Thursday, March 1, 2012


In the comments section click on "name/url" and write any name. Nobody will know who you are. Otherwise your comment WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED!
אין עונשין אלא א"כ מזהירין, פלעגט דער מנהל אין חדר זאגען.


  1. Makes sense,you joined later.In any case I remember Rabbi F. using that.

  2. And here I thought you were closing up shop?

  3. well, even if I close shop, I still won't allow anonymous comments!! :-)

  4. why isnt the proster pester rebbe ashamed of using the services of the meisis umediach sholi grossman?


  6. I remember very well L.R. using that line very often....

  7. hirshel 1:54, "you'll need to ask hizzoner the Pester himself."

    hirshel, and this 'tzadig' צדיק אין פּעלץ are pestering each other!

  8. Thank you.

  9. Stop showing the ip addresses of all visitors and u will have more intelligent comments and less trolls.

    Blackberry users have higher iq's than iphone users. This is an official statistic published right here for the very first time.

  10. Click oin ur stats, click all the links on the side about where traffic comes from.... Gosh, your dumber than I thought!

    Do you an iphone too?

  11. that I know. But I don't "publish them"

    and I didn't look for that, I was looking for numbers only, not IP addresses.

    Thanks for the "dumb" comment----

    no, I don't have an Iphone

  12. Thanks for the "dumb" comment----

    your almost as thin skinned as scotty! chill!

  13. I used to be very anonymous. but times are tough, and there are kids to feed. So Im gonna follow the rules of "no more anonymous".

  14. Westgate Hooker said..."I used to be very anonymous".
    Shkoi'ach! Your still anonymous with that name. Nice try.
    If you name initials are P.R. changed from P.S. recently), then trust me even if you thought you were anonymous we all!

  15. enough jokes about the Westgate Sotah. This is mamash pidyon shvuim:
    Please join!

  16. Did you hear that this year it is meshubach to be yoitzei the Peerim seuda on cocaine? After all, it comes out on DUNNERshtig.

    There is this amazing kehilla with so much achdus, and it is so safe and secure. One minyan, and they just changed over from a Chassidishe rebbe to a Sfardi haham with no machloikes, nothing. It's called Otisville.

    A frylichen Peerim and saygec arosz to all.

  17. Are you planning on opening a forum about Chayim Gravitzer (the literary one, not the troll). It should be an interesting, non-lashon hora conversation and the non intellectual ones will have to keep quiet for a change.

  18. Der Shygetz: "meshubach to be yoitzei the Peerim seuda on cocaine?"

    Thanks for your timely advice, however according to חז"ל you should be yoitzei with wine!

    מיחייב איניש לבסומי בפוריא עד דלא ידע, רש"י: להשתכר ביין

    Also note that overeating which is common on purim! Is a disease just like any substance abuse, and it's likened to such by the twelve step program OA* yet no one will say you can be yoitzei with food only!

    I may say it is even worse 1) true it will not land you in kahal Otisville, but it may kill you! 2) Unlike substance abuse complete Abstinence is not an option, so that makes it even harder to control!

    *According to OA overeating is a compulsion an impulse or feeling of being irresistibly driven toward the performance of some irrational act.

  19. Bobov Chusid as a honost chusid, who always went minhag beis bobov was always makpid on this. to spread torah bobov and its teachings,

    this holy derech will speed up the comming of moshiach!

  20. Bobov Chusid said...

    The bobover is back? and is not talking about belz? when did bobov and belz made shulem?

    הלא מעולם הי' שונאים זל"ז?

  21. דער איד "Also note that overeating which is common on purim! Is a disease"

    מובא בספרי חסידות דתאות אכילה גסה הוא שורש כל התאות וגדולה מתאות משגל, ואם לא תקן מקדם תאותו לאכילה אז לא התחיל אפילו לתקן תאותו למשגל רח"ל, ומשו"ז מס' נזיר המדברת מתאות אכילה הוא קדום למס' סוטה המדברת מתאות משגל, ע"כ. לפי"ז איננו נכון למי שנשקע בתאות אכילה במידה גדושה לדבר מתאות משגל לאחרים, כי אפשר שמי ששומע דביריו של מה בכך שאיננו נוגע לו עוד!.. ובודאי הוא רק לקנתר, יאמר לו תול קורה מבין עיניך

    גיואלד! זייט אייך ניט מייאש
    ("חיי מוהר"ן")

  22. Mishge
    The alter Rebbe in Mamorie Admor haZokan, writes something in the same lane as Reb Nachman, that tavaas Achila is worse then Tavaas Mishgal

  23. Green Glass: Mishge "The alter Rebbe in Mamorie Admor haZokan, writes --- that tavaas Achila is worse then Tavaas Mishgal"

    It is only worse in essence
    לגבי תאוה!, אבל לא לגבי איסור א' שמס' נזיר הוא קודם למס' סוטה, ובּ' שכן רק הוא נהנה!.., מ"מ בתורה נזכר פּ' סוטה קודם לפּ' נזיר


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ביטע טראכטן פאר'ן קאמענטירן, און שרייבן בכבוד'דיג, ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם

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