Saturday, June 23, 2012

"ג' תמוז אין די "ד' אמות

.שבת שכולו תורה תפלה והתוועדות.אין מקום מתאים יותר ומעודד ומעורר יותר משם

א רחמנות אויף דער אזוי-גערופענע ליובאוויטשער חסיד וואס קען זיך נישט ערלויבען פארען אהינצו ווייל ער דארף זיין בעטאלע און זיין קאווע מיט מזונות שבת צופרי. (כאטש אז קאווע מיט מזונות איז פאראן דארט "לרחצה") אביסל זיך אוועק געבן פאר'ן רבי'ן איז אזוי שווער ביי אייך? איין מאל א יאר פאר 24 שעה איז צו פיל? נאר געבן דארף מען אייך, נאר נעמען קענט איר, אביסל געבן קענט איר נישט? מילא אז די טאג איז ביי אייך א געלעכטער אדער אן "אתחלתא דגאולה" פארשטיי .איך. ס'איז א רחמנות און אפשר נאך ארגער, אבער מ'קען עס פארשטיין אבער טאמער האלט איר אז אזא טאג מאנט א חשבון הנפש ווי קענט איר נישט זיין אין די ד' אמות, ובפרט שבת ???

אשרינו שזכינו


  1. Shame on you Hirshel Tzig!

    To go with the Shurin article, and then gloat about what kind of Chossid you are for going to Ohel for Shabbos!

    I don't like it one bit.

    Shame!!! Shame!!! Shame!!!

    Mit Azelche Chassidim......

  2. Nu a goat kann gloat.
    It demonstrates that despite a proximity du bist a yesh and nicht batul to the Emes.

  3. leroy: "du bist a yesh and nicht batul to the Emes."

    Leroy-Killjoy! what you talking about?

  4. I asked a very witty acquaintance this Shabbos, "How come you never go there?" He deadpanned, "I will spent many Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim there in the future..."

  5. How low have some in Chabad stooped, turning the grave site into a principle of their yiddishkait.
    Instead of a short yohrtzait visit, it has become THE focus of Chabad, until this blogger even has taynes, hayitochen you "don't give the rebbe" a shabbes at the resting site?

    But this is all the new leshitoso in Chabad where the focus has to somehow be on the Rebbe in a PHYSICAL way,another way of not accepting his histalkus, another way of, not accepting Yiftach bedoro, kiShmuel bedoro.And yes, sadly more room to suspect a questionable defense by Rabbi Mindel in a recently published letter,written 42 years ago(!)(even then people realized that something funny was going on, before a world famous NON meshichist shliach went on youtube to proclaim that "the rebbe runsthe world) that "nobody has deified the Rebbe" and "i cannot imagine even the stupidest chabad chosid being guilty of such idolatry"
    in a sad slip of the pen Mindel adds:"it has place in Christian dogma but not in Judaism EVEN NOT IN LUBAVITCH (sub conciously slipping and not grouping Lubavitch in general Judaism).
    See the letter here:

  6. please, Yidel

    your insecurity about G-d and Judaism has no place here.

    and you talk about "stooping low?"

  7. Help me understand how my posts shows
    "your insecurity about G-d and Judaism has no place here"?

    Or are you using the Lubavitch tactic of verbiage, to show that you have answered a critique?

    P.S If I"m not mistaken in a previous year you also were mekayem the mitzva behidder by putting anunderage son through this strange spectacle.Since you were criticized for being quite cultish you ,A)Did not do it this year or b)Schlepped him along but got enough sechel not to mention the fact, due to fagrebteh louts not understanding the chashives of bringing young kids(and adults)to a beis hachaim for a whole shabbes.

    Interesting that you have nothing to say about how prescient the person R'Mindel "answered" 42 years ago was

  8. it's people like you - that consider themselves G-d's lawyers - that think that it's their place to decide when those darned Lubabs are crossing the line into heresy. Just like you'll decide when that line has been crossed, so too will I decide that it all stems from insecurity about G-d in the first place. You do not believe, so you criticize others.

    I did take my "underage" son, sons, rather. So there. Up yours. You can stick it in your ear, buddy. Is taking your kid to shul on Yom Kippur OK with you? or do I have to wait till he's 18? What about a Bris?

    Rabbi Mindel does not need my explanations; he does quite well for himself.

  9. Taking children to shil Yom kippur=shabbes in a beis hachayim??

    Is it only me, am I so "fagrebt"??

    "it's people like you - that consider themselves G-d's lawyers that think that it's their place to decide when those darned Lubabs are crossing the line into heresy. "

    Do you need to be so special to think that someone who claims "that the rebbe runs the world" is entering a forbidden zone? Does it take an Einstein to realize that if you teach as many in Chabad do, that the Rebbe is alive "for ever and ever" that you are basically saying he is a god?

    And apropo: " it's people like you - that consider themselves G-d's lawyers ", when will you Lubavitchers stop preaching to people that things that are perfectly accepted halachikally are not allowed.Examples?Cholov stam.You don't need to drink it, but many rabbonim allow it.Don't decide for them.
    Wigs:Many rabbonim frown on some styles, especially the "popular in Chabad" ones, yet you still preach that this is the only acceptable covering, and not a simple tichel style that sephardim and many chassidim use.
    A small sample .
    Oh, I guess I forgot, you at CHABAD are at the top of the "sefirros" and know better than anybody else

  10. By the way, i wish you real yiddishe nachas from your kids, i"m sure in zechis ovos they will kerr tzirick
    (i know that if i was shlepped to a beis hachayim for shabess as a child i would look for more authentic yiddishkait)

    Also, do you care to point out any other group so obsessed with beis hachayim, besides one well known group that was alaways an antithesis to Chochmo bina vodaas, and todays is more "normal" that latter day chabad

  11. it's just as "underage"

    The point is that you take him along to where you're going. This might come as surprise to you, but it doesn't actually take place IN the beis hachaim, only in the vicinity of it.

    If you would know Shlomo Cunin and what he means when he says that you'd give him a pass, unless you can't bring yourself to because Lubavitchers are just so darned stuck up and cocky.

    enjoy your Reeses pieces, my good man.

  12. How do you give a fellow who says "the rebbe runs the world" a pass, especially when Chabad has been dogged for many years (see mindels letter from 42 years ago)of deification?
    Where there are ACTUAL people who claim the rebbe as the creator?
    Where problematic language such as "atzmus umahus" have been used? (and im not going into that now)
    In a place like this standards should be very clear.
    But we all know that many Lubavitcher are, how do you say this..."not so sure",what does the average Lubavitcher kid think of when he envisions the Eybishter?What does the average Lubavitcher envision when he davens.....?
    Yeah, this is dangerous talk, thiscan get you banned from the site....

  13. it's a matter of semantics, my friend. Please don't Rabbi C that seriously. A Little time in Lubavitch will teach you that it's innocent talk.

  14. Look, I"m being very serious now.Forget Cunin.It was just an example.
    But, I honestly believe that the average Lubavitcher is not sure who the Eybishter is, especially young impressionable kids.They hear rebbe all day long as an omniscient and omnipotent being, they think he is the Eybisher.
    Yes, If Rabbi Marlow would say it
    it would be quite a different thing
    But i was aghast when i heard Rabbi marlowe say the yechi hamelech nonsense.Im baarozim noflo shalheves.........

  15. If you would know Shlomo Cunin and what he means when he says that you'd give him a pass

    cunin said it after davening for kedoshei mumbai, he meant it exactly as he said it. chabadskers think they only speak like that internally but us fremde arent supposed to hear it so it can be denied when questioned. buddy, ive been arount the block, i know your talk and it aint innocent!


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