Saturday, May 5, 2012

שבע שנים!

Image from Here

It was Sunday, May 22, 2005 (!) when we started doing this. That corresponds to י"ג אייר, which means that today, Shabbos, is 7 (!) years since I first put keyboard to computer page and never looked back. In blogging that's like 50 years, especially those blogs, like us here, that do it only for the sake of heaven, שלא ע"מ לקבל פרס. Since we're Jewish here we'll use the Hebrew date. Maybe I'll buy myself a cake or something. What do you suggest? What are your fondest memories from the blog?


  1. כולם שוים לרע

    שהעב מדורי גהינם מצפים לך

  2. Did you say the coresponding kapitel?

  3. the mission of the blog was to defend lubavitch. do you think you have been succesful?(besides for your spat with tzemach)

  4. Mazal Tov, Hirshel...stay strong, you are our voice!


    Er Iz A ______! he got exactly what was coming to him. this event was a charade to start with and AT sniffed this out before der r"y un der mashgiach got comfortable in their chairs. Der Satmerer Rebbe (the only one!) is a true manhig and the others are wanna be's.

    Meantime, this ship is sinking fast. After this spectacle, Sruel Hagar and the Boyaner are pulling back their support and anyone approached in the last 3 days to join has echoed the SR's words.

    PS - forgotten in this farce is the performance of the viener ruv...he did not come out looking too good himself.

  5. the mikva neias is that the organizers are looking for a graceful exit from what they think is going to be a major flop.

    can someone in the know verify/deny?

  6. "Mission" accomplished!
    "Defended" Lubavitch and Rebbeyim!
    Got back at "Kotler"!
    Proved to everyone my Lubavitcher "credentials" and what a "mekisher" I am!(no more BP Hungarian anymore, now almost GEZHE!!!, eat your heart out "shpitz chabad")
    Showed off to similar gevorener like Bpunbound etc how special I am.

    PROVED TO EVERYONE ELSE WHAT A ...............

  7. Mazal Tov on reaching this milestone! Although said 'tongue in cheek' it is very true that 7 years is a long time in the blogging world.

    I, and many others, in Australia really enjoy your blog and I wish you and the blog arichas yomin and shonim tovim!

    (ex-blogger) AussieEcho

  8. bpunbound,

    where and how do you keep track of who does what by the asifa? Im curious so i can look inot it myself.

  9. Hirshel
    Yom Huledes is a day of cheshbon hanefesh....

  10. Happy Birthday.

    Mikva neias, the opposite is true, the lithuanian rosh yeshives came on board yesterday at a meeting, and it seems like it'll be, and be big.

    Hirshel, favorite posts? I love watching the forgotten greats come alive, the Malach, Telushkin, Sadigerer etc.

    Best commenter ever? CB Tragedy.

  11. I miss Schneur's comments!

  12. keep it up! My best blog! very enlightening and entertaining!

  13. Hirshel - Mazel Tov on 7 years. Keep it up!

    Favorite post were the Spinka/Ch'san Sofer posts.

    On a tragic note, from those posts I assume that you knew R' Kivi Ehrenfeld ZT"L. Please share your memories.

  14. Its always good reading!

  15. My favorits were the Riech letters, and the Malach history.


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