Tuesday, May 1, 2012

הג"ר ר' חיים לייב כ"ץ שליט"א גייט וואו קיינער איז נאך נישט געגאנגען - ער טרעט אויף קעגן די "בוני עולם" ארגעניזאציע

ביז יעצט האט מען נאר געהערט ווי אלע רבנים בכל רחבי תבל שטיצען איר ארבעט, היינט וועט מען הערן אן אויסנאם. אויף צו הערן וואס אים באדערט דארפט איר אויסהערן די דרשה. מ'זאגט אז אים באדערט דאס אז מ'לויפט גלייך - נאך א פאר חדשים - נעמען "טריעטמענטס" ווען ע"פ דין וואלט מען געדארפט ווארטען אסאך לענגער, ובפרט אז .לפי כמה פוסקים זענען די טיפולים אסור אינגאנצען. אויך זאגט ער אז די השגחה איז גאר שוואך, צו אינגאנצען נישטא, און פון דעם ארויסקומען שאלות ווי ממזרות אד"ג איך האב גארנישט קעגן בוני עולם, ח"ו, אבער איין זאך האט מיך אלעמאל געבאדערט, און דאס איז אז וויזוי איז דאס מיטאמאל געווארען די צדקה הכי גדולה בעולם וועלכע ציהט טויזענטער מענטשן צו אירע דינערס און אנדערע געלט "אקציעס" און קיינער האט קיינמאל נישט געטראכט פארוואס. טאמער מיינט איר אז רח"ל כ"ץ איז "סתם שלעכט" און גייט ארויס קעגן ב"ע נאר דערפאר, מעגט איר וויסען אז ער איז פון די ערשטע און שטארקסטע שטיצער פון די בארא פארקער עירוב נאר צוליב דעם אז מענטשן, און ווייבער און קינדער בפרט, זאלען קענען האבען א פולקאמער עונג שבת און נישט זיצען אינדערהיים פארמאכט. איך נעם קיינע צדדים דא אין דעם וויכוח, כ'ברענג .נאר די ווידעאס כמו שהם, און זאלט איר זיך ברעכן קאפ. נישט אויף יעדע נושא האב איך א דעה, אויב קענט איר דאס גלייבען

See Bonei Olam's Website

Sorry about all the Yiddish posts recently, friends. This one is especially suitable in Yiddish since the attached clips are all in Yiddish, and what a Yiddish it is! The most "chnyokishe" Yiddish of them all!


  1. ר' הירשל, אפשר ברענגט איר דא אהער די גאנצע דרשה

  2. ר' נו
    זה מה שמצאתי ברשת

    ס'דא נאך?

  3. Fascinating. I recently heard about people taking all sorts of things when the wife runs into issues even later on when they were clearly Yotze the Mitzva of Pru Urvu already. I always found it ironic as these are the same people ranting against BC because it is against Hashem's plan.

  4. חכם עדיף מנביא הרב"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל יצא בחרב עם שלש תשובות בארוכות כנגד רמ"פּ אף שהי' כמה תשובות מרמ"פּ שהי' לצנינים בעיניו ולא יצא כנגדם רק בזה הענין שראה הירוס גדול ונפל ממנו רב!!! וכידוע שרמ"פּ חזר בהם.., יזכור לטובה רח"ל כ"ץ הרה"כּ הראשון בכולל בסאטמאר אף ששבע יפּול צדיק! אבל וקם! כגיבּור וכארי ברב עם להכריז קבל עם מהסכנה הנוראה! שמרחף מזה הפּירצה בּחומת הדת, ולפלא על הרמ"פּ אף שהי' גדול בתורה יצא מפּסקיו כמה מכשולים! הזרעה־מלאכתית, חלב־עכום, מחיצות בּעזרת־נשים וכו

  5. מגלגלין זכות ע"י זכאי, כשהי' המבוכה בענין זה, עם הרב"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל ועם הרמ"פּ, הרמ"פּ שלח מתלמידיו להרב"י להתוכח עמו בּההלכות הנוגעת בענין זה, וגם הרב"י שלח שלש רבנים מאחוזת מריעיו להרמ"פּ מחמת דרכי שלום, אף שמתרה להם לבל יתוכח עמו, ואחד מהם ששלח הרב"י הי' אביו של רח"ל כ"ץ! הרב מסאמבאטהעלי ־ סערדעהעלי ז"ל

  6. You seem to imply that bonei olam mite be less of a mitzva that do the crime do the time r-k, r"l. The bottom line is that infertility treatments cost boatloads of cash up front, like bail, that nobody has on their own. And as rubashkin, anything that tugs on yiddishe heartstrings, rachmonim, goes big time. Sadly there is a big need for bonei olam. If there are details and policies he doesn't like, isn't a reason to go to war on a worthwile organization. I guess they don't need or listen to his deyos, but the $ spent until now on the eiruv would have been better spent at bonei olam, so more yiddishe mammes could have been cooped up with they're kvetchy heilige lechtige kids.

  7. what about the money spent on the Internet Citifield asifa, should that have gone to BO as well, or do we say that since it's for "Kiyum HaDoros" then we need to make sure that the babies born through BO are saved, so we need the asifa...

    a shverre Reb Chaim (Leib)

  8. ברם זכרנו, כשהי' המבוכה בענין זה, עם הרב"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל ועם הרמ"פּ, הרמ"פּ שלח מתלמידיו להרב"י להתוכח עמו בּההלכות הנוגעת בענין זה, וכשיצא התלמידים מבית הרב"י נשאלתי מהם על אתר מה חידוש אמר להם רבינו! וענית ואמרו: מ'קען מיט איהם ניט טיינען ער איז משוחד צי יר"ש! ער זעהט גארניט נאר דעם בוכ"ע, אין דורך דעם פארפּאסט ער די הלכה

    !גיי רעד מיט אַ ליטוואק

  9. בענין אם כח דהיתרא עדיף רח"ל כ"ץ מביא מהמשנה ידים ד': אמר רבי ישמעאל, אלעזר בן עזריה, עליך ראיה ללמד, שאתה מחמיר , שכל המחמיר עליו ראיה ללמד אמר לו רבי אלעזר בן עזריה, ישמעאל אחי אני לא שניתי מסדר השנים, טרפון אחי שנה, ועליו ראיה ללמד

    ואני בּעניי היית אומר להביא ראי' מהצל"ח, שלדעתו של בעל הצל"ח: אם הנושא הנדון במחלוקת הוא איסור דרבנן אזי "כוח דאיסורא עדיף". מפני שבדינים מדרבנן הכלל ההלכתי הוא שיש לנטות לקולא ממילא הכלל מתהפך, ויש להבליט יותר את הדעה האוסרת, כי החידוש בה גדול יותר

  10. Atik Yomin
    you are jumping on this cause like a idiot,with your Rebinie Yoel.
    Reb chaim Lieb claims that they are doing stuff that has no heter of Reb Moshe Neither, plus it has no hashgocha...

  11. Can someone back up the claim that R Moshe was ever chozer from his psak?

  12. סליחה שאני כותב בעברית
    אני הוא מאותם הזוגות שנזקקו לטיפולים כדי לזכות בפרי בטן, לפני שעשינו את הצעדים הנדרשים פנינו לגדולי התורה הגר"מ הלברשטם זצ"ל ויבלחט"א הגר"ש וואזנר שליט"א ועל פי הוראתם והנחייתם עברנו את הטיפולים הנדרשים וב"ה שזכינו להפקד, אז ר' הירשל האם כשאתה מפרסם את הדרשה הזו חשבת על כאב הלב והצער שאתה גורם לאותם זוגות? אכן אינני חושב שאסור לרב לגלות דעתו בגלל חישובים כאלו אבל עם כל זה אני תמה על הרחי"ל כ"ץ האם בנושאים רגישים כאלו דורשים דרשות ברבים ושלש'סעודו'עס תורות? האם הרבנים המתירים גם מקהילים קהילות ומפרסמים היתרם או שהם מורים את זה באופן פרטי? האם חשב הרחי"ל על ההשלכות שעכשיו כל מי ששמע הדרשה שלו נעשה כבר 'מבין' בכל ההלכות הסבוכות וכבר יודע שישנם שאלות על כשרות הבנים הרי כמה חששו גדולי ישראל בכל הדורות מהוצאת לעז על כשרות בני ישראל צא ובדוק בספרי השו"ת ועכשיו במסוה של פרומקייט וירא"ש שופכים דם ליהודים יראים ושלמים שכל חטאם ששומעים בדעת גדולי ישראל ובידיעה שכן דעת רוב גדולי הפוסקים בימינו להיתר, ומה שטוען על ההשגחה זה באמת נדרש לחיזוק ולהתעוררות אבל האם כך הוא ישיג את זה על ידי שידרוש דרשות שהטיפולים בכלל הם אסורים? סוף דבר אותם גדולי ישראל שהם הפוסקים המובהקים והמקובלים בכל שטחי השו"ע הם הם המכריעים בנושא רגיש זה, ויש להצטער בצער הזוגות חשוכי הבנים ולדון בנושאים אלו ברגישות ולא באופן של ישיחו בו יושבי שער
    החותם בכאב

  13. "Reb chaim Lieb claims that they are doing stuff that has no heter of Reb Moshe Neither, plus it has no hashgocha..."

    Exactly that's the point! RMF was a posek allright! But not a manhik yisruel and had no ס"ד or vision how his pesak will turn out, If not for RMF pesak this other STUFF they are doing would of never happen! Just like his pesak on cholev yisruel which he was mater בשעת הדחק became the standard for most litvakas!

  14. מרדכי said... "בו יושבי שער"

    I feel your pain no one said that "your" child is not kosher c"v for that to know you to have a bes din who can paskin on that personally! but a respected rav has to warn people "beforehand" that this is a play with fire!

    תורה היא וללמוד אני צריך תניא בן עזאי אומר פעם אחת נכנסתי אחר רבי
    עקיבא לבית הכסא ולמדתי ממנו ג' דברים

  15. Atik Yomin
    "ואני בּעניי היית אומר להביא ראי' מהצל"ח, שלדעתו של בעל הצל"ח: אם הנושא הנדון במחלוקת הוא איסור דרבנן אזי "כוח דאיסורא עדיף". מפני שבדינים מדרבנן הכלל ההלכתי הוא שיש לנטות לקולא ממילא הכלל מתהפך, ויש להבליט יותר את הדעה האוסרת, כי החידוש בה "
    obviously the Tzelach is not halachic, see Rashbam in Arvie Pesochim (I think on page 102)that writes the opposite of the Tzelach

  16. Mordechai
    I dont get it why does Bochner not get a offical rav that should stand behind it? Stienmetz of Skver( who is to a small fish to be authority on such a major issue)does not come out fully as the Rav of Bonie Olam, why? why?
    If Rav wosner is fully behind Bonie Olam?

  17. טויבּער לָאטציTuesday, May 01, 2012 1:13:00 PM

    "you are jumping on this cause like a idiot,with your Rebinie Yoel."

    !קיש מיר אַוויא די יודן האבּ'ן געריט

  18. טויבּער לָאטציTuesday, May 01, 2012 1:16:00 PM

    "obviously the Tzelach is not halachic,"

    IDK about that, but IDK that you are not!

  19. Chabibi
    "Exactly that's the point! RMF was a posek allright! But not a manhik yisruel and had no ס"ד or vision how his pesak will turn out"
    stop with all this Satmar nonsense, this is all politics and clearing cheshbonoth with Reb Moshe,its efira betoras moshe, to say a pesak according Political outcomes. If you are talking Political outcomes, then Rav Katz probaly made a political mistake too.
    Reb Moshe was obligated to say the Halocha with no political cheshbonoth,
    For Reb Moshes views on derch hapesak look on his beautifull Hakdoma on Iggeres Moshe...

  20. "!קיש מיר אַוויא די יודן האבּ'ן געריט"

    again, a outburst of a Sands street boy,is there no way that you can mend your ways, is this a unterlender Gene?

  21. "If Rav wosner is fully behind Bonie Olam?"

    That's stupidy at it's highest! each case is individual and each treatment is indiviualized! אין לך שופט אלא מה שאיניו רואת none of these rabbunim go there on ground zero! or are involved in step-by-step procedures! how can rav vosner or any others be involved from EY in a case in america! when they are not even involved in EY cases personnaly!!

    אמר דוד לפני הקב"ה, לא חסיד אני, שכל מלכי מזרח ומערב יושבים אגודות אגודות בכבודם, ואני
    ידי מטופלות בדם, שפיר ושליא, כדי להתיר אשה לבעלה

  22. Chabibi
    "Just like his pesak on cholev yisruel which he was mater בשעת הדחק became the standard for most litvakas!"
    I boruch hashem dont eat Choluv Akum, but the same can be said on the Bach(Reb Yoel sirkus) that gave the heter on Chodesh, its a bedieved that became a Lekatchila by all chasidic Yiden, the holy seer of lublin was drinking chodesh by the tish(avnie nezer)
    The only ones that are machmir and introduced that Issur to Klal Yisroel(thru the hashgochas) are the Litvaks.

  23. Atik Yominוגם הרב"י שלח שלש רבנים מאחוזת מריעיו להרמ"פּ מחמת דרכי שלום, אף שמתרה להם לבל יתוכח עמו, ואחד מהם ששלח הרב"י הי' אביו של רח"ל כ"ץ! הרב מסאמבאטהעלי ־ "
    even without the Satmaer ruv cautining them not to argue,... they were not capable to get in the lions den with Reb Moshe... The Sombotyeyer ruv was a erliche yid and a good village dayan.. but far from a Sar Hatorah as Reb Moshe...
    Its impossible to cleanse a Sands street boy from his am aratzus...

  24. טויבּער לָאטציTuesday, May 01, 2012 1:47:00 PM

    "this is all politics" עפ"ל

    Talking about 'political correct' רח"ל כ"ץ tries to be political correct! if not, he would of expose the culprit of this atrocity none other than RMF! he knows it well his father was in the head of the מערכה than! even reb a. kotler warned him RMF beforehand not to print a pesak like that! we now have even so called בּנשׁק'לעך who are insiminated with mexican or with whatever...

  25. What happened to all the "koach diheteira adif" hogwash that all the erev rav used to push on us? Besides, bonei funds ivf but doesn't supervise it, so get the facts straight before bringing an elephant into a china shop! Let's say they will now institute the tikkunim he wants, how will he help them make up the lost revenue from his bashing them?.....

  26. "Its impossible to cleanse a Sands street boy from his am aratzus...'

    איסתרא בגלינא קיש קיש קריא Not one pence worth of torah not a pusik or chazal you note ever to base on your stupidities (maybe once the alter of SLOW-butt-CA) and you continuosly call others am haratz!
    המתכבּד בקלון חבירו אין לו חלק בעה"ב
    Why? because when he calls others am haretz people thing בשלילה that he the caller is NOT! ha what a joke!

  27. "how will he help them make up the lost revenue from his bashing them?....."

    It should be exposed and desroyed
    עד היסוד

  28. "Sar Hatorah as Reb Moshe..."

    השׂר של מצרים הי' ג"כּ שׂר, דואג ואחיטופל הי' גדולים בּתורה יותר מדוד

    !כל פרצה שאינה מן הגדולים אינה פרצה

  29. "The Sombotyeyer ruv was a erliche yid and a good village dayan"

    RMF was a dayan for the lowest, of the lower east side!

  30. does it take me, a Lubavitcher, to be moche for the koved of the Gaon Reb Moshe Feinstein?

    How low have these "zealots" gone?

  31. אני לא מבין איך כל הדיון כאן סביב ההיתר של ר' משה הטיפולים שרוב הזוגות עושים אינם קשורים כלל להיתר הזה, רק שהאדמור מסטמר בסערת רוחו על ההיתר של ר' משה אסר את הטיפולים בכלל, ולא הודו לו בזה רוב פוסקי הזמן ואפרט כמה הגרשז"א המנחת יצחק השבט הלוי הגרי"ש אלישיב ועוד, האוסרים כיום המפורסמים הם הגר"ח קנייבסקי שאינו מורה הוראה במובן הרגיל כידוע והרחי"ל כץ

  32. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    does it take me, a Lubavitcher, to be moche for the koved of the Gaon Reb Moshe Feinstein?

    Did you ever even once being מוחה על עלבּון רבּיה"ק מסאטמאר זצ"ל which is being dragged in mud on this site daily!

    !מאי חזית דמו סומק טפי מדם חבירו

  33. "Anonymous טויבּער לָאטצי said...

    "this is all politics" עפ"ל
    My friend you have a reading problem...

  34. "even reb a. kotler warned him RMF beforehand not to print a pesak like that! "
    where are u coming up with this stupid facts?

  35. Libi Al chaleleyam
    "Let's say they will now institute the tikkunim he wants, how will he help them make up the lost revenue from his bashing them?.."

    what a stupid argument....

  36. Sar Hatorah
    השׂר של מצרים הי' ג"כּ שׂר, דואג ואחיטופל הי' גדולים בּתורה יותר מדוד

    !כל פרצה שאינה מן הגדולים אינה פר"
    Did you ever think that this Chazalim that you spew constantly can be reversed on Sakmer Ruv and Reb Chaim Lieb?
    you don't add noting with this chazalim....
    You start out with a chazal and end up with a Nivul peh....

  37. Hirshel
    please don't try even to answer this Juvenile sands street talk... on Reb Moshe.. they are making them self and all they represent into a big laughing stock...
    Its all the politics laced with Amaratzus that was produced by Nussen Yossef and we are all suffering ad sof kol hadoros...

  38. Mai chozith
    "Did you ever even once being מוחה על עלבּון רבּיה"ק מסאטמאר זצ"ל which is being dragged in mud on this site daily!
    the Satmar ruvs koved is not being bashed nowhere, it is just being leveled and analyzed when his name or his ideology is used to make whole of Klal Yisroel into Apikorsim....

  39. Mordechai
    "האוסרים כיום המפורסמים הם הגר"ח קנייבסקי שאינו מורה הוראה במובן הרגיל כידוע והרחי"ל כץ"
    You really think that if someone is a machmir, and has a group of very frum people that are leading their lives according to his pesak, has no license to be a possek.

  40. Sakmere Yid who likes to quote Gemureh and Nuvi (R"L):
    Don't you have spell check?
    Oh, and Tzig, I'll be moicheh for Slabodka and its Alter. That was a very witty, brilliant and derhoibeneh zug. Do you not think that an equally foul-minded fellow such as yourself could come up with something similar for your affiliation's name?

  41. stam a

    I must've missed that. Where was the AOS slandered?

    and why do you call foul-mouthed?

  42. Tzig, not you, that was just the preface to my macho'oh. Its from Chabibi, Mai Chozis, etc. If you scroll through his comments you'll find it. I was debating if I should say anything because most people probably just skimmed over it...
    (Not to get too technical, but it should probably be AoS - sorry:)

  43. but please show me where the AoS is slandered.

    maybe C&P the quote.

  44. Here you are Tzig - keep the change

    Anonymous חבּיבּי said...

    "Its impossible to cleanse a Sands street boy from his am aratzus...'

    איסתרא בגלינא קיש קיש קריא Not one pence worth of torah not a pusik or chazal you note ever to base on your stupidities (maybe once the alter of SLOW-butt-CA) and you continuosly call others am haratz!
    המתכבּד בקלון חבירו אין לו חלק בעה"ב
    Why? because when he calls others am haretz people thing בשלילה that he the caller is NOT! ha what a joke!

  45. Atik Yomin
    "הרמ"פּ שלח מתלמידיו להרב"י להתוכח עמו בּההלכות הנוגעת בענין זה, וכשיצא התלמידים מבית הרב"י נשאלתי מהם על אתר מה חידוש אמר להם רבינו! וענית ואמרו: מ'קען מיט איהם ניט טיינען ער איז משוחד צי יר"ש! ער זעהט גארניט נאר דעם בוכ"ע, אין דורך דעם פארפּאסט ער די הלכה"
    was there anyone else by that meeting besides you?
    Wow! what a scoop Hirshel got ,
    Who were this talmidim? Rav Tendler? Rav Alpert?

  46. Tzig,

    I was "away from my desk" ve mezugt, however I don't know that I would have been Moche anyhow. I think I know understand why at times when me or others are Mevazeh ur Rebbe, you didn't respond. I always thought it was because you didn't want to make us think we could provoke you. But now I think it is much simpler. When someone says something that shows A)His complete stupidity and B)His complete lack of awareness of how crazy and reckless it is to speak about one of what Hashem calls Oahavav, there is no point in responding. Do these fools understand that they could sit and learn for 500 years straight and not come to the toes of R' Moshe? And I mean all of them together. What is even sadder is that in some way it makes me lose a little respect for Satmar and I was always so on their team so to speak. (Ironically maybe it gives me even more respect for Rabenu Yoel Hakodosh whom all readers of this blog know that I am closet Chosid of. Since we could see how he was able to control these animals. Now that he is gone they are completely out of the barn. And we know u cant put the horse back in the barn.

  47. I love reb Chaim Lieb with all my heart and soul, and we are fotunate that we still have a real tzadik like him in our genaration,eventough he has his fallacies.But I have no zitzfliesh to listen to his long derosha,
    Is there a place that we can see it printed?

  48. הירשל ציג :nobody was mevazeh him like that. sorry.
    Tuesday, May 01, 2012 2:27:00 PM
    !לכו נא ונוכחה
    Maybe it's time that you read other comments to before judging!
    Now! I chalange you to hilite which deragotry comments (not facts) was written on RMF! that you was moche! on them!
    ------------ (see below)

    מה בין תלמידיו של אברהם אבינו לתלמידיו של בלעם הרשע

    Below are comments made against RYT personally by alumni RAK & RMF – only on this thread called האדמו"ר האצ"ל'ניק - from people who claim that satmar are hatemongerer’s! and denigrate gedolim, Not one derogatory comment was made against the opposite camp, JUDGE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU JUDGE OTHERS!
    !קשוט עצמך ואח"כּ קשוט אחרים

    -satmar has the letters Samech Mem in it!!
    - this statement is as stupid as saying "rather to kneel to 7 idols then 1 word hebrew," everybody has their extreme hangovers,,,
    Is it the Satmar ruvs fault, that Hungarian Jews did not go to palestine early enough
    -He did not have the audacity to survive a war with no concentration camp work and make all Klal Yisroel into kofrim a half hour after the biggest churban of Klal Yisroel
    - it has same poundage of deriush as the Veyoel...
    - as any Rebbe or "Manhig Yisroel" I tought that the Veyoel is ridiculing from all manhigie yisroel that are on the other side of his newfound religion
    - isn't chasidus Nishtakcho? or only the Ahavas Yisroel parts?
    - he always wanted to be where the money is.... obviously to gain a upperhand on his influence...
    - When you will learn all of the above you would start seeing the sheker in your chinuch!
    - Can I say that after all the black prophecies of the Sakmer Ruv on the State of Israel religious status, we can scream from all the roof tops that he is irrelevant,
    - Good question for people that believe in the new religion, for klal yisroel
    - Again you and Rebbe have no way to differentiate between Derush and Nigleh,
    - How much did Satmer Ruv pay for bloch to forge this letters?
    - One thing that really makes me mad is the claim that Rav Yolish established Yiddishkite in America.
    - the vayoel moshe was written over forty years ago, min hashomaim they didn't paskened like him.
    - I learn to debate from reading veyoel moshe, where every paragraph starts Veili Apikorsim...
    - does Maari Shashportet have some chidush on Taam Keikor the favorite sugya of the Krepel Tisch?"
    - he stood in the way of RY’s quest for world domination.
    - The only thing that RY did for Yiddishkeit was buy a newspaper to disseminate his hate policies.
    - I dont know who is the Mechabel or the Scarecrow,
    - The scarecrow comment just demonstrates RY’s phenomenal ability at rewriting history,
    - but those who disagree with his hate spewing have to be vigilant of their critique of his eminence?
    - the problems facing us are to be placed squarely on him. The hijacking of Yiddiskeit by the Jewish Talban is extensions of his slash and burn policies
    - We are all suffering from his megalomaniac tendencies.
    - the Satmorim are bragging that no body answered the Little Derush sefer of their Rebbe
    - every paragraph that the Veyoel starts, goes VELI HOAPIKORSIM
    - the only place that he won was by Kliens Ice cream,
    - He proceeded to systematically steal them and their mosdos away. There is no doubt that he had megalomaniac tendencies
    - He did nothing for Yidishkite when it counted most; in the DP camps
    - one of the greatness of the Sakmer ruv was that he created a genaration of am aratzim
    - RY was not in the league of RMF -- not in mentchlichkeit and most definitely not in T
    - There is an unpublished teshuvah were RMF wiped the floor with RY
    - You midget, your rebbe collectively with his father are not in the league of RMF.
    - nobody called them (megalomaniac) because they were not, The same reason nobody called the holy Reb Zishe a MEGALOMANIAC", why not ? because he was not of that sort.
    !הקושיא עומדת
    !מאי חזית דמו סומק טפי מדם חבירו

  49. http://www.boneiolam.org/recognition.php

    fair amount of rabonim from across the rainbow have given their blessing, even erev rav...

  50. Tibi Lotzi :
    even without the Satmaer ruv cautining them not to argue,...

    If SR cautioned them not to argue / מפלפּל זיין with him What makes you yhink! That SR wanted to מפלפּל זיין with two litvakas שלא שמש כל צרכם, ופּטרם לחיים לשלום

  51. (maybe once the alter of SLOW-butt-CA)

    It may be that the pronunciation between litvish and chsidish yidish makes it sound off, but I’m sure no pun was intended by this cushivar חבּיבּי !

    סֶלאבָאדקֶע, סֶלא־בּאד־קֶע

  52. I never knew of such venom. I knew that satmar does not like RMF, but this is a new low.
    You may add to the list of matirim the maharsham and you may add to the list of the osrim the Divrei malkiel.
    BTW, the Divrei Yoel has a teshuva from before the war almost being matir.

  53. BTW, the Divrei Yoel has a teshuva from before the war almost being matir.

    Source please! This am haretzes is עד לב השמים each and every case is an individual case of course 'after the fact' a rav has an obligation with all his wisdom! להתירו לבוא בקהל but to give carte blanche! Like RMF does on all his questionable היתרים one-size-fits-all without dealing in the Consequences! הש"י

    "almost being matir" OMG! "כמעט ששחטה"

    אילולי שאמר לו הקב"ה: אל תשלח ידך אל הנער כבר הייתי נשחט. לא
    הספיק לגמור את הדבר עד שיצאה נשמתה

  54. Tibi Lotzi: "But I have no zitzfliesh"

    Maybe it's ADD you may wanna check out http://www.add.org/
    That may be the source of your rebellious comments on each and every thread

    !הקב"ה ירפאו ויחלמהו בקרוב

  55. Tibi Lotzi: "the Satmar ruvs koved is not being bashed nowhere, it is just being leveled and analyzed when his name or his ideology is used to make whole of Klal Yisroel into Apikorsim"

    I guess הכלל, כל מלתא דעבידא לאגלויי, לא משקרי בה אינשי doesn't apply here,

    "his name or his ideology is used to make whole of Klal Yisroel into Apikorsim" yes you to are getting better blaming it on his chasidim not on him! BTW is it worse than byגדעון,בשלש מאות אנשים שלא כרעו לבעל

    כי אז מודיע ה' לגדעון בשלש מאות האיש המלקקים אושיע אתכם!

    "to make whole of Klal Yisroel into Apikorsim"

    Relax there is 100,000's of yiden who live by the opinions of satmar ruv z"l

  56. Zurich Burich
    "Relax there is 100,000's of yiden who live by the opinions of satmar ruv z"l"
    You are suffering from double vision we dont even have so may frum jews....

  57. "You are suffering from double vision we dont even have so may frum jews"

    The average satmar family is 12 so multiply each x 11 and voila!

  58. oh! and what about the closet satmere, and the satmere in heart
    wouldn't you count them? I mean you're justifying all yiden in heart! don't you? so why not the satmere in heart to common on be fair ?

  59. Sick of all the lies and propagandaWednesday, May 02, 2012 1:20:00 PM

    To עתיק יומן : you are a liar Reb moshe was never chozer
    ! Reb Yoel sent talmidim to speak to him and told them not to talk in Halacha they have no chance , Reb mosh was not impressed by any of them plus כידוע whoever went and have Reb moshe Tzaar suffered tremendously from this .
    Call Reb lipa margolis he will tell you that one of the rabbonim admitted to him that he suffered because of the chutzpah he had.he will even give you a name.
    One person who wrote a Seder against Reb moshe is suffering his whole life from the craziest things imaginable

  60. Voila
    no such thing as sakmarer in heart, does his wife atleast wear the seams? if not he is in Sheol Tachtis..

  61. Sick of all the lies and propagandaWednesday, May 02, 2012 1:58:00 PM

    Oh and another lie Reb moshe never sent anyone to speak to the satmar tov זצל
    The best part of the yeshiva is when he writes that he never looked at seforim chitzonim in his life and all the people that are busy with frumkeit in this matter are influenced from the goyim
    That means you and how about your frum
    Friends tgst put a filthy magazine in Reb Moshe's shtendr? Ask tge people that were there Reb moshe fainted he said he never saw a dovor assur in his life
    You guys see all liars and propagandist I went to yeshiva with you I am Reb Chaim liebs שאר בשר I know all the crazy stories and fantasies created in order to facilitate a מלכות חצר ......
    Please start acting like true yidden and then maybe then will we see a yeshoua.
    Tgst why you have to knock all the yidden all day so that you mske sure you always have בהמתן של צדיקים
    Around to burn tires , fight in court , etc.

  62. some missunderstandings here:

    1)R'Katz is not a satmarer-he is a guy on his own.

    2)He is a ehrlicher yid who means the bashefer, but since he is a machmir,but he is not perfect (like all of us).He is machmir on his shmini sh'sbshminis also :)His psukim are always yipche mistabre, and and he needs attention.

    3)His psukim do not come from the mesoire or shimush, but he usually goes with gefil-THAT'S A MAJOR PROBLEM.

    3)Reb Moishe also did not have shimush or mesoire (for the big part at least) BUT HE WAS R'MOISHE.

  63. ליבטל..כּארעהWednesday, May 02, 2012 7:27:00 PM

    russian chusid said...
    some missunderstandings here

    Sorry pal communisim dyed didn't you notice? da! so did gobeles !

  64. You are right, it is not USSR. That's why i am entitled to state my humble opinion, which i am entitled to :)

  65. russian chusid said...
    You are right, it is not USSR. That's why i am entitled to state my humble opinion, which i am entitled to :)

    of course כתבו על קרן השור שאין לכם חלק באלהי ישראל your'e entitled ירושה הוא לך

  66. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    Russian Misnaged? More like Russian ferd...

    Bravo! Thank You.

  67. Russian Chosid.
    "3)His psukim do not come from the mesoire or shimush, but he usually goes with gefil-THAT'S A MAJOR PROBLEM."

    Are all his pesokim non mesorah based ? or only his crusade against Bonai Olem? Is their a Mesorah on Bonai Olem? from how many years?
    You really think that a person that was Meshamesh behoro by all Ungarishe Chasidic rabonim Gedolie Yisroel that survived the war... so much for the non mesorah ruv...

  68. Who? Kapisher??? Sharmosher???his father??? He sat by them, that's true, he sure does not paskin like them.
    That's what I meant by no mesoire

  69. Russian chosid

    there is no question that the Sharmasher, and the Pupa Ruv and his father had the same derech horoha as the Serdiyeler Ruv..

  70. Tussian Chosid
    "That's what I meant by no mesoire"
    Did yoy know any of this Rabonim????
    there is no one left on our USA soil tha as the reserviour of Mesorah as Reb Chaim Lieb Katz... nobody....
    Dont ask Mechila from him, he is a tzadik and he is definitely Mochel you... but dont be Russian /ferd...

  71. 1)almost any shmate is no good is a mesoire????

    2)pushing away tevila is a mesoire?

    3)almost everything l'isur is a mesoire????

    Get your facts together, and look for ferden in dain shtal bitte.

    I do not think personal insults are tolerated here-am i right, Hirshel?

  72. Russian chabad
    "1)almost any shmate is no good is a mesoire????

    2)pushing away tevila is a mesoire?

    3)almost everything l'isur is a mesoire????"

    yes,yes. it is a Mesorah... by many erliche rabonim that I knew...

  73. Neither Shrmesher,Kapisher,Debretsiner,R. Y. Shteif or Rav Bick.

    Whom did I miss?

  74. כל הכבוד להגה"צ מסעדאהעל שליט"א, הוא היחיד בדורינו שהיה לו העוז לומר דעת תורה למרות שאינו נעים לשומען, הוא קיים לא תגורו מפני איש במלא מובן המלה, חזק ואמץ

  75. Rav bick... for sure not..since he had no mesorah...he knows maybe where the besht is buried... but the rest he learned in YU... but the sharmasher had the same mesorah as the holy Serdiyeler....

    His father was not good enough???
    Do not sell me the *(^&( that he did not learn from him.

    "but the sharmasher had the same mesorah as the holy Serdiyeler..."

    Proofs please.

  77. Russian chosid
    My uncle asked him his shailos....

  78. Rav Vosner against B"OTuesday, May 08, 2012 8:46:00 PM

    Whats the story with letter of Rav Vosner Shlita that was send to the Bonei Olam dinner??
    If he supports them so strong and everything is under his Halucha Psak, why did he write such a funny later???
    He starts up with a Brucha to Hanhulas Bonei Olam and all people who came together L'shem Shumayim, he gives a blessing that it should not come out a Michshol from the hands of Bonei Olam.
    Then he gives a warning to the Rabunim they should watch very strong that every thing should be done Al Pe Torah.
    then he finishes again with a blessing that no Michshol should come out.
    Why is he so busy to warn that everything should be done correctly, and no Michshol should come out, if everything is anyways under his psak???


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