Arabs.”

    “the Mufti called on his people to be ready Friday night when the yeshiva would be attending prayers. Of course, the yeshiva itself was anti-Zionist, but the Arabs didn’t know to distinguish between us and the Zionists. Sadly they attacked and killed some of our people, including the great scholar, Rabbi Shmuel Rosenhaltz.”

    Can this kooko kook say:
    ידינו לא שפכה את הדם הזה

    Note: Tibi Lotzi disagrees!

  31. I was referring to this:




    Hershel are you playing dumb or are like the only frum person that doesnt know about this rade...We need your daas taiyrah here in lakewood.

  32. Tzvika

    and here I thought you were referring to the latest sefer to come out of one of BMG's Roshei Chabura...

  33. there you go again blaming your brothers over your enemies... nebach

  34. Hirshel Tzig said...
    "there you go again blaming your brothers over your enemies... nebach"

    Are you talking about me? or about
    ? הרב ברוך קאפלאן

    Are you atacking the message or the messanger?

  35. The Lubavitcher would have dressed like that too, only the Rebbetzin refused to give him the spodik.

  36. "So take them out and say sakmer, BTW the aleph beis itself has a samech and mem to!"

    Saying Sakmer doesn't get rid of the Samech Mem.

    I was just saying that the same shtick that you throw at R Kook zatzal can be thrown right back at you. (Not that he would do it- he had too much ahavas yirael- he would even been able to love BOTH satmars! Imagine that!

  37. Sorry i know you have people here in lakewood who follow you. but i can tel you bibrirus hershel that its not the same chevra that are hocking about the latest sefer by the roshei chabura. anshuldek if your offended, and if you are then Im just pointing out the real metzeeyus. al kul panim, so how come your not giving a daiyuh? everyone else is...?

  38. הירשל ציג said... ביידע

    I feel your pain, oh!

  39. I don't think Reb Boruch Kaplan, שכבודו במקומן מונח, held a candle to Rav Kook

  40. הירשל ציג said...
    I don't think Reb Boruch Kaplan, שכבודו במקומן מונח, held a candle to Rav Kook

    צו יא צי ניין איז וואס? וואס פאר א שייכות האט דאס מיט די מעשה תעתועים פין איהם מיט די בּריונים אין חברון

  41. "
    Written by Rabbi Boruch Kaplan, Principal of Bais Yaakov

    “The Zionists refused to heed the calls of Rabbi Zonnenfeld, and they called a large meeting of Jews in Jerusalem – supposedly some 10,000 people showed up. One of the speakers was their “chief Rabbi” (Avraham Isaac Kook), who proclaimed, “Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One” (which is a ridiculous pun on the blessing, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One”). This began the conflict at the time between the Zionists and the Arabs.”

    “the Mufti called on his people to be ready Friday night when the yeshiva would be attending prayers. Of course, the yeshiva itself was anti-Zionist, but the Arabs didn’t know to distinguish between us and the Zionists. Sadly they attacked and killed some of our people, including the great scholar, Rabbi Shmuel Rosenhaltz.”"
    I dont know who kaplan is, but did the 6 million also die because of Rav Kook?

  42. This is no חידוש of r b kaplan. It is told in the offisial r kook biography איש נגד הזרם as in all the history book( professer anita shapira of TAU etc)

  43. Tibi Lotzi" "I dont know who kaplan is, but did the 6 million also die because of Rav Kook?"

    Perhaps you don't, and maybe you don't know either who this kook was! An operative of the zionist establishment a רב מטעם, שפּג טעמו who are implicated in the killings of the six million jews! For starters read 'Perfidy' מן המיצר, ויוא"מ But there are many books even from 'bar elon' proffesors if you dont like rabbis, who implicate them in the holocost atrocities.

    ?מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני

  44. Tzig. You really ought to moderate this blog. Allowing these sort of accusatiopns abgfainst a zaddik hador like Rav Kook is really not called for. Let the Satmarer kindergarten rant in DER YID or DEr Sturmer , why are you publsihing this garbage ?

  45. schneur said... "why are you publsihing this garbage ?"

    Tzig he is right These 'FACTS' are now known to all so why publishing them after all !שרגא בטיהרא מה מהני
    I can understand publishing innuendoes, wishful thinkings and straight out lies! Which according to Stalin: If you Tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it!, so yeah tzig what's up with that?

  46. Chevroner
    "Perhaps you don't, and maybe you don't know either who this kook was! An operative of the zionist establishment a רב מטעם, שפּג טעמו who are implicated in the killings of the six million jews"
    Is it the Satmar ruvs fault, that Hungarian Jews did not go to palestine early enough, in order to be saved.
    Look in the holy sefer Eim Habonim from the holy Munkacher chosid....He was the only Ish emes in Hungary...

  47. ספר אם הבנים שמחה נכתב בּגיא צלמות ואין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו, אין בהם כלום חדשות ומעיקרא דדינא פירכא, הבעל מחבר עצמו כותב כשהי' צליל בדעתו "שבניין ארץ ישראל כיום הוא חילול הקודש וטומאת הארץ העליונה" גברא אגברא קא רמית?, הוא הי' מורה הוראה ולא רבּן ומנהיג ישראל שמהם תצא תורה לישראל כמו המהרש"ב, רבּו המנח"א, הבּעל דבר"י ואתם רבם קדושי מנהיגי ישראל! וכבר כתב במכתב מהכהן הגדול דלובלין זצ"ל: שהציונים 'וביניהם גם קדשים קלים ופּסולי המקדושים' אומרים שבאם לא ישמעו לעצתם יבוא..ח"ו, וכ"כּ כּ' בכתב"י בספה"ק צדקת הצדיק אין גזירה יוצאה מפי הקב"ה אלא בהסכמות צדיקי הדור! שהם בית דינו כמ"ש באידרא רבא סוד ד' ליריאיו ועד דלא הסכימו לא נחתין דינין לעלמא. ואיך יהי' זה והלא אדרבא הם מתפללים בעדם?... וכו' עיי"ש, ואכמ"ל. והם הצדיקי הדור צווחו שמעשה הציונים הוא הוא העברת על השלש שבועות ח"ו שתוצאתיה מי ישורון.. ובהמכתב הנ"ל מהכהן הגדול כּ' לאמר: ..סהדי במרומי כי הייתי אץ כחץ מקשת ולא הייתי חושש לסכנת דרכים וגם לא ללחץ ועוני בארץ, אבל ירא אני שיציאתי ועליתי תהא כעין הסכמה לעשייתם של הציונים!.. ואם ינעצו בי ג' מאות לונביאות של בּרזל לא אזוז ממקומי! ולא אעלה לשמם של הציונים! וכו' ואכמ"ל.

    ובעצם הענין שכּ' המחבר שמתאים יותר לדעת המזרחי שלאו כל מוחא סבל דא, ועכשיו שכבר נתגלה קלונם של הציונים ולהמפורסם אין צריך ראי' מ"ם נפרך הוא מכמה גדולי ישראל אשר אתנו פה ואינינו אתנו פה היום ז"ל, ופרטות בהס' האמת עד לעצמו מהרב קליין ז"ל, ואני בעניי רציתי להעיר על מה שהמחבר צווח בספרו ביקורת על הרבנים שעזבו את קהילותיהם בשואה וברחו למקומות מפלט! (אולי, כמו הרב"י מגער־בעלז־ווישניץ) אין אני קורא תגר ח"ו עליהם וגם המחבר בעצמו קיום הויברח יעקב מקהילתו בפישטיאן שבסלובקיי אף שהרב מנייטרא וחתנו רמ"ד ווייסמאנדעל ז"ל שג"כּ דרו בסלובקיי לא ברחו! והי' עסקו במס"ן ממש בהצלת נפשות! וכ"כּ הרב"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל שהי' בא"י בשנת תרצ"ב והחרדים דשמה הפציר אותו להתיישב שמה ואף נתן לו כתב רבנות! להעדה החרידית שהי' פנוי' כי רבם הלכו למנוחות והוא ז"ל הרועה נאמן סירב אותה במכתב שכתב באריכות להם עלי דרך באני' כשׁאזב את הארץ (המכתב נדפס) בטענתו! אף שהקהלה והרבנות דשמה חשיב מאוד בּעיניו, אבל איך אוכל לעזוב את הקהלה והישיבה שלי ביותר משני מאות בחורים אשר רבם מבני עניים! ולא עזב את עירו בסאטמאר אף שהי' בסכנה עצומה וארבו עליו בפרטות וכבר ירו חץ עליו! עד בלילה ההוא שצרו על העיר הגרמנים הרשעים וכבר אבדו את הכל! והיתרה הרציעה לברוח כדת של תורה

  48. Keren Hatzvi
    "ספר אם הבנים שמחה נכתב בּגיא צלמות ואין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו,"
    thats why I have respect for the holy Pishtiyaner, since he saw the anguish of Klal Yisroel and draw conclusions...
    He did not have the audacity to survive a war with no concentration camp work and make all Klal Yisroel into kofrim a half hour after the biggest churban of Klal Yisroel

  49. Keren Hatzvi
    "אין בהם כלום חדשות ומעיקרא דדינא פירכא,"
    it has same poundage of deriush as the Veyoel...
    Both are not halachic based both use midrashim and chasidic /derush for their conclusion.
    He does not need torah approval by reb Yoel of Sakmer, he wrote more teshuvahs and more real chidushie torah then him.

  50. Keren Hatyzvi
    ", הוא הי' מורה הוראה ולא רבּן ומנהיג ישראל שמהם תצא תורה לישראל"
    there is no concept in Toiras Emes that a Talmid Chochem and a Rav, does not have a say on anything petraining torah, as any Rebbe or "Manhig Yisroel" I tought that the Veyoel is ridiculing from all manhigie yisroel that are on the other side of his newfound religion

  51. Keren Hatzvi
    "וכ"כּ כּ' בכתב"י בספה"ק צדקת הצדיק אין גזירה יוצאה מפי הקב"ה אלא בהסכמות צדיקי הדור! שהם בית דינו כמ"ש באידרא רבא סוד ד' ליריאיו ועד דלא הסכימו לא נחתין דינין לעלמא."
    # 1 reb tzodekis not hiemish sefer, in Sands street Nussen Yossef did not let to learn it.
    #2 isn't chasidus Nishtakcho? or only the Ahavas Yisroel parts?

  52. Keren Hatzvi
    "הם הצדיקי הדור צווחו שמעשה הציונים הוא הוא העברת על השלש שבועות ח"ו שתוצאתיה מי ישורון"
    you think that Reb Tzodek did not thing that Reb Avrohom Mordechai and the Avnie Nezer are Tzadikie Hador too?
    Are you sure that a little ruv in Pishtiyan can not be the Tzadik Hadoir?
    Does it count how many bilkelech he gives out by Shaloish seudas?
    You think that the Belzer Ruv of Kiryas Belz zol zien gezunt,is a bigger tzadik hador then the Skulener? since he distributes more bits of Russel?

  53. Keren Hatzvi
    "ובעצם הענין שכּ' המחבר שמתאים יותר לדעת המזרחי שלאו כל מוחא סבל דא,"
    to label a tzadik vegodel beyisroel who is haunted by the Nazis and write his heart out on the bitter end of klal yisroel,in a cellar, with party labels, is the biggest Achzoriyas I ever saw, it shows a certain segment of Klal Yisroel will look on anything holy, with a political magnifying glass.
    Do u know that the early Redorm movement in Germany used the 3 oats against Shivas Tzion...
    Would you put reb Yoel in their camp too?
    Unfortunately that the Pishtiyaner has no Kever and you can not take a minyan from your bies din and ask his apoligy.

  54. Keren Hatzvi
    "כ"כּ הרב"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל שהי' בא"י בשנת תרצ"ב והחרדים דשמה הפציר אותו להתיישב שמה ואף נתן לו כתב רבנות! להעדה החרידית שהי' פנוי' כי רבם הלכו למנוחות והוא ז"ל הרועה נאמן סירב אותה במכתב שכתב באריכות להם עלי דרך באני' כשׁאזב את הארץ (המכתב נדפס) בטענתו! אף שהקהלה והרבנות דשמה חשיב מאוד בּעיניו, אבל איך אוכל לעזוב את הקהלה והישיבה שלי ביותר משני מאות בחורים אשר רבם מבני עניים! ולא עזב את עירו בסאטמאר אף שהי' בסכנה עצומה וארבו עליו בפרטות וכבר ירו חץ עליו! "
    your analogy of reb yoel not staying in eretz hakedoshe, is amusing, and revisionist at its worse.
    In 1932 nobody thought of leaving Europe,also he left eretzyisroel after the war too?
    he always wanted to be where the money is.... obviously to gain a upperhand on his influence...

  55. Keren Hatzve
    the bottom line is that Rav Kook was correct that you can live in Eretz Yisroel a good torah life, since this is what was the goal of rav kook, to have a Medina al pi torah....
    The early years the Zionist tried to assimilate the youth, but thru the parties Mafdal, Shas Aguda,Degel and Bedatz... we have the nicest holiest Kibutz in Artzieni Hakedoshe...

  56. מי יתרץ הויות ומי – יפרק התקיעות והשברים'ס
    מ'הארבּע כפל שמונה'דיגע
    Tibi Lotzi's !!!

  57. Ynet News:

    "Hadrei Haredim and two of his senior employees were arrested in on suspicion of posting flattering articles and censoring negative talkbacks"

    Aren't you glad you're not in the
    מדינה של גיהנם? והמ"י

  58. מתחילה חשבתי דרכי ואשיבה לכם כהוגן על שאלתכם שאלת תם, ועכשיו ראיתי ששאלתכם הוא שאלת מועד ובזה תם ונשלם למילי! שמעתי מגדול א' על הארבּעה בנים אחד חכם אחד.. וכו' והקשה מ"מ אמר כ"פ אחד ולא אחד חכם והשני והשלישי וכו' והסביר שהוא האחד פעם הוא חכם ופעם הוא... וכו' ובקוטף זה אני דברתי עמכם שאתכם הכל בו של הארבעה בנים! אבל מעולם לא הי' בדעתי ללמד קשת אם pumpkin heads שיש להם שתי פיפיות..דוברים כאחד כי השומר קישואין אנכי? וד"ב

  59. Keren Hatzvi
    it does not matter the reason, as long the mouthpiece for the hate machine,is shut-up....

  60. Tibi Lotzi: "as long the mouthpiece for the hate machine,is shut-up...."


    “He did not have the audacity to survive a war with no concentration camp work and make all Klal Yisroel into kofrim a half hour after the biggest churban of Klal Yisroel” ------
    שלושה דברים מעבירין את האדם על דעתו ועל דעת קונו, אלו הן: עובדי כוכבים ורוח רעה, ודקדוקי עניות which one affected you?

    “Both are not halachic based both use midrashim and chasidic /derush for their conclusion.” ------
    This is one of your standard lies! ויואל משה Is a compilation of many pertaining topics to the astrocites of his generation far most on the העברה על השלש שבועות ודמה דמסתעף לה It is 100% הלכה based.!

    “I tought that the Veyoel is ridiculing from all manhigie yisroel that are on the other side of his newfound religion” -----
    The פּישטאריינר רב was a talmid מונקאטשער רב so he wasn’t on the other side he himself was against a medina!
    He himself writes in his forward he is not well oriented and stays away from this topic! Until he didn’t! he asked for an
    הסכמה על הספר שלו! מהרב העללער מסיגוט שהי' גדול ממנו בחכמה ובמנין ואמר לו בּפירוש לא מיט אנ אלף! You belong in הלכה and not הלכות דעת והשקפות בּדברים העומדים בּרומו של עולם

    “# 1 reb tzodekis not hiemish sefer, in Sands street Nussen Yossef did not let to learn it.
    #2 isn't chasidus Nishtakcho? or only the Ahavas Yisroel parts?” -----
    Both are irrelevant stupidity and lies!, doesn’t pertain to the topic here!

    “you think that Reb Tzodek did not thing that Reb Avrohom Mordechai and the Avnie Nezer are Tzadikie Hador too?
    Are you sure that a little ruv in Pishtiyan can not be the Tzadik Hadoir?
    Does it count how many bilkelech he gives out by Shaloish seudas?” -----
    - Reb Tzodek him self writes of the באריכות על חומר האיסור לעבור על הג' שבועות בספרו פרי צדיק פּ' ואתחנן
    - פּישטאריינר רב was גדול בהלכה and a none intetity in hemisphere of גדולי ומנהיגי ישראל in his generation!
    - גירסא תלמוד ירושלמי על אחד תם, וגרוס אחד טיפוש! I wonder why?
    - The avnie nezer opinion has nothing to do with מצב הענין ואינו דומה כלל מלתי' למה שנתרחש היום, ואתה בּוקי סריקי ומוצא לעז על צדיקי אמת! And gerrer was clueless!

    “to label a tzadik vegodel beyisroel who is haunted by the Nazis and write his heart out on the bitter end of klal yisroel,in a cellar, with party labels” -----
    Sorry, Yes his ill written השקפות are same as the מזרחי'ס BTW so are yours! And not even the אגודה'ס
    “your analogy of reb yoel not staying in eretz hakedoshe, is amusing, and revisionist at its worse.
    In 1932 nobody thought of leaving Europe,also he left eretzyisroel after the war too?
    he always wanted to be where the money is.... obviously to gain a upperhand on his influence...” ------
    כנסי' הגדולה במארינבאד הי' בשנת תרצ"ז וכמה שנים מלפני' הסהרה
    מהחובבי ציון עלה על המוקדה של הרבני הדור וכ"כּ המכתב הנ"ל של ר"ר צדוק הכהן הי' מלפני', זיל קרי בי רב!
    - ברצות ה' דרכי איש גם אויביו ישלים אתו

    “we have the nicest holiest Kibutz in Artzieni Hakedoshe...” -------
    I just had a friend passed away, In middle age I envied him A very rich man! Who was sitting and learning half a day His face looked like a Million Dollars Literally! poof he walked home and droped dead! Just like that why his heart was sick! ואכמ"ל

    1. The rabonim didn't do enough for binyan haarerts! That's why there were so many tsuris thee days. If you could find time to learn the vayoel moshe, be intellectually fair and spend the same amour of time to learn throughly the aim habonim smeichuh. Also if you really want to know the truth you should see what reb isser zalman wrote on rav kook geon yisroel ukdoishoi and so does the chasing ish write in a letter dated1933 choid cvod madam shlitta. When you will learn all of the above you would start seeing the sheker in your chinuch!

  61. You say and I quote "the gererr was clueless" this is typical Satmar letsonis, doing away with every godol that disagreed with their religion. He ignores the fact that the topic of sholosh shevuos, was discussed at the kneisiuh hagdolah 1937 and was voted by a majority as not halacha, which is not nogea lmaaseh.
    About the aim habonim smeichuh he writes explicitly that he was in first against the medineh, because he didn't do any research about the topic he just followed the crowd, also he writes that the binyan duvid agreed with him.
    Where is the letter of rav tsodek hacohen that you keep quoting, I am familiar with all his writings, and never saw that letter.

  62. Tibi Lotzi: "“we have the nicest holiest Kibutz in Artzieni Hakedoshe...”

    בספר ציצת נובל צבי למהר"י ששפורט
    וספר קצור ציצת נובל צבי לר' יעקב עמדין
    כתב שהש"ץ ימ"ש עשו בעל תשובות לרוב, וכל הבתי מדרשים
    הי' מלאים אם בנ"א עוסקים בתורה יומם ולילה!

  63. Chanoch Lenoar
    "# 1 reb tzodekis not hiemish sefer, in Sands street Nussen Yossef did not let to learn it.
    #2 isn't chasidus Nishtakcho? or only the Ahavas Yisroel parts?” -----
    Both are irrelevant stupidity and lies!, doesn’t pertain to the topic here!"
    I thought that we are fortunate to shut down the mouthpiece, but you came back in a new uniform,

    Do you buy the lies of Gelbman in his multiple volume of hagiography?? if yes? then I am notifying you,that he writes that Nussen Yossef gave a list of all the Hiemishe seforim that should be learned in satmar educational system,all in the name of the holy Veyoel Zt"L.I don't invent noting,If you will start quoting Rav Tzodak then get the 2 volume sefer of the analogy between the philosohy of Rav Kook and Reb Tzodak, Reb Tzodak is dangerous territory for you Tielung guys, You will find some statement here and there in his works that will support your hate vision, but it is definitely not the the essence of Reb Tzodaks total philosophy.
    Can you be more precise, when are chassidic seforim Mutar Lovoi Bekohol and when are they prohibited?

  64. Chanoch
    "- Reb Tzodek him self writes of the באריכות על חומר האיסור לעבור על הג' שבועות בספרו פרי צדיק פּ' ואתחנן"
    Reb tzodak writes in parshas Shlach by the Mapilim that there is a time that you can go and fight...
    Does Reb tzodak write that after Balfour Declaration, the situation is permitted?
    Or its a issur worse then chazer and yeherag veal Yaharog, like the Veyoel believes the Maharal meant Kupshotoi...

  65. chanoch
    "The avnie nezer opinion has nothing to do with מצב הענין ואינו דומה כלל מלתי' למה שנתרחש היום, ואתה בּוקי סריקי ומוצא לעז על צדיקי אמת! And gerrer was clueless!"
    Who is Clueless?
    And what do you know about the Avnie Nezer?
    Just 1 thing I will have to tell you, that Sakmer Ruv talking against the pesak of avnie nezer is far more off then the Pishtiyaner, they are both tumling in derush...
    The Sakmer Ruv and his grandfather were not in the ballpark of the Aglie Tal and Avnie Nezer, it was considered by scholars in the doir daye of Poland almost as a work of a rishon.I dont know what the Klienvardener Amharatzim thought of him and it does not matter.
    Just look how the Munkacher Ruv who was a Talmid Chochem apologizes in foreword to Darkie Teshuvah for differing with him..
    He was atleast a maven on torah...
    Also why is the Avnie Nezer not relevant? Obviously after the UN vote its even more relevant then the Balfour vote.
    Can I say that after all the black prophecies of the Sakmer Ruv on the State of Israel religious status, we can scream from all the roof tops that he is irrelevant, and the clueless Gerer Rebbe succeeded on a big scale that Klal Yisroel never saw since the churban?

  66. Chanoch Lenaar
    "Sorry, Yes his ill written השקפות are same as the מזרחי'ס BTW so are yours! And not even the אגודה'ס"
    labels are for the shoe aisle at Bergdorf Goodman or Macys, not when Logic is spoken...
    what do I care how you label me..

  67. chanoch

    בספר ציצת נובל צבי למהר"י ששפורט
    וספר קצור ציצת נובל צבי לר' יעקב עמדין
    כתב שהש"ץ ימ"ש עשו בעל תשובות לרוב, וכל הבתי מדרשים
    הי' מלאים אם בנ"א עוסקים בתורה יומם ולילה"
    So who is clueless the Gerer rebbe, or the Sakmarer with this clueless quotes....How many guys in Ger are on the Line to Islamification(as Shabsi Tzvi did, so far the Satmars are proclaiming that Islam is a peaceful religoun from all media thats available and getting dressed with the Islam shawls ...(Modeh Beavodah zorah).More Avodah Zorah then the signature of reb
    Itche Mier on the declaration of independence.

  68. Chusid
    "also he writes that the binyan duvid agreed with him."
    you have no right to kill the shiducim prospects of the Mizels family,

  69. Chanoch Lenaar

    בספר ציצת נובל צבי למהר"י ששפורט"
    וספר קצור ציצת נובל צבי לר' יעקב עמדין
    כתב שהש"ץ ימ"ש עשו בעל תשובות לרוב, וכל הבתי מדרשים
    הי' מלאים אם בנ"א עוסקים בתורה יומם ולילה"
    so Hilchas Teshuvah of the Rambam is irrelevant, since that quote of Shashportet...Are you tearing out a Mitzva of Veshavto...
    So who is cluless,The Gerer???
    are all the teshuvah of the Shovovim torah and Hoshana rabba also irrelevant.. or it is only irrelevant when it is outside of 500 Bedford?

  70. Tibi Lotzi : Chanoch
    Reb tzodak writes in parshas Shlach by the Mapilim that there is a time that you can go and fight...
    You are saying a lie!!!
    !מגלה פנים שלא כהלכה

    בקיצור נמרץ
    עה"פּ למה אתם עוברים את פי ד' והיא לא תצלח, ודייק על א 'והוא' רק עכשיו לא תצלח כמו שראינו בּימינו אלה שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח!. ואח"ז כתב מהיכן למדנו שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח דהיינו שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני!? מבלעם שד' אמר לו לא תאיר ולבּסוף עשה מה שעשה לישראל! ואמר שמזה ראי' להיפך שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני רק על אתר ואח"כּ תהי' מפלתם כמו שהי' לבלעם!!!

    וכמו שיהי' להציונים וכל הנלוים אליהם, וכל הרשעה כלה כעשן תכלה כי תעבור ממשלת זדון מן הארץ! ותמלוך אתה הוא ד"א לבדך ב"ב

  71. Tibi Lotzi: "How many guys in Ger are on the Line to Islamification(as Shabsi Tzvi did, so far the Satmars are proclaiming that Islam is a peaceful religoun "

    The rambam writes islam is not kefira! zionisim IS!

  72. tibi: "Obviously after the UN vote its even more relevant "

    So when the U.N. will vote to disolve that state will they be relvent to? (Security Council
    Resolution 242) since when can the U.N. make a vote to give someone elses property like say your! to someone else?

  73. Tibi Lotzi: "are all the teshuvah of the Shovovim torah and Hoshana rabba also irrelevant.."

    For you and your ilk it is!

  74. Tibi Lotzi et al

    I've tried many times there is absolutely no civility in you let alone to have with you a civil discourse, I'll debate you on any toping if you could refrain from jumping and hyperventilating, and from your usual tactics of throwing mud and slime trying to confuse your opponents and hoping something will stick! This may work for the bullys in your school yard.. But not as a civil debate, Sorry!

  75. Yanush
    "The rambam writes islam is not kefira! zionisim IS!"
    then Shabsi Tzvi did noting wrong... You ferd..
    Whats Shasportets problem??

  76. Yanosh
    "So when the U.N. will vote to disolve that state will they be relvent to? (Security Council
    Resolution 242) since when can the U.N. make a vote to give someone elses property like say your! to someone else?"
    Good question for people that believe in the new religion, for klal yisroel there is no question that needs a answer.. Is Menashe fulop(Echad Horabonim) available?

  77. Tibi Lotzi "Reb tzodak writes in parshas Shlach by the Mapilim that there is a time that you can go and fight..."

    You misquoting and out of context!
    !מגלה פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה

    בקיצור נמרץ:
    עה"פּ למה אתם עוברים את פי ד' והיא לא תצלח, ודייק על א 'והוא' רק עכשיו לא תצלח כמו שראינו בּימינו אלה שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח. ואח"ז כתב מהיכן למדנו שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח דהיינו שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני!? מבלעם שד' אמר לו לא תאיר ולבּסוף עשה מה שעשה לישראל! ואמר שמזה ראי' להיפך שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני רק על אתר ואח"כּ תהי' מפלתם כמו שהי' לבלעם!!!

  78. למדתי רוב רובו ספרי רב"י, וכ"כּ ספרי הכהן הגדול! ואין שום שמץ כל דהו נפק"מ למעשה או בהשקפה ביניהם! והנפק"מ הוא למי הם המדברים! ולא צריכי לדידיך ולכותיך שלא קרא ולא שנה אמר לי דבריך הנאמרים בלי טעם וריח כלל, הרף מעלי

  79. Tibi Lotzi said... “Reb tzodak writes in parshas Shlach by the Mapilim that there is a time that you can go and fight...”

    Sorry you're of of context and misquoting him !

    וז"ל בקיצור נמרץ:
    עה"פּ למה אתם עוברים את פי ד' והיא לא תצלח, ודייק על א 'והוא' רק עכשיו לא תצלח כמו שראינו בּימינו אלה שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח. ואח"ז כתב מהיכן למדנו שהעברה ע"פּ ד' הוא תצלח דהיינו שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני!? מבלעם שד' אמר לו לא תאיר ולבּסוף עשה מה שעשה לישראל! ואמר שמזה ראי' להיפך שחוצפּא כלפּי שמיא מהני רק על אתר ואח"כּ תהי' מפלתם כמו שהי' לבלעם!!!

  80. Tibi Lotzi "You ferd"

    וימיר את כבודי בתבנית שור אוכל עשב, במדרש: אין לך משוקץ ומתועב יותר 'משור' בשעה שאוכל עשב

    So I guess fressing like an ox is worse than a ferd!

  81. Tibi Lotzi :Yanush
    "Whats Shasportets problem?"

    חז``ל: כל המלעיג על דברי חכמים נידון בצואה רותחת

    1. Except if its the gererr or rav kook, then its mitsvah to be malig al divrei chacumim, because the Torah was given in temeshvar......

    2. I guess if the chochom happens to be the gererr rebbe, or rav kook, then the above dosent apply. After all the Torah was given in temeshvar....

  82. Yanash
    "כל המלעיג על דברי חכמים נידון בצואה רותחת"
    this Chazal is said on rav kook too, don"t forget...

  83. Tzvi Vechomid
    " למדתי רוב רובו ספרי רב"י, וכ"כּ ספרי הכהן הגדול! ואין שום שמץ כל דהו נפק"מ למעשה או בהשקפה ביניהם! והנפק"מ הוא למי הם המדברים! ולא צריכי לדידיך ולכותיך שלא קרא ולא שנה אמר לי דבריך הנאמרים בלי טעם וריח כלל, הרף מעלי"
    Just get the 2 volumes... and see with your eyes

  84. Tibi Lotzi’s ---- ! כוס מלאה תרעלה

    “so Hilchas Teshuvah of the Rambam is irrelevant Are you tearing out a Mitzva of Veshavto...”

    ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם
    אחרי לבבכם זו מינות, ואחרי עיניכם זו זנות They go togheter they are in the same פסוק with No פסוק בעמצא In fact There are goyim also הגדרים בתאוה But none are הגדרים במינות!
    “are all the teshuvah of the Shovovim torah and Hoshana rabba also irrelevant..”

    Relax now in time ביעור חמץ השאור שבעיסה, יש תקוה שהימי ספירת העומר באים and they have the same counted days as the שובבי"ם has, Which even the lubab’s who are not into שובבי"ם can agree with! Except perhaps the איפּכא מסתברא'ניקס of the modern day litvakes in Lake-wood ! הפּסוק אומר: והי' כעץ שתול על פּלגי מים That’s Wood-on-Lake Not Lake-on-wood!!! Right?
    "The rambam writes islam is not kefira! zionisim IS!" then Shabsi Tzvi did noting wrong” “Whats Shasportets problem??”

    Please direct you’re questions direct to the rambam, Between all your הארבע רמבם'ס !, I think the problem is yours! not That the מהר"י ששפורט'ס ז" ל
    “The rabonim didn't do enough for binyan haarerts!” “see what reb isser zalman wrote on rav kook geon yisroel ukdoishoi and so does the chasing ish write in a letter dated1933”

    90% of Israelis are מחללי שבּתים! ותבאו ותטמאו את ארצי ונחלתי שמתם לתועבה and contributing to ! רח"ל,לואבדתם מהרה מעל הארץ Do you need more of them?! What they wrote of kook according to their knowledge at the time! is irrelevant, and can’t change the facts! הן בקדושיו לא יאמין! ק"ו בן בנו של ק"ו
    “If you will start quoting Rav Tzodak then get the 2 volume sefer of the analogy between the philosohy of Rav Kook and Reb Tzodak”

    להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות בין טומאה לטהרה If you don’t get it unfortunately you never will!!!!
    “Does Reb tzodak write that after Balfour Declaration, the situation is permitted?’"

    לעבור על הג' שבועות has nothing to do with what the nations want and say or don’t, in fact it sounds obscure But מהר"ל writes even if the nations will force us לעבור על הג' שבועות it is not permitted!

    ובהמכתב מהכהן הגדול כּ' לאמר: ..סהדי במרומי כי הייתי אץ כחץ מקשת ולא הייתי חושש לסכנת דרכים וגם לא ללחץ ועוני בארץ, אבל ירא אני שיציאתי ועליתי תהא כעין הסכמה לעשייתם של הציונים!.. ואם ינעצו בי ג' מאות לונביאות של בּרזל לא אזוז ממקומי! ולא אעלה לשמם של הציונים! וכו'
    “And what do you know about the Avnie Nezer?” “The Sakmer Ruv and his grandfather were not in the ballpark of the Aglie Tal and Avnie Nezer” “the clueless Gerer Rebbe succeeded on a big scale that Klal Yisroel never saw since the churban?”

    המסקנה של ה'אבני נזר שישוב א"י בזה"ז הוא מצוה, כ"כּ פסק ה'ויואל משה! אלא שכּ' שצריכים להיות מוכן לזה המצוה אם י"ג תנאים שכמעט א"א לקיימם עכשיו! ובוודאי ה'אבני נזר לא נגד להם כלל

    לדוגמא ה'אבני נזר, כתב שמצוות ישוב א"י חופפת למצוות החרם תחרימם, ולכן הרמב"ם לא מנאה בנפרד, והסתפק במניית מצוות החרם תחרימם Do you know that mednas yisuel has a משרד הדתית, בלשון רבים To protect and support all ע"ז in the land where is the החרם תחרימם ?! Did the אבני נזר gave permission for איטשע מאיר, והשאר to sit in the kenesset where they are מחוקקים חוקי עכו"ם, מרבּים זימה בעולם, דן דיני נפשות,מתגרים באומות עם חוצפּה יתירה וכו' וכו' Are you Complete Nuts! ! ניס שלום
    “labels are for the shoes -----, not when Logic is spoken”

    You’re wearing your logic on your feet so it’s erelevant BTW daas torah is not logic always, example פרה אדומה daas היוונים maybe is.

    Dear Hirshel! Am I required to answer ‘time and again’ for דברים הידועים לכל בר בי רב דחד יומי
    Maybe we can codify the standard קלאטץ קשיות with numeric answers!?

  85. Tibi Lotzi: "And what do you know about the Avnie Nezer?"

    ה'אבני נזר, כתב שמצוות ישוב א"י חופפת למצוות החרם תחרימם, ולכן הרמב"ם לא מנאה בנפרד, והסתפק במניית מצוות החרם תחרימם

    אבל, האיסור לעבור על השלוש שבועות מביא הרמב"ם באיגרות תימן, ובכמה מקומות בדחז"ל הראשונים והאחרונים ג"כּ מביאה

    ?שאלה: מאי אולמי׳ האי מהאי

    לפי בעל החלומות הנקרא Logic of Tibi Lotzi ?אתמהה

  86. Yanosh
    "אבל, האיסור לעבור על השלוש שבועות מביא הרמב"ם באיגרות תימן,"
    Again you and Rebbe have no way to differentiate between Derush and Nigleh, Even the eim Habonim Semaicho knew better in his Teshuvas Mishnas suchir, he is pure Nigleh... he knows the difference...Which by the way the Satmarer teshuvas is paling against his teshuvas...
    Plus the Rambam writes in Igeres Taimon that it his only a Moshel....

  87. Klotz...
    “so Hilchas Teshuvah of the Rambam is irrelevant Are you tearing out a Mitzva of Veshavto...”

    ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם
    אחרי לבבכם זו מינות, ואחרי עיניכם זו זנות They go togheter they are in the same פסוק with No פסוק בעמצא In fact There are goyim also הגדרים בתאוה But none are הגדרים במינות! "

    I am too dumb to understand your reply, its too profound for a Lotzi

  88. Klotz...
    "Please direct you’re questions direct to the rambam, Between all your הארבע רמבם'ס !, I think the problem is yours! not That the מהר"י ששפורט'ס ז" ל "
    Are we getting to debate now who is the posek of KJlal yisroel, Reb Yakov Shashportet or the Rambam???

    Would the Satmar Ruv ever talk about Mari Shashportet if he would not be some source for his newfound religon?
    He was not Hiemish, does Maari Shashportet have some chidush on Taam Keikor the favorite sugya of the Krepel Tisch?
    I think the Rambam has, eventough its not in the Letters of Yemen?

  89. Jlotz
    "Does Reb tzodak write that after Balfour Declaration, the situation is permitted?’"

    לעבור על הג' שבועות" has nothing to do with what the nations want and say or don’t,"
    Said who ??????

  90. Klotz
    "ובהמכתב מהכהן הגדול כּ' לאמר: ..סהדי במרומי כי הייתי אץ כחץ מקשת ולא הייתי חושש לסכנת דרכים וגם לא ללחץ ועוני בארץ, אבל ירא אני שיציאתי ועליתי תהא כעין הסכמה לעשייתם של הציונים!.. ואם ינעצו בי ג' מאות לונביאות של בּרזל לא אזוז ממקומי! ולא אעלה לשמם של הציונים! וכו"
    is this letter part of Bloch forgery????
    You are nuts if you quote it
    How much did Satmer Ruv for bloch to foge this letters?

    It was printed by Reb Sender the Rebbes mouthpiece...

  91. There is no letter from reb tsodek regarding the sholosh shevuos, the letter you have is from the bloch forgery, which even in Satmar to their credit do not quote.
    Now if klotz wouldn't be such a klotz, you would see the chazon ish wrote his letter in 1933, a year before rav kooks petireh, after all of rav kooks statements were printed and published, and so reb isser zalman, writes GEIN YISROEL UKEDOISHOI,after rav kook was niftar, so the question is when klots will do tshuva. The statement they didn't do enough for binyan hoaretz was actually said by the binyan duvid, after his son disappeard during the war, this what the aim habunim smeichuh, writes in his chibur, is what the binyan duvid told him personally. Of course were talking about pushing and meoirer the frume yiden to do to erets yisroel, so instead of having the majority of Israelis frei we could have made it at least fifty percent. Instead they were send in auschwits. The fact is whoever left for Israel was saved, FACT! According to the Satmar philosophy it should have been the opposite, think about it klotz be moideh al genes.

  92. chusid101: " The fact is whoever left for Israel was saved, FACT!" "The statement they didn't do enough for binyan hoaretz was actually said by the binyan duvid"

    So in FACT! was saved whoever left to America, England or Tim-buk-tu Congo.

    Binyan Duvid Who? (u sure not a forgery?) I'm sure you don't mean ?דוד המלך

    !לא בחרתי בעיר אלא בּעבור דוד עבדי

    בזוהר: אמר רבי אבא, כתיב (מ"א ח טז) מן היום אשר הוצאתי את עמי את ישראל ממצרים, לא בחרתי בעיר מכל שבטי ישראל, ואבחר בדוד וגו', לבנות בית, להיות שמי שם, האי קרא לאו רישיה סיפיה, ולאו סיפיה רישיה, דכתיב לא בחרתי בעיר, ואבחר בדוד, מאי האי עם האי, ואבחר בירושלם מבעי ליה. אלא כד קודשא בריך הוא אית רעותא קמיה למבני קרתא, אסתכל בקדמיתא בההוא רישא דנהיג עמא דקרתא, ולבתר בני קרתא, ואייתי לעמא ביה, הדא הוא דכתיב לא בחרתי בעיר, עד דאסתכלנא בדוד, למהוי רעיא על ישראל, בגין דמתא וכל בני מתא כלהו קיימין ברעיא דנהיג לעמא, אי רעיא איהו טבא, טב ליה טב למתא טב לעמא, ואי רעיא איהו בישא, ווי ליה ווי למתא ווי לעמא. והשתא אסתכל קודשא בריך הוא בעלמא, וסליק ברעותיה למבני ליה, ואוקים ברישא לדוד, הדא הוא דכתיב ואבחר בדוד עבדי

    Not herzel's,or teddy kolek's ימש"ו

    BTW didn't you just daven!
    !מר' אלעזר הקליר (it’s not a forgery)
    ?!קומם עיר חפצך -ירושלים- בּטל

  93. 'איש חסיד - היTuesday, April 10, 2012 1:04:00 PM

    chusid101: "There is no letter from reb tsodek regarding the sholosh shevuos, the letter you have is from the bloch forgery"

    True or not what makes you think that איטשע־מאיר ושלום רויבּ־פויגעל had the patent on forgeries!?

    Authentic NOT A FORGERY:
    וזל"ק מכתי"ק בס' תקנת השבין מהכהן הגדול מאחיו! ר"ר צדוק ז"ל
    מתודבה"ק: והחשמונאים..זכו למלכות, רק לפי שהם לקחוה בשבט מושלים נענשו..וע"י שהם לקחו מלכות דממשלה לעצמם ולא ע"פּ נביא נענשו ע"י הורדס שהאביד כל זכר למו עיי"ש וד"ב

  94. chusid101: "According to the Satmar philosophy it should have been the opposite, think about it klotz" "Would the Satmar Ruv ever talk about Mari Shashportet if he would not be some source for his newfound religon?" !כקוף לבנ"א

    שו"ת אהל יעקב, ובעל שו"ת נודע ביהודה למהר׳׳ר יעקב
    ששפורט שהי׳ מערי המערב ובא לערי אדום והיה רב באמשטרדם, שהכריע להלכה לבטל מצות עשה דאורייתא בנשיאות כפים ...שקובלה ‎להלכה ולמעשה בכל תפוצות ישראל! ר' יעקב עמדין והחת"ס ז"ל מביאים אותו

  95. Tibi Lotzi" "does Maari Shashportet have some chidush on Taam Keikor the favorite sugya of the Krepel Tisch?"

    קוצץ בן קוצץ
    Did you burp or fart your kreplech yet?

  96. chusid101: "so instead of having the majority of Israelis frei we could have made it at least fifty percent'

    "so instead of having the majority of Israelis frei we could have made it at least fifty percent'

    We have at least as much frum yiden in the Diaspora as in the מדינה של גיהנם without the unprecedented רדיפת הדת there, which lately became their biggest export!!! And all that while the whole land is in daily physical danger! מבית ומבחוץ If peace will ever come there which I doubt it’s possible with 1.5 billion Arabs surrounding them, than you will not be able to have a frum community over there at all! For the unbearable רדיפת הדת that will follow even more than they hate Arabs! 99% an unprecedented accomplishment, of frum yiden in diaspora/America is a direct or un direct accomplishment seeded by none other than satmar rav! Think of it what he could of accomplish if not The קללות הציונים ואביזריהם הפסולי המקדושים

    BTW, even with all the ‘frum’ in the medina it’s still much less than of the number the medina made frie! 90% of the frie in the medina had frun grandparents! didn't you?

  97. I have little patience to enter this fray. It’s a lost cause. When arguing with a Satmerer you have to be ready for moving targets. One thing that really makes me mad is the claim that Rav Yolish established Yiddishkite in America. The only ones that believe this farce is Satmar. It’s simply a figment of their imagination.

  98. Oh and how utterly ridicules, maybe the 90% of those who became frei after the war upon coming to America should be blamed on America, as well. Stop these Satmarer tactics and arguments.

  99. I see I touched a raw nerve here, that's good as long as we have an honest discussion with yelling Foi.... Now, the facts are before the war there was a mochlokes between two factions about the medinah, th e machmirim held its asur and many went as far as not going to erets yisroel, then you had the poilishe gedolim who held its a positive thing and urged strongly everyone to be oileh, as did the Imrei emes of ger, you could read his letters in oisef michtovim. Now, the ones who heeded gererr rebbe got saved, and the ones who didn't got burned. Now of course were not pointing any fingers chas vesholem, because it was a gezeireh min hashomaim,,however, the million dollar question is according to the Satmar shitah, the whole churban came precisely because of the sholosh shevuos, so how could it be that those who were oiver were saved????? We have heard that the malach hamoves is not mavchin bein toivim loroim, but in our case only the oivrim were saved, this does not make any sense at all.
    Now about the issue how could hashem make nissim for reshoim, it is indeed a good kashe, and the answer is a sefer chasidim, which is even brought down in the vayoel moshe, that when klall yisroel is in a matasv of near destruction hashem will make a new even for reshoim. And he brings proof from tanach that the king the decendent of yerovum was evil and hashem helped him from the bnei amon and gave him sixty citis in erets yisroel. I urge you strongly to learn that sefer chasidim and th tanach inside. Most of your questions will be answered.
    About the redifos in erets yisroel, looks like you read the yid or the blatt every week Nebech and you beleive all thee lies,.if you go to Israel you see that the Torah today is in Israel, every second yungerman gets married goes to Israel for a few years. Almost all the bachurim today go to Israel to learn, according t the yid how is it possible? Thee is so much redifos? That's besides the medinah today is the biggest marbits Torah today! They give each year tens of millions of dollars to yeshivos and kollelim, the rabbanut have build mikvues in every city with the money of the medinah, mechon yerishulaim and mossad harav kook have printed tens of thousands of seforim with the money of the medinah!
    It's high time you should drop the religon of hate and lies, and be moideh al huemes. A freilichen moied.

  100. To all of the above I will answer your questions and rebuttals.
    There was a debate before the war if the MEDINAH is the will of hashem and so a positive development in the direction in the geulah as the called it aschalta degulah, this was the opinion of most of the poilishe gedolim. Then you had th kanoim who thought otherwise, now we are not in a blaming game chas vesholem, it was a gezeireh min hashumaim, for the six million to be killed, but you can't argue with the fact that those who heeded the gerrer rebbes call to be oileh to erets yisroel was saved. Now to say the six million were killed because of the sholosh shevuos, does not begin to make sense, we find that the mashchis is not mavchin between good and bad, but in our case those who were oiver the sholosh shevuos were saved but those who stayed in Europe were killed, with all due respect this does not have any logic.
    About your issue that hashem would not give reshoim a medinah, well the sefer chasidim writes that when Jews are in a matasv of near anihilation then he makes nissim even through reshoim. And he brings proof from tanach that he made nissim through the malchei yisroel and he gave them sixty cities in erets
    Now about the last choochem who writes the roidef yiden in erets yisroel, I see that you read and beleive the blatt and the yid. Let me ask you a question, how come most bochurim go to Israel to learn Torah, and how many yungeleit, go to live their after the Chasuna, why isn't it the opposite because of the terrible redifos..... Thousands of Israeli couples and bochurim escape persecution from the zionist's and come to vliamsburg....and buy a dirah with shlisel gelt on hoooppperr????
    Facts don't lie, the medinah with giving millions of dollars to yeshivas and kollelim they are the biggest marbitsei Torah, also the rabbanut has built mikvues all over Israel, also thousands of seforim printed by mechon yerisholaim and mossad harav kook is sponsored by the medinas yisroel, and the zionist's, yes min hashomaim they paskened like harav kook ,the frei are helping the frume and they themselves are also becoming baalei tshuvos slowly but surly. My dear Satmar yidden wake up look at the facts, the vayoel moshe was written over forty years ago, min hashomaim they didn't paskened like him.

  101. correction:
    chusid101: "According to the Satmar philosophy it should have been the opposite, think about it klotz" "Would the Satmar Ruv ever talk about Mari Shashportet if he would not be some source for his newfound religon?"

    שו"ת אהל יעקב, ובעל שו"ת נודע ביהודה למהר׳׳ר יעקב ששפורט שהי׳ מערי המערב ובא לערי אדום והיה רב באמשטרדם, שהכריע להלכה לבטל מצות עשה דאורייתא בנשיאות כפים ...שקובלה ‎להלכה ולמעשה בכל תפוצות ישראל! ר' יעקב עמדין והחת"ס ז"ל מביאים אותו

  102. chusid101 : "The statement they didn't do enough for binyan hoaretz was actually said by the binyan duvid, after his son disappeard during the war, this what the aim habunim smeichuh, writes in his chibur (in his bunker), is what the binyan duvid told him personally"

    הנח להם, האם הבנים והבּנין דוד
    !דבריהם כמגדול הפורח באויר

    איוב: לא בדעת ידבר ודבריו לא בהשכל, וכתיב: כי לא דברתם אלי נכונה כעבדי איוב, אמר רבא מכאן שאין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו

    רש"י: שאין אדם נתפס להתחייב על שהוא מדבר קשה מחמת צער ויסורין דקאמר לא בדעת ידבר לא אמר לא ברשע ידבר אלא לא בדעת

    פירוש: אין לשפוט או
    להאשים אדם שאמר או עשה מעשים מתוך רוגז וסערת נפש

  103. מכתב מאת בית הדין בירושלים וזקני הדור מרן הגרי"ח זוננפלד ומרן הגרי"י דיסקין שנשלח לגדולי הדור בחו"ל, תרפ"א
    והנה זאת היא חובתינו בתור הקרובים אל החלל, ואל מקום המשפט לקדם פני הרועים רועי ישראל הנאמנים ולקרא להם ... ואנו מעוררים אותו עוד הפעם כי כבר יצאה ההבערה הזאת "מקברות התאוה ותאכל כמה נפשות יקרות בחורי חמד פרחי בני הישיבה ואם לא נמהר כלנו יחד לעצרו בעד הרעה ונאכל ח"ו מגדיש ועד קמה ועד כרם זית כרם ה' צבאות

    מכתב הרב יקותיאל יהודא רוזנברגרבעל שו"ת תורת יקותיאל ...כללא דמלתא בקצירת אומר. ספרי קוק נידונים כספר מינים ודינם בשריפה, כל איש ירא ד' יתרחק ממנו ומספריו הרחק כמטחוי קשת כי פורש רשת לצוד בנ"י לכפירה ח"ו".

    מרן האדמו"ר מסאטמר רבי יואל טיטלבוים: "איש צר ואויב לדת תורתינו הקדושה ולעיקרי האמונה דרך קשתו כאויב להפר ברית עולם, הנקוב בשם אברהם יצחק קוק, הוא הגבר אשר הרחיב גבול הטומאה ר"ל, היא העדה הרעה המכנים עצמם בשם ציונים, אשר הן המה בעתים הללו האבני נגף לבית ישראל ומחריבים ארה"ק וכל הארצות בכלל, האומרים ערו ערו עד היסוד בה הוא קיום תוה"ק והאמונה המסורה לנו, שהוא היסוד לקיום כל ישראל בכלל ובפרט, ומבלעדי זאת הוסיף פשעים על פשעים, להדפיס בספריו הטמאים, גלויים וידועים, דברי מינות וכפירה, בעזות מצח וחוצפה יתירה, את ה' הוא מגדף ביד רמה, אשר לא נראה ולא נשמע כזאת מימים ימימה

    (שו"ת דברי יואל חו"ם סי' קל"א ועיי"ש גם סי' קל"ב)

    מרן האדמו"ר ממונקאטש מתוך מכתב שכתב למרן ה"אמרי אמת" מגור): "האחרון הכביד מ"ש לייקר את שמו של רב קוק המסית ומדיח בחיבוריו הטמאים שמלאים מינות וכפירה ר"ל כנודע, ואיך כתב עליו במכתב הנדפס הנ"ל שהוא אדם גדול שונא בצע וכוונתו לשמים ומדמה אותו לגדולי ירושלים החרדים שהללו מוסרים נפשם ללחום נגדו (של קוק) שחטא והחטיא את הרבים! אוי ואבוי! היש מכאוב כזה ללב יהודי מאמין?

    תגובתו של האדמו"ר מגור למכתב זה היתה: הלא יש אתי צרורה מכתב כת"י הרב קוק שהוא חוזר מדבריו בחיבוריו". משמע שלולא שחוזר בו מדבריו לא חולק מרן האדמו"ר מגור על דברי מרן האדמו"ר ממונקאטש!!

    מרן ה"אמרי אמת" האדמו"ר מגור פרסם מכתב לאחר פגישתו הראשונה עם הראי"ה קוק ובו כתב: "אולם אהבתו לציון עוברת כל גבול עד שאומר על טמא טהור ומראה לו פנים, כאותו שאמרו חז"ל בפרק קמא דעירובין על מי שלא היה בדורו כמותו ומטעם זה לא נקבעה הלכה כמותו ומזה באו הדברים הזרים שבחיבוריו...גם שיטתו בענין העלאת הניצוצות הוא דרך מסוכן

    מרן הרוגוטשובער (רבי יוסף רוזין בעל שו"ת "צפנת פענח", מהבולטים מגאוני דורו של הראי"ה קוק

    קבלתי ג' מכתביך על דבר הבור השוטה המכונה.. (אר"י קאת זו "הקוק") דף קל"ח ע"ב ודף ק"ם ע"ב אם הוא מין טמא או טהור ובאמת לפי הנראה הוא מגדר המין דחולין דף ס"ב ע"ב ונדה דף ג' ע"ב ע"ש בתוספות תרנגלא דאגמא דהזכר טמא והנקבה טהור גדר עמוני שהם נפנו על ס"ת יבמות דף ט"ז ע"ב ולמסקנא כולם טמאים. וצא טמא יקרא לו ואסור להתוכח עמו כמבואר בסנהדרין דף ל"ח ע"ב כל שכן דפקר טפי. ועיי' מכילתא פּ בשלח מלחמה לד' בעמלק מדור דור דורו של משיח והרי הוא כופר בהשגחה עליונה" .

  104. Chusid shoiteh, writes that no less then 99% of gein yiden in America are a result o f Satmar rav st"l. Now of course the rebbe has contributed a lot to yiddishkeit in America, but to say 99%, is pure ignorance, which shows that you have never looked out of your daled amos, and you probably live on hooper between lee and marcy, the only yidden you saw are Satmar, and a few Pupa as well, I advise you to go in crown heights and see a few lubavitchers, then if you have time go to lakewood, and see some litvishe, you will probably hear the name reb aharon kotler, he was a small rosh yeshive... With almost no influence.... Then I would suggest, go to Washington heights and ask for info about reb yoseph ber soloveitchik, he was mekarev three quarter's of American jewry who are modern orthodox, he was mekarev them to toireh. Etc. Then when you come back to willi,ask for a yid who lived there long ago his name was reb shraga feivel mendlowits, who founded Torah vodaas, and the outreach Mesorah, also ask about a yid by the name of Tselimer rav rabbi greenwald who was meyaased the modern cholov yisroel, when your finished, take a good nap.....

  105. Ish chusid Hoye..
    "מתודבה"ק: והחשמונאים..זכו למלכות, רק לפי שהם לקחוה בשבט מושלים נענשו..וע"י שהם לקחו מלכות דממשלה לעצמם ולא ע"פּ נביא נענשו ע"י הורדס שהאביד כל זכר למו עיי"ש וד"ב"
    this Chashmenoim is machloka Rambam veRamban,according to the Rambam they did not do noting wrong, since you can be a king even out of the davidian family,according the Ramban it was prohibited,then according to the

    Ramban Yishuv Eretz yisroel is mitzva deoraisa even bizna hazeh

  106. Chosid shote

    We have at least as much frum yiden in the Diaspora as in the מדינה של גיהנם without the unprecedented רדיפת הדת "
    you are misinformed and the fact is that the
    jewry is tenfold larger in the

    modern country of Israel then in KJ and Willi, I would not call a country that supports yeshivas and kolelim Redifas Hadas, but I would call a state that wants to stop
    milah and gives money to Yeshivas and cheders only after they make you in to a criminal...forces you to hire faggots and al de shvartze your,forces you to distribute condoms in your school...
    Its big time redifas hadas..

  107. Ish Chosid

    "Authentic NOT A FORGERY:
    וזל"ק מכתי"ק בס' תקנת השבין מהכהן הגדול מאחיו! ר"ר צדוק ז"ל
    מתודבה"ק: והחשמונאים..זכו למלכות, רק לפי שהם לקחוה בשבט מושלים נענשו..וע"י שהם לקחו מלכות דממשלה לעצמם ולא ע"פּ נביא נענשו ע"י הורדס שהאביד כל זכר למו עיי"ש וד"ב

    Before we talk further did we establish that the letter you quoted before from reb tzodek was a forgery .. that was done in 500 bedford and paid for bloch to rubberstamp it? is your verbal cursing of reb itche mier and reb shulem the Satmar way of answering the Bloch forgery?
    I would like to know according to reb Tzodak why are we saying Halel on Chanuka, y is it different the 5th of Iyar?

  108. kanaker
    "I've tried many times there is absolutely no civility in you let alone to have with you a civil discourse, I'll debate you on any toping if you could refrain from jumping and hyperventilating, and from your usual tactics of throwing mud and slime trying to confuse your opponents and hoping something will stick! This may work for the bullys in your school yard.. Bu"t not as a civil debate, Sorry!"

    I learn to debate from reading veyoel moshe, where every paragraph starts Veili Apikorsim... from there I got to deeply intelectal weeklies der Yid and der blatt... all sponsored by the rebbe of 500 Bedford

  109. Knaker
    "I've tried many times there is absolutely no civility in you let alone to have with you a civil discourse, I'll debate you on any toping if you could refrain from jumping and hyperventilating, and from your usual tactics of throwing mud and slime trying to confuse your opponents and hoping something will stick! This may work for the bullys in your school yard.. But not as a civil debate, Sorry!"
    you dont stop with your hollow threats... for ... sake shut up already

  110. Yonah Krepel
    "Did you burp or fart your kreplech yet?"
    sorry I did not learn in Sands Street,
    What is Farting all about????

  111. Kloitz Kashia
    "Did the אבני נזר gave permission for איטשע מאיר, והשאר to sit in the kenesset where they are מחוקקים חוקי עכו"ם, מרבּים זימה בעולם, דן דיני נפשות,Are you Complete Nuts! ! ניס שלום"
    I think there is no issur in that, but if you need a heter, then he got 1, from Reb Shimon Sofer rav of Cracow, the brother of the Ksav Sofer, (who made the holy tielung)and was send there by reb Yeshuya of Belz the certified kanoi.
    Btw, did you hear of a jew by the name Reb aron Kotler ( who was not blind like Belzer ruv or did not have a Gabai a evil guy and Maskil Shulem Fogel like the Belzer Ruv) who was a big Goan in Kol Hatorah and he was working for getting more and more deputies in the Keneseth, You think he had to look in the mediocore sefer .... for advice?

  112. moshe gabai: "does Maari Shashportet have some chidush on Taam Keikor the favorite sugya of the Krepel Tisch?"

    "What is Farting all about????" "sorry I did not learn in Sands Street"

    תניא: מאן דנפח מתוכו נפח, דהיינו תוכו כבּרו

    I did not learn in Sands Street or in תומכי תמימים

  113. menashe fulop: "Btw, did you hear of a jew by the name Reb aron Kotler ( who was not blind like Belzer ruv or did not have a Gabai a evil guy and Maskil Shulem Fogel like the Belzer Ruv) who was a big Goan in Kol Hatorah "

    Was he a rav? a פּוסק? did he write any שו"ת or מדרשים on this?! or on other topics? or just an operator promoting the כנסת המינים to justify the אגודה'ס atrocities! on Reichmann/Fruchthandlers DIME! of long gone Olympia & York!?

  114. menashe fulop: "I think there is no issur in that, but if you need a heter, then he got 1, from Reb Shimon Sofer rav of Cracow"

    I am glad to hear 'your opinion' (I think..) and that of the בעל פּוקח עורים,קוממיות'ער,בעלזא to, that there is "no issur" Hope fully although 'you think' אין כאן איסור אבל יש כאן נידוי ושמתא

    You and your cohort's trying לדמה מלתא למלתא of the polish siem to the כנסת המינים, במדינת ישראל is like לדמה ר"י קערעסטיר, צו יא־קל הידוע because both use Suppository's (הנקרא קערעסטיר)!

  115. Tib Lotzi: "Before we talk further did we establish that the letter you quoted before from reb tzodek was a forgery"

    Did 'WE'? talk for yourself!

  116. Tibi Lotzi: "where every paragraph starts Veili Apikorsim..."

    Did you feel hurt personnaly?

  117. tibi lotzi: "you dont stop with your hollow threats... for ... sake shut up already"

    !הוא אשר דבּרתי

  118. Matza Neficha
    תניא: מאן דנפח מתוכו נפח, דהיינו תוכו כבּרו

    I did not learn in Sands Street or "in תומכי תמימים
    eventough my folks are from Unterland, I still dont enjoy those gross toilet jokes especially on Chazal... I guess you listemned alot to Sruel Duvid Wiess on 500 Bedford

  119. tibi Lotzi: "Its big time redifas hadas.."

    You don't like the USA? MOVE! but try to move legally from Israel?! They own you נפש־רוח־ונשמה, ועבדו לעולם

  120. Ouch
    "You and your cohort's trying לדמה מלתא למלתא of the polish siem to the כנסת המינים, במדינת ישראל is like לדמה ר"י קערעסטיר, צו יא־קל הידוע because both use Suppository's (הנקרא קערעסטיר)!"
    EAgain I have to remind you, Eventough my folks are from Unterland, I don't appreciate the Toilet jokes that they enjoyed on 500 Bedford

  121. Menashe Hakoten
    Was he a rav? a פּוסק? did he write any שו"ת or מדרשים on this?! or on other topics? or just an operator promoting the כנסת המינים to justify the אגודה'ס atrocities! on Reichmann/Fruchthandlers DIME! of long gone Olympia & York!?"
    FYI, He did write shalas uteshuvas,,,,
    Olymia york....???? where does it pertain a person that dies in the 60's?

  122. Tibi Lotzi: "from there I got to deeply intelectal weeklies der Yid and der blatt... all sponsored by the rebbe of 500 Bedford"

    And me stupid i was thinking you're reading the intelectual
    קוק'ס אורות באופל, אם הבנים נבוכים, פּוקח עורים־מתיר אסורים, יתד־המודיע, שטורמער, וכו

  123. Tibi Lotzi: "l. Now of course the rebbe has contributed a lot to yiddishkeit in America, but to say 99%, is pure ignorance"

    Here he goes again!

    תשכ"ח הרב"י מסאטמאר ל"ע נחלה, תשכ"ח עניינו ולחצנו

    That year 1968 satmar had a yeshiva kedola of 600! Talmidim, a talmid torah and beis rachel of thousands! + 100’s of balei batem, all his talmidim and disciplines from cradle to present! He also revolutionized the world jewrey with his unprecedented leadership in the spirit of! לא תגורו מפני-אישhe became the frum worlds mouth peace! זכה משה שהתורה נקראת על שמו, זכרי תורת משה! די סאטמארע שיטה !!! even he never said anything other than ! תורת משה רבּו

    In that year 1968 the litvishe had תורה־ודעת, מיר who had base ball teams with (girl) cheerleaders! Reb aron had 100-150 talmidi beth hamedrish who learned as grown-ups in his beth medrash probably talmidi תורה־ודעת, מיר The modern orthodox where than modern all right! But not orthodox! Lubab-skver-belz-pupa the rest, where watching where satmar revolution will go and when successful they followed! All these are well documented for those who want to know! Many people still alive will testament to the above. Now take a good nap!

  124. menashe fulop: "still dont enjoy those gross toilet jokes"

    בזוהר הקדוש: ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים מאן דנפח מדילי הנפח

    ! בתניא: מאן דנפח מתוכו נפח

    דהיינו נפיחה בא מתוכו ממש ולא כן הוא הדיבור, שיש בּה רוח אבל לא כ"פ מתוכו!

    ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים, בּתרגום רוח ממלל, שהדיבּר כמו הנפיחה צריך להיות מתוכו וד"ב למבינים

  125. Torah Vodaath
    "In that year 1968 the litvishe had תורה־ודעת, מיר who had base ball teams with (girl) cheerleaders!"
    pictures please????

  126. Torah Vodath
    "All these are well documented for those who want to know!"
    documented by whom? Gelbman or Hertz Frankel?

  127. Tibi Lotzi: "Eventough my folks are from Unterland, I don't appreciate the Toilet jokes"

    I'm so sorry to offend your sensibilities, But than again How could I attempt to explain to an amateur the difference between sitting in the polish siem, to participating in כנסת המינים, במדינת ישראל

  128. Torah Vodaath
    "That year 1968 satmar had a yeshiva kedola of 600! Talmidim, a talmid torah and beis rachel of thousands! + 100’s of balei batem, all his talmidim and disciplines from cradle to present"
    Bottom Line, did he introduce Chassidic Kashrus? Chassidic cheder? Choluv Isreal?
    All Beretz Loi Zeruah?
    Or he took all the Jews that arrived later(or stole) from all the Rabonim hat were here before?

    Just a little question where was he when the DP campls were running in Europe? I think a few miles away in the Swiss eating good cheese by the Belzer Moshe Gross, while his nephew(the satmar described delusional) was digging mikvahs with his bare hands....

  129. Ruach
    בזוהר הקדוש: ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים מאן דנפח מדילי הנפח

    ! בתניא: מאן דנפח מתוכו נפח

    דהיינו נפיחה בא מתוכו ממש ולא כן הוא הדיבור, שיש בּה רוח אבל לא כ"פ מתוכו!

    ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים, בּתרגום רוח ממלל, שהדיבּר כמו הנפיחה צריך להיות מתוכו וד"ב למבינים"
    you are so hooked on this Menuvolas obsession , you cant get off that tree.. ribono shel olam...

  130. Mendelovitz: "documented by whom?"

    ..שאל אביך ויגדך, זקניך ויאמרו לך

    btw, Mendelovitz change your name to: VenomOvitz

  131. VenomOwitz: "with (girl) cheerleaders!" pictures please????"

    Tzig don't allow smutz!

  132. Yanash
    "שאל אביך ויגדך, זקניך ויאמרו לך"
    I BH asked them and I am well informed

  133. Torah Vodaath
    "But not orthodox! Lubab-skver-belz-pupa the rest, where watching where satmar revolution will go and when successful they followed!"
    I guess this was the official new religion hogwash, indocrinated for the 600 bucherim in Sands street,but in the truth, all the above listed had 1 dream let me live my own life.... I will take care on my Yiddishkiet...
    They were only praying that Lipa Friedman the Rebbes Minister of occupation should not put me on his screen....
    Non of the above communities were ready to get bullied and harassed by people that learned noting from the death of the 6 million, Like the Zionist they built an empire in on the ashes of the kedoshim, by saying whoever is not with our new religon was not worth being saved..( see the Rebbes 21 kislev sermons)

  134. Tibi Lotzi; "you are so hooked on this Menuvolas obsession "

    more even than the
    אר"י קאת זו "הקוק" בּ'מאורות

    Quoting תרגום־זוהר־תניא is Menuvolas obsession !?

    Another איפּכא מסתברא of the modern day litvakes in Lake-wood ! הפּסוק אומר: והי' כעץ שתול על פּלגי מים That’s Wood-on-Lake Not Lake-on-wood!!! Woodlake not Lakewwod. Right?

  135. Yanush
    "Tzig don't allow smutz!"
    I really pity your loss,of the opportunity to spread menuvolos...

  136. Mendelovitz: "I BH asked them and I am well informed"

    I remeber well the השתלשלות הדור עקש ופתלתול since after WWII I'v seen it and heared it all! But never ever did i met anyone less knowledgeable or more ignorant that this Tibi Lotzi!

    לדוגמא, אחד שאל החזון איש מה שיטתו על העברת הג' שבועות בּידי הציונים? ותירץ, הם עברו על הג' שבועות והפורעניות בא כמו שמפורש בחז"ל! ועוד שואלים מה שיטתי? אתמהה

    If your ignaramous opinions is the todays popular believes! Than klal yisrual is in for a rough ride!

    Altough sometimes I don't even believe that a yid could think like your stated opinions, and I'm thinking this guy is just kibbitzing!

  137. Mendelovitz : "I really pity your loss,of the opportunity to spread menuvolos"

    Don't forget:
    שלושה ימים לבכי, ושבעה להספד, ושלושים לגיהוץ ולתספורת,וי"ב חדשים לאבילות

  138. Menlovitz: "..( see the Rebbes 21 kislev sermons)"

    I have seen them all I heared must of them מפ"ק! all are קילורין לעיניים even so I would advise you not to read them!!!

    למיימינים בה סמא דחיי למשמאילים בה סמא דמותא

  139. Tibi Lotzi: "I guess this was the official new religion hogwash, indocrinated "

    !אני הגבר ראה עני עמו I was there I know exactly how it was in the livak-Lubab-skver-belz-pupa and by the rest.. yidshe world. No one will tell you the rest of the story like I'm trying to But No Avail, to this thick headed Tibi Lotzi even Lubab which had an admiarble following of תמימי לב did not bloom.. Until they changed course!!! In the time of the שייזר שז"ר And they became more zionim than the zionim.

  140. דער הייליגער־שמייליגר Tibi Lotzi:
    "you cant get off that tree.. ribono shel olam.."

    רבּונו של עולם טאטע'ניוגד טרייער
    קוק אראפּ פון הימעל אין לעש שוין אויס דעם פייער

    שומר ישראל האבּ אויף אונז רחמנות
    שיק שוין משיח אין לייז אונטץ אויז פון גלות

  141. Tibi Lotz: "I think a few miles away in the Swiss eating good cheese by the Belzer Moshe Gross, while his nephew(the satmar described delusional) was digging mikvahs with his bare hands.."

    רשע, אתה מפיל עין רעה במועדיהם SR hatzalah was literally the hatzalah of klal yisruel!!! BTW he never ate cheese even by the cheese krepple torah! Oh that mikvah digger probaly needed one desperately thanks rebbe, ouch!

  142. Yanosh
    "!אני הגבר ראה עני עמו I was there I know exactly how it was in the livak-Lubab-skver-belz-pupa and by the rest.. yidshe world. No one will tell you the rest of the story like I'm trying to But No Avail, to this thick headed Tibi Lotzi even Lubab which had an admiarble following of תמימי לב did not bloom.. Until they changed course!!! In the time of the שייזר שז"ר And they became more zionim than the zionim."

    Obviously you are party aparachnik, and biased till over your nose,, this anti lubavich ranting makes noe heads or tails, the Lubavich did not have to aske *@ lee avenue whom he should meet in his chambers. The same as Reb Yoel scould meet all Liberal Jews of America who were in politics, same Kofrim just on a different part of the globe...
    Your bias is so rampant....ad lev hashomaim...
    BTW, how can a person that his obsessed with Geula and Moshiach, Mishmas Yisroel, be accused of Zionism.. Leumioth.. only some lowlife that could create the holy Sanzer in a Pariah....

  143. Yanosh
    רבּונו של עולם טאטע'ניוגד טרייער
    קוק אראפּ פון הימעל אין לעש שוין אויס דעם פייער

    שומר ישראל האבּ אויף אונז רחמנות
    שיק שוין משיח אין לייז אונטץ אויז פון גלות"


  144. Yanash
    "BTW he never ate cheese even by the cheese krepple torah!"
    its a lie,
    Vieshouze writes in his book that in Sharon Springs he ate a early Shalash Seudas Milchig....
    Shevouth.. was different, he ate a flieshigs afterwards..

  145. Yanash
    "אתה מפיל עין רעה במועדיהם SR hatzalah was literally the hatzalah of klal yisruel!!! "
    another 5 gallon bucket of brainwash produced by N J Miezels....

  146. Yanash
    "Oh that mikvah digger probaly needed one desperately thanks rebbe, ouch!"
    is Mikvah digging a butt of jokes by you and your ilk????

  147. Tibi Lotzi: "only some lowlife that could create the holy Sanzer in a Pariah"
    Do you mean the holy Sanzer-Klusher? who robbed from peter and paul (never to repay) and made alia to the for profit kiryas sanz and to build for profit hospitals!? Indeed very holy.

    בחז"ל: אמר הקב"ה, עתידין האומות להיות אומרים
    אנו הם ישראל אנו הם בניו של מקום

  148. Tibi Lotzi: "produced by N J Miezels...."

    מונקאטש,סיגוט,קאסאן,וויזניטש,בעלז גער,ראדאמסק,ליבאוויטש,
    ליטווישע,אשכנאזיש,ספרדישע,א"י יודן,סתם גלות יוד'ן

    !כלם בפה אחד, יחד כלם הודו והמליכו

    I heared all the above talking for hours of his highness! But more than that I WAS THERE! and you little louse/nitwick with your אמונות טפלות וטפשיות will not convince even a nit-egg otherwise!

    btw, I was a talmid on a blat gemora and a neighbor, from NJM never heared him talk of the rebbe! didn't need to.


  149. Yanosh
    "Do you mean the holy Sanzer-Klusher? who robbed from peter and paul (never to repay) and made alia to the for profit kiryas sanz and to build for profit hospitals!? Indeed very holy."
    another slash and burn lie invented ny Nossen Yossef and the 82 Lee avenue cronies...
    If the Whole world agreed on the SR gadlus why are busy with producing lies on the nephew... I guess theie is some insecurity in the ranks...

  150. Golles Yid
    btw, I was a talmid on a blat gemora and a neighbor, from NJM never heared him talk of the rebbe! didn't need to."
    or you are Deaf? or Dumb or Both?
    Me being a non satmarer heard him probably 20 times propagating the New Religion party line...

  151. Tibi Lotzi: "heard him probably 20 times propagating the New Religion party line"

    Really! That's a new concept in
    !שפך 'חמתו' על עצים ואבנים

  152. tibi lotzi: "is Mikvah digging a butt of jokes by you and your ilk"

    !פעֶה די רעדסט מנוולות

  153. Right there were minum in the sejm as well.

    In any case, the only reason why there is hate being spewed against Rav Yolish’s nephew is because he stood in the way of RY’s quest for world domination. It was he who rebuilt Hungarian Yiddishkite and not RY. There was nothing RY did that was not here prior to his coming. Of course in the end he had the largest yeshivah, but that was because his Chasidim either pummeled people into submission or undercut the tuition of the other yeshivos. The only thing that RY did for Yiddishkeit was buy a newspaper to disseminate his hate policies.

    Oh, on the subject of robbing from Peter and Paul I think that RY had some explaining to do about money given to him by his nephew to save his son. But of course this story can’t be true because it was never mentioned in the esteemed newspaper the Yid.

  154. chusid101 1:36, "but in our case those who were oiver the sholosh shevuos were saved but those who stayed in Europe were killed, with all due respect this does not have any logic."

    With all due respect the reason you don't understand this or any other yideshe thoughts! is simple you're thought process is flawed and פאר גוישׁ'ט to begin with, you where trained to think logically that is by "non-hermeneutic reasoning" But yiden are trained to think only by hermeneutic reasonings that is the
    י"ג מדות שהתורה נדרשת בּהן, כמבואר בספרא ובמפרשיו , The bal haggada says! וימררו את חייבם בעבודה קשה בחומר ובלבנים, בזוהר: בחומר זה קל וחומר ובלבנים זה ליבון הלכה, Only the ק"ו Is based on self logic/reasoning and that comes only after וימררו את חייבם בעבודה קשה !!! all other י"ב מדות שהתורה נדרשת בּהן etc. etc. see אילת השחר מהלבּי"ם Is not based on self free thinking! this is where your and your likes are tremendously flawed and will never understand ANYTHING YIDISH! Sorry to tell you that but it's true.
    כי לא מחשבותי מחשבותיכם ולא דרכיכם דרכי נאם ד

    Now back to your million dollar Yevanite Question as of why who what when and where? got saved and who not??? That question was asked by the נשים מקטרת
    ירמיה מ״ד, ומן אז חדלנו לקטר למלכת השמים..חסרנו כל It's a woman question! who have no torah logic!!! But for a torah answer see the gemarah:

    בב"ק: אמר רבי שמואל בר נחמני אין
    הפורענות בא לעולם אלא בשביל הרשעים שנאמר
    כי תצא אש ומצאה קוצים אימתי אש יוצאה בזמן שעצים מצויין לה ואינה מתחלת אלא מן הצדיקים
    שנאמר ונאכל גדיש ואכל גדיש לא נאמר אלא ונאכל גדיש שכבר נאכל הצדיקים

    1. Your midrash at the end proves my point, it says it does not START only with tsadikim, but does it END only with tsadikim? The answer is no! And what happned was only those who were not oiver the sholosh shevuos were killed and those who left for Israel were saved! According to vayoel moshe only the wrong people got killed.

    2. The midrash you bring proves my point, it says it STARTS with the tsadikim, but to end with tsadikim only? Sir where is you're kup?

  155. David: "There was nothing RY did that was not here prior to his coming"

    Now that's a comment worthwhile The SR himself said once on purim he perceives himself being like a scarecrow! and he continued saying it works! all the מחבּלים כרם השם are on the run! hiding!

    Now there is still David of the Tibi Lotzi kind who are banging away on him 50 years later... ha ha who cares they me be harming themselfs But certainly not others.. so bring it on!!! btw You're No David! rather a Golias.

    my advise:
    !הוי זהיר בגחלתם שלא תכוה

  156. chusid101 1:36, "but in our case those who were oiver the sholosh shevuos were saved"

    !פּיו הכשילו They where "oiver the sholosh shevuos" and got saved!

    הנביא במלאכי: ועתה אנחנו מאשרים זדים גם־נבנו עשי
    רשעה גם בחנו אלהים וימלטו

    איש בער לא ידע וכסיל לא יבין את זאת בפורח רשעים..

    1. You guys are more scared of the sholosh shevuos, then of the sholosh aveiros..... After all this is your religion.

  157. tibi lotzi et al.. said "-----"

    I enjoy to read you, bringing out with pride the satmar hooliganism, in my teenage years I used to get to the Jewish Theological Seminary on broadly to read on:
    שלום רבינוביץ־שלום עליכם

    חיים ליבּערמאן־דער רבי און דער שטן

    פֿאָרװערטס־דער טייוועל מיט זיינע געצען דינערס

    These writers where very literally and I enjoyed them But today that kind dried out.. so I have to resort reading tibi lotzi et al... It will help you take some literally classes and start all over again! In the footprint of your predecessors

    Thank You
    Lakewood NJ

  158. Godish Vekoma
    With all due respect the reason you don't understand this or any other yideshe thoughts! is simple you're thought process is flawed and פאר גוישׁ'ט to begin with, you where trained to think logically that is by "non-hermeneutic reasoning" But yiden are trained to think only by hermeneutic reasonings that is the
    י"ג מדות שהתורה נדרשת בּהן, כמבואר בספרא ובמפרשיו , The bal haggada says! וימררו את חייבם בעבודה קשה בחומר ובלבנים, בזוהר: בחומר זה קל וחומר ובלבנים זה ליבון הלכה, Only the ק"ו Is based on self logic/reasoning and that comes only after וימררו את חייבם בעבודה קשה !!! all other י"ב מדות שהתורה נדרשת בּהן etc. etc. see אילת השחר מהלבּי"ם Is not based on self free thinking! this is where your and your likes are tremendously flawed and will never understand ANYTHING YIDISH! Sorry to tell you that but it's true. "

    So was Shibud Mitzraim and Yetzias Mitzraim real? or only fodder for a pilpul in Yismach Moshe? If we take that approach, then maybe the Zionist are not real just fodder for the Veyoel....
    What a ferd

  159. Golles Yid
    "איש בער לא ידע וכסיל לא יבין את זאת בפורח רשעים"
    if Reb Yoelish would have put his mind to these words he would of never state his fact in the foreword of his sefer....

  160. J Kotz
    "I used to get to the Jewish Theological Seminary on broadly to read on:"
    Sorry but I dont talk to guys that hang out in Bies Minas

  161. Yanosh
    "my advise:
    !הוי זהיר בגחלתם שלא תכוה"
    Just dont forget that the chazal was said on the nephew too... and many more gedolie yisroel who were hurt badly by the satmar hate machine....

  162. tibi lotzi: "then maybe the Zionist are not real just fodder for the Veyoel..What a ferd"

    The famous reb tzudig writes (not forged) That god created the maskilim in the time of the bhash"t לנסות הבּעש"ט Not the other way around! In that vein I would say the creation of zionisim frum and otherwise was לנסות הרב"י מסאטמאר , ואכמ"ל והמב"י And not the other way around.

    ps: your comments "So was Shibud Mitzraim and Yetzias Mitzraim real? or only fodder for a pilpul.." confirms your yevenite logically/reasoning גדיש וקמה writes about.

  163. Yanosh

    "Now that's a comment worthwhile The SR himself said once on purim he perceives himself being like a scarecrow! and he continued saying it works! all the מחבּלים כרם השם are on the run! hiding!"
    I dont know who is the Mechabel or the Scarecrow, Goliath,its all nonsense
    But did David say something?

  164. tibi lotzi: "Sorry but I dont talk to guys that hang out in Bies Minas"

    I hate to crack it to you! Their writings pale next to yours.. Bravo!

  165. Gollus Yis
    The famous reb tzudig writes (not forged) That god created the maskilim in the time of the bhash"t לנסות הבּעש"ט Not the other way around!"
    I like this statement, where is the source?

  166. tibi lotzi: But did David say something?"

    תאלמנה שפתי שקר הדוברות על צדיק עתק בגאוה ובוז

    תהילים ל"א

  167. Tomoshaver said...
    The famous reb tzudig writes (not forged) That god created the maskilim in the time of the bhash"t לנסות הבּעש"ט Not the other way around!" "I like this statement, where is the source?'
    ah Tomoshaver a heimisher.. I like the other half of the גלות יוד statement to.. even more so.

  168. Golus Yid/Godish Vekoma/Yanosh
    "ps: your comments "So was Shibud Mitzraim and Yetzias Mitzraim real? or only fodder for a pilpul.." confirms your yevenite logically/reasoning גדיש וקמה writes about."
    I can only state my belief(Emunah),(its not the Rambams or Abulefia Emuna system Which were btw also not yevenites)as the Rashba and later the Mahral, that every story in torah and agadatta is factual and not allegorical, and its no contradiction that any Pitputie deoraiso said on agadatta which I believe is also torah...
    So getting back to the earlier issue, If you say a fact that a certain mamar chazal was the cause of a disaster for klal yisroel, then a other Jew has all the right to refute you that it was not so... it was the total opposite...
    Unless you believe that that particular person had all the halachic implication of Sanhedrin ... and whoever contradicts him is a zokan mamrie..or A prophet...

  169. tibi lotzi 11:17 "What a ferd"

    you equate:
    הכהן הגדול ר"ר צדוק=להבור קוק
    ק"ק רב"י מסאטמאר=לסיגוטער רב
    ויואל משה=לעמא דבר
    and you calling me a ferd?!

  170. tibi lotzi: "Sorry but I dont talk to guys that hang out in Bies Minas"

    Oh I had a heter by menashe fulop 5:29 and I quote: "I think there is no issur in that, but if you need a heter, then he got 1, from Reb Shimon Sofer rav of Cracow" "was send there by reb Yeshuya of Belz the certified kanoi" "Btw, did you hear of a jew by the name Reb aron Kotler "

    BTW, tibi lotzi Guaranteed it will do NO HARM TO YOU!

  171. tibi lotzi: "my advise:
    !הוי זהיר בגחלתם שלא תכוה"
    "Just dont forget that the chazal was said on the nephew too... and many more gedolie yisroel who were hurt badly by the satmar"

    !גחלי עממי

  172. chusid101 : "And what happned was only those who were not oiver the sholosh shevuos were killed and those who left for Israel were saved!"

    Or does who left to china-japan or tim buk tu Congo!

    כל זמן שמזקינן דעתו מתטפשות

  173. chusid101: "You guys are more scared of the sholosh shevuos, then of the sholosh aveiros.."

    ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם
    אחרי לבבכם זו מינות, ואחרי עיניכם זו זנות They go togheter they are in the same פסוק with No פסוק בעמצאIn fact There are goyim also הגדרים בתאוה But none are הגדרים במינות! BTW מינות is worse, so is fressen a bigger teivah.

  174. This all is typical circular logic of the haters. No one understands anything because they are minum. Only RY does because his shitos are emes. Please stop this silly charade of quoting mamorei Chazal out of context. Stick to the arguments at hand.

    The scarecrow comment just demonstrates RY’s phenomenal ability at rewriting history, which is still practiced by his minions of redactors.

    In the mid to late 1950’s, when RY came of age in America the threat to the future of Yiddiskeit was diminishing. The real threat was in the DP Camps, and possibly the earliest years after the war. RY was at the most, in this time frame, a bit player. This fact was a major problem for the Satmar PR machine. Therefore, they conceived of the idea to vilify his nephew who was the real hero of the war era.

    You see silly, you have the gumption to denigrate all those rabbanim because they dared to disagree with RY, but those who disagree with his hate spewing have to be vigilant of their critique of his eminence? Please we are just giving you a little of his own medicine.

  175. The best line in this comment section "You guys are more scared of the sholosh shevuos, then of the sholosh aveiros"

  176. You are so incapable of a good argument. Please, your juvenile retorts making use of mamorei Chazal do not show you up as a Talmud Chacham. On the contrary, it demonstrates how you and your ilk play fast and loose with references.

    I would add that even if it were true that RY saved Yiddiskeit today the problems facing us are to be placed squarely on him. The hijacking of Yiddiskeit by the Jewish Talban is extensions of his slash and burn policies. If we don’t stop using his extremist beliefs as the benchmark of piety and righteousness our problems will multiply exponentially. So much for his veiter blick. We are all suffering from his megalomaniac tendencies.

  177. chusid101 :"The midrash you bring proves my point, it says it STARTS with the tsadikim, but to end with tsadikim only? Sir where is you're kup?"


    דער דיוק איז "ואכל גדיש לא נאמר אלא ונאכל" דהיינו הצדיקים הנקראים גדיש כבר איננו ונאכל לשון עבר, והנשמות הנשארים הם מהקוצים משו"כּ אינם קיימים שאין להם צדיקים לסמוך עליהם! כמו שראינו בימינו

    So it doesn't end with the tzadigim, it ends with us!

    המה הלכו למנוחות 'ואותנו' עזבו לאנחות

    בב"ק: אמר רבי שמואל בר נחמני אין
    הפורענות בא לעולם אלא בשביל הרשעים שנאמר
    כי תצא אש ומצאה קוצים אימתי אש יוצאה בזמן שעצים מצויין לה ואינה מתחלת אלא מן הצדיקים
    שנאמר ונאכל גדיש ואכל גדיש לא נאמר אלא ונאכל גדיש שכבר נאכל הצדיקים

  178. david 1:41 “The only thing that RY did for Yiddishkeit was buy a newspaper to disseminate his hate policies”

    פֿאָרװערטס־מארגן זשורנאל־חיים ליבּערמאן־שלום עליכם־מיימון מזרחי־ציונים וכו' where denigrating satmar on a daily basis Before satmar bought a newspaper!! Did S. deutsch and L. friedman had to seat still and wait for the איגוד הרבנים to defend them??? ולא יבואו לראות כבלע את הקודש ומתו, כ"א עם נבר תתברר ועם עקש תתפתל

    Did the Yid ever attack the in crowd like:
    ר 'הענקין־פיינשטיין־סילבער־קאמנעצקי־קאלמענאוויטש־קאטלער ?!

  179. David: "We are all suffering from his megalomaniac tendencies."

    David you're a מין ואפּיקורס to call names on a רשכבה"ג אשר קינא לשם האל Megalomania!

    merriam-webster not חז"ל ח"ו defines Megalomania as:

    a psycho-pathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence. a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur

  180. David said...

    "Please we are just giving you a little of his own medicine."

    "you have the gumption to denigrate all those rabbanim because they dared to disagree with RY" DID I? what-when-where? btw:
    דבּר אחד לדור, טול מקל והך על קדקדן

    "In the mid to late 1950’s, when RY came of age in America the threat to the future of Yiddiskeit was diminishing." SORRY HE CAME TO AMERICA IN 1947! WHEN IT WAS AN ארץ לא זרועה
    -Most DP’s (Hungarians Rumanians) ‘his’ people came to America with his finnancial aid, and his political and institutianl connections! It’s all documented. (Otherwise they would have wound up in the medina. אין חבוש מתיר עצמו מבית האסורים

    "This all is typical circular logic of the haters."

    "No one understands anything because they are minum. Only RY does because his shitos are emes"
    ויואל משה! א'נכי ו'לא י'הי ל'ך מ'פּי ה'גבורה שׂ'מענו

    ps: glad to see your english, grammer and spelling is improving, But what is "circular" logig? do you mean ?פארדרייטע קאפּ or maybe ?קאפּ פארדרייעניש than say so.

  181. David: "You guys are more scared of the sholosh shevuos, then of the sholosh aveiros"

    !שלש תשׁובות: שוטה, רשע, וגס רוח

    1. ,Curse, man, curse. The only thing to defend your ignorance is calling everyone a min and apikoirus, your days of power are over, the Satmar empire, is a shadow of itself, losing control on the issues, from the eiruv, to love of erets yisroel, even in Satmar there are lots of people particularly the younger generation, who go to the koisel hamaarovi.
      I would give you good advise my fellow Satmar, shitah yidden, GET A LIFE!

  182. מלמד תינוקת שנשבּיFriday, April 20, 2012 10:37:00 AM

    David: David: "You guys are more scared of the sholosh shevuos, then of the sholosh aveiros"

    על שלושה פשעי ישראל ועל ארבעה לא אשיבנו

    חובות הלבבות: שחסיד אחד אמר לתלמידיו, אילו לא היו בכם עוונות הייתי מפחד פן תכשלו בדבר שהוא גדול מן העוונות אמרו לו: מה הוא גדול מן העוונות? אמר: הגאות והגאווה, כמש"כּ תועבת ה´ כל גבה לב

    ואני הק' אומר מהו גדול מגאות וגאווה? כשמתגאה אם מה שאין לו
    והרוצה להתכבד בקלון חבירו, בשלילה!! וד"ל

  183. ר' זאב וואלף, דער אור המאיר
    מזיטאמיר, א תלמיד פונ'ם מגיד זצ"ל

    כותב שהתלמידים עשה כנופיה ושותפות והתנאי של השותפות היה, מי שהוא למדן או חכם או מיוחס, או מדה טובה אחרת נטבע בּו, יניח את מעלתו ואם אחד מתגאה במעלתו! אמרנו לו א"כּ שאתה נוטל את חלקך מהשותפות גם אנו ניטול חלקנו..ע"כּ בקיצור

    The point is every one has good and bad virtues, you don’t talk about your habitual good virtues only about the ones that are not habitual to you and how you conquered or working on them which may be beneficial to your listeners!!! We can all learn from each other But you must be open to listen and learn as above..!,

    The Satmars unlike others where thought in their cradle to present in ענייני דיעות והשקפות, ומסורות האבות and how to apply them to current events by none other than the master himself! They do not have an outreach program to go out and boast about it!.. precisley because its habitual to them. (Most don’t even know they have it...) but they do, they teach them this... ויואל משה thing before they even teach them אלף־ביתso it’s ingrained litterally in their DNA! And no use trying to alter that, or being angry on them it will not change a thing! Over 70years Satmar after WWII has many thousands of aluminates and growing... But if you accept them ‘as is’ They can be open with you and learn from YOU! to on other traits! like a דף גמרא, או מדות טובות These are the facts on the ground as they say, and the more the rest of the world fights them the more they alienate themselves! not satmar which fights assimilation even from fellow yiden.

    גיט שבת

  184. יַאנָאש: ויואל משה! א'נכי ו'לא י'הי ל'ך מ'פּי ה'גבורה שׂ'מענו

    It looks more and more to me that their was a הדר קבּלוהו בּימי הדבר"י יואל That most of the noticed! But haven't come around to it yet?!

  185. David Said
    "This all is typical circular logic of the haters. No one understands anything because they are minum. Only RY does because his shitos are emes. Please stop this silly charade of quoting mamorei Chazal out of context. Stick to the arguments at hand. "
    you point is well taken.. the Satmorim are bragging that no body answered the Little Derush sefer of their Rebbe... only a ignoramus would brag so foolishly..
    they are not getting that 1 of the reasons that nobody took the time to answer him, was that nobody would like to argue with a person that labels you immediately as a apikores, every paragraph that the Veyoel starts, goes VELI HOAPIKORSIM... why is someone a apikoras if he asks a question on a source...
    (the above is based on the answer that Reb Yakov Kamenitzky answered for Sakmer Ruv why nobody is answering his sefer, printed in a Domsoi Lesomar, Satmar leaflet)

  186. Yanosh
    פֿאָרװערטס־מארגן זשורנאל־חיים ליבּערמאן־שלום עליכם־מיימון מזרחי־ציונים וכו' where denigrating satmar on a daily basis Before satmar bought a newspaper!! Did S. deutsch and L. friedman had to seat still and wait for the איגוד הרבנים to defend them??? ולא יבואו לראות כבלע את הקודש ומתו, כ"א עם נבר תתברר ועם עקש תתפתל"
    that was the official reason that gave the Sakmarers legitimacy to buy a paper, (which is BTW a kick in the bucket of the Hungarian dogma Chodesh Osser Min Hatorah)but it was used only to tear apart all the Charadi Rabonim/Rebbes,Roshie Yeshiva that were standing in the way of the Sakmar Hate buldozer.
    As Reb Itche Woodridger is saying the Der YId is being used to cover our Tinofes(dirt) and uncovering their Tinofes(dirt).

  187. Bray of Fundie
    Is Klal Yisroel in Eretz Hakodesh, participating in Elections? Is Klal Yisroel in Eretz Hakodesh Yeshivahs being supported thru government funds?
    Did anything change in the last few years?
    Where did he won the war of ideas? the only place that he won was by Kliens Ice cream, that Klien realized that real Ice Cream fresser community are the Sakmarer Chassidim....and he dropped his old certification for some Sakmarer Hashgocha...
    I guess the other chassidim are not fressers and dont have the fat wallets to spent six bucks for a gold nugget...

  188. Yanosh
    ""No one understands anything because they are minum. Only RY does because his shitos are emes"
    ויואל משה! א'נכי ו'לא י'הי ל'ך מ'פּי ה'גבורה שׂ'מענו"
    please , you cant answer better... this was some nonsense that was said by the Shushan Purim Tish to boost the shitah.

  189. Yanosh
    "Did the Yid ever attack the in crowd like:
    ר 'הענקין־פיינשטיין־סילבער־קאמנעצקי־קאלמענאוויטש־קאטלער"
    Being a willi boy, dont tell me how reb Moshe was accepted in willi...
    Henkin was a offical zionist he dared to differ with the shitah... and so on...

  190. tibi lotzi :Where did he won the war of ideas? "

    That you and the rest of “yours” spew innuendo venom and unprecedented hate on him and his, almost every second you're not sleeping on a daily bases! And all this almost 50 years after the vyoel moshe was printed still discussing him and every word he ever said!

    כבשה אחת נתקיימה בין שבעים זאבים ולא נאכלה, הן הן גבורותיו הן הן נוראותיו

  191. tibi lotzi: "As Reb Itche Woodridger is saying.. "

    הרב יצחק לעבאוויטש אין הר"מ בּישובתו הרמה הרב קעפּעטש
    Are for the last 30 years the biggest pen writers for the Yid, But i think things changed lately..

    Or it's just another לה"ר you picked up lately in your daily garbage collection service.

  192. tibi lotzi: "that Klien realized that real Ice Cream fresser community are the Sakmarer"

    I knew Mrs klein a real belzer!
    That rather goes to show that the only ones who are not מטמא את עצמם בחלב עכּו"ם are satmere! and their satelites.


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