Thursday, May 24, 2012

What you missed if you couldn't make it on Sunday

 The Dzibower Roov's speech to the "יוצאי אונגארן" starts at 53 minutes.

  Link via YWN Internet Asifa Kintres English


  1. sources tell the Tzig that there is a big movement to reconstruct the organization. they will begin by removing Rabbi G from his position. A new vaad and board of responsible baalei batim from all parts of klal yisroel are in talks to take over.

  2. How does the vaad expect for me to view this CD?
    I dumped every thing in my house that has a screen and battery operated, will the toaster do the Job?

  3. sources tell the Tzig that there is a big movement to reconstruct the organization. they will begin by removing Rabbi G from his position. A new vaad and board of responsible baalei batim from all parts of klal yisroel are in talks to take over.

    i did understand this can you elaborate?

  4. sources tell the Tzig that there is a big movement to reconstruct the organization.

    How many chances do they get before people tune them out?

    A few million down the drain and now they will start again? Would any corporation that did that survive in the real world? Would you invest money with such a company?

  5. Funniest thing is as Reb DOn is mikabel ol malchus 3 people int he back of him are standing with their blackberrys its a joke..

  6. Hershel, what kwetches you about יוצאי אונגארן" you should be proud of your back ground , the teilung was for sure an historic event in Jewish history it will come a time when you will be proud to mention that your grand parents were talmidim of those who instituted the teilung,

  7. Did anyone tell the Dzibower to prepare a few words he is almost incoherent...

    Its good the 747 flew over and ended his speech..

  8. I am very proud, Sucher. I say it here proudly. It's just cute that at least half the people know not what he's talking about.

  9. sources tell the Tzig that there is a big movement to reconstruct the organization.
    Tzig, can you tell us about the movement to reconstruct the lubavitch organization?
    give us some inside information from where you don't need outside sources

  10. THe dzibow sounds drunk and out of the realm of reality!!!!!

  11. Hirshel - "It's just cute that at least half the people know not what he's talking about."

    Very funny! You are being a little generous, I would be surprised if even a quarter knew what the teilung was. Besides the Satmar crowd and the few of us who know a little history. The litvishe yeshivishe crowd has no clue.

    And it is something to be proud of, it was probably the only successful attempt to stem the growth of reform and haskallah.

  12. make fun of the teilung and those great tzadikim who made it. You are really showing your how much you respect tzadikim.

  13. everyone knows about the teilung
    don't think people are idiots
    do you think when wachsman said over a wort from the Guoin any one in the crowd suspected he meant the Graz?

  14. sucher - I don't think people are idiots. Just because someone doesn't know a portion of Hungarian Jewish history doesn't make them an idiot.

    I went through the Litvishe Yeshiva system, trust me when I say that 95% of people who went through that system never heard of the teilung.

  15. Hirshel - I think that it is most interesting how the Yeshivishe velt is now so enthralled by the Hungarian world (and I write this as a very proud hungarian who went through the litvishe yeshiva system). When I was in yeshiva, Hungarians were vilified and made fun of.

    Boy, how times have changed.

  16. I love the tune the emcee geshmak to hear that at citifield...take me out to the mussar shmuz...

  17. ACK
    "And it is something to be proud of, it was probably the only successful attempt to stem the growth of reform and haskallah"
    the Tielung did not stop the assimilation, 85% 0f hungary was neologs, it just stopped the legal power of the Neologs on the charadiem.... that whoever wants to stay frum should have their own kehilah...But their is no question that the dumped alot of frum jews that were not ready to depart from the neologs..

  18. The vort the dzibover says on תרומה ו קודש is fitting for דורות we have haredi and proud.. ב״ה...

  19. After watching it I realize I didnt miss anything.....

    No yeshiva has the right to send a kid and refuse to accept him in if he has an internet connection...

    Maybe a house Phone is also off limits and maybe a radio?

    Old unhappy out of date rabbonim... with no daas torah ...

    Not one it rov was there

    Was Belz munktach chabad satmer ( monroe ) nobody cares... a filter is a good idea and cant hurt but these guys need to relax.

  20. I am wondering about the Dzeibo Ruv's speech.

    He talks about the dangers of technology and how it is incumbent on us to makes certain takonas when neccesary.

    He buttresses his position with the Hungarian history of the teilung between the Chareidim, talmidei Chsam Sofer and the Neologs. So far so good.

    Then he feels incumbent upon himself to further this thought by mentioning that the same took place more recently with the advent of Zionism and those Rabbonim who fought against it.
    ( He uses the term 'kol Harabonim'). That the rabbonim forever divided klal Yisroel, because it was necessary to separate themselves from Zionist ideology.

    My question is, does he want, care or believe if daati-leumi or a charedi-leumi has internet, filtered or unfiltered ?

    Do the Citfield takonas apply to them . or are outside the scope of his purview ?

    Are they outside the pale of his version of Judaisim that they are beyond any redemption whatsoever, filtered or not ?

    In other words why did he need to suck up to the Satmar Ruv and his right wing ideological cronies at a time when his words might have had a much further impact ?

    Or is it a special mitzvah to espouse anti Zionst phlosophy at every public gathering ?

  21. The best speech and to the point was made by Reb Leibish vdok lhovin.

  22. was munkatcher there? anyone know? i see dinover got prime seat. how about pupa? was he there?

  23. They are going place this whole mess up on Rabbi G, to get the rebonim and ichud off the hook. Its all part of the scam. Dont let them fool us.

  24. Someone be so kind and tell us about Rabbi G and the related parsha please. Thanks

  25. והיא ממחרת..של האספסוף שהתאוה תאוה לאסוף, בּקריאת הדיוטים שקפצו

    אסיפה עם טיטול אָן אַ מיטול

    אוי לדור ששופטים את שופטיהם, הדור שנאסף את שׁופטיהם וד"ל

    כינוס לערבוביה, בּא סאלאמאן ובּלבּול את הכל

    הכינוס הגדולה! הראשונה, בלי להזכיר הגרם בּניזקין ציונות

    הכינוס הראשונה, להזכיר רק עון מיוחד כמעשה בּלעם שהסתכל רק על דבר אחד, ..וד"ל

    הכינוס, להכשיר לחרדים הרשת-התחתון עם פשרות, כמעשׂה הפּשרות של האגודה וד"ל

    הכינוס הראשון לערבב רבּני אגודאים עם הפּירושים

    הכינוס הראשון שקצה העם.. בּמחנה 'החרדים' נפלו על מעשׂה שיטים

    הפּעם הראשון, בּדורינו דור חדש שלא שערים אבותינו, שנתבּרר בּאמת למי החותמת ולמי הפּסילים

    הפּעם הראשון, שנכרז קיבּל עולם ומלואה! בּלי פּחד ומורא! מי לד' אלי, ויתאספו כל הנקיי דעת! בּלי להתאסף אם החסרה דעת שכרתו הבּרית של התבּדלות שגזרו הראשונים כמלאכים

    עשרה אני יודע

  26. The yekeshe crowd new very well what he was talking about and were deaply insulted for being left out. The dtiboz introduction to rav elchonon hyd was an insult to all the other great ry of that era. The tzdibo will pay dearly for it if not in this world but in the next world


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