Monday, May 21, 2012

My favorite "asifa" picture - on the boat from Lakewood

........ווי זאגט דער וועלט? ביז'ן קרעטשמע דארף מען אויך א שנעפסעלע


  1. And I bet that this tyere Yid mit di blayzen kop was wearing a big brimmed hat and shokkeling bam davenen.....

  2. גמ' ביצה מ"א: דלשקי אינש בהמתו והדר לשחוט משום סרכא דמשכא -רש"י: שתהא נוחה להפשיטה

    יש צורך להשקות את הבהמה קודם השחיטה שתהא נוחה להפשיטה

  3. IM Filtered said...
    גמ' ביצה מ"א: דלשקי אינש בהמתו והדר לשחוט משום סרכא דמשכא -רש"י: שתהא נוחה להפשיטה

    that's the official Chabad reason for saying l'chaim by a farbrengen.
    what's his excuse? not that i care, if a yid needs a beer, go for it. although i wish he would wear a yarmulka (according to the sh"a Harav, going daled amos bli kissui roish is min hatorah)

  4. I don"t know why you Chasidim are jumping, according to the GRA, its not the end of the world.

  5. Lozmirup,
    "(according to the sh"a Harav, going daled amos bli kissui roish is min hatorah)"
    I think its the Tzemach Tzedak in piskie dinim

  6. Hes a good lubavitcher, he took off his mashiach yarmulka in honor of the litvaks, but getting rid of the alcohol is too much to ask.

  7. It was a fantastic Asifa, a whole day when even the Rosh yeshiva told all to be out of the Yeshiva. It couldn´t have been better!

  8. According to the "reid" the boat is going daled amos nisht der gavreh! So boat needs the kissui ober zi iz potur veil zi is nit kein gavreh, efsher a g'veret.

  9. Both the Mechaber & Ramoh hold yarmulkah / headcovering is nor a minhag that not everyone has, so where does anyone get it is midOraysah?

    And yes the Ramoh held like that which is why many Yekkes did not cover until they came to America.

  10. Thurston Hoewell
    Did not someone write about some sefer Piskie dinim that it is a deoraisa,
    Do you have reading problems?

  11. we can use the internet bli yarmulka

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Kletzker Chochem said...
    I think its the Tzemach Tzedak in piskie dinim

    The S"A Harav (siman 2) says that today it is ossur to even sit without a headcovering. The di-oiraiso part seems to be from the Tzemach Tzedek, thanks for the correction.

    Reb Moshe zt"l has an interesting tshuva about this, and paskens that today it is a halacha, if however someone is in a situation where he has to remove his headcovering due to company or gov't law, he can rely on the makilim. this only works if it's not a situation of chukas hagoyim, just a company policy.

  14. Thurston
    "What is the mekor in Rishonim to say such a thing?"
    to say what???

  15. It is clear from the gemora that wearing a kappel was not common, so clarification is needed how it's deoraysa?

  16. Tzig,
    Bit of a low blow, don't you think??
    Firstly, I don't know how you know it's a beer, and that's not geferlach either and secondly as can clearly be seen by the other people, the wind was blowing off all the kappels so they must've held them in their hands.
    But rest assured, if you look for dirt you"ll find it, but get filthy in the process.I thought chabad looked for positive, or is that only for certain segments and for other segments you may say what ever you want?

  17. shulchan aruch horav definitely does not say that although he does say that since the minhag is to cover one's head one should not even sit without a headcovering.
    i cannot say with absolute confidence but i am pretty certain the tzemach didnt say that either.

    yet even according to yekke minahg, the statement being made by havign a beer is : ' i am thirsty'and the statment by having one mit a bloizenem kop is a totaly different one :(

  18. מען איז נישט קיין שייגץ ווען מען גייט אָהנע קַאפּל, נָאר וייל ער איז אַ שייגץ גייט'ער אָהנע קַאפּל

    מיין מאמע -

  19. הירא-מלכא קַאפּעלע ישׂא הרוח אל לב הים וזה כל! אַ וויא זאגט די וועלט איין נַער ווארפט אריין אַזאך אין וואסער אין צעהן קליגע* קָאנען עס נישט ארויס נעמען

    *אפילו ניט די קלעצקער אויבּער חכמים

    שבת קנו
    כסי רישיך כי היכי דתיהוו עלך אימתא דשמיא

  20. SatmarTC: "we can use the internet bli yarmulka"

    or we can use the internet bli gatches.

  21. Kletzker Chochem: "I don't know why you Chasidim are jumping"

    the reason they jump! is because..

    האיש משתאה מלפנים כשהי' אסיפה בּראשית מנהיג הבּירה! רבּ"י זי"ע, ר' מאטיל המיטול.. שליט"א יצא בקצף לא מפני שהי' מדבּרים שמה על האגודה הידוע לשמצה! אלא כפי יחידים רצה לומר שהי' שמה אשה גלמודה א' מכותבי עת רח"ל שרק הוא ראה! ולי הק' נקשיתי עכשיו בּהקינות ד'סיטיפילד מהמצטרפים הי' האשה! מכותבי עת ג"כּ שמה והצדיק דינן לא מחה כנגדה! ולא יצא, ולמה? בּת יתרו.. מי התיר לו עכשיו

    זה דרכם כסל למו -

  22. בירה said: "And I bet that this tyere Yid mit di blayzen kop was wearing a big brimmed hat and shokkeling bam davenen..."

    חושד בכשירים u-bet? משחק בקובי' פּסול לעדות! btw, he probably wears a hair piece בּמקום יַארמיקל

    "brimmed hat and shokkeling bam davenen" ...בּמקום שבּע"ת עומדים

  23. Kesel Lomoi
    That reporter writes that she was masquarading as a her husbands Tshirt
    You can only ask how come the tzadikie hador of Skulen and Visniz did not feel her tumaa thru their ruach hakodesh vibes

  24. "she was masquarading as a male"

    אוי לו למי 'שבניו' נקבות

  25. ט"ז או"ח סימן ח סוס"ק ג

  26. What do you call a fellow who went thru hundreds of pics so he can post a pic that is meant to badmouth another Jew?
    Especially as this person has joined a group that have "ahavas yisroel" on their banner?
    A fellow that promotes learning "chasides" (or is it כאסידעס that he is promoting?)
    Would you think positively of him?
    Is there any message he wants to bring by "choosing" this picture?
    Is narrow self made politics איבער אלעס?

  27. ?וואס וואלט דער רבי געזאגט

    We need Yidden to come closer not further
    הייב דיך אויף העכער .Umesaymim betoiv.

  28. Boro Parker
    What do you think of ajew that could not sit with other jews not even 1 roof? and then lies about it?
    Lakewooder rosh Yeshiva?


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