Saturday, April 21, 2012

"מראות קודש" תוצרת "חנן 10"

Back in the old days, when Heichel Menachem in Boro Park was still in its infancy, and when videos and such were still treif in the Chassidishe world, a crack marketing team came up with the term "מראות קודש" to describe the farbrengen videos that they would show on occasion. After all, just writing the word "video" on their posters would be reason enough to tear down the signs and ban anyone from ever entering that site. That was pure genius. מראות קודש gives it a whole new perspective, don't you think? Now that Lubavitch kashered videos for the greater Charedi public, and now that בחצרות קדשינו has been appearing for several years now, the time has come for the הויף at חנן10 to produce its own version. And what better time than מוצש"ק to showcase that video! Thanks to a reader for sending it in.


  1. The oilom slammed chabad for doing keruv, now they have lev achim and others. they slammed chabad for the websites, now they all have websites. they slammed chabad for everything they currently do.true chabd may have its faults, but no one recognizes their merits or give them credit when its due.

  2. Yanover: "but no one recognizes their merits or give them credit when its due."

    חפר גומץ בו יפול
    !ופרץ גדר ישכנו נחש

  3. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Yes, i agree with Yanover that I criticized all those things and guess what now I criticize my fellow "Litvaks" for doing the same things. (My only hope that is that these are really Yeshiveshers, Hugarians dressed up as Litvaks rather than us true snags)

  4. Re: "מראות קודש" to describe the farbrengen videos"

    Making pictures of people where a הארבּע זַאך בּיי חסידים let alone video! when the lubab rebbe started doing farbrengen on TV people where saying this will end up lubab chasidim having TV's, which in some households it became acceptable!, By Satmar ruv z"l and most of his chasidim even still Photos was unacceptable, All know that the SR z"l was very strict against pictures especially taken from Him! there are many many stories on that (some, which i witnessed myself) But when the rebbe died it creeped into Satmar to! If they would of hold fast against it! especially the new Rebbe pictures mania! We wouldn't have The internet epidemic Which is a direct result of relaxing the חומרא against, !תמונות ביי חסידים והמב"י

    תני רשבּ"י: כל פרצה שאינה מן הגדולים אינה פרצה

  5. Gerichisher
    "aking pictures of people where a הארבּע זַאך בּיי חסידים let alone video! when the lubab rebbe started doing farbrengen on TV people where saying this will end up lubab chasidim having TV's, which in some households it became acceptable!, By Satmar ruv z"l and most of his chasidim even still Photos was unacceptable, All know that the SR z"l was very strict against pictures especially taken from Him"
    the only difference between Chabad and Satmar regarding videos is, the following, if the purpose is sinas yisroel, its accepted, all Evil, Tome Umetume media is kosher. If it is Ahavas Yisroel then it is Sitra achra etc... Poretz Geder...And all the nine yards.
    By all satmar demonstration the media was used on a big scale in front of Reb Yoel before the stroke and after the stroke...he never shlepped down his wide brimmed hat. We all remember the blonde shiksa reporter that was on stage in MSG, and the Monsey Visnitzer got mad and he left the event.
    The Palestinian hate group Natronoai write in their fund raising pamphlets that Reb yoel wanted to buy a English radio station for opromotion of his hate messages. But for some reason it did not happen. Rav Lietner said by 1 of this events, that for spreading our message its the rotzen hashem to use the Tomene Keilim.....

  6. "Reb yoel wanted to buy a English radio station "

    עת לעשׂות לד' הפרו תורתיך
    ועשית ככל אשר יורוך
    לא תסור מן הדבר אשר יגידו לך
    ספק דרבנן לקולא

    "We all remember the blonde shiksa reporter that was on stage "

    omg! ממש כמשה רבינו חשדהו באשת איש וכ"א קנא את אשתו

    "the Monsey Visnitzer got mad and he left the event."

    What happened someone promised him that no one will talk on the agudah,and of course they did! when DR died he became a member in the Agudah what a joker

  7. Re: Tibi Lozi...

    what is your argument? You dont seem coherent today.

    Also, I don't think any rational person would consider Natruna a hate group. Not anything on par with, say KaCH, JDL, or maybe by a stretch Neturei Karta.

    Regardless, YOU, ME and anyone reading this... is on the internet despite the protestations of the Rabbonim. So let us not act all offended that someone took video of some rabbis.

    which reminds me of current events where people are fuming about the Stoliner rebbe Shlita seeing a museum.

  8. Yanover said... Re: Tibi Lozi...
    "what is your argument? You dont seem coherent today."

    I was very precise in fact i was מגלה תפחיים!, ומכסה תפח by saying what chaza"l are saying כל פרצה שאינה מן הגדולים אינה פרצה The leaders introduced frum TV and frum internet, TV true "farbrengen", and Internet true היתר לתמונות If there wouldn't be any heter for pictures (atleast not in satmar) the leap to internet by extension Pictures wouldn't be possible, because internet is mostly both pictures and TV get it? i can't write here a whole megilah to explain logically and halach'dik how this works, hence bottom line:

    !כל פרצה שאינה מן הגדולים אינה פרצה

    The gedolim are not leaders! and when the dam breaks the try to plug the holes! with band aids, but it's to little to late!

    !חכמים הם להרע ולהיטיב לא יודעים

  9. Lo Sosir
    Obviously its Loi Sosir only in the newfound religon of the Veyoel, but ahavas yisroel and harbotzas torah,is definitly a mitzva deoraisa, so every tool that was available for the Sar haTorah of Lubavich he used it full fledge to spread the dvar hashem.

  10. Loi Sosir
    Only a Sands street bochur would accuse me of thinking that the Satmar ruv or any other Godel was
    having a hirhur etc...
    I was brought up with a different view on a Gedolie Yisroel

  11. Yanover
    "Also, I don't think any rational person would consider Natruna a hate group. Not anything on par with, say KaCH, JDL, or maybe by a stretch Neturei Karta."
    I dont care what the world considers or labels.
    The fact is a organization that puts in jepoardy the am hayoshev betzion, just for the sake of proving points with some dogma that was not aproved by klal yisroel,is worse then a hate group.
    It is not better then the Zionist who did what they did(according to wiessmandel) in the time of the shoah,they had a ideology and stuck to it no matter the facts....

  12. Tibi Lotzi : "The fact is a organization that puts in jepoardy the am hayoshev betzion"

    10,000's if not 100,000's of קרבנותalready fell on alter of zionisim They put in direct danger not only עם היושב בּציון But the whole world! They where direct responsible for the holocust Literally and Figuratively and this טפּש גדול שאין כּמוהו
    keeps on regargling the same crap none stop!!!

    Did somone mention it before:
    !!! בן כסיל תוגת אמו

    !טענו אם בּערכם

  13. Pumpkin
    "They where direct responsible for the holocust Literally and Figuratively and this טפּש גדול שאין כּמוהו
    keeps on regargling the same crap none stop!!! "
    Its ironic to see who is the distributor of crap...

  14. Pumpkin
    "10,000's if not 100,000's of קרבנותalready fell on alter of zionisim "

    more or less like Yehushoa, Duvid Hamelech.. or you build a country or you don"t build it...

  15. Yanover,Gerichisher,Kalabrianer
    All this blaming on gedolim of our times is nonsense, the internet is a unique animal. Its created to fully takeover your life,
    all institutions of Mosdos Hatorah,YU or Bnie yoel need it for the health department, to the food programs.All the court case paperwork between the 2 holy brothers( who are both saving the world for the future) are being send viral. Every sefer or kol koreh thats printed is being send thru via this animal thats called internet.
    Television was intended for Entertainment and Satmar Demonstrations only... so which normal member of klal yisroel needed it?

  16. "more or less like Yehushoa, Duvid Hamelech.. or you build a country or you don"t build it..."


    אם ה' לא יבנה בית שוא עמלו בוניו בו

  17. Loi Soser

    אם ה' לא יבנה בית שוא עמלו בוניו בו

    it is the rotzan hashem that Klal Yisroel should live in eretz yisroel and be mekayem yishuv eretz yisroel according the Ramban and according the Rambam (according to many achronim)

    thats the only way a charadie yid knows what the rotzan hashem is...

  18. Loi Soser
    ""the Monsey Visnitzer got mad and he left the event."

    What happened someone promised him that no one will talk on the agudah,and of course they did! when DR died he became a member in the Agudah what a joker"

    I know this fact but I remember hearing the other day, that this was that topped it off, he was sending messages before that it is a chutzpa that she was there.

    who is DR? I guess you don't like the Viznitzer neither... the only outsider that saw the light and u still don't like him... what a hate factory...


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