Tuesday, July 10, 2012

מקוה טהרה "דברי יואל" שע"י בית חב"ד פארט ווארטה, טעקסעס

 בראשית השליח המסור הרה"ת ר' דוב שי' מאנדעל האט היינט זוכה געווען צו א באזוך פון דער סאטמאר רבי שליט"א פון קרית יואל יע"א, ווועלכע איז - זעהט אויס - געווען אין פ"וו וואו עס געפינט זיך א גרויסארטיגע בית השחיטה פון סאטמארע בהמות און עופות נאכצוקוקען ווי אזוי עס ווערט געפירט די שחיטה דארט. די מקוה איז נתנדב געווארען דורך חסידי סאטמאר פון קרית יואל וועלכע געפינען זיך אפט דארט צוליב האנדל און געשעפטן.


  1. And to note that the mikveh is of no service to the shochtim, who have their own men’s mikveh near the shlacht hoiz.

  2. Tzig, you should get the back story to why it's called Divre Yoel!

  3. I think that's pretty obvious, no? I did mention that Satmar donors paid for it.

  4. http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=50004&st=&pgnum=574

  5. Does Satmar also hold from בור ע''ג בור? I suppose this applies more to the Satmar mikveh in Beijing, which the Satmarers were also מנדב & actually use.


  6. Hirshel
    if the Bnie yoel will build the next Mikvah, they will name it Nosoi Torah Mikvah

  7. Basically, when Dov asked for the money, the Satmar donor said, "I'll have to ask the Rebbe, as any money I give you does not go to him" i.e. the Rebbe would get less.

    Reb Aaron told him to donate to Mikvah.

    Yesh lomar, Reb Aaron alein sponsored it.

  8. no scruples pride or backbone, either of them!

  9. Yes, Satmar holds of bor al gabei bor

  10. It's wonderful to give but I really don't get how a member of Satmar gives money to a group that still promotes a ban on their supervision, the ban on Hisachdus harrabonim

  11. >> I really don't get how a member of Satmar gives money to a group that still promotes a ban on their supervision, the ban on Hisachdus harrabonim<<

    Obviously Satmar don't carry grudges for generations

  12. To Shmilu,

    For those in the know, Reb Aron and K.J have been on the outs with the Hisachdus Harabunim hechsher,for many years now.

    The current Aroni hechsher is, 'hechsher Kiryat Yoel', operated by Reb Arons family.

    They are in fierce competition with the Hisachdus Hechsher.

    There is bad mouthing, undermining and back stabbing about every product and company.

  13. Some people will do anything for a buck, others for attention.

  14. why is the bucher there? hois bucher.

    when the Bobov rebbi reb shlomo went to look at mikvahs never did he allow the hois bucher to know about it - forget about taking him along.

  15. Bobover Chosid
    "when the Bobov rebbi reb shlomo went to look at mikvahs "
    Give me a break,reb shlomele was a gentleman but he did not know in which segment of Shulchan Orech hilchoat mikvoas, Its all Bobove revisionisim..

  16. Disgusting .

    If they are so kosher why is the issur against their Hasgacha still in effect ???

  17. FOr the inside scoop on Satmar hashguche gossip:


  18. All politics
    For the kiryas yoiler its kedai to kiss up to lubob now, when it's not, lubob will be taught a lesson

  19. Remember Pinni Korf !!! said...

    Disgusting .

    If they are so kosher why is the issur against their Hasgacha still in effect ???

    You Satmarer forget 1 thing in Lubavich the Chazal of Yisroel Af al pi Shechote Yisroel hu is a pillar in Lubavich chasidisim as the 3 oaths are the pillar of Satmar Chasidim,, so they adapt it to Satmar too..

  20. Shmilu
    "For the kiryas yoiler its kedai to kiss up to lubob now, when it's not, lubob will be taught a lesson"
    plz try to keep your inner satmar fights in the Mikveh....

  21. Gorlitzer Shammos,
    Likovod the 3 weeks I'm refraining from labeling you as you deserve.

    The Bobover Rebbe Z'l had his ways and reasons.
    But if you did a little research (unless you really don't want the truth..)you will find out that "ihn der heim" (in Bobov, Poland) he Paskened Shailos and conducted Din-Torahs, big time. Some were major ones.
    (That's history. Not revision. I hope you don't start denying the Holocaust too...)
    Hence the title "Rav". (besides "Rebbe")

    I know 2 Chassidim that heard directly from the Rebbe's mouth why he stopped Paskening after the war.
    (But on rare occasions, in a pinch, he did Pasken.)

    Sorry to bust your bubble.

    And this doesn't necessarily mean that YOUR Rebbe wasn't a bigger Talmid-Chochom, Tzaddik, Rebbe, Mashpia, genius, Meyuchas, Bal-Madreiga, or whatever you want...

    Your Rebbe (whoever he is/was) might be much bigger. Lucky you. No problem. I'm OK with that.


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