Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"י"ב-י"ג תמוז א גאולה פאר "כל אשר בשם ישראל יכונה

What we have here is a link to רשימת המאסר, where the Rebbe ריי"צ נ"ע writes about his arrest, the days he spent in jail and exile, as well as some of the history of Lubavitch. We often speak of the mesiras nefesh that Chassidim in the Soviet Union carried out, but seeing the Rebbe's words here is extra special and should be required reading for all those who are interested to see how a Manhig Yisroel speaks and thinks. Although you won't read much about the activities in Russia here, you can see how the connection to such a Tzaddik, Rebbe and Nosi is what inspired these baalei mesiras nefesh. דאס האט דער בעש"ט הק' געמיינט מיט חסידות ---- While in Kastroma, Russia in exile the Rebbe spoke the following powerful words, despite the fact that he had just been released from a death sentence and was still being watched by agents who understood his every word!

sicha Kastroma 5687

While on the topic of Russian Jewry; what do you make of what the Tendler family writes here about Reb Moshe's opinion about the Soviet Government - as if they were to be listened to even in matters of Torah, since דינא דמלכותא דינא....  Are they stam being מוציא לע"ז on their shver/zeide, just to be P.C.?


  1. buddy, brush up on your reading comprehension. he was as interested in fomenting rebellion as we was in, in going to the gulag.... context makes all the same

  2. where did I say anything about fomenting rebellion, buddy?

  3. r moishe had no choice but to answer the questions as they pleased

  4. This opinion shouldn't be [rinted under the name "igrois moshe" which seem to authenticate whatever is written in there as reb moshe's opinion! I would call it rather "tendler's tenders"

  5. It makes sense. The Rambam (Gezeila, 5:18)posits that whoever is running the government and minting the money which the populace uses has the the status of malchusa, and one is obligated to obey it. Rav Blau of the Eidah Hachareidus has written the same idea about the government of the State of Israel. Even though they are evildoers etc. one is obligated to obey its laws since according to the Rambam they have a status of malchus.

  6. Did you see the new sefer from RMF printed by someone 'derdek' (sorry i don't know his first name, maybe nachman, or his title) from Monsey. He has a letter from R' Moishe telling someone not to render an opinion about government policy in the US, because we are guests in the country. He does not see moral issues as important enough to demonstrate against the government for.

  7. kovner: "one is obligated to obey its laws since according to the Rambam they have a status of malchus."

    אוודאי אזוי: אמר רב ששת: חוצפא מלכותא בלא תגא, ווייא צי אזא מלוכה

    אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא אין בן דוד בא עד שתכלה מלכות הזלה מישראל

    !לעדי עד ימלוך? מלך אביון

  8. Kovner said...
    To Rav Sheishes:

    I was reffering to the medina
    מדינה של גיהנם it may have the din of a malchis but it's a low life malcis that holds back בּיאת המשיח

  9. yankel: What't the name of that sefer?

    Hershel: Did you make an attempt to research your question regarding these passages before you posted your complaints? [e.g. Did you call any of Reb Moshe's talmidim or family?] It would seem only fair.....no?

  10. Kovner : "To Rav Sheishes:????"

    "שש שבועות" hence רב ששת

    מיבעי ליה לכדרבי לוי דאמר "שש שבועות" הללו למה, תלתא הני דאמרן, אינך ? I'm sur you know.

  11. Questions : "Hershel: Did you make an attempt to research your question regarding these passages"

    Yeah, like the research you make on the 100's of innuendo statements you make here.. daily!

  12. tendler's tenders : "This opinion shouldn't be printed under the name "igrois moshe" which seem to authenticate whatever is written in there as reb moshe's opinion! I would call it rather "tendler's tenders"

    Some on this site have a crying out double standard! on who is distinguished and who not! for instance they make standard derogatory comments of המנהל, ר' נתן יוסף מייזעלס ז"ל without any truth to it! Even he was a יר"ש ועובד ד' מנעיריו, בּקדושה וטהרה ובּחסידות, ומעולם כמעט לא פּסק פּימיה מגירסא עד סוף יומיה but for the 'sin' כי בּו בּחר הרבּ"י מסאטמאר להיות דולה ומשקה מתורת רבו לאחרים

    Yet, when this dr tendler a university graduate in scientific 'heresy' studies and a biology professor morphed into an embryonic stem cell research expert, (who probably influenced his FIL into his beloved artificial insemination fiasco) and as some say found his 'bride' not in the holy library but כשהיא עולה מן היאור המכונה The infamous Ft. lauderdale Beach he can be the דולה ומשקה מתורת רבו לאחרים, ואין פּוצה פּה ומצפצף, היש עזות גדול מזה

  13. Tzig: "י"ב י"ג תמוז א גאולה פאר "כל אשר בשם ישראל יכונה

    פארוואס די גאולה פון די רוסישע חיות, פון דעם צדיק איש תמים! דער הייליגער ריבּינצער רבי זי"ע איז ניט אזא גאולה פאר "כל אשר בשם ישראל יכונה?!"

  14. ווען איז די גאולה פונעם ריבניצער צדיק?

  15. Ribnitzer
    "פארוואס די גאולה פון די רוסישע חיות, פון דעם צדיק איש תמים! דער הייליגער ריבּינצער רבי זי"ע איז ניט אזא גאולה פאר "כל אשר בשם ישראל יכונה?!"

    when is the Ribnitzer Chag Hageulah, lets all celebrate on good Herring from Freunds and some Bookers....
    Vetoiv Liev Mishta tumid....

  16. chutzpa
    "Some on this site have a crying out double standard! on who is distinguished and who not! for instance they make standard derogatory comments of המנהל, ר' נתן יוסף מייזעלס ז"ל without any truth to it! Even he was a יר"ש ועובד ד' מנעיריו, בּקדושה וטהרה ובּחסידות, ומעולם כמעט לא פּסק פּימיה מגירסא עד סוף יומיה but for the 'sin' כי בּו בּחר הרבּ"י מסאטמאר להיות דולה ומשקה מתורת רבו לאחרים
    where did NJ Mizels land in this discussion?
    Just 1 fact, your buddy Mizels was considered a nobody in the good old days of Sands street and was also considered a fat Liar in Sands street

  17. Itzu follman :
    "a fat Liar in Sands street'

    Hof fat really...?! what else do you know about sands st.? like which mesactahs did they learn? which sigyas? how many buchirim where up and learning 6am? or at 10pm?

  18. "your buddy Mizels was considered a nobody"

    -was he a biology professor ?
    -did he find his bride in the libraray, or on the beach?
    -was he falsifier and an heretic like tendler?

    - my buddy Mizels was a:

    יר"ש מנעיריו, נהג בּקדושה וטהרה ובּחסידות, ומעולם כמעט לא פּסק פּימיה מגירסא עד סוף יומיה! ובּו בּחר הרבּ"י מסאטמאר להיות דולה ומשקה מתורתו תורת רבו! לאחרים, אשרי לו ואשרי חלקו בּזה ובּבּא
    כמותו ירבּה בּישראל


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