Thursday, May 10, 2012

To go or not go?

הצלת הדורות קול השופר - אידיש (אנטי אינטערנעט אסיפה) סאטמאריש


  1. If you buy a ticket, buy one for me to. I will go with you if only for the running commentary. (I'll bring silver-foil, food, and drink bli neder)

  2. How much do the מקומות נכבדים cost? or do they pay the raboonim to come?

    Hershil, I think you would defiantly qualify for one of those tickets.

  3. The anti asifa kuntres, says its chelek alef.

    They are pretty confident that once it is over, they will have plenty schoireh to be critical of , in their chelek beis.

  4. I go to Citi Field only to watch baseball.

  5. This Blum brothers of Kashau, are working to be constantly on the opposite Sides of every issue,
    If the Monsey brother is for it, then the Brooklyn brother is aganst it, its a simple formula. they are enough Krum(twisted) to create a argument for each side.

  6. I don't think they should have the Asifa in a baseball field. Talmidim who have never been there may feel the inclination to go when there is a real baseball game. Furthermore, it's a stadium for Yevonim. How can B'nei Torah enter such a Makom Avoda Zora

  7. If anyone needs tickets. they are now sold out. BUT there is hope. I am now selling the $10 tickets for $40, 1st come 1st served. Tomorrow they will be $70 if they are still around.

  8. The inside scoop shmooz is that only 2 blogs are aloud to be mentioned by name by the darshanim at the asifa. There was an argument about one of the blogs, but they came to an agreement. Guaranteed both blogs will be down within 24 hours of the asifa.


  10. BMG :

    A nahr bavaizt a halbe arbet.

    Which two blogs ?

  11. Reb Hersh, One is VIN The other is still hush hush. Cant say yet. the owner is gonna hit the roof that much i can say.

  12. I listened to this blum demagoge he claims that all his anti assifa campaign and all his views are based on the Maharam shichk,that said Leshon Leumim is a Deoiriso.
    the folowing is the Maharam shick

    "הפסקי דינים... מקצתם הסכמתי עליהם
    עפ"י דין תוה"ק, ומקצתם לא הסכמתי עליהם, כאשר חנני ה' ית"ש... בנידון דידן יש לחוש לזה שהצדיקים יקבלו הגזירות והתקנות ככתוב, והבינונים והרשעים ישארו על עמדם במעשיהם... ואין איש מהצדיקים שיהא יכול לעמוד נגדם .. כי סתם עליהם המדבר (כוונתו: שהרי אסור לדבר שפת המדינה)... אם מעשיו באמת ואמונה וכוונתו רצוי' לא מצאתי מקום לאסור לו במקום שאין רוצין לשמוע כי אם בלשון אשכנז... זה היה דעתי בעניין דרשות בלשון אשכנז, אבל חברי רבו עלי והסכימו שלא כדברי, וצריך ומוכרח אני לקבל דבריהם באימה וביראה... וחלילה להרבות מחלוקת בישראל'.
    since his mind is twisted, he did not see the obvious,

    1) That the Maram shick only changed his mind beaucuse of his bittul to the majority of Gedoilm. Doesnt blum realize that all gedolim are for the event besides his little fringe of super wide brimmed hats.
    2)the same logic should be said on the whole sakmarer Shita, that all gedolie yisroel were against his views, and he should of fold his tent and follow the view of all gedolie yisroel hoamittem.

  13. Why not speak Yinglish. Isn't that the Jewish language today?

  14. Can someone please name the oiven on right to left. What a delight that these old fogeys still exist. ashrecho williamsburg for still producing these neandethal relics.


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